Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 21 Feb 1924, p. 2

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1 Elaborate _ to Take Views of the Hima- uebec, Que--Announcement has|ducts the total agricultural value of been made by the Federal minister of the province in 1922 was $505,818,066. agriculture that a new Dominion seed| Edmonton, Alta.--Alberta's butter laboratory will be established here.| production last year was 18,600,000 The plant is practically ready for op-' pounds, or 2,000,000 pounds more than Seation and seed samples for the Pro-|in 1822, according to reports present. | ce Quebec of will be tested and|ed at the annual meeting of the Al- [rade here under the Dominion Seeds] berta Dalrymen's Association. Act. Victoria, B.C.--The amount of tim- Fort William, Ont.--Contract has|ber scaled in the Province of British been let by the Mutual Elevator Co.| Columbia during 1928 was 2,642,280, for the construction at the head of| 000 b.f.m., as compared with 1,899. 000. with expectations of having it ready| vince. by October 1, 1924. Dawson City, Y.T.--Referring to Winnipeg, Man.--It 'has définitely! the rush now in progress from Mayo been decided by the United Farmers|to the newly discovered silver regions of Manitoba to establish a wheat pool! of the Beaver River district in the for the handling of Manitoba's 1924! Yukon Territory, W. E. Cockfield, of crop. Incorporation will be sought by| the Dominion Geological Survey, says special act of the Legislative Assem-| silver lead ores hase been discovered bly, now in session, and the pool will] at many points, and with much of the be officially known as the "Manitoba' area still unprospected there's chances Co-operative Wheat Producers, Ltd." that further discoveries will he made. WASHINGTON TO AMEND DISCOVER NEW METHOD U.S, CONSTITUTION OF PREPARING INSULIN, Quicker Changes in Adminis- | British Pathologists Claim a tration After National Elec- Cheaper and Quicker tions Have Taken Place. Method of Adminis- A despatch from Washington tration. says:--Plans to amend the constitu-| 4 despatch from London says:-- tion in order to bring about quicker Very great interest has been aroused changes in Administration after the by an announcement of a new method voters have spoken and to eliminate preparing insulin without the use of ame duck" control of legislation and glcohol. 'The discoverer of this meth-| of the executive branch of the Gov- 4 ig Dr, E. C. Dodds, chemical path- ¢rament, were seriously undertaken ologist to Middlesex Hospital, and in ii the House on Thursday. { the current number of the Lancet he | The White resolution introduced by and. F. Dickens, assistant in the bio-| Representative White, proposing such chemistry department of the hospital, | #n amendment to the constitution, was make a preliminary communication of | favor acted upon hy. the: commit-| the subject, eo on election of President and; whilst the old method required | Vice-president. | costly alcohol and the process took! The resolution provides that the eight days, it is claimed' that Dr.| President and Vice-president shall odds' method requires only water begin their terms at noon, January! and two days for the process. 24, while 'the terms of Senators and; Insulin prepared by the new meth- Sepraseutatives shall begin on Janu-'oq go far has been used on four cases Ary 4. f diabet: 1 ite satis- The resolution contains another Many , aud: found qu i provision concerning the selection of| The authors acknowledge their in- 8. President 'in the event neither a! jehtedness to the, Medical 'Research President nor a. Vice-president shall Council, and especially to. Doctors ve, ten by House or Sepatey Dale and Dudley. The discovery is rely, r the election i - shall have gone to the Congress. This Placed feely af the senvice of man latter provision applits to a situation «which. it ia considered might possibly arise under the present political cir-| Canadiana to be Shown at cumstanee relative to the election of itish Empire Exhibiti the riext President and Vice-president. British pire ibition Under the constitution "the House We ii _ elects the President, while the Senate | A depuis on Syren ay at i oe Yas president Bidar he rarian in Toronto, has been asked to P amencmen n the event . lect the Canadian liferature exhibit the House dees not elect within the y yo (houm at the British Empire time given, the Vice-president is to. gp pipition this coming' summer in serve as President "until the House London, England Dr; Docke has shall have elected," and if the Vice-! started. in on his task and hopes to president has not Boer Shosan 2a have the exhibits chosen and well un gres specity who Shall gor way to the Old Land in a fort- serve with the President until the night. Dr. Locke has been asked to do this election occurs. . by the Canadian Authors' Association od elfen MOVING PICTURES OF and expects to collect altogether about MT. EVEREST SUMMIT | 500 works in Canadian literature, ex- Pra Mad clusive of books and writings in ati ade | French. parations e Already a preliminary list has been drawn up and submitted to the Can- adian Authors' Association president, and Dr. Locke has received this list in layan Expedition. A despatch from London says:-- Adding livestock and other farm pro-| French rugby team, which played the Athlatic Grounds, recently. Crowds Attend Health 7 Exhibit. That both men and women are eager; ence. i who came to : adage, "Seeing is similarly dem tic, but a very fying aspect of men's exhibit for health instruction has been proven by a 'unique free health exhibition' which has been running in Toronto for the past month. It has been attended that so many, laboring men a while all 'the big men's clubs, such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Y.M.C.A., Big Bro- thers, Lions and Knights of Columbus by over 15,000 people. Prepared by the Social Hygiene guides for the us rt- Council with the co-operation of the set fe and 151 he vation § dope Federal, Provincial and City Depart-! gor each day. i ments oF: Health tho eis was "Over 100,000 [pieces of instructive wn open first for women, 5,000 of }iterature 'were given away or sold whom attended in the first fortnight. | i he wo and a were turned 'in with Sorps of assistants tol. Then' it was opened for men, who have. Jigtened to with' the closest attention,| Mi been crowding. its daily: sessions at, while the remarkable films 'shown the rate of 5,000 a week. | svery acke: The Exhibit consists of wax models, ences, posters, lantern slides, literature and| Though the Exhibit was free, men moving pictures accompanied by ad-| and women grateful for the jnforma-|| dresses explanatory of their nature or| tion gained, dofiated enough 'to pay! of present social conditions which are a]] expenses, and it was shown clearly! in need of remedy through an exten- that a Social Hygiene demonstration sion of knowledge. The exhibition! op this character would be useful asa was opened by Mayor Hiltz, who with! Dr. J. W. 8. McCullough of the Pro- of ulation vincial Dept. of Health and Dr. C, J. he 0. Hastings, Medical Health Officer | parts of Ontario after it closes in To- of Toronto, laid emphasis on the es-| ronto. Six towns have already ap- sentially national aspects of the whole' plied for it. social hygiene Jovetaesb and paid tri- Mp ph ute to Dr: Gordon Bates its founder ? in Canada. Dr. Hastings referred to WALESTOCAL PION oR the lamentable and costly penalties of D. BY an ill-conceived, ill-advised mock mod- sty, which in the past. had borne such | Refuses to Father Temperance r- fruit, an owledge | Bill Urged by Leading Mem- as the great preventive of social dis. : E " : Ries. | bers of Commons. Other speakers at the Exhibit in-| A' despatch from London. says:-- cluded foremost hygienists, medical] Lloyd George, Lady Astor and the men and women, soclal workers, | Chancellor. of the Exchequer, Philip clergymen, magistrates, educational- | Snowden, . 'marched . hand-in-hand ists, and physical directors, all (under. the blue banner of, temperance -------- -- [on Friday: when the House of Com- mons defeated a private bill propos- ll ing local option for Wales. The Un- ionist, Liberal and Labor members I | united to give the measure its quietus, i} ' defeating a closure motion the aim of § which was to prevent its being talked |: out. xi : | | This is the eighteenth time the bill has received its first reading in Par- : liament and perished, and its defeat i seems to push prohibition far into | the background of British politics. In actual fact, however, drinking is on the decrease. R | | Established Along the Alaska to Facili- tate World Flight. A despatch from Wa saysi-- Gasoline, oil and supply depots will be established. along the coast of BE: Gorsion Batts Canadian | Alaska among the Aleutian Islands General Secretary of the permanent agency in all large centres | The. Exhibit will be shown in other' Social Hygiene Council, a nation-wide and in Japan for the benefit of the evening attracted packed audi-| Professor. Boin = MacNeill, 'famous Irishman, is 'the minister of education In. the. new Irish tree state, which is - headed by President Cosgraye. His: historical works are known: the world) Linking the East to the West. At the semi-monthly meeting on Thursday, February 14th, the Board of 'Governors of the University of To- ronto. heard with a great deal 'gratification that the seven Fellow- backs, ships for: graduate students have been': renewed for another year. Co. has provided three F lowships and one Fellowship has been provided by thé Imperial Oil Co, by Sir: Edmund Osler, one by. Sir Ed« ward: Kemp, and one by Colonel R. W. Leonard, - These Fellowships: are. of 16 to 15%c; prints, 17 to 17%c. the annual value of $500 each and are . 'intended' for 'men and women who butc| who wish to take post-graduate work at the University of Toronto. The 19¢; do, 4 young, 10 Ibs, and up, 22c. ressed poultry: Saring chickens,' and over, 80c 8 to 4 , 26¢; hens, over 6 Ibs, 28c; do, 4 to 6 Ibs, 24e; do, "4 to 5 Ibs, young, 10 lbs. and Ib , th 11% to 12¢; 214-Ib, tins, 12% to 18c; 2%¢; cooked hams; 86 to 87¢c: ked | pa % of cial'brand breakfast | bacon, 30 to 88¢; 30° For some. to i Railway 90 lbs. and up, $17; lightweight rolls years the Canadian Pauife fa wy in. barre $7, fea y one tubs, 16 to 16%c; prints, 18 to 19¢; shertening, tierces,| Our blinded men soon began to come 4% to 14%e¢; tubs, 14 to 15c; pails, | home to us. The admiration of heroie $03 coms; cher héifers, choice, Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, en Hes ad cost of all manufactures produce, collected and distribut- ed by the insurance companies who also at the same time col- lect sufficient to cover the cost of management. During the year 1922 insurance companies registered with the Dominion Superintendent of insurance col- lected in premiums $51,086,206 and paid losses amounting to $35,174,938. While undoubtedly a certain amount of fire loss is unavoidable, such enormous am- ounts show a degree of careless- ness that is inexcusablg. ou ngs, ov iy Se; to 6 lbs, 18¢; turkeys, 24c; do, 8 to 4 Ibs, 18¢c; ducklings over 8 1bs., "up, 28 to 830; x i handpicked, 1b, Tc; fo rodicta§ tmp, e produc yrup, y per 1 tin, 42:40 op tins, 11 to 113% 11 to 12¢; b5-1b, 18¢; .; 10- y, per doz, No. 1, §8.75 SE 4 ; No. 2, $8.25 to $8.50, Before the outbreak of the Great . Smoked meats--Hams, med., 25 to! war work on' behalf. of the adult blind of Canada was non-existent in the national aspect of the case, A few scattered organizations were a in certain centres, but the scope of their activities and'appeal was purely local. The result was that general lack of knowledge regarding people without sight prevailed among the great body of sighted citizenry. The war came and changed all this, to 21c; cottage rolls, 22 to reakfast bacon to 27c; spe- boneless, 80 be. ear bacon, f Tong ol 50 70-1bs., $18.50; 70 to 90 lbs., $18; vyweight rolls, ' ty Lard--Purg tierces, 15% to 16c; pails, 16% to 17c; service to the country and sympa ;| for the loss of the greatest phys to. $7; blessing known to man aroused an o, med., $4.75 | interest in their welfare which with $4.25 to $4.60; but-| their > $6 to $6.75; $5.25; do, com., Heavy s her steers, 75 : to $5; butcher cows, cho intention of these Fellowships is to 85." 'do, medi ; i ; i : Canadian national ties Samat linking: 'the opinion of the. authorities of the provincial university of Ontario, this P is being well served. The students who have benefited by these Fellowships during. the years 'they have been given have been 'dents of excellent calibre. The-F lowships have been awarded this year to five young women and two i men, of whom four have come from British Columbia, one from Saskat- bY canners and cutters, $1. ( East to the West and, in pytcher bulls, choice, $4.25 to $5:25;|°r8 Elaborate preparations have been made to take cinematograph pictures of the third expedition to climb Mount Everest, which is soon leaving this country. Captain J. B. L. Noel, F.R. @.8., who was responsible for the film of the second expedition, shown last year, is again in charge of this side of 'the undertaking. He and his party are taking four- teen cameras of all kinds and sizes, and he hopes this year to be able to turn from the president in Ottawa, He will start in on his final selections rr lst Cost $14,000,000 to Arrest Foot and Mouth Disease A despatch from Londdn saysi-- The gross amount of money paid to farmers in the United Kingdom by way of compensation for animals de- organization intefested in forwarding | British airmen who will attempt the the cause of public health. Dr. Bates ; round-the-world flight in the Spring. | from N a ar ut was the founder of the Social Hygiene | The work of placing these depots will, which these students are ng post- movement in Canada, and has been be undertaken by H.M.S. minesweeper | graduate work are English, History, one of the prime factors. in the pre- | Thiepval, which leaves Esquimault on Political Science, Romance: paration of the unique, Health Exhibit February 28. The Thiepvil will carry | Educational which has been running a menth in| Lieut-Col. L. E. Broome, organizer 0 Ti Toronto and attracting large aud- and supply officer of the flight and ships have the satisfac iences. will be absent on the cruise for nearly, that i CRIS A three. months. Af import are whom delivered notable addresses on) and ough the Boy al Gan diss News, ' i of Graduate a wide range of subjects, but each tho British airmen will be assisted: Languages,| (af Theory and Biochemistry: 55%¢c; The donors of the graduate Fellow- No. 1 isfaction of know- White, | they are doing: wor of na. odin, 1 ey ter pats., ¢ stroyed by the authorities in the effort to stamp out the foot and mouth epi- demic is estimated at £2,808,000. A statement to this effect was made in the House of Commons on Thursday in answer to a question. .. photograph every phase of the expedi- "tion, and, if success crowns the efforts _of its members, to take the first pic. 'tures of the summit itself. A pictures are to be taken by a new process of color cine- invented by Preise grrr re--t---- to be not only| If the feet become tired from stand- but ¢ommercial- | ing. to wash, the dishes, or to iron, try is only standing on a rubber rug like those y 1 you have at your front door, and you will' notice a restful effect. immediately. TERRIBLE ERY 'NO News ELE FRE one bearing directly on what makes for kohama , = genet community health and | from, ol a, te Se Ibs New cial hygiene. Ad. | Cal 4 oe. 18 Those. who: abisuded the "Exhibit: oor dc The Ca Afr Forse ia 3 were drawn from: all classes. During the fortnight's showing for women, | rich ladies in their furs rubbed elbows with rather poorly clad factory atives, and the average home-! mother. of a family. ie id 25 to $2.00; of blinded soldiers, blind ; soldiers, blind civilians, friotio and unselfish women and biter ested business nien. Ifs objects werg 'to furnish in every ssible the ppiness , $2 to 38; feeding go in $4 ) 34.15; do, and spi - choles, $11 endence of the adul "culls, $7 +o nada, and to pre $7.50 to fo d d, 8 { Ploying blind jen and' women; hi 3 to $7.25; d sined and employed home teachers' 5.76 to $7; do, selects, | who travel about the country visitin | people in their own hoi and giving 4 useful instruction in' many lines; has w 'No. 3, 56 to taken over the Canadian National Lib do, No. 8, 53% to bdc;. feed, 52% to 68¢c; ble. | .50; do, cu watered, $7.50 to

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