Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 9 Aug 1923, p. 4

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C. Stenhouse : 3 ARCHITECT onto, Houses, Stores and Publie party are taking » a s Lake: eq und r; Master Morley remain some days. Rollanson and son, Holliway, son and f Toronto, were visiting Mrs, T. J. Blight over rs., Cecil Mercier, of To- the holiday with Mr. and rn Arlidge. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills, Miss E. jan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tomlinson y Mr. and Mrs. E. Peer, Lafferty and daughter, Miss 'Mr. Middleton, Mr. Jas. Bagg, Hamilton, Mr. A. Steer, Miss Syme, all of Toronto, and Mrs. W. and daughter, of Montreal, the holiday with Mrs. James Mr. 8S. M. Powers, a native of Bridgenorth, Shropshire, England, has been the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs, "R. B. Smallman, for some days. Mr. Powers has seen considerable naval service. He was a member of the crew of H. M. S. Sydney when that ship sank the Emden in the Southern Pacific, and saw service in the White Sea at the time of Kitchener's death. He is now attached to the Royal Air Force at Camp Borden. Dr, and Mrs. Ftress and Miss Mary Ftress, have left for their home after _ spending two weeks with her par- "ents, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter, at Coul- cliff Farm, Port Perry. Mr. William Nesbitt, Jr., has taken a position with the General Motors Company at Walkerville, starting last Monday morning. We wish him success, Mr. G. Todd was elected by ac- clamation to fill the vacancy in the Uxbridge Township Council caused by the resignation of = Councillor Roach. "Mrs. Robt. Jenkins, of Port Perry, has been ill for some time. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Purdy have re- turned after spending a very pleasant month in the West. . Mrs. Catherine Haugh, of Lindsay, announces the engagement of her _ daughter, Jean S. to Randolph Fin- lay Switzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. . Switzer, of Port Perry, the marriage 'take place the middle of August. Dr. John Moore, of Brooklin, Mr. - Blong, of Buffalo, Miss Byers, Sea- grave; Misses Margaret and Maud Moore of New York (trained nurses), 'Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. jers recently. Mrs, 8. Farmer is visiting friends shawa. » E. B. Walker and family are ying at Port Dover. "Mr. and Mrs. Follick, Miss Lillian , Miss. Lewis, of Melita, Man., 'and Mrs. David Archer and Miss McMillen, attended a picnic on Holiday" at the beautiful grove the farm of Mr. Wm. Dyer. The 'was in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Patterson, who are leaving for their home in East Sound, U.S.A. | --000---- ' TOWN COUNCIL regular meeting of the town | the following members were Messrs P. Figary, Reeve; cillors Hutcheson, Stone- residence to the street Norman Lyle's corner. ed consideration of ng pay sheets were paid: | bought. The business a id designed and su . 1 Bank Building, Oshawa, Ont. Hand & ONeill | Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Publics PORT PERRY :: ONTARIO Bell Phone 185 (In office formerly occupied by Mr. H. L. Ebbels.) mae (reese WHEAT FOR SALE Quantity of No. 104 seed winter wheat at $1.25 bus., also some Golden Chaff seed wheat at $1,156. Clifford Coulter, Port Perry, phone 221. ine inti AN AUTO CRASH A couple of autos ran into each other at the town hall corners about noon on Tuesday. In turning the corner one car seemed to have swirved too far out into the road leaving the other car too little room to make the turn safely. It is the same old story--too much hurry, too little safety, and both sure that the road is a personal possession. A sug- gestion was made that the parties get together and divide the cost of the damage. The suggestion looks like a sane one. --OO A GOOD BIBLE CLASS Uxbridge Business Men's Bible Class has been and is a big factor in the life of the town. For many years under the able leadership of T. G. Gold, this class has flourished. Re- cently this class took a leading part in the anniversary services in con- nection with the Newcastle Metho- dist Church. Port Perry could pro- fitably follow the example of Ux- bridge in this respect. RTA 3 SAMUI GOING TO CAMP Ahout twenty of the Boy Scouts of First Port Perry Troop start next Monday to try out the pleasures and surprises of camp life. They have chosen Lakeside Beach, below Pet- titt's Point, as. their camping ground. We hope they enjoy a good time, and come home full of appreciation of the goodness of "mother's cook- ing." rrr (HPs MRS SAMUEL MOSURE On Friday, July 17th, 1923, at her home on John St, Port Perry, Mrs. Samuel Mosure, after a little over two week's illness passed peacefully away. Up to the time she was stricken with typhoid fever, Mrs. Mosure was apparently in her usual health. ~The fever from the first was severe, but hopes were entertained for her re- covery until pneumonia set in, after which every effort of the physicians proved unavailing. Mrs. Mosure was the daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey, of Pefferlaw, and is survived by two sisters, Miss Emel, at Pefferlaw and Mrs. Geo. St. Johns, at Wilfred, and one brother, Wesley, at Pefferlaw. About fifteen years ago deceased was married to Mr. Samuel Mosure, of Port Perry, where she has since resided. Mrs. Mosure was a woman of kind- ly disposition, reserved in manner, but possessed of sterling qualities of Character. She was a member of St. John's Presbyterian Church, The funeral services on July 20th were conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. T. Hall. Interment took place at Prince Albert. ED GRADED AND GRAVELLED The main street of Port Perry will soon be in first class condition. At the present time the western section of the street is being graded and gravelled. There is a very credit- 'able amount of work being done on the roads this year, and it is of good quality. RE DIII ---- READY SATURDAY ' J. McKee & Son will open their JFootweas Store in the St. Charles "Bldg, 'on Saturday, August A Erg They will handle footwear ex. clusively and. they promise to sell these lines more cheaply than this class of goods has usly been be strict- ish. The corner store is being Deely fitted and will be a eredit to ~ Large heavy | wel gi, reg. $6.50 for 7 pe. Water Set heavy Seip, reg. $10.00 for 7 pe. Water Set light eight, reg. $2.75 for, Tumblers 6 for $1.00 All other articles at special prices. eee Q Oe H When in need of glasses come to us, others are getting satisfaction so may you. : We carry a full line of Gog: les and Motor Glasses. ptical Repairs and Prescrip- tions given prompt attention I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. You can n still 'enjoy the use of these goods for. two months, and save considerable money by buying now. Ty Correctly Fitted W. A. HARE, Optometrist OSHAWA- Over Mitchells Drug Store. AT McKEE'S JEWELRY: STORE, PORT PERRY. Every other Thursday NEXT VISIT AUGUST 23 W. | COOK Dealer in REAL ESTATE Box 47, Myrtle Station Property quickly and satis- factorily bought, sold and ex- changed on reasonable terms. Large list to select from. Bell Phone 120 r 2 W. E. HARRISON i Blong Block, Port Perry. Manufacturer of Hand-made Harness and dealer in Robes, Blankets, Whips, Mitts and Gloves. Club. Bags, suit Cases, etc, RUDDY"S LUNCH The Place for Good Appetizing Meals JAS. RUDDY, Proprietor. Bell Phone 9 W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office over Archer's Hardware PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Dr. A. H. Naylor has opened an office in the Willard Block, Port Perry, and will commence medical practice immediately. . Bell Phone 181 A ne FOR SALE Desirable building lot, on Queen St. (near Simcoe), Port Perry. Apply Swan Bros., Port Perry. Aug 31. RR : FARM FOR SALE 47 acres, lot 22, i 7, in in on air-ti he 10 and treated with erececte Let thee pe thew ve . Save ¥ to Your Corn You lose from 14 to 34 the food value of your corn by feeding it to your cattle as dry fodder. Corn stored in a TORONTO Wooden Stave Silo will give ou 100% of the value. Good ensilage will improve the foal th of your cattle and will increase the quality and quantity of our milk returns. Good silage must be he TO ONTO Silo is made of selected Spruse, double grooved to exclude the air, capacity ith the Whe TORONT. to save on forage, and in ue of your herd. Ee laration aug full particulars gladly given. Stop Lightning Destruction BY USING Dodd & Struthers Lightning Rods We also handle Pumps, pump repairs for all makes of pumps; oronto Pumping mills; piping; cement tile; wells dug. Thos. Raines & Son, to len Agthen ite life. 15% exten Hip Roof. Seagrave, Ont. Port Perry Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 1691 2 Port Perry FALL TERM - OPENS AUGUST 27 LLIOTT Yonge and Charles Sts, Toronto Arrange now to enter this famous school -- famous for strictly high grade work and for promptly helping students to secure employment. None better 'in. Canada. Catalogue free. W. J. BLLIOTT, Principal arm--n Goode's Creamery at Port Perry Is 1s parfug 80¢. per 1b. for butter ou can save labor and make ii money by sending your cream to Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprietor. Ar ---- a L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sux. geons and University of Toronto, Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence ring$ Office over Morrison's Drug Store" the Township of Whitby, 1% miles north of Brooklin on Provincial High- way, splendid situation, nine roomed frame house, bank barn, 84x30; and sheds; orchard, of about 25 trees, also small fruit, fences good, ample water, soil clay loam in good state of culti- vation. Possession after harvest. | Apply to Geo. W. Jeffréy, Brooklin, Ontario. BR 1a a. WANTED Maid for general housework, no children. 'Apply to Mrs. J. B. Lundy, -- pg. It is really surprising what a lot of stir can be made in a town when the officials are in opposition to each other. Whitby is Saperienting that condition just now. eee (Ue STEER LOST Yearling steer, grey, strayed from lot 12, con. 5, Reach Tp. about July 21, 1923. Finder please notify i H. $e Doar, Manchester, PO, Bl Box 82, Port Perry, Phone 6813, -- {- SHINGLES FOR SALE ..I have a car of shingles unloading composed of 5x, 3x and 2x. They are a very fine shingle, the 5x being ti ly good, ing 5 buts to two inches. ' ,. Prices are $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50. C. L VICKERY e000 FOR SALE Four hole cook stove, coal or wood, nearly new, also couch and coaloil stove, These goods are all in good condition. Apply at Star Office, 2 LL O00 ne COMING! EYE SPECIALIST. Thursday, August required a Tight p jock, Glasses if Dr. F. E. Luke} 167 Yonge Street, | Toronto, Optometrist and Optician, | at A. J. Davis' drugstore, Port Perry, | ¢ THE SEASON'S BIG EVENT OSHAWA SILVER BAN The Oshawa Salvation Army Silver Band, under the auspices of the SALVATION ARMY 'will be in UXBRIDGE & PORT PERRY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AUGUST 11-12 PROGRAMME of EVENTS; Saturday Afternoon, io 'clock short service Port Perry Saturday Evening, 7 to § open 1 Service Port Perry veniia $4

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