Mr, Thos, Rogers, of Oshawa, is home for the holidays. Major Campbell has made a great improvement to his house by a coat of paint. Mr. W. Trevarton, of Shirley, was in the Village one day last week call- ing on old friends. Sunday, January 4th is anniversary day in our church. The annual school meeting was held on Wednesday for the purpose of election of trustees and other busi- ness. It takes so little to make us glad; to cheer us up, to make us happy, it takes and costs so little to be kind, to be thoughtful, to be considerate; it takes so little to cheer others who are discouraged, so little to lend a helping hand, yet it means so much to others as well as to ourselves. We think too much about the big things in our lives that we think too little of the every- "day little acts of thoughtfulness and kindness; the little helpfulness we can do for others who are disheartened or down and out. After all is it not the little things that make up our lives, : Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of New York, are the guests of her mother, Mrs, I. * T. Henderson during the holidays. Mrs, W, Sellers is visiting with her ~. daughter, Mrs, Smith, in Lindsay. Mrs. George Still, who has been in __ the village during the summer, has returned to the City. Mr. Henderson is shipping a large quantity of eggs to the city for 70c. . a dozen. Mr. BE. Shanks, Newmarket, is stop- ping with Mr. Woodley for the winter. Miss Eva James has recovered from wher illness and is again on duty at the |. home of Mrs. Grant Christie. . Rev. Mr. Swayne conducted services Raglan on Sunday, 'The Ladies' Aid meet at the home of Mrs. Lyle, on the 20th, Alice Wagg has returned from Mr, S. Barvett, of Oshawa, was Christmas. DR. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST Office uj pstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO W. A. SANGSTER over McKee's Shoé Store PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Real Estate Morley Campbell's List PORT PERRY BellPhone 183 W' 6 roomed house, % acres land, good well, large stable and hen house, fruit In good repair, Situated om Union Avenue. Price $1,100. $500 cash, balance at 5%. : 146 acres, all workable, 7th econ. Reach, good 8 roomed brick house, barn 658 x 60, stone stable, cement floors, straw house 20 x 30, hay barn 40 x 50. pig pen, new chicken house, and drive shed, all in good repair. This is a wonderful producing farm, all for $9,600. $2,000 cash, balance at 5%. 8 roomed frame house, % acre land, good stable, some fruit, water, situated in the Village of chester on Provincial Highway. Beautiful shade trees. All for . $1000 cash, balance at 6%. Good 6 roomed frame house, in Utica, large woodshed, cistern, stable, hen house, nice lot of fruit, 3% acre land, close to school and church. $900, cash, balance" at 5%. Possession any time. fruits, to school and $600 cash, balance mortgage at 6% A 1 --Lot, thirteen, Sod tum 0 more or less, barn 46x82, stone & in good repair, close to Perry. Price , $1000 balance, mortgage at 5% %. Good for give me a ch list a few days in advance, if possible On account of the roads and uncertain weather, I will discontinue the truck until about April 10th. ~ N. EWERS Queen St., PORT PERRY Bell Phone 201. House opposite Beare Bros, Garage CT ance, and let m in all sizes. Reg. T5c., sale price 65c. Boys' Natural Wool Draw- ers Only Sizes 22, 24, 90 4, 90 and 82 only. - Reg price $1.35 each. Sale price 75c. SAVE YOUR MONEY elling Ou Every thing in price as must go at a big reduction have decided to sell out my entire stock of HARNESS Il Men's Heavy Twilled Flan- _ nelette Shirts at Good Reductions ll These Shirts are good and warm and iI will stand lots of hard wear. Regular price $1.50, sale price $1.19. | Men's Heavy Work Sox at They come in Light Grey and Heather. Just the thing for out of door work. | Reg. price 60c. Clearing price 4be. || a Sacrifice | each, or two pairs for 8be. This stock is ofithe very best material, |e and well made. : A great opportunity for securing good Harness at the very lowest price. Come in and see what we have that you need. Come early. JOHN ROLPH PORT PERRY ONTARIO 'When in need of good PRINTING Remember The Port Perry Star can supply your wants expediti- ously, and at reasonable rates a / In the New Year you. shop wisely wish to buy whenever you NOTICE TO CREDITORS ~ Of Susanna Eagleson, deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 66 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, '| 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Sussana Eagleson, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Spinster, who died on or "about the second day of September, A.D. 1924, are, on or before the Fifteenth day of January A.D. 1925, to send by post, prepaid, to William H. Harris, sol- icitor for the Victoria Trust and Sav- ings Company, administrator of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, Addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and- the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said Victoria Trust and Savings Company will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of 'the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to such claims "of * Which "notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Victoria Trust and Sav- dings Company will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to Pohristi any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by it at the time of such distribution. i : day of December, A.D. 1924, "WM. H. HARRIS, Barrister, etc., Port Perry, Ont. | ha Norman Fowler, goalkeeper of the Boston Hockey Club, admitted that he "laid down" in the game against the St. Pats, and was fined $200 and |4¢ suspended from the League for anf | indefinite ti oa Av i quilt linin variety of The Peoples' Meat Market Prints at Good Redu a ~ sale price 9e. ra s 'Women's Hosiery 8 These Hose are a mixed lot, being lots of this season's best sellers. Thi are all wool cashmere and « colors. Reg. $1.20 lines, si Standard Designer Patterns ~ in stock at all times: We sell everything you want in: choice, 'clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. : If you want it good BERT MacGREGOR Will dothe rest. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Melissa Permelia Schell, Deceased. 'Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Melissa Per- melia Schell, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 12th day of Al t. A.D. 19. on_or bef fe fa aby, sen H. Haris, Be i illage of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Ex- ecutor, of the said deceased their dresses and descriptions, the fu particulars of their claims, a. state- ment of their accounts and the nature of 'the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last will proceedto distribute the assets of Toe fended mien Tot Foie entitle ere Te ol to such claims of which ee shall persons of whose Haris] 19 an names and surnames, 2 : Dated at Port Perry, Ont.; this 15th | aforesaid the said William H. Harris | Weald by him | Dated at Port P this 17th day: 0; December 10% a 7 Ring up Phone 72. "CUTTER FOR SALE . ~ Second hand cutte for sale, in good repair. Apply to Angus Kirby, Prince Albert, Bell Phone 108r8, ; + mnt tae) Qprmemn: TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE For Reeve--W. G. Cassie, Owen Davies, Albert E. James. For De- puty 'Reeve--Chas. Lee, Geo. Todd, For Councillors--Geo. Todd, Wilbert Glaspell, T. H. Lewis, I. Catherwood, Wm. Lougheed, Thos. Dowswell, Fred Johnson, Melvin Alsop. ~~ Messrs. Catherwood, Dowswell, Johnson and Alsop; withdrew. © © EAST WHITBY Reeve--Jno. A. Nesbitt, Hon; Wm, Smith, I. T. Omis James,