"Why 'that aviator always : e loop?" % ed to be a) Boy Scout: nd Bil) sie. t0.do ia any good Fire Chief "Instructs Scouts. Chief Murray. of the local fire ae. Jo0 partment is giving. a series of talks and demonstrations to the Scouts of the 8rd Tilsonburg Troop on fire pre- vention and _fire fighting. These boys are. qualifying for their Firemen pro: ficiency badge. the boys must acquire a knowledge of own. the types of hydrants used in the. 'town, hose, methods of escape and rescue from burning buildings, know- ledge of 'alarm system and how to turn To earn the badge In Ha b CR busities vom Fox jes the s office. r's offen: worker's, We aug: leu lg of ec on her own Re ack tan ond ER covers the yd AL i Ras such as pic mts bet w the necessity of PloYIIGNt: Uae an Ry mind and broad outside inter- ni egion, 2e}Viee of" others, moral the Te th third tn deals with oy narrowest meanin , and gives the Sa Paps ol on subjects su , air, exercise, etc. ron chapter goes in some dos ve ifs ou of where an boarding wig 3 tail in {how_to rg "alarms, fires caused by gasoline, ott! rooming house, alone or with others, be inflammable terials, and a host of other matters : Chief Murray is vention of fire in the home. Not a Casualty. First Boy Scout--'You say Jimmie Jones got hurt?" 'Second Boy Scout--*No, not serious] > worker. The seventh, perhaps 0 al Hater in the book, is | called: +life" and is con- cerned wi how to arrange, 7, (He got jammed in the pantry. His. Tathes ga) ® him first aid treatment." { 'Board of Education. ~ Wolt Cub--*Say, Pop, did you, have dou of 'education when you went to Well yes, my r had one 'of his own 2 at le 'Kept Sa the fan "consequence they are often 'ect: on "health of ma- {showing the. eft different ways of living and su, ing what methods would best suit the different temperamen The fifth chapter Fn with York. ing conditions, Buch as seating, light, Tee. om rooms, rest wi organiza on, e on that is; all cerned in the "up. "of a feminine} CG) 'most your life gad pan your time, how to' ee t; factors ain Business Women" is in a m : book v in iol and practical Sesourt of ood y lues and meal Plage er the book is an excel k Sor of 'office workers in whi will find her own problems sed, It is "expert" in the _sense that it is written by girl ia i = are themselves coping wil But "Health Confessions of Busi- ness Women" has other uses, ones the foe or" not contemplated by the edi- rs or authors. Soclologieally. it is of interest as showing the living con- the ditions, standards of life, and educa- hic ajtajnments of many different of working women, It is for psychologist, hawever, that itis of ehte imterest for here we have let- ters: from women of many different wee tempezaments all st: g with the central § Broblem. of a ng the most of he ives and each one attacking lem from hér'own angle. That pe ro by temperament is enormous is easily seen--there- are cheerful, confident. letters from the with happy dispositions who find lite Bd od anc interests ng it 1 ay depied fo from others di whose actual conditions of life are apparetiily easier. Following rapidly upon each other are views from' the ractical and the dreamer, the ma- rialist and the idealist, the sociall minded and the egotist, the * ier and the solitary, the pessimistic and the optimistic, the "pusher" and the r. For any one who is interested a studying humanity and comparing varying "Health Confessions 'and unassuming way a valuable hu- {man document. ~ Copies of this hook can be obtained from the Division of Industrial Hy- | Glene, Provincial Board of Health of ntario, Spadina House, Toronto. L nt, the. nest one cold and: the mother is afraid to take 'the. 'children out for the fresh alr and exercise they need so much. 'Snow. | Lo, what wonders the day hath i b1 . Born of the soft and slumbrous snow! Gradual, silent, slowly wrought, Even as an. artist, thought by thought, Writes expression on lip and brow. --Elizabeth Akers. haatad Hlated up in ov badly v rooms and are soon seized with -colds or: grippe. © What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Own Tab- lets. 'They will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds, and by. their use the-baby will be able to get over the winter season in perfect safety. The new sales tax will not in: crease ithe price of Baby's Own Tab: letsy.as the company pays the tax. You can still obtain the Tablets through 'any medicine dealer at 25 cents'a box,| | or 'by. mel, post-paid, from The Dr. Williams. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Outelie while' 'winds of Winter blow, 'And falls Jha curiain of 'the night, hearth wi aglow | my | tively out ; | hearing of hundreds of people in New .{ York city. Mr. Leonard invented this Enough Sald. Visiting Minister--"I trust your neighbors are-church-going people who | eschew profanity in all its forms." He y-ar--the majority : Eh Restored. / The invisible ear 'oar drum invented by Es L1scnaud, which is a miniature ng inside the ear en: sight, is restoring the drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deat man. It is effective when is caused by catarrh or by whose appointment as General Manager of the Canadian. N tional Telegraphs has been announced, December 31st, 1923. TORTURES OF SCIATICA Relieved by Enriching and Puri- = fying the Blood. * Sciatica is nenralgid of the seiatic nerve and the treatment should be the same as for other forms of neuralgia. Sciatica is stubborn in resisting treat- fers for years. So many cases of sciatica have been helped by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that every sufferer {8 justified in giv: Dr. Williams Pink Pills do not simply relieve - pain-=they - correct «diseases caused by weak, watery blood, Thus they are beneficial in the treatment of even the most éevere disorders. Their value in cases of this kind is shown by the experience of Miss Lizzie Free- man, Nogies Creek, Ont., who says: -- "I was confined to bed for seven weeks with sciatica. What I suffered is almost impossible to realize. The doctor did all he could for me, and yet I was not getting any better, and he told me the trouble was likely to leave me crippled. A neighbor who was in to see me, strongly advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I de clded to do so and after taking them for a while found/they were helping me. I contimued taking the pills until I had. taken nine boxes, when I was able to walk as well as ever, and felt that I was fully restored. In view of what these pills have done for me I strongly recommend them to all suf- odest | ferers." If you are suffering from any con- dition due to poor, watery blood or weak: nerves, begin taking Dr.. Wil- liams' Pink Pills now and note how your strength and health will improve. The new sales tax will not increase: the price of Dr. Willlams Pink Pills; as the company pays the tax. You can stil obtain the pills through any medicine dealer at 60 cents a box, or The Dr 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-, ville, Ont. ----pe. No Fun. A woman came into:a"car with five! children. She busied herself seating them: A benevolent old gentleman arose and gave her his seat. "Are those all your children, ma- dam," he asked, "or is it a plenic?" "They're all mine," snapped the wo- man, "and it's no picnic." a It is always safe to send Dominion Express: Money Orders. An ignorant young man who was to be a minister. He told the Doctor the ministry in these days. on Jus the young fellow, "I o said the D.D., "a similar pened in Baalam's time: > Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. reads ah advertisement in a Shanghai: newspaper. four ' years' experience in English seeks place as a junior clerk. Salary no objection." A man who was lecturing on the importance of women's work said, "Take women out of society, and what ation | would follow?" * "I would," said: 'aman advt Molter} Give Sick Child' in the audience. ornia Fig p" Harmiens Laxative for a: Billous,:| As! :-Canetipated. Baby, or Chiid:! | following the sudden death of Mr. | George C. Jones, late General Manages, it ment and the patient frequently suf-| ing this treatment & thorough trlak |' by mall, post paid, at this price, from | of Divinity, who talked with him about | the importance of an- education for: "have my mouth and God will fill on oy "Well, a hap-| | Honest John.--"Position wanted,"| "A young Chinese with} © Thisids the amateur trickster's : opportunity. to prove . that the hand really IS quicker than the eye. : Hold your hands in front of Tou about eight to ten inches the body, with the palms of both upward. In one hand a halt _dollar les. The halt dollar should be about in the middle of : urn the hands rapidly over, ; tiring the right hand toward the left and the left toward the right, closing them as they turn. The coln should fly from one hand to ; the other but so rapidly that a person standing directly in front of you cannot see its flight. As both hands close at the same time he. will have some difficulty in guessing which hand contains the coin. The trick will' not be ac- complished the first time the be- glnner tries it as it requires a certain knack that will come with prac (Olip. this out and paste {t, with ' other of the series, in a scrapbook.) i fs Cutting His Losses. The sea, says "Whiting" in the Bos- ton Herald, breeds philosophy and logid and an agreeable way of view: ing many things. Take for example this case of & handy man on Cape Cod: "How muchi.do I'owe you, Obed, for fixing the screen?" a cottager asked him. "Wal, be ye goin' to pay cash or charge it?" "Oh, whichever you prefer." "Wal, it it's cash, it's two dollars and sixty cents fer the job; but if you're goin' to charge it; it'll be two dollars." "Why, Obed, that's queer! it's less when it's cash." "Yep; but ye see so many summer folks go 'way an' fergit to pay their bills, I lose more where it's charged, an' so I'd rather keep them charge ac- counts as small as I kin." Usually rr fn Ask for Minard's and take no other. Dy , SH h-- His Subsequent Action. "Gap, what would you do if you had a million dollars?" asked Mrs. John- son the other evening. "What's--yaw-w-wn!--that?" return- ed Gap Johnson, of Rumpus Ridge, starting out of a halfway doze. "What. would you do if you had a million dollars * "I wouldn't do nuth'n' plumb rested." At the' time of the armistice there were some 10,000 dogs with the armies of all sides, till I got Be what your friends think you are; avoid being what your enemies say you are, go right forward and be happy. ~--Marcus Mills Pomeroy. ASPIRIN Beware of Imitations) converted at a revival meeting 'decided Unlegs you see the name: "Bayer Cross" on 'package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirhy proved: safe by millions and pre scribed by physicians over twenty. three years fof Colds Headache Panth Limb b h Neuritis- Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Paln Accept "Bayer Tablets of "Aspirin" \ ich keeps the a hid its original condition also in Jo Ib. tins ) " Sing, Little Fire. Sing, little Firé-- You have done your part, And the love that makes you Warms 'a cold world's heart. Sing, little Fire-- In the sweet home places, For the love that makes you Lights the children's faces. ------it---- Do not throw out empty cans that have had any kind of food in them without flattening them so that no cat can get its head into one. Cats and dogs have caught their heads in empty cans when seeking food and have been cruelly injured or have died before they were released. Simply stamping on a can will answer the purpose. - Pounding the can flat is the best method. Estimates place the total population of the world at 1,600,000,000. Lady to salesman who had unrolled all the linoleum--"Thank you, so much, my little boy has enjoyed it. I'll bring him to-morrow to see the carpets." Classified Advertisements FOR SALE ORD WOOD, MILL SLABS, STOVH length. = Car lots. Reld Bros, Bothwell, Ont. Ww OOLGROWERS, YOUR OWN wool manufactured or exchang- ed for yarn or blankets. Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. SUN, WIND, Te To INDERS {COMMENDED SOLD BY yon BAUGOISTS | COPTICIANS MIT JOR FASE SYS ¥ CO. caicA0RM STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest, surest rellef for Indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sourness or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach reltef. Correbt your stoniach and digestion now for a few oenta. Druggicts sell millions of packages ot Pape's Diapepsin. To Make Rich Red Blood Revitalize your worn-out ex- hausted nerves and increase your strength and endurance fake Organi Iron; not metalllo Iron which people usually take, but pure organio Iron--Nuxated Iron-- which is like the Iron In your bl and like the fron In spinach, lentils and apples. One dose of Nuxated iron Is estimated fo be approximately equivalent (In organic lren content) fo eating ene- half quart of spinach, one quart of green vege- tables or half a dozen apples. It Is like taking extract of beef Instead of eating pounds of meat. Nuxated Iron ls partially predigested and ready for PIMPLES ON HEAD AND NECK Small and Formed Sore Eruptions. Skin Sore and ed. Cuticura Heals. s ry | S-- "Pimples broke out on the back of my head and neck. As first the pimples were small and then \) ran into each other and 5 formed sore eruptions about the eize of a ten cent piece. 'The skin was sore and red and itched a great deal, causing me to scratch, "I had the fr about six months before I begatr-vgin, Cuticura Soap and Ointment, vi an Rely on Cuticura Soap, Ojntment and Talcum to care for your skin arbi ih Pea, Ato TE vee EEE almost Immodiate absorption and the blood, while metalllo fren Is Iron Just as It comes from the action of strong selds on small] pieces of iron Alinps. Over 4,000,000 people snouwally are using Nuxated fron. It will net Injure the teeth nor disturb th stomach. A few doses will often commence to en- | pleh your blood, Your money will be refunded by the manufacturers if you do not obtain tistactory | gy of subtitutes. Always Insist on having | genuine organle Iron--Nuxated Iron. Look for the Jetters 'N. 1. on every tablet. Sold by all druggists, NUXATED IRON |For Red Blood. Strength and Endurance Chilblains. Minard's takes the sting out of them. Quickly relleves aching or blistered feet. only. Each unbroken package con. tains proven directions. . Handy boxes >of re tablets cost few cents, Drug- | gists 'mlso sell bottles: of 24 and 100; | Aspirin is the trade mark (registered | fn Canada) of Bayer Mapufacture of RIDER 2" 101G OF Pal ILINMENTHEE Monoaceticacidester of 'Salicylicacld. bik Wille it 1s well known. that Aspirin ope Barer, Mayutacture, to asalat assist public against t one, 5 RT Sa Vb stamp. 40-0-0-0-0-00-0-0-0-0-000-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0. The Cause of Heart Trouble Faulty digestion gauses the'gand. ration of gases In the sto! which Inflate and press on 'the W heart and Interfere with its re gular action, 1; is 3 ES | _and pain. 1 Sel PUTS HEALTH AND VIM INTO WOMEN So Says Mrs. Mrs. MacPherson of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Brantford, Ontario.--*'1 was always tired and the least exertion wo would id pus me out for ay or 0, pain on Je top of Laut, ain In The nape of my neck, and when ver 1 could not