Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 3 May 1923, p. 4

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hold her post-n aay; May i0th, fro at her. home Bigelow O.F. id i he on Monday, Mov. th, at THREE p.m. The last Quarterly Coinmunion Service for this conference year will be held in the Methodist Church on Sunday next, at 11 a.m. Mr. Wm. McKay brought in a fine trio of eggs. = They were laid by Plymouth Rock hens and the three | of them totalled eleven ounces: Mr. M. R. Arlidge has bought the' Ash property on Bigelow St. Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley have returned home after spending the : winter in Summitville, Indianna. Mrs. John Powers has returned home after NJding the winter in Rochester, N - DIED In Cartwright, on Sunday, April' 29, 1928, Joseph H. Taylor, aged 3 years, 8 months. At Blackstock, on Tuesday, May 1, 1923, Nancy Smith, widow of the late John Proutt, aged 87 years. r-- A GOOD TIME The entertainment put on in con- nection with the Epworth League of the Methodist Church will long be re- membered with pleasure by those who were fortunate enough to be present. The main and unique feature of the entertainment was the exhibition of of the "Family Album" by Miss Gert- rude Stovin, assisted by Miss Estelle Bull and a number of the young folk. The feature was full of humorous situations, which were grought out by Miss Stovin in a manner it would be hard to excell. We expect to hear more of the "Family Album" as it is a fine form of entertainment, capable of great variation. Later, in, the evening slides of "Wild Animals of Canada" "were thrown on the screen and the evening closed with refreshments. Much credit is due the President Mr. Ronald Peel for the many profit- able and entertaining meetings held during the year, MASONIC FUNERAL The remains of the late Joseph E. Cooney, who was killed in British Columbia recently,were interred with Masonic honors. Some twenty mem- bers of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen belonging to the Midland Lodge, of Lindsay, attended the fun- eral. + BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyle, Port Perry, on Sunday, April 29th, 1928, a son. "W. M. S. The following are the officers of the W. M.S. of the Methodist for the year 1923. President--Mrs. Geo. Davey, 1st Vice President--Mrs. Geo. Rose, 2nd Vice President--Mrs. Harrison, Rec- Sec'y--Miss L. Stovin, Cor.-Sec'y-- Miss M. Bongard, Strangers Sec'y-- Mrs. J. Taylor, Treasurer, Mrs. A. Orchard, Supt. of Christian Steward- ship--Mrs. Tennyson, Supt. of Mis- sion Band--Mrs. W. Christy, Mission Band Helpers--Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey, Mrs. J. E. Jackson, Pianist--Mrs. J. McClintock. EE ------ GIRL WANTED - for general house work, Used as one of the family. Good wages. Apply, to Mrs, Dime, 56 King St. West, Oshawa. May 10 lumbus. Tae pla at pa ceived and [the players desire credit many other fancy pieces well worth your while. FOR EYE GLASSES--SEE US. Satisfaction guaranteed Prices reasonable. - REPAIRING Bring your watch repairs to us for satisfaction. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. " GLASSES { 13 50 a ton. A Car to Arrive Soon 5 Order next winters Bp Nut and Stove now, while. in a position to fill your orders. P. FIGARY Office Phone 98 Port Perry Wanted MILK BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS Mr. C. McArthur who has supplied milk for the Village of Port Perry for almost twelve years has sold his business to J. Peel & Sons, who wil take charge of it shortly and expects to distribute both milk and cream from L. G. Hall's butcher shop. Customers will be ablé to secure milk at any time the shop is open. The herd of J. Peel & Sons have been Tuberculin tested and will con- tinue under Government inspection. Their great aim will be to provide good wholesome milk. Your patron- age is solicited. THE DATES ARE SET The dates for Chautauqua for Port Perry this summer have been de- finitely decided. Chautauqua will commence on Friday July 6th, and will continue until the evening of July 10th. The management an- nounes that the programs and artists ter than last year, and the local Chatauqua Committee hopes that entertainers will be as well received by the public as they were last year. Keep the dates in mind--July 6 to 10 inclusive. SEED OATS FOR SALE Sheffeeld Standard Seed Oats for Sale. Apply to John Tummonds, R. R. 1, Port Perry, Bell Phone 113-3 Mr. Charles Plank, a former resi- dent of Uxbridge, and well known throughout this district, passed away at Kitchener, on Tuesday evening of last week. He was born at Uxbridge 55 years ago, but. had lived at Lorneville and Cannington in recent years. A, a SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL orial Fund takes place on Friday. Some twenty ladies have under- taken to do the collecting, and they are asking at least $5600, and you may be asured that if $600 or more is given, the money will be well used to make a fitting memorial to those who sacrificed much for our freedom and welfare. 5 i We have been tardy with our ac- knowledgement of their, service. So that we can afford to make up the lateness of our memorial by a gen- | erosity that will be worthy of our citizens. ferences of opinion as to where the charge have con- The committee in sidered this and have decided to call a public meeting after the collection ters may be discussed JDefore. the memorial is erected. the canvass, and those this year will be fully equal to or bet- | The drive for the Soldiers' Mem- As is quite natural, there are dit- : memorial shall be placed, and other | matters connected with the memorial. | has been made at which these mat- ag Ta Toh on. goal uraites . Fact bo served by Sistice postponing | 10,000 MUSKRATS Highest Price Paid All Kinds of POULTRY He We pay the big price I. TURNER Bell Phone 218 Ind. 1800 Making Good CLOTHES is our specialty We have the finest range of overcoats, both tailor made and Come In and sce them==it soste in, ne woo = ye Sov that good suit now. Don't forget that I have a nice line of Men's Caps and the prices are right. W. H. DOUBT Merchant Tailor LETTER RE FOXES Continued from Back Page out that Black Fox Farming has paid higher dividends, in a shorter time, than any other other ranching in the world. Of course one could hardly expect a man who is not an expert to buy one or two pair of foxés, and make-a success of it, when he knows nothing at all about the business. - of practical men who give their whole time to the industry. Good manage ment will give good results. Thanking you Mr. Editor for your space and etc, I remain yours truly, + J, C. Cockburn -- EXPERT PHOTO FINISHING is Developing be a "roll. Printing 8¢ ready to wear, we have ever had. | These animals must be in the hands | Appetizing Meals JAS. RUDDY, Proprietor. Bell 'Phone 5 ah N URSERY STOCK FOR SALE The undersigned is prepared to sell you nursery stock at reasonable prices; also to do your pruning and grafting. JOHN MACLACHLAN, Port Perry. § » W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over Archer's Hardware PORT PERRY, ONTARIO JOHN BELDON LUNDY College of Dental Sur. iversity of Toronto. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Eveninge by appointment. Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence ring __ Office over Morrison's Drug Store Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn- Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169 r 2 Port Perry DR. J. A. MURRAY "DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m: Phone 98 Dr. C. T. Harrison PALMER GRADUATE Chiropractor Offiss in the Penhall Blosk. Upstairs ein ORT PERRY MISS ESTELLE K. BULL Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE Pupils prepared Jor Sxamination George Collins REAL ESTATE AGENT FARMS FOR SALE Good properties. Terms to "suit purchaser: All sizes of farms, houses and lots, ete. for sale. Port Perry, Ont. W. E. HARRISON Blong Block, Port Perry. Manufacturer of 'Hand-made Harness and dealer in 'Robes, Blankets, | ps, Mitts and Gloves, Club B Bees Suit Dases, ete. -- Dealer and Funeral Di Complete Horse-Drawn Equipment. ® Phones--Store 128 r 2 3 The Place for Good | .L McDERMOTT Journeys Far and Near IN travelling, a reserve fund must be carried to meet emergencies. Out may be low of sles. Ou Tr s Cheques, issued in various | gn ns ah op -------- amounts to fill your requirements, are safe and convenient. Ty them. THE. CANADIAN BANK {| OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL . . 000000 RESERVE FUND. . i. $13,000, PORT PERRY BRANCH, R. B. Wan 200000 AE. SIMS Cu \& SIM'S BAKERY - Have You tried our Cottage Loaf? It i is the Best--Always Fresh and Sweet And Our Pastry--Well! It is Tasty : and Good PORT PERRY BRR

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