L@ el wins the Sweepstakes Qup--grand prize for cars of all classes regardless of cost, size or weight--in the Sixth Annual Los Angeles- Camp Curry, Yosemite Valley Economy and Endurance Run. Oakland also wins the first prize for cars of its own class. Fifteen other makes of cars yielded to Oakland's phenominal record of 49.2 Ton Miles per gallon, according to official A. A. A. records! The actual mileage per gallon for the Oakland car-was 29.37. No oil was used and only two pints of water--and the length of the run was 360 miles! Think of it! Nearly thirty miles to the gallon -- through city traffic and over rain-soaked coun roads; up steep mountain trails and through hub-deep! And remémber--the New Oakland Car that accomplished this remarkable feat ae a stock, five-passenger touring car. You can buy an exact it --you can Ee this same economy and dependability in any New Oakland model! Truly, Oakland is the economy car. It is the only car, backed by 15,000 mile performance guarantee. It is the light-six sponsoréd by the resources and the prestige of General Motors. Can you afford to overlook The New Oakland Six once you . | McElhiney, on Saturday at 8 p.m., on horse last week. decide to own a car in the Oakland price class. Oakland Motor Car Company of Canada; Limited (Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada, Limited) A_post card will bring full specific NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Robert Kerrigan, deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Robert Kerri- gan, late of the Village of Blackstock the County of Durham, who died on or about the Fifteenth day of Oc- tober A.D. 1922, are on or before the First day of June, A.D. 1923, to send by Jost, pre-paid, to James Byers, Blackstock and Samuel Jeffrey, Blackstock, the executors of the said deceased their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities(if any) held them, and that after the day last oresajd James Byers and Samuel Jeffrey will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto ha Tegan only to such claims of whic shall have been given as above Yequited, and the said James Byers Samuel Jeffrey will not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of, to any mn or persons of whose claim or ms notice shall not have been received by them at the time of Ee a nt 0 ay ot a of May A.D. 1988. y WM. H. HARRIS a. A BOY'S PRAYER By William Dewitt Hyde Give me clean hands, clean words, 'and clean thoughts; to stand for the hard OSHAWA ONTARIO MOFFATT MOTOR SALES, LIMITED HEAD OFFICE--S88 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO demonstrator i requested. MANCHESTER Miss Dowswell spent the week end with her parents in Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Love, of Greenbank, visited at Mr. John McMaster's re- cently. , The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Spencer, on Tuesday after- noon. We are sorry to learn that Elwood Crosier is confined to bed with a broken leg. We hope he will soon be able to be out again. Service will be held in the Metho- dist Church here on Sunday evening on account of Quarterly Service at Prince Albert. Mothers' Day will be observed on Monday, May 13th. Special music is being prepared. Mrs. Edward Barrett spent a few days in Oshawa last week. Mrs, Frank Lamb has returned to her home her after spending . the winter in Lindsay. EC ante SCOUT NOTES tions by return mail, and a COWS FOR SALE Two Jersey and Durham Heifers, : milking good, and heavy with calf. Grade Holstein milking and in calf; farrow _eow. Apply to Edwin Jen- nings, Phone 108-3. ; FREE DEMONSTRATION in your home of the wonderful new model "Blue Bird" Electric Washer... For particulars write direct to Chas, Brook, Box 25, Orillia. Easy terms of payment AUCTION SALE Miss S Crandell will sell her house- hold furniture by auction at her re- sidence, on Wednesday, May 9th. Geo. & Ted Jackson, Auctioneers EGGS FOR HATCHING Jersey Black Giant eggs for hatch- ing. The largest fowl on the market. Good layer and an excellent table fowl. Geo. R. Davey, Port Perry. » Sunday at 8 and 7 p.m. Monday -- Lantern Slides for the| children at 7 p. m. and a Salyation Meeting at 8 pm, goo x Come where they make you welcome. ------------------ UTICA , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell visited at Mr. Fred Ashton's on Sunday. Mrs. A, Williams and son, of Port Perry, visited with Mrs. Gordon Bentley, on Sunday. Miss. Norine Hortop and Miss Lula Rusnell, visited with Mrs. Frank Kendell, on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Bert. McKercher, was very un- fortunate in losing a very valuable Miss Mae Rusnell was home from Port Perry ai Sunday. se -- UNION CEMZTERY, OSHAWA Notice is hereby given that any person wishing to have a lot in the Union Cemetery taken care of must make arrangements with the Secre- tary or Superintendent and pay for same in advance. The annual charge for upkeep is $2.00 for small plot and $4.00 for large plot. Perpetual up- keep may be provided for by the pay- ment of $50. for small plot and $100, for large plot. If writing give the number and location of plot. * All communications to be addressed to F. E. Hare, Secretary of the Union Cemetery Board of Governors. Oshawa, April 26, 1923. May 31 Hens! Ducks! We are in thé market for hens and ducks in any quantity, also feathers. Highest prices paid. Prompt returns. Write for quotations. Lines & Co., Limited St. Lawrence Market Toronto SEED POTATOES FOR SALE Cobblers and Eurakas at $1.00 bag. | Apply Mrs, J. W. Curts, P ort Perry. May 2 the Non-skid, 130 x 8%, guaranteed for 5000 miles at $11.85. Buy your tires | at home where you can get service. Hood Motor Sales, Port Perry Q dd FORD CAR FOR SALE" Second-hand in good running order, shoek absorbers slip-over cover, five Gray & Davie Will sell worth the money. Apply to J. T. Anderson, Union Ave., tires, speedometer, starter. Port Perry, Ont. Guild's cock months, layers at reasonable prices. Bell Phone 221, May This splendid pot js invaluable for boiling potatoes and can also be used for cooking other vege- Here, at last, is the Potato Pot in SYP Enam- eled Ware. All up-to-date housewives are them. 8o handy, so easy to strainer spout for upright handle whi pot straining. Insist on SMP Enameled Ware, smooth as china, and as strong as steel. Just From Hogan tested hens crossed to , Lady Eglantine, record 314 eggs in twelve A chance to gel winter $8.00 per hundred, $2.00 for 15. Also four J'% of the aforesaid cockerels at $2. i each. Apply C. Coulter, Port Perry, $m. 10° § manage. Note the off water. Note the locks the cover on when say SMPs! WARE Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of grey enamel inside and out. ond Bilgond coats, ight bine and Niilte outside, hte lining. Crystal Ware, three coats, ide out, with Royal Blue pn Sd y aide. 359 tables, stewing meat, etc. A very handy dish, > eSHeer MeraL Probucrs coins MONTREAL TORONTO EOMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY WINNIPEG 159 'MARTIN-SENOUR 1007 PURE PAINT & VARNISHES "100% PURE" PAINT The paint for wear and weather. SENOUR"S FLOOR PAINT It wears and wears and wears. "VARNOLEUM"* ~ A 0.0 0 5 SSS {pe The Hard-Drying, Long-Wearing Floor Finish