Mr. Henry Doubt, of Oshawa, spent the week end with friends in town. «| Mrs, Wm. Nesbitt is to spend some weeks with her sons in Windsor, Last Saturday her son William came to Myrtle and accompanied her on the trip. We trust that Mrs. Nesbitt will enjoy a good holiday. Mr. Orval Switzer, of Windsor, is home for a couple of weeks. Another bright young Canadian, Mr. Clifford Jackson, has been enticed over into Uncle Sam's territory where he has gone as assistant .to the manager of a large ice plant, in Springfield, Ill. The Company oper- ate ice plants in thirteen large cities of the U.S. Clifford has the elements of success in him and we feel sure that he will be able to give a good account of himself in his new field of labor. We heartily wish him success, but are sorry that Canada loses him for we are losing too many of our bright young Canadians. GOOD MUSIC The young people who are putting on the dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening are making provision for good music. The Port Perry Hockey Club are putting on a dance about the last week in April. -------- messes SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING A sale of home-made cooking will be held in the I.O.D.E. rooms, over Davis' Drug Store, from 3 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 12, 1924. Mr, P. R. Corson, a former resident of Reach Township, was in town on Tuesday. He is now connected with & manufacturing concern engaged in making ladies' clothing. Mrs. W. Brock, who has been quite, is some better at time of writing. We are sorry to -report that Mr. Neil Wilkinson is quite ill. re UO pn MARRIED IN WINNIPEG Word was received by wire on Tuesday morning of this week, that Miss Olive M. Cowan was married in Winnipeg, to Mr. Clarence J. Jeffrey, of Provost, Alberta. The wedding took place on Monday, April 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey will reside at Pro- vost, where Mr. Jeffrey is accountant at the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mrs. Cowan accompanied her daughter as far as Winnipeg, and will spend the summer with her sister there. ----r Omi DIED At his late residence, 1951 Niagara Street, Buffalo, N.Y., on April 4, 1924, C. Douglas Lockyer, M.D. beloved husband of the late Bessie P. Moodie and father of Eleanor Gladys Lockyer of Buffalo. Dr. Lockyer was a former resident of Port Perry, having attended High School here, and later teaching school in this locality. ---- 0 (re PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL Senior II .Total 700. 76%, 5256. 60%, 420. Gertrude Barker, 587; Dorothy Miller, 587; Josie Nott, 573; George Tinsley, 569; Patricia Cooney, 549; 'Ester Turner, 549; Archie Farmer, 492; Dorothy Balfour, 490; Fred Switzer, 4656; Gertrude Druean, 364; Albert Cawker, 319 (absent for two examinations) Junior II Total 600. 75%, 450. 60%, 860. Mary Smallman 439; Clifford Ward 489; Alice Hayden 433; Grace Read, 428; Bobby Woods, 410; Cleveland Kight 405; Arthur Asher 804; Marion Farmer 331; Florence Greaves, Norman Wakeford, 268; Noreen See "Jane" at fhe Town B 1 per. on Saturday evening, But it is high time to buy now. Spring is almost here and with it comes the time when all of us 'must arise early. We have the ways and the means. See our proces on Alarm America Alarm ..........$2.00 Royal Alarm .............5225 Westclox Sleep-Meter ....$3.00 Imperator $3.50 Big Ben ... i vauuesenant 8450 If you have a watch or clock which needs repairing, leave it with us and you will know what it will cost before you have it done. We do our work accurately and promptly. . . . I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. chassssarbenas AUCTION SALE Mrs. J. C. Bell will sell her house- hold effects by public auction af her premises, Bigelow St., Port Perry, on Saturday, April 12th, 1924, at 1.80 p.m. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers mmc) (arsine Horticultural Society. ' NOTICE OF MEETING Acting under instructions from J. Lockie Wilson, Superintendent of Horticultural Societies, I request those who have already signed the statutory application for the estab- lishment of a society here to be known as the Port Perry Horticul- tural Society and anyone who desires to join, to meet in the 1.0.D.E. Rooms in the Davis Block, on Monday even- ing, April 14th, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of organizing the said society and appointing or electing its officers for the year. H. G. Hutcheson, BOWLING CLUB The following officers were elected at a recent meeting of the Bowling Club: Hon. President--W. 8. Short. President--John Nasmith Vice-President--W, M. Letcher. Sec'y--A. P. Ingram. Treasurer--Wm, Graham. The membership fee was set at $5. (imine "Jane" will be here in town on Sat- urday evening, May 3rd, at the Town Hall, Port Perry. sea) rman MISS IDA NOTT Miss Ida Nott, daughter of the late John Nott, died at the Port Perry Hospital early on Sunday morning, April 6th, after a brief illness. Miss Nott was a woman of sterling worth. An ardent prohibitionist, a thorough Christian and greatly de- voted to the Methodist Church, she was also very kind hearted. For years she has collected preserved fruit to be sent to the Fresh Air Fund at Whitby. For many years Miss Nott did all she could to bring com- fort to her "father in his declining years. For fidelity to duty and devotion to Christian duty and privilege, Miss Nott will long be r 'The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Wm. Higgs and was held in the Methodist Church. . Many friends of the deceasefl were present. In- terment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery. mm W.L.T.U. NOTICE The W.C.T.U. held a very interest- ing meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Real, on Wednesday last, with a very large attendance. A very in- 0 rorting report of the Temperance Convetion held in Toronto was read by Mrs. Farmer, and another read- ing was given by Mrs. Wagner. Both | were very much appreciated. After the business part of the meeting was | disposed of, Miss Helen Mellow and Grant Real favored the meeting with duet. . time, being the daughter of the late '2nd concession of Reach, who had' beer ailing for some time, becoming despondent ended her life by throwing. herself into the water from the wharf at Newcastle. She had left home about 9- o'clock after tending to her sick mother who was in bed, took off her shoes. and stocking and walked across the rough fields a distance of at least four miles to the lake. Her friends missed her but were unable to locate her where- abouts until Wednesday evening, when some of her clothing was found and on the following morning her body. The family have the deepest sympathy of the community. By wireless--Mr. and Mrs, Mills have left the Village. Mrs. Harding has returned home, Miss Heayn is in Whitby. Art Jeffrey was home. Miss H. Everson is home. Mr. Frank Smith, of Edgley, a recent visitor. MEE. dae fail jn nas gen West, ir Jreokll The report of the second set of examinations held in the Second Book, : a) sme CELEBRATE 25 YEARS OF WEDDED LIFE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mills, of No. 2 Orla Avenue, Mount Dennis, celebrat- ed the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding on Saturday evening, March 22ng, in the form of a euchre and supper. Many relatives and friends were present and a most en- joyable time was spent. During the supper a toast to the bride was pro- posed by 'Mr. Roy Barrett, responded to by Mr. Prince and Mrs, Emery, and the groom suitably replied. About forty guests were present. The room was prettily decorated with roses and carnations. Many appro- priate gifts were given the bride and groom, and also well wishes for future happiness. Mrs. Mills is a daughter of Mrs. James Rodman, of Port Perry. They lived in Port Perry some time ago, when Mr. Mills was employed by Mr, R. J. Bruce, mma) me HOME-MADE COOKING The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension will hold an after- noon tea and sale of home-made cook- ing in Easter week. ee Oni ORGAN FOR SALE Bell organ, six octave, piano case, oak finish. Apply at Star Office. en (YO A CLOSE CALL Mr. Morley Moase had & narrow escape_from serious injury on Sun- day last. He was driving between Port Perry and Myrtle and was pass- ing a place where it looked as though an auto had been mired. At any rate a couple of sticks had been put in holes made in the road. Ome of these caught in the front wheels of Mr. Moase's buggy, and later in the gearing. The buggy was turned com- pletely over on top of the horse, and Mr. Moase was thrown out in such a manner that he lost the lines. The gathered up the buggy had only two hind wheels and the box left. Mr. Moase had a couple of ribs cracked. Fortunately Mr. Switzer happened along with his car and was able to bring the injured man home. well known in this vicinity at one}. horse ran, and when everything was | PRESENTED WITH AN ADDRESS At a recent meeting of the staff of Port Perry Methodist Sunday School, the following address was presented to Miss Helen Mellow: To Miss Helen Mellow, Port Perry, Ont. Dear Helen: A little while ago we were 2 spoake ing of the good work you have done in connection with our Port Perry Methodist Sunday School. The suggestion was made: "Why not say 'Thank you!" and. so, be- cause we have really appreciated your services, we are presenting to you this little message of thanks and good wishes, Your service has always been so efficient and so genially given that we cannot easily estimate the good it has done. Certainly, your readiness to help has often been a greater pleasure to those about you than even you could understand. Syrus said: "He gives twice who gives quickly." We would note, too, that cheerfulness adds still further to the gift. We are glad that your giving has enriched you, and trust that your best will always be at the service of our Master, and humanity. Port Perry, April 4, 1924. ren (rr NOTICE Don't forget our Vacuum Sweeper to aid you: with your spring house cleaning. Only those who used it last year know the hard labor it saves. It cleans you mattress, walls, and all upholstered furniture, as well as your rugs. °° ee hed oa A. L. McDERMOTT een QQ Ore BLACKSTOCK Mr. Weir Swaifr has returned home aftér spending the winter in New Ontario, / Misses Annie Swain and Elva Wright, of Oshawa, are visiting under , parental roofs, The regular monthly meeting of the | Victorian Women's Institute was held in the basement of the Union Church, on Wednesday, of last week, and the following program rendered: An address, "Food for Thought" by Rev. R. Carruthers. Instrumental, Miss Ovile Bailey. Paper, "Nursing in the Home" by Mrs, Clarence Parr. Miss Edna Heaslip, of Janetville, has returned home after spending several months with her sister, Mrs. Wallace Marlow. 1 We are glad to report that Mrs. R. Bell is recovering from her recent illness, Mrs. M. Smith spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. W. Vancamp. Mr, Alvin Bell who is attending the Port Perry High School, was home last week owing to his mother's ill- ness, FOR SWEETS|- GO TO RUDDY'S| Large assortment of Lowney's| box and bulk Chocolates, also one hundred different kind of choco late bars to choose from. Try Ruddy's 50c. Dinner Largest assortment of Tobacco and Cigarettes in town, RUDDY'S RESTAURANT Phone 96 TROT Tu TT BULL FOR SALE Angus bull, one year old, good color. Apply to Frank Johnson, at Manchester, Outerlp, Auction Sale of FARM STOCK and Implements the property of C. N. STAINTON, lot 28, con. 1, Reach, on Friday, April 18, comprising the following: -- 8 horse, 30 Polled Angus cattle, 1 bull, in shorthorns, 2 cows with calf, 8 yearling heifers, cow, renewed; in Hereford, 8 yearling heifers, 1 Hereford cow. The above pure bred cattle were winners in the Eastern Exhibitions. © The b was never beaten. Grade - Cattle--4 cows, 12 young cattle, Swine--Pure ' bred Tamworths--2 boars, 1 sow, bred; sow with pigs. Yorkshire Whites--Boar, 5 shoats, 8 sows, bred, sow with pigs. Sheep--11 Leicester ewes. Complete stock of farm implements JAS. BISHOP, Auctioneer. ----000---- EXTENDS CALL TO REV. A. E. THORNLEY At a congregational meeting of St. Johns Presbyterian Church, a vote was taken, and a call was extended to Rev. A. E. Thornley, of Shelburne, to become the pastor of the Presby- terian Church in Port Perry. It will probably be a few weeks before the induction will take place, as the matter must be submitted to the Presbyteries concerned. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Rev. T. W. Goodwill, will preach in 'St. John's Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, Abril 13, next, It always SE r T Bakes the Same Sometimes your home-baking does not turn out quite so well as usual. 2 sist in Ye quality of the flour will We od like very veh to have you come in and look at our papers. We have a very fine line; : from the kitchen and bed- room papers at-- 10 Cents a Roll to the highest priced living room papers. When Jou are in to see the pa- pers, look at the brooms we have --made by the blind soldiers, the finest brooms in Canada, and one- third cheaper. L. Parrish THE NEW SERIES STAR CAR "The New Series Star Car has distinetion of a type all its own that makes an imme- diate impression. | By the distinguishing radiator design you will recognize the New 'Star Car mod is. wherever you see them 0