Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 18 Sep 1924, p. 4

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_R. J. Patterson, M.P.P.,--for Victoria, and Mrs. Patterson, e guests of Mr. and Mrs, &. H. Purdy, on Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. * Thorne, of Millbrook. Mr. Clare Purdy, of Smith's Falls, is the guest of his uncle, E, H. Purdy. The friends of Miss Minnie Peel will be glad to know that she has quite recovered from her serious ill- ness of last spring. Miss Peel has been in the Western Provinces for the last five years, spending most of the time in Regina, Sask. Coming--Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist Davis' store, Port Perry, Thursday, October 9th. Don't miss d Mrs. Wm. Ross, of Toronto, and Mrs. Cowdry, of Winnipeg, were " wn last Saturday. Mrs. R. Bamforth, of Peterboro, pent the week end in town, Miss Jocelyn Berry, of Willowdale, was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Forman, last week. Dr. Berry was in town on Sunday and both returned home then. Mr, Geo. Cameron, of London, and two daughters, Mrs, W. W. Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cuffe, of Toronto, were visiting old friends in Port Perry. Mr. Cameron was a resident of Port Perry some thirty years ago. eran) presmennens. WHITBY DISTRICT MEETING The Whitby District of the Metho- dist Church will hold its September sessions in the Tabernacle, Whitby, on Monday, September 22nd, with afternoon and evening meetings only. Supper will be served by ladies of the Tabernacle with the supper tickets at 40c. At the afternoon session and at the supper hour Rev. T. E, Plew- man, who has charge of the Methodist printing presses in West China will address the groups assembled. At the evening session Mr. G. McMillan, Warden of the County, and Dr, J. A. Long, of Toronto, will speak on the Prohibition issues. ets YI peisnns SOUTH ONTARIO ORGANIZES On Tuesday last at Brooklin, South Ontario formed a branch of the On- tario Prohibition Union with the fol- lowing officers. President,Elmer Lick; Vice Pres Mrs. S. Farmer; Secretary, Rev. J. L. Whattam; Samuel Jeffrey, Treasurer; The Executive consists of the officers and chairmen of the different dis- tricts together with Messrs. T, H. Everson, Miles Chapman, William Phoenix. The following resolution was car- ried unanimously: "We the members of the South _ Ontario Branch of Ontario Prohibition _ Union hereby affirm our confidence in . the Ontario Temperance Act, and the legislative principles it involves, and and we urge all citizens to vote for the maintenance of this law at the plebiscite to be held on the 23rd of October next, as being the best safe- guard. of the public good in the mat- defence 'against the liquor LaROSE-CLAUGHTON A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon, September '8rd, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Arthur Arpgite Maud, youngest See our "Diamonds if ou_are thinking of uying one. Quality for quality, we are prepared to meet the price of any one in the retail busi- ness. Every stone guaranteed We do our own repair work, and do not keep you waiting. Leave your Watch or Clock with I. R. Bentley Jeweller and Optometrist A PLEASING EVENT Last Saturday afternoon the mem- bers of the Port Perry Horticultural Society were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kent, at "Beechcroft." The garden were in delightful con- dition, and the dahlias and gladioli at their very best. These flowers seem to have come up by magic, and their beauty is certainly worthy of the best dreams of fairy-land. Only those who See this wonderful floral display can have any idea of the beauty of the scene. Some ninety members of the Horti- cultural Society were present and en- joyed themselves greatly. Refresh- ments were served, and music was provided by Port Perry Band. It was the general comment that this visit to the gardens was the most delightful event this year. Every- thing was beautiful. The thanks of the guests are gratefully expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Kent for their hospi- tality. wntenmsn()() (rig FLOOR LAMPS . Mrs. Orr Browne, Mary St. Port Perry, has a variety of floor lamps and shades for sale. Samples will be on display at the Port Perry Fair. Apply at the house. " renee W.C.T. U. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. John Swan, on Tuesday afternoon, September 23rd at 3 o'clock. A good attendance is requested as important business is to be discussed. i eis BORN At Coalspur, Alta, on Thursday, September 1, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Plum, a daughter. ---- OOD Card of Thanks Mr. Jonathan Bray and family, Raglan, wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neighbours for their beautiful floral tributes and kind expressions of sympathy in their re- cent lost of a loving wife and mother. LOST In Port Perry, on Friday evening, September 12th, a gold bar pin set with diamonds; Finder please leave with W. M, Letcher. $10.00 reward. Sa FOR SALE Massey-Harris Corn Binder in good working . order, also single furrow riding plow, nearly new. 3 Apply Geo. Hackett, Seagrave, Ont. teense. COURT OF REVISION for the Village of Port Perry Notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario, at the Clerk's tember 30th, 1924, at 2 o'clock p.m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and "ne cpa the Voters' Office, Port Perry, on Tuesday, Sep-| reaved relatives of Mrs. W. B. Camp- bell, who died in Toronto last Sunduy evening and whose body was laid to rest in Pine Grove Cemetery on Wed- | 000 nesday afternoon, nine days after the }5°" burial in the same cemetery of her brother Sylvester Balfour, who died in his home at Lindsay on September |v Sibi ; that you te Jay te the "hte alterations 6th. ' At the impressive funeral service of Mr. Stonehouse last Sunday after- noon we were reminded of Luke's discription of Barnabas,--' He whs a good man full of faith and the Holy | Spirit." The inmates of the Manse had many pleasant memories of our seven years pastorate at Shelbourne re- newed by a visit on Monday last from one of our former elders Mr. T. J. O'Flynn and his esteemed wife. Rev. T. J. Maxwell of Oshawa has been secured as preacher for our an- niversary services on October 12th. See notice of the Monday night enter- tainment in another column. Mrs. S. Baird read an interesting paper on "The Growth of the Native Church in Formosa" at the first meet- ing of the W.M.S. held in the Church parlor last Monday afternoon. The president, Mrs. N. Wilkinson, in an impressive talk, urged renewed con- secration to service putting special emphasis onethe Plebisite Campaign. ra OD METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Higgs, Minister. Sunday, September 21st. 11 a.m--The minister. 3 p.m.--Sunday Sghool. 7 p.m.--The minister. The Brotherhood is called by the President to meet on Sunday after- noon at 3 p.m. The Young Peoples' League will hold their first meeting since vacation next Monday at 8 p.m. An invitation is given to all young people desiring to unite to come to the first meeting. Whitby District Meeting will assemble at Whitby Tabernacle next Monday at 1.16 p.m, A public meeting in the interest of Prohibition will be held in the even- ing. Speakers: Warden McMillan, Rev: Dr. Long and Mr, Plewman, manager of the Printing House, Cen- tre China. tin (min CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Stonehouse wishes to gratefully thank the many friends for their sympathy and kindness dur- ing her recent bereavement, also for the many beautiful floral tributes. iment (eres DIED At 198 Willow Ave. Toronto, on Sunday, September 14, 1924, Adelaide Balfour, 'beloved wife of William B. Campbell, in her 69th year. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Campbell and family. What pero agedo you add each year? --by Long Distance i homes a os he Some again, the' & opportune oe LE about the place to suit y Buy now, while the buying is good. garaen soul, 7 roomed frame house, good cellar, stone foundation, new well and pump, pair. Double garage, new large chicken house, sptendid lot - assorted 1ruits, good fences, to school and church. Price $1860. $600 cash, balance mortgage at 6% |: Good town property--17 roomed frame house on Union Avenue, % acre land, some iruit, stable, good water. Price $1000, as much cash as pos- sible, balance secured by mortgage at 6%. A good farm property--Lot well fenced and well watered, frame house, barn 46x82, stone stabl all in fair good repair, Flese to Port erry. Price alance, mortgage: at' 0 Good for garden or chi % acres, on Simcoe street just outside Corporation of Port Perry; 8 room- ed frame house in good repair, all newly 'decorated and painted and out, good stable, drive shed and garage, new hen house, some choice fruit, good. water, nicely situated. Price $3200. Terms to suit pur- chaser, Cheap home with conveniences-- Two lots on Lilla street, two blocks from Town Hall, 7 roomed frame house newly decorated, with all Hydro lights, good hard and soft water. Uouble garage, hen house, some small fruit, apples and plums, good garden. . Price $1600. ou Cash, balance on mortgage at b A very cheap home--Quarter acre lot on Rosa street, good 6 roomed house, stone foundation, sement cistern in cellar, good well, some small fruit, Price $1000, $400 cash; balance, mortgage at b per cent. This property is in good repair--3% acres good garden land, 8 roomed frame Nouse, stable, drive 'shed and garage, hard and soft water in house, slecurie } range wired for 220 vol y e Tsparagus bed, all fpple w oll po wing is situated on Union os 8s are in f0q ropa repair, stone fous ation, Price $3000, $1550 cash, Sella on mortgage at 6%. 6 An ideal place--nine acres more or less' of good land, stone cellar; new barn with good stabling, tw good wells, nice lot of Jralt, 5 8p: creek in pasture field. Beautif shade trees and good f ences. $4000. As much cash as possible. A real Farm Bargain--92 acre farm, well fenced, pi. water, comfort- good hardwood able ble Lm "house, good rame barn, large new drive bushy 8 acres select apple beautiful maple . trees, close to school, church and store, not far from Port Perry. This most de- Sirable farm can, be for purchased art cash payment, easy §2si0, ng A ance. | This is the. time tol buy property, while| ' prices are low; For retired gentleman--1 acre good} - house in good re-}M: composed of bl acres more or rte, r Price} of Car Fresh 0 Clover Honey for sale. | ixed and Be Honey later. Apply to Jno. No Ash Street, Port Miss Estelle Bull Piano and Vocal Bell Phone 31 . LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE. RELL SERVICE F. R. BENNETT Union Ave, Phone 210 \ » May 29 -------------------------------------- inside] A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL LLIOTT Con. Yonge and Alexander Sts, Toronto. Invites the patronage of those who desire to get the best train- ing for choice business positions. Write today for Enter any time. Ww. J. ELLIOTT, Principal: C C. "Stenhoutt ARCHITECT Buildings supervised. Union Bank Building, 'Oshawa, Ont. CHEAP FUEL NEWS at $14.00, d $15.00. I am limited in to those two cars. ( that you may get your Hemlock Slabs in cord lots, delivered in a bert, 25c. extra. wood is all cut 12" 1 tf C. L: Port Perry. > catalogue. : "Hovey ito switzhes alas Urosaiiling ery | Phone 101 24, ro rt Puey. ees Box 47, Myrtle Station facial on reasonable terms __ fist} to select from: "quiel Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bel Pio epe2 + : Port Perry PALMER GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR SI LLL OFFICE HOURS ERAT] | { { | ,, i 0 | Poultry Wanted Fat, good quality poultry wanted. Herbert Hook, Phone 51 r 2, Seagrave R.R.1 HELD We are clearing Goods. REAL "ESTATE ; uiekly uy satis- | ight, sold and ex-| Bell Phone 120r 2 | \ 1% | PORT PERRY / W. A. HARE ight Specialist * Phone Ble » 1: Oshawa, Ont. At McKee's Jewelry Store, on September 18th ------------------------------ Kathleen Leask A. T.C.M and A. 0 C. M. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination if desired. Nov. 1 Phone 116 r 3-2 Advertise--It pays. EE a-- Port Perry Dominion Store LARGEST CLEARING SALE EVER HERE = | Summer and Fall Come and Grab the Bargains. x Sele Commonses sept. u, continues fo Sept. 20 : ALIX.'GILBOORD {Drygoods _Ready-to-wear. We pay. top. prices for new laid | eggs Che o da me 3 . Boots and Shoes > Sow 0

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