eet until September 21, on ac- of the Fair Night Comcast H. S. White, W. M. d Mrs. Geo. Powers and son, _ Chalmerson, of Rochester, Barnes and family of Toronto, d Mr. Albert Snell and family of ---- attended the funeral of the late Mrs, John Powers. mee (J) (presen ROBERT J. MINTY Mrs. Fannie Minty, Miss Clara and ~ Master Gordon Minty have returned to their home in Toronto after a pleasant month spent at Pine Point. Mrs. Minty, formerly Miss Fannie Bodie, is the widow of the late Robt. J. Minty, who passed away on the 2nd of July last at his home in To- Tonto where he has been a resident for over forty years. The late Mr, Minty will be remem- bered by many of the older residents of Port Perry and vicinity, having re- ceived his education at Port Perry High School and spending many years of his youth at Port Perry and the surrounding district. ne Besides his widow he leaves three daughters and seven sons, also four brothers, John J. Winnipeg; Rev. ~ William A., St. Paul, Minn.; George, Milan, Ohio; and Andrew J., of To- ronto. 00 MRS. JOHN POWERS Margaret E. Houck, daughter of the late Lewis S. and Delaney Houck, was born in the Township of Reach in the year 1838 and lived there until the year 1859, when she married John Powers, who predeceased her some ten years ago. Mrs. Powers has lived practically all her Ifie in and around Port Perry; was a staunch member of the Metho- dist church and was ever ready in any line that was for the best inter- est of the Church and community. She was also ready with her purse to __.. give a helping hand to all the needy ~~ and never thinking of herself. It was always the comfort of others she was thinking of, wondering if some one was in need. Mrs. Powers was a quiet unassuming women, dearly loved by all her neighbors and when the word came that she had quietly passed mway it was a shock to all who.dkmew her, as she had been up and around, keeping a smiling face might up t othe last. To know her "was to love her. Mrs. Powers leaves to. mourn. her loss, one son George, of Rochester, one grandson and a grand daughter, "Donald and Doris, of Rochester; a "niece, Mrs. Chalmerson, of Rochester, and Mrs, Barnes, of Toronto; also a nephew, Mr, Albert Snell, and family, of Toronto, and several nieces and . Mrs. Powers was an aunt : a. Mrs. Geo. Coates. ORGAN FOR SALE Six octave Bell Organ, walnut case, al condition. Apply to Mrs. George Patterson, Prince Albert, Ont. O. 4 eee () (Ypres BORN To Mr, and Mrs. Alix. Gilboord, at - Port Perry, on Sunday, September 9, 1928, a daughter. te omnis DIED : At Manchest on Wednesday, ber 5, 1923, Matilda Kenning, ved wife of Joseph Baird, in her 8S. 0. E. : The regular meeting of Old Eng- * land Lodge will be held on Tuesday | evening, September 18th. As this is ' the first meeting after the holid | Houses, Stores and Public Buildings | | Union Bank Building, Oshawa, Ont. ARCHITECT joperly J designed and supervised. Hand & O'Neill Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Publics Street PORT PERRY, ONTARIO RUDDY"S LUNCH The Place for Good Appetizing Meals JAS. RUDDY, Proprietor. Bell Phone 9 wountam fens i : pens--Points to suit your 'hand. 1 on Eversharp Pencils to purchase now. Ber always have been good sellers. 1: : ; RA ft NO a Phone 185. |] Have you sot one? Prices s100 ff Gate Leg Table, ft od wif en al Jats : ; nd rds. Re-fils carried in ree eat, n 0 e in 81Z fa oe. omer ES eeu fod by = ad ing room tab pee Six only. Walnut Ln fini "A real bargain to the first six = W. A. SANGSTER See Our Window purchasers. ad. Ar NT for real bargains' in Silver on a = : cafe DENTAL SURGEON ' ' . : 2 Ir Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. || Hollow Ware. If you need any : T $7 95 ; p : 4 CONSULT Us ABOU "/ Office over Archer's Hardware|] in the near future it will pay gl @ Fu ik i efes 3 CALL AND SEE US WHEN YOU ARE AT THE FAIR ON SEPTEMBER 14TH. - I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. . 3 YOUR EY ES ~ Correct Glasses-- Correctly F itd W. A. HARE, Optometrist OSHAWA- Over Mitchells Drug Store. - Every other Thursday NEXT VISIT September 20 ' AT McKEE'S JEWELRY STORE, PORT PERRY Goode's Creamery| | at Port Perry : Is paying 85¢. per 1b. for butter fat. You can save labor and more money by sending your cream bo Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode, Proprietor. JOHN BELDON LUNDY L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. geons and University of Toronto. Office hours : a.m. to 5 pom. Evenings y appointment. Bell Phone %h 68, ring 2; residence ringd Office over Morrison's Drug Store HONEY FOR SALE Choice Clover Honey for sale, als) mixed and buckwheat. Apply to Jno. F. Gerrow, 14 Ash St., Port Perry. Bell Phone 156 r 2. tf. HAY FEVER Summer Asthma 'Will spoil" your summer ay aye Sumpésly Haireasiig Fienas unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most ple feel better from the first d dose. Your druggist will refund your m if a $1 box does mot bring relief. - for ein Sm harmless. Generous sam) le stamps. Tampletons, 2 RAZ - MAH For sale by P. G. Morrison LEONARD . EAR OIL IT DOES RELIEVE DEAFNESS and HEAD NOISES. Simply rub it in back of the ears un in nostrils. MADE IN CANADA L. H. Bedlington & Cb. Sales Agents 'sold in Port Perry by P. G. Morrison al members are urged to be present. be of interest to your com- ity to hear of the wonderful suc- 8 that Mr. Reg. Doubt is making ' the engineering party from 'Bay. is the most interesting chap' in ty, and while the youngest in is by far the best liked. ng nights are spent listen- singing and story telling Doubt. His stories of | life around Port Perry » us all long for a chance to wonderful band of boys. "time is spent in fishing | , and believe me, sir, any COAL NEWS! PEA COAL of good size and quality at $15.00 a ton. COKE in nut size at the same Price. Just arrived a car of smoke- coal in nut size. Those who ton! $15.00 delivered. a land egg in this kind of coal ex-| _ pected any day. : "Car of Dry Hard Wood just] ar $12.50 a sor at the 4 car; also a car of drye mixed Slabs a1 $8.50 2, cord at the ear. Corsils sows of St. Murye . FIGARY . s She Ford Mo tor Compan y OF CANADA, LIMITED WEEKLY PURCHASE PLAN by which is all you need to pay down for a Truck or Tractor Car, 'When the weekly payments, together with interest, equals one-third the price of the model you desire, we Ane de- ~ livery. The balance can be paid in forty-eight weekly or twelve monthly equal instalments. Ask us about the Ford We i Purchase Plan. UR ea 3 pes