Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 12 Apr 1923, p. 4

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ies Ave. Toronto Mrs. Cecil Beare and sons Storey and Billy, spent the Easter holidays Mrs, Reare's parents, a 'at Park _ Ave, Brantford, Ontario. OMING--Ey: t Specialist go F. E. Luke," yesight | "Street To- 'ronto, Optometrist 'and Optician /at CA. J. Davis' Drugstore, . Port Perry,' * Thursday, April 19th. -Glasses if required at right prices. 3 « THE SALVATION ARMY" Meet in the Purdy Block, over Me- Gregor's Butcher Shop. ~ Bright Gospel meetings-- Saturday at 8 p.m. Sunday at 8 and 7 p.m. - "Capt. Pat." and Gospel meeting at 8 pm. Lots of Music. hearty sing. + £4 Lud L. O. L. King Edward Lodge, L. 0. L. 223, Port Perry, meets on Friday, April 13th. All members are requested to attend. Special business to arrange for a demonstration this summer; and consider invitations for the an- nual celebration on July 12th. H. S. WHITE ,W. M. J. G. MORRISH, Sec'y. SCOUT NOTES Friday, April 27th is THE DAY. A clean entertainment--an evening's real enjoyment. 1st Port Perry Troop, Boy Scouts, intend to show their audience something of Scouting in a play "The Scout, The Scold and the Scoundrel", and in other activ- ities. Program commences at 8 p.m. sharp. Watch for bills. Secure your tickets from the uniformed Scouts who will call a week before the entertainment. Plan at McKee's Jewelry Store. DOWSON-ENGLISH St. Enoch's Presbyterian Church, 'Toronto, was filled with friends of the family to witness the marriage of Ruth Rebecca English, youngest daughter of Mrs. English and the late Chas, English, to Alfred Dowson, son of Mrs. Dowson and the late Richard Dowson, of Sonya, which was soleminized at 7 p.m. on Wed- nesday, April 4th, by Rev. H. M. Pearson. The bride who entered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr. Earl English, was gowned in white silk erepe with a coronet of orange blossoms and carried a shower boquet of bridal roses and lily of the valley. Miss Josephine English, sister of the bride was the attendant, and wore sand crepe and blue milan straw hat and carried 'an armful of America beauty roses. She wore the groom's gift, a necklace of pearls. The groom was supported by his nephew, Mr. Howard Foster. The groom's gift to the best was a pearl tie pin. Mr. Harwood Jones, organ- ist of the church played the wedding march and Miss Bell sang "All Joy Be Thine" during the signing of the register. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother for the families and a few intimate friends. The church was beautifully deco- rated with Easter lilies and daffodils, ...the work of the Bible Class of which the bride was a prominent member. The numerous and beautiful gifts showed the esteem in which the young couple were held. After a short honeymoon in Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Dowson returned to Toronto where a [reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pipher, Wel- where a large number of lled to wish them happiness good-bye before the young dress with hat to match and , and the groom's gift, a fox Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements including an ex- Hotsina one (obey of Mog . Holgteins, the pro 0 bi TL TL i 'ownship, on Thu April 19, 1028 Sale at 1 p.m, Geo. and ed Jackson, Auc-| 11 Come and haye a | See us f ond Rin, pn Special prices on single sto and combination i : may be something you want. gue phos on We seek. 3 { 'equal quality. articles ¢ bing us lu watch or clock or repairs. We give you an estimate on, work before it is done. Optical Repairs a Specialty. I. R. BENTLEY : JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST IN MEMORIAM Tanner--In loving memory "of our dear husband and father, John Tanner, who passed away April 4, 1922, day, When our dear loved one was called away. We loved him then, we love him still; Forget him, no! we never will. Wife and daughter In loving memory of my mother, Mrs. Annie Thompson, late of Sea- grave and Toronto, who passed away April 14th, 1912. Mrs. Nelson Mitchell WANTED Apprentice to learn the 'millinery business. Apply to F. W. McIntyre, Port Perry. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE Cobblers and Eurakas at $1.00 bag. Apply Mrs. J. W. Curts, Port Perry. FOR SALE Century Blue Sweet Peas for seed, good yielders. Apply to Geo. Till, R. R. 8, Uxbridge, Bell Phone 116r3-1 PASTURE FOR RENT Good pastre, running water, plenty of shade, for young cattle and horses at lots 17 and 18, concession 8, Reach Township. Wm. Moles, R. R. 1, Port Perry, Ont. May 38 EGGS FOR HATCHING From a pen of J&red to lay Buff Wyandottes, "Sturtevant" | strain, imported direct from Evanston, Ill These birds are the product of First Prize takers at the' Chicago Poultry Show. 15 eggs for $3.00. C. H. Kellett, Box 53, Port Perry, | Ontario. Apr. 20 NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE The undersigned is prepared to sell you nursery stock at reasonable prices; also to do your pruning and grafting. JOHN MACLACHLAN, Port Perry. FOR SALE Coal heater and pipes, tables, quartseal. ers, clothes wringer, fetures, spraying outfit, 35 laying hens, light spring wagon, one horse plow, pair whiffletrees, three tine forks, 2 good oak barrels, some cedar No' reasonable offer vefueed, a as Appl posts. evi rything must be sold. Lilla and Scugog Sts., Pert Jo Geo SCUGOG Miss Murray, of Toronto, spent part of her Easter vacation with her brother Mr. Jno. Murray. : Mrs. Redman and Mrs. Murray were in Toronto last week. ; Mr. Perey: Lavington, of Oshawa, | is visiting friends on Scugog. at her home here, with Mrs. A. Black. vere held nthe' [Rend Chu on Tuesday evening 'proved One year has passed since that sad : ton Coal. 5 Nut coal $18.00 a ton, now © unloading' | T O ARRIVE AT ONCE Car stove coal $17.00 a ton delivered , ALSO Car Range coal $16. 50 a ton "NEXT WINTER S COAL". I am now prepared for orders and | guarantee ery in April and ay D.L. & W. ~ Scranton coal Nut, Stove and Egg at $17.00 per ton, with a reduction from this price if prices are lowered at the mines Order now and make sure of some fuel for next winter. P. FIGARY Office Phone 98 Port Perry MORLEY CAMPBELL Real Estate Farms, Loans, Insurance, Val- uations, Large list of high- class residental properties for sale and rent, especially in Port Perry. Write or phone your wants to Morley Campbell Port Perry; Ont. Phone 188w Wanted 10,000 MUSKRATS Highest Price Paid All Kinds of POULTRY 'and Junk We pay the big price I. TURNER Bell Phone 213 Ind. 1800 Making Good CLOTHES i$ our specialty re et an ready to wear, we have ever had. Come in and see them--it eosts| Genuine D. L. & Ww. Sai s pa |Experienced Nurse Raines, Port Perry, Ont. Hides, Sheep Skins) a Goode, Proprietor. EY Act dene DC .. Steel, Brass, etc., made equal to new; Also Brazing R. B. Smallman Blacksmith, Port Perry os A A A disengaged. Maternity or other cases. Mrs. V, W.-A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over Archer's Hardware PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ~ JOHN BELDON LUNDY D.S., DENTAL "SURGEON. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. geons and University of Teronte. Office hours? am. to 5 p.m. Evenings y appointment. Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence ringd Office over Morrisen's Drug Store Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169r 2 Port Perry DR. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST "Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 Dr. C. T. Harrison PALMER GRADUATE Chiropractor Office in the Penhall Blook. Upstairs PORT. PERRY . MISS ESTELLE K. BULL Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE Pupils prepared for examination Phone No. 2: » George Collins REAL ESTATE AGENT FARMS FOR SALE' Good properties. Terms to suit purchaser. All sizes of | farms, houses and lots, ete. for sale. Port, Perry; "Ont. you pothing Fine wool is ad- vancing. uy that good suit now. Don't forget that I have) a nice line of Men's Caps 'land the prices are right, W. H. DOUBT | Merchant Tailor NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of William Aldred, late of the Towns! of Widower ithe ey of On None If Saceagen, suant to the Statutes in Rh behalf, , that alt Miss Phyllis Wheatley is visiting | credito Miss Thurza Freeman is visiting said Ww: - The Box Social and Play 'which, pry AW. E. HARRISON Blong Block, Port Perry. ~ Manufacturer of Hand-made, Harness and dealer in Robes, Blankets, Whips, Mitts and Gloves, Club Bags, Suit Cases, etc. se-------- Bred-to-lay Barred Rock En tor 'Hens bred from same strain as won H § Save your strength and rent 0 . Cleaner for cleaning your carpets and curtains, +f # A. L McDERMOT : Hi Furniture Dealer and Funeral | Complete Horse-Drawn Equipment. Phones--Store 128r2 _ To the Dairyman CA Hr as Bee a8 thor High costs make maximum yields an _ essential quality in your animals. * 'We will advance money to responsible farmers to replace poor producers. = THE CANADIAN BANK || OF COMMERCE "PAID-UP CAPITAL $13,000,000 RESERVE FUND _ $13,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANGHN, EK. B, Walser, Manager, SIM'S BAKER¥s Have You tried our Cottage Loaf? It is the Best--Always Fresh and Sw And Our Pastry-- Well! and Good A. E. SIMS PORT PERRY ee |' Ie: DS erdiet aa remarkable at an Sxtrsmely low Price, |of

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