Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 17 Apr 1924, p. 7

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'gold, Plans were laid for further ex. ' Scouting here. The Pulp Town, by Frank Bliss, AS.M., and late of Ottawa. One week previously the troop had | the privilege cf seeing the whole pro. 'cess of paper making from the being felled, transported, cut up, crushed, and manufactured into news- e view. It gives information 8 Joi 'war taxes, rates of postage, eclipses of the sun and moon, festivale, anniversar- ete., during 1924, and the value of oreign coins in Canadian currency for cusioma_f . There is also a table of wel and measures, and at the back of the book is a series of health pictures for children which are so arranged that they can be cut out for the scrap-book. A heavy demand is pelng made throughout the country for these al- manacs, which are being sent out at BABYS HEALTH IN THE SPRING dpe, 1 The Spring is a time of anxiety to | Baby Without a mothers who have little ones in the ome. Conditions make it necessary to keep the baby indoors. He is often {confined to overheated, badly venti- against this a box of Baby's Own Tab- lets should be kept in the house and in occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working This will prevent colds, on or colic and keep baby se Tablets are sold by medi dealers or by mall at 25 cents a from The Dr. Willams' Medicine Birthday! It is possible to have no birthday at at all; it one happens to be born at the right time in the right spot! This happened to a baby born dur- the ling a voyage from Yokohama to San : : gE a) $ file { if #5 age | Francisco, in 1904. It is well known that 'tn ordef to. and sunsets experienced during a vay- round the world correspond with the calendar, an extra day must be in- 'troduced or got rid of, according to the direction travelled. This adjustment is made at the time ics, wealth and power are meaniyigloas "What is world to a man his wife is a widow? This is an inquiry, but like many an adage, has a ual ring of truth ad though! connected with it. We all want to be alive and well." Health is a question that interests Ee ealth. nfhuonce, worldly Por: uence, worldly pos- sessions rightly used for the benefit of mankind are powerful adjuncts to if : r also h + health. Re the Jatter, terms, rere sounding brass and little Almanac is prepared for one purpose, and one purpose only-- to affor advice, which if wisely used, will aid in keeping you well. It con- tains health hints on many subjects. Something you read herein may be of use to you, may help you to maintain and promote your and ha] piness. That is the reason for th Almanac being printed. Copies can obtained free of charge by applying to the Provincial Board of Health, Spadina House, Spa- dina Crescent, Toronto. -- Near Neighbors. Many quarrels arise among those who live and work side by side merely because they are close together and are too well aware of peculiarities and shortcomings which each descries in the other. It is so in families. If the real test came, it might be found that love abides. But in the ordinary contacts which each day brings there is friction that {is due first of all to the mere, simple fact of proximity. Men in a quest of the North Pole have been enraged at each other for no réason except that silence and iso- lation preyed on the nerves. Fights were born of the long, lonely darkness, which the modern miracle of the far- flung voices of the radio will do much to dispel. Presently each man knew all there was to know about the rest. There were no surprises left. Monot- ony bred discord: Neighborliness ought to mean loving kindn It should be the synonym for sympathy. When a new resident moves into the "neighborhood" those who live there already wonder what sort of neighbor he will be. His pre- 'sence will raise or lower the tone of the environment. If his children are fit to play with, they wil be welcomed by the other chidren. The fathers and mothers are relieved and delighted when the household, set down side by side with their own homes, is found to be constituted of generous, kindly souls who take thought for others. The nearest to us are those who can do us the most mischief or the most good. More pitiful than any other ser cial phenomenon is that of husband 30th | ond wife who use the closeness of their relation to make each other mis |, erable instead of happy, They should '| not have come together unless they ins tended to be everything that is helptul each other. _| the spring. «| fickle, . sometimes "| Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives-- A Tonic is All You Need. Not sick--but not feeling quite well. That is the way most people feel in Easily tired, appetite es and a feeling of depression, - Pimples or eruptions may appear on the skin, or "there may be twingea of rhtumatism or neuralgia. Any of these indicate that the blood is out of order--that the indoor life of winter has left its mark upon you and may easily develop into more serious trouble. Do not dose yourself with purgatives, as many people do, in the hope that you can put your blood right. Purga- tives. gallop through the system and weaken instead of glving strength. Any doctor will tell you that this is true. What you need.in the spring is a tonic that will enrich the blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do this speadily, safely and surely. Every dose of this medicine helps to enrich the bleed, which clears the skin, strengthens the appetite and makes tired, depressed men, women and children bright, aetive and strong. Mr. Henry R. Robinson, Cruickshank, Sask, says:--"My blood was out order and I was pervous and run down. I got a supply of Dr. Willams' Pink Pills and after taking them for & while they fully restored my health. I am now feeling fine and have no hesi- tation in recommending these pills to all who are feeling unwell." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ees etter Our Might-Have-Beens. Our might-kave-beens lie all along The road of life; the plans gone Wrong Because we did not chance to do Some certain things some certain Way, The dreams that never did come true, The loves that died, or went astray, Not merely things accomplished mark Our progress through the dawn and dark; Our failure§ also we recall, Not only #miles but also tears; They are the mileposts after all, Gray peaks that rise about the years. And memory brings a pleasure still, As memory nearly always will; The sweetest hours we ever know Are not when victory we win, But when we sit, the fire burned low, And think of things that might have been. , Douglas Malloch. She--"You're sure I'm the i fist girl You ever loved" pe This is not an infallible trick. To some folks It is extremely pus. zling but to others it presents no illusion at all. However, in every . partly there are two or three per- sons who find ft perplexing, so it is worth knowing. g A watch is held as in Figure 1. The finger tips are brought close together (Fig. 2), and then re- Suipes to the position of Figure 1, s {s repeated, the hands acting just as if the watch was being bent. To many people, the optical il- lusion is perfect, the watch ap- pearing just as if it wore bont and straightened. As has been sald, other folks are unable to see any= thing of an illusive nature in it. (Clip this out ang paste 2, with nthey of the series. in a sorapbook) Rewriting the Bible. The most wonderful manuscript Bible in the world is owned by a Mr. Russell, of Montreal. With infinite patience he carried out this great work with his own hand. Mr. Russell, who is a Presbyterian, said that his main object in attempting such a task was to leave some unfor- gettable and tangible memorial of him- self for his family, Phe work, which is wonderfully done in a style of half writing and half printing, was perormed at odd mo- ments of spare time, and took twenty- two yeans to complete! The New Testament takes up 471 pages, with double columns on each page, and was written without a single error or omission. In all, there are 1,987 pages. Among the distinctive features of this wonderful book are the title-pages, which are exquisitely illuminated, the delicate penmanship, and the hand- some morocco binding. The weight of the Bible is about eighteen pounds, and it contains an autograph of the Prince of Wales, who showed great interest in it when he was in Montreal. -------- nny The Organist's Opportunity. Every organist should be a leader or leading factor for the advancement of music in his community, independent- | ly and outside of his church. While his position in the church should have | a certan value to any outside musical work in which he may be engaged, he should aid the cause of music through any other ayailable channels. So many things are pssible, and there are eo many ways of going at them. He should, in co-operation with other enthusiasts, organize a chorus or singing club. It matters not wheth- er it be of men, women, children, or all three combined, so long as it is of value to the community. Organpists and pianists who have never done this type of work and are not surg they could, will find out that, just as they play music in three and four parts on the piano or organ, and listen to each voice in its correct re- lation to the other for the proper blending of the parts, they can do the same with voices. If you have not done it and want to learn how, go to it and you will succeed. -- tp Remit by Deminion Express Money Order. If lost or stplen you get your money back. eee. To Change Leap-Year Day? This year may be the last February leap day. The International Fixed Calendar League hopes to persuade the league of nations to enforce an in- ternational change, which would put into effect the league's four-week months and would transfer leap day to June 29. : mm Ask for Minard's and take no other Here is a simple method of cleaning a saucepan in which milk has been boiled. After pouring out the boiling milk, replace the lid before the steam has time to escape, and allow the saucepan to cool. Then put the, pan in cold water to soak. It can be clean-! LIT FIL gan Behind the windows of her eyes The older generations sat, Cool, greedy and alert and wise, With caution of the springing cat. Her little white hands had no claws That one who spoke with her could gee, But some old Instinct made me pause Watchful, when she spoke to me. --Louise Driscoll. Striving to better, oft we mar what's well. ------ He who goes out to hunt deer some- times rouses tigers. ASPIRIN Beware of Imitations! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not get: ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Bach unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacldester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Teb- lets of Bayer Company will be stamped with their general trade mark, the IF DEAF USE LEONARD EAR OIL 5 prompt rail te en: ' Hr or hl eu ears. Fuser tegaet ate care and insert in postr, ot Bale Every w! : descriptive here. folder "seat upen request A.0. Leonard, Inc. 70 5th Ave., NewY - EP YT NARL I i -- Twelve Things to Remember, The Value of Time. The Success of Perseverance. The Pleasure of Working. The Dignity of Simplicity. The Worth of Character, The Power of Kindness. The Influence of Example. The Obligation of Duty. The Wisdom of Economy. The Virtue of Patience The Improvement of Talent. The Joy of Originating. Classified Advertisements URE, BEAUTIFULLY FLUFFY, carded wool; sample, enough light comforter; one dollar. Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ont. (-------------- "MURINE Refreshes Tired Eyes Write Murine Co., Chicago, for Eye Care Book Kee The daily use of the Soap, with occasional touches of the Ointment, is very effective for keeping the hands soft and ey rough or sere hands: bathe in hot walter and Cuticura Soap, dry, and rub in Cuticura Ointment. Juuate. Olatment 20 sed 30, Taleum 25¢. Sold RR A Hi Soap shaves mug. | MRS.BUDGE $0 WEAK COULD HARDLY STAND Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health River Desert, Que.--* '1 used to havea in in my side. or wi h wn to for relief from the pain. this for about two Joars, then a told me to try Lydia Pink- she had

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