i . 7 to the property abutting the street. about three 1 charge at Deseronto. Mr. Chas. McArthur and Mr. Alex. Vance have exchanged properties and "moved this week. Mrs, R. B. Smallman and family are visiting friends at Oakville, for: a couple of weeks. Mrs. (Dr.) Frank Mellow, and son Ross, of Uxbridge, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Carmichael. Mrs. (Dr.) C. H, Wiggins, is the guest of Miss A. Thompson, at Man- chester. Mrs. V. Jewell, of Cleveland, Ohio, has returned to her home after visit- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vickery. Mr. and Mrs. Boxall, of Lindsay, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis, for some days. Mrs. A. H. Clark, of West Toronto, spent the week end with her son, Mr. W. H. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith returned on Monday after spending the past week visiting friends in Campbellford and Fenelon Falls. Mrs. T. J. McConnell, Cannington, spent the last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark. , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean, Burk- ton, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H, Clark. Mr. Allen Brown, of Ottawa, spent the week end with her brother, Mr. W. H. Clark. The Sunday School of the Church of the Ascension held their annual picnic at Sephenson's Point on Wed- nesday afternon, and report a pleas- ant time. mein iisrntnn HALF TON TRUCK FOR SALE Half ton motor truck for sale, has been mechanically overhauled. Ap- ply to Box 59, Port Perry, Ontario. mn mmr SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The Port Perry Methodist Sunday School Picnic is to be held on Wed- nesday afternoon, July 18th. Ar- rangements are being made to take the picnickers to Oshawa Beach. Parents and children of the School are invited to attend; but are asked to notify Mr. Smallman or Mr. Me- Clintock, so that proper provision can be made for transportation. It is the intention that all who go take baskets, and provide their own cups. There will be hot water on the grounds. Supper will be taken in picnic style at the big tables. Those intending to go to the picnic are ask- ed to meet at the Town Hall not later than 1 p.m. on July 18. If you wish any further information consult Mr. Smallman or Mr. McClintock, eee (J) rere WEEDS! WEEDS! By-law No. 817 of the Village of Port Perry, for the prevention of the growing and spreading of noxious weeds in the Municipality, provides that after ten days notice is given by advertisement in a local paper, the Inspector appointed by the Council may enter upon the lands of any per- son and cut and destroy all weeds growing thereon. The charge for such work must be paid by the owner of the property, and if not paid will be entered on the Collector's Roll and collected in the same manner as other taxes. Notice was published 'in the Port Perry Star on July 6th, there- fore after July 15th the Inspector will attend to the destruction of all weeds, growing on private property. Grass and Weeds on Streets and Boulevards. . By-law No, 818 provides that grass and weeds on the streets and boule- vards may be cut by the Corporation and the cost of same be charged up 'Owners and tenants have the op- tion of having the grass and weeds cut at their own expense or having it done by the Corporation and charged against the property. The sidewalks in many places are almost covered' "with - og hich ~ should be cut at 'once. Corpor: tion will immediately attend to the cutting if it is not done by the owner or tenant of the properties, a will be gone L ey { Edmonton. ii 1} : Bor. WD. sat Mrs. Harsison 1a] AAO Tuesday *morning for their new com compte Sets $2.75, 3 Salad Bowl and Servers Berry Set 7 pieces $4. 50 6 Tumblers for $1.00 65c. Apex Records 65c. We also have a few Starr Records left to go at 40¢. or 3 for $1.00 Have your eyes tested by us Our prices are reasonable. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. -» IT HAS DONE ME WORLDS OF GOOD SAYS TORONTO WOMAN Dreco proves a true friend to Mrs. Oliver of 695 King St. West, Toronto, who cannot praise it too highly. Another Toronto resident has found true merit in Dreco as a cor- rective for ailments arising from a poorly working digestive system. Here is her story: "I have suffered for eighteen months - from inflammatory rheuma- tism. My muscles and joints ached so badly that I could not bend or get on my knees. Nothing could be so painful as to sufer as I did. My liver was also out of order and I often had billious attacks, dizzy spells and spots floating before my eyes. My blood was impure and I always felt tired and weak. I tried almost every- thing, but my case seemed to be get- ting worse, until at last I heard about Dreco and decided to give it a trial. "Have only used one bottle but the results are really wonderful. My aches and pains from rheumatism have gone and I have no more dizzy spells. My bowels are regular and I sleep through the night without dis- turbance. Have no more tired feel- ing and am so much stronger that my work is now a pleasure. I'd gladly tell anyone about Dreco, as I think that all who suffer should know about this medicine. It has done me worlds of good." Mrs. Oliver's statement is a mes- sage of hope to all who are troubled gestion. Dreco is scientifically pre- pared from nature's herbs, roots, bark and leaves and acts on the cital organs, toning and regulating them iin a way that speedily benefits the wholg body. It contains no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs, and is the most § able spring tonic known. Dreco is being specially introduced in Port Perry by P. G. Morrison, and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. ae Mi PASSED MUSIC EXAMS. At the recent examination at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, all the pupils of Miss Florence ail, were successful. Piano School Grade-- Introductory Grade-Noreen Roach, Port Perry. Elementary "Grade--Arnold Roach, Manchester. & Primary Grade--Mary Hill (Hon), Port Perry. Primary Grade-- Rosswell Dobson, Manchester. Intermediate Grade-- Miss Florence Hill, Port Perry. en) (Pree. \ GARDEN PARTY AT SCUGOG The Head Church, Scugog are hold- ing their annual Garden Party at the home of Mr Thos. Redman, on Thurs- day, July 12, 1923. Teg' served from 6 until all are served. Football match from at 5 p.m. At 8 o'clock awsplendid program will be given. ~ SONYA ~ Mrs. W. Gilson, on Monday afternoon and arrangements were made to sell home-made cooking and lunch at Mrs Lunney's on Saturday afternoon, IRI Ee : with symptons caused by faulty di-|. Hard Coke: > NOW UNLOADING Steam Coal FOR THRESHING | Waterproof | Cement Super Cement is the proper thing for cisterns, P. FIGARY Office Phone 98 Port Perry |] DOMINION. STORES PORT PERRY Greatest Bargains for the End of the week. Men's Suits, Regular $36.00. To clear $25.00 Regular $25.00." To clear $19.00 Regular $23.00, To clear $16.95 Men's Grey Check Suits Regular $25.00. To cléar $18.95 |' Men's Dress Pants, reg $2.50for $2.19 Men's Overalls, "Big B", first quality, Regular $2.26 for $1,98 Men's Smocks, "Big B", first quality, | Regular $2.25 for $1.76 Ladies' Middies, reg. $1.50, To clear $1.16 Girl's Middies, reg $1.26 For 99¢ Petticoats, assorted shades, Regular $1.25. To clear 99¢ Ladies' White Palm Beach Skirts, At cost 49¢ Bleeched Sheeting, 78 inches wide, Regular 89¢. To clear, 756¢ yd. Gingham, reg. 29¢. To clear 23¢-25¢ White Organdie, regular 50¢ for 40¢ Black Sateen, heavy, 36 inches wide, Regular 49¢. To clear at 39¢ yd Window Curtain Marquisette, Regular 65¢ yd. To clear at 49¢ hepherd Check Dressgoods, 47 inch. wide. To clear at 49¢yard. Checked Voile to clear at 69¢ yard Silk Foulard, reg $1.65 for $1.25 yd. Silk Navy, reg $1.40. to clear $1.20 Ratine, To clear at 79¢ yard. A lot of "other articles reduced for the week end, not mentioned here. Call in and see our goods and prices. We positively guarantee best qual- ity and lowest prices as we want to advertise our store. Many articles are positively cost price. ALEX. GILBOORD STRAYED From the north half of lot 28, con. 9, Clark Tp., on June 17th, chestnut mare weighing about 1300, 8 white feet, scar on left hind foot; and a bay horse weighing 1000, four white feet and white face. Information gs to their whereabouts will be thankfully received by Steve Schuf, Leskard P. O., Ontario. rry Allan Goode. Proprietor. « NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter. of the estate of Sarah Onnis King late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of On- tario, widow, deceased. . Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.0,, 1014, Chap. 121, that all per- sons having claims against the estate of the said Sarah Onmis King, who died on or about the 5th day of Feb- ruary, 1923, are required to send post | prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of August, 19283, their. names, addresses and de- scription, and full particulars of their claims, and security, if any, held by them, duly certified, and that after the said date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, { Rose M. Ringland, Lindsay, Ont. Florence M. Mark, R.R.1,Seagrave, Ontario, Exécutrixes. JNO. W. CROZIER, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitor for Executrixes. Dated at Port Perry, July 2nd, 1923. NOTICE Re payment of Hydro lighting bills, During the absence of the Treasurer Hydro Light bills may be paid at the Standard Bank. All other accounts may be paid at the Canadian Bank of Commerce. By order of the Council, P. FIGARY, Reeve BORN To Mr. and Mrs. James Read, Port Perry, on Thursday, June 28, 1923, a daughter--Alice Kathleen. Prices are dvancing We are sorry, but we are not to blame. The bulk of our stock was bought at the lowest price, and we will not advance our prices until we are compelled. This 1s the time to order Jour suit we can an give you ilor made or ready- ive suits. Ask to see our read to- wear working pants, stock of cavs in town. ~ W. H. DOUBT Merchant Tailor '|PORT PERRY ONT. We are carrying the finest The Y. L. B. C. met at the home of y The choir and Y.LBC. met at the] enduring dependability of the Oakland "6" than : the 15,000 mile y Ti _ Nothing we might say could better prove the: fortable seat inside for two gers and behind it a deep frie i A omplete lamp ment for suit case, sample kit, ap- al (legal) headlight le paratus or other~business equipment interior body light, tire Another compartment in the rear of license 'holder are. standard equip- the body has equal carrying capacity. 'ment. Uphlstery is wool bre Electric. aries 'and demountable 'Controls, ineladirig ¢ teh and ser- rims are also standard Squipment on vice brake pedals, foot Pe this car. . © STANDARD GARAGE Port Perry Ontario nt ed ee tt, seme it pu FREE PILLOWS For Ten Days Only Commencing July 5th to the 14th a pair of Pillows will be given free with every mattress purchased during that time. cheaply for this offer, but are all from our regular stock and regular prices. Don't forget the date, as this ends Saturday, July 14th. : A.L.VEDERMOTT FURNITURE 3 ( FUNERAL ATT N f i] | 1I2B'R'2 These mattresses are not made up Pe