scarcely a thing, sleep was almost im- | possible, and rheumatism in my hands, 'wrists and arms almost drove me dis- tracted, I spent every cent I could a ino, and wail | Jey wn Bindi Boer eave about lost hope of ever ¥ : Sample, again. x ay meni 3 bum Kooker Co. 16. Dundes. Weer horus "But Tanlac ended my su ng en ; saved me a great many dollars. 1 re-| Character Suishine every other ba, gained fourteen pounds, too, which I | man quality, Ly, Just as the sun outishires still retain, and I feel as strong and | the brightest eicctric light. Characteq' healthy now as when a school girl. 1) boats every other sort of success, | have been praising Tanlac three years ! now, and want to send out this mes- America's sage to help others." a Plonsey Bog Bennie Tanlac is sold by all g druggists. ary Over 35 million bottles sold. ) DOG DISEASES (A cartoon which appeared in the Passing Show, London, was an ac: | Er add How to Feed curate prediction of Germany's attitude toward the war debt. It appeared " LE / ores Bathe Author ------@ ~~ |ofe week after the treaty of Versailles was signed). <5 ' Tig Wea? $03 Jou Tae. Ae "Nig . " - ee 4 \\ ow York U.B.A. Victory. rr sopra te Ec eo BABYS OWN TABLETS] Crise Proc PN | i @ very mis | To live serene, strive upwards, y LIBRA AM | The value of fur production in the RINE Pine: 3 I 3 igh Sommuioa Jil 4rSaum:voloes; E THE HOME past year shows a substantial increase A - Fink F Wwe self-restra : : ; : and. hefore they: And reverent ct Tas. ALWAYS IN over that of the previous one, though ad for / », SIG that they were helping Wide fame we scorned, ' 1 a ir a he ane Pour ot a \ » i Refreshes, 'continued the Since self-respect 1s better . Once a mother bas used Baby's OWN | of fur-bearing animals taken in Cana- NE = JA) sts. Write | Than the Tar repute Tablets for her little ones she always | ga fast season was $16,458,621, an in- Xe, | Book, Marise Eye Remedy Co, Chicago Of undiscerning and misjudging men. | keeps a supply on hand, for the first \sreuse over the previous season of $6, Lg Our higher Self had conquered self; | trial convinces her there is nothing £o | 807,027, or 62 per cent. The number A742 4 7 " 'We loved, 'were loved, equal them in keeping children well | of pelts of all kinds taken was 4,321, \ 0 L D S Pink Pills dia for me they | And lite was victory. ] The Tablets are a mild but thorough [830. an increase of 47 per cent, over INI In Head, Throat or Chest for others, if given a fair trial" Albert Durrant Watson. | laxative which regulate the bowels and | 1990.51. These figures - comprise the| || : yield quickly to the influe ou can Set tuesy pills from any ited sweeten the stomach, thus driving out | peits of animals taken by trappers and ence of Minard's. 'medicine dealer or y mail at 50 cents Hotter Than the Sun. constipation and indigestion, colds and | those of ranch-bred animlas. H . The Old Reliable Remedy : box from The Dr. Williams Medicine! yin a few years'ago it was thought | Simple fevers and making teething | Leading Canada was the Province of i Brockville, Ont. : | that the sun's heat was the greatest |Ssler. Concerning them, Mrs. Saluste | ontario with a value of $4,949,787, fol- T Cuticura BAIMADN © ] KL 1 mettre that could exist. You can realize how | Pelletier, St. Dumas, Que, writes:--| owed by Quebec with a value of $3, Iy A by 7 R D) S . ag a intense it is when you think that the | 1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for | 395 826. Following in order came If your scalp is irritated, ching I "Bo the days pass; rays that burn our faces brown {n sum | the past ten years and am never with | Manitoba with $1,679,646, Saskatche. and burning and youl Deir dry and | | " KING OF PAIN" : - Bo greens the grass; _ | mer time have travelled across 93,.|Out them In the house. They have al-| wan, $1,673,679; British Columbia, $1. We nm iis Uy the fol. Untilatlast es - ,| 000,000" miles of space. ways. given the greatest satisfaction (ggn807; Alberta, $1,356,338; North| | dundi and itching with Cuticura | | | "Some fruit is cast. Scientists have succeeded in produc. | 82d I can gladly recommend them 0 kwegt Territories, $908,242; Prince Fd- Ointment and follow with hot sham | | A N | M 3 WN Fon . ing a temperature that is thousands of ly mothers LF Mths gues. a Tab ward Island, $448,786; Yukon Terri- Poo of Cutléurd Soap. 55 A degrees hotter th e 's surface. ory, $203,402; Nova Scotia, 188,887; 25¢. Ointment 25 and 0c. T * ns ro -- It wa desired {0 study the cvmpost disect by mail at 35 cents 4 box from pit nn Sais er Ee = tion of certain metals, and the only |The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-|" According to value the principal Da ined, Soap shaves without mug. wily of doing so was to reduce them to | Ville; Ont. | pelts in the year under review were as by applying heat. - 2 To ---- . jmuskrat, which accounted for a total | ny § The temperature necessary was EASY TRICKS value of $4,687,818; beaver, $4,268,579; i m { OTHER WOMEN enormous, and months of experiments mink, $1,889,786; marten, $1,212,603; 4 Mofaing ing Sug Sis | were needed before a means of proue.| © © Auth Over LG te ta: white for. $100. | Plercing to heaven. ing ft could be found. ' Eventually a| No. 22 124; red fox, $472,847; fisher, $424, | oI lw, (| Grateful for Health Restored Ee ond X. Kapp; huge electrical apparatus was install- g 063; otter, $372,694; and skunk, $311.1 | i iff . . ) La Edm app : red by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege! ed which produced heat so terrific that . 040. Muskrat pelts in the season in- | metals were converted not slowly but| |. A creased by over one million in number I tab! Instantly into gas; In fact, pleces of : NaN. and . bg over two.million dollars 4n i hl le Compo und tungsten were made to explode as if REL A value. : Beaver pelts Increased from I Syd apy they had been dynamite, : ; 164,666, valued- at $2,686,472, to 281, HI" ge ii Toronto, Ont. --"I took Lydia E. if ---------- iii 645, worth $4,258,679. Hie 7 | ' i Pinidiam 8 Vegetable Compound for Seeking 'the Light, ; . The average prices paid for pelts in li i) i i i Shiache sd for Yeoh Sud Ureary Tol: Slade, 18 EID 0 A parish church was being beauti-{ the season 1921-22 were greater than Tibi | | feltsobad at I couldn't do my house Dh of the driving chain of a 'fled with a stained-glass window. The those, which prevailed in the previous work. My neighbor told me of your ycle. On thelr outer side they have 14 sexton was watching the work. The : season "but less than in the season i y i ' el. The rector, seeing him thus intent, re- 1919-20. For instance, the average i "UE | ronto Telegram' and theught I woul marked: "price received for muskrat was $1.53 ng of jae i 1 Zot vary ood results. | "Well, Jolin, and what is your opin-| : as against $1.24; for beaver, $9.07 as trains friends hy it has done for me. He] medicine and I read about it in the * To- '{ fon of the window?" ~~ Wd ie % compared with $6.40; mink, $9.00 may use this testimonial as it may be o "Weel," was the reply, "In ma . 3 against $8.28; marten, $20.61 against It may be a sprained wrist or help to some one who has suffered as opeenion they micht hae been content esi (qui sliver tox. $MI6 against] opp LF) SRTAINC WISION | pave =Mr=J. Les, 25 Harvie-Ave, wi' the glass as Gad made it." 'The problem is to place a half $161.99; white fox, $38.26 against strained tendon Toronto, Ont. prem dollar on the back of your left hand | $34.63; red fox, $12.46 against $11.61; ! engon . Mrs. Lee is willing to write to any Machines in use obliterates stamps| 8nd, without touching it, make it fisher, $74.66 against $68.86; and You cannot foresce it. But girl or woman suffering from such trou- on postal packets at the rate of 1,000 om A.An flop or somertault 2nd skunk, $2.34 against $1.73. Jou can keep Sloan's always jos; and anager any questions they | a minute. é gler or one RRvIng Talons Hon that A rave andy to relieve the pain, er ek og from female trou- ; Fe ; kind of entertainment may do this aA yer. Sloan's brings immediate bles causing backache, irregularities, re ------ in the obvious way--but not with-, We give here a part of the prayer comfort. It breaks up the pains, bearing-down feelings and weak~ 7 ihe J out considerable practice. Here 18° | written by that fine soul, Walter Raus- i ness should take Lydia Pinkham's + a more amusing way. chenbugeh. A friend sends it to congested and inflamed con- Vegetable Compound. Not only is the : ) U A I N | Slap the left wrist, a few inches who heard it read at a morning -- dition and restores normal worth of this splendid medicine shown dy ' ? > 3 above the colin, vigorously with the vice in'a hotel: circulation. Use Sloan's to | bysuchcasesas this, but for nearly fifty : I Fiat hana. pe, Sota wil il Shligiag- "Enlarge within us the sense of fel- guard from painasyou would | years letters like this have been re- | With a litle practice the con may | lowship with all tho living things, our| 0 aNtiSEptic to prevent {ne | ceived from thousands of women. | be made to turn a series of fiip flops, | little brothers, to whom thou hast fection, Yourdruggisthasit. | Waughs be, interesten in rend ng aun hte the alr every time you | given this earth as their home in com. Made in Canada 3 * the ** Ailments of Women." You tan ii "Always Wold the lett arm stimy |™ with us. We remember with Sloan's Liniment-kills pain! et a copy free by writing the Lydia : the shame that in the past we have exer- or rheumatism, bruises. s el olds . Pinkham Medicine Co., Cobourg, ; and slap vigorously with the right. F atism, bruises.strains.chest c ; £00 cised the high dominion of man with | ieC-- Dario. 0. A gentle yat will do nu'good, ruthless cruelty, so that the voice of | 8 ' e voice o | Fi m------ 4 3 (Clip this out and paste it, with the Barth, which should have gone up the| This is just an example, but it is neglect one from he. Thos' are many | oa travail." May we realiz& that they live, | : Se . others of the series, in & 8014D- | o°Thee in song, has been a groan of | ; i estion fi guch, and they prove beyond a do b rr not for us alene, but for themselves , lealth is | oh i our minds mu | Raisin Day in Fresno. and for Thee, and that they love the : ] sheerful iI}. A sigantic parade eight miles long ,8weetness of lite even as we, and serve : : a + On me is ner Will inaugurated the ftteonth annual Raisfi Theo in their place. better than wo in ' ) 1 ] : Da. . Celebration at Fresmo, April 26.[ours." x : ; : th" 5 i ; TY co . civic : PH mtn Mes ui i 1 : map| Nearly every, community, civic; and MONEY ORDERS. : \ ' ilitary organization in the raisin dis- N hold- {2 : Eh es A Dominion Express Money Order trict Nag Seyrasonted in. th oy a3. for five dollars costs three cents, V g 8 were for © | and ug delegations. | -- dyrision of this monstrous Jar { Ade was the 1923 raisin pageant "From | h den of Eden to the Garden of ------------ UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all | Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of ; Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and safe by millions for