« 'playing 'and tripping the 56 until the wee small ha ning the evening' a very suitable ad- dress was read by Miss Lela Thomp- 3 and Miss Zrdmd 'Wallace pre- " beautiful «To Mr. and Mrs, C. Gerrow: Dear friends;-- Prospect community appreciates good neighbours and -al- ways regrets the loss of any of them. { We learn that you are about to leave us. It is true that you 'are not going * far and we are glad of that, but we ' shall not see you quite so often, nor can we hope to retain your commun- ity service to thé same extent. It s this neighbourly spirit that we particularly appreciate in you, and the young people of Prospect are really grateful for the open hearted way in which you have welcomed them to your home. They have spent many golden hours, with you, and be- cause we know that you value time we present this. clock to you as a token of our esteem, aad we trust + that it will remind you of the good % times past and mark many hours of _ happiness in your future life. "on reasonable terms. Let us assure you that your hos- pitality has not been without fruit; one of the chief results being that you will be very welcome whenever you find opportunity to come amongst us. - Signed on behalf of the community -- SONYA Mrs D McPhail and Miss Kathleen McPhail, spent several days in To- ronto recently. We are sorry to report that Mr. C. Lunney had the misfortune to crack a bone in his leg while working in the bush last Saturday. Miss Jean Watson, Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. Rev. Mr. Barber, of Toronto, sup- plied the pulpit of St. Andrew's Church on. Sunday. Rev. George Mason, of Bowmanville, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. A numer of the young people were entertained after a skating party last' Thursday night, at the home of Miss Mildred McPhail. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Mr. Geo, Johnston spent the week end at the home of Mrs, W. Gibson. Mr. R. D. McTaggart had a very successful sale last Saturday. Mrs. N. Palmer visited with Miss Murray in Port Perry last week. Manchester STORE NEWS Best quality Cheese per lb. 30c Fresh Graham Flour 5 lbs. 25¢ Fresh Creain of Wheat 4 1bs. 25¢ Ten. per cent. off all lines Men's and Boy's Fleeced Underwear. Puritan Cotton Batts = 2 for 26¢ Men's Knitted Woollen Mitts, reg. 75¢., to clear at 69¢ We have that good National Light Coal Oil. W. F. CROSIER W. J. COOK DEALER 'IN REAL ESTATE Box 47, Myrtle Station. Pro rty quickly and satisfac- torily bought, sold and exchan Large ge to select from Bell Phone 120 r 2 J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours, 9 am tof p.m Phone 43 process. --our Master Baker. flavour. happy baker Made by DISTRIBUTOR; N MATIC CAPSULES "N & T.R.C.s Most other pains are easy. Sold in Port Perry by P. G. Morrison Fie day's willing of 'Quaker Flour must prove its baking perfection be- fore it leaves the Quaker Mills, It under- goes hourly tests during the. milling It must then pass its mont exacting critic: milling he bakes bread. His loaves must be perfect in' size, colour, texture and Use Quaker Flour and you will always be Seviuih of steccess in baking. uses Quaker." Quaker Flour Always the Same-Alwags the Best ¢ Quaker Oats Company at the AKER MILLS PETERBOROUGH and SASKATOON y Port Perry, Hogg & Lytle Gaiald s Standard Rumery tor Pain pu simple fact 18 this: there is Made to "Get" Rheumatism write J. G, Temnieton & Lo, Toronto. From each day's "The Felt Slippers 20g Dis. a Ustiridge- W, S. Lapp nothing quite so good for pains and aches as Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. The medl- cimal power they contain is absorbed by the blood and so carried to the seat of the pain. T.R. C's contain no habit-forming drugs. Theis action Is to remove the cause of the pain. SING T.R.C.'s is not an experl- ment, many thousands of Can- adians have profed the effectiveness of T.R.C.'s, The best test vou can make is to get a dollar, box from your druggist, or for frce sample A postal card Wilh ing it There's one feature in particular Stable Equipment. It's the only + Stable Equipment made in Canada in which the galvanizing thorough= ly oc vers and completely coats the metal and the inside of steel tubes as well: This method makes it ab- solutely" rust defying and proof Rust Defying - Because Hot Galvanized against strong stable acids for the you'll © appreciate about : Toronto™ M. J. STONE, SEAGRAVE ynaximum hile the method - ordinarily used simply applies asur- face coating and goes a short distance inside-tubing. *. : Toronto Stable pment will make work. easier--k atte } healthier--bring mere prof me explain the many a Toronto Stalls, Bull Pens, re Bowls and Litter Carriers. Fo r De FULLER HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES FOR PORT PERRY ~~ and one of the star representatives of the Company, of Jamilion, makes first call on .Mr. Baker's ier i ith Single uly, ene Fo: Shoes w in; y have heavy felt sole finished ith 1s afar. Sizes 9 and 10 only. Reg. $2 Sale price $1.85 3 Pairs only, J Ey Men's Heavy Union Underwear Elastic Ribbed Stitch, in Cream color. Drawers sizes 84 to 44. Reg Price $1.25. Sale Price 98c. Shirts 36 to 44. Reg. Price $1.25 for 98¢. Girl's Underwess Priced to Clear Girl's Fleeced lined Bloomers in light and Dark. Sizes 24 to 82. Reg. Price 90c, Sale Price 66¢c Hebb bet ed There are more miles of our Price 43 Sizes 8 to 1014. Reg. 1 0 pr. Sale Price 6c Hi Wall Papers in a Great Variety for Spring , The New Wall Papers we are ask- ing you to come and see, will delight your eyes as they have seldom been delighted, looking .at these Wall Papers does not even imply you have to buy. CANADIAN * and * SA Fence in use on brands combined! is Canadian Railways than all Tho Jost should diagel all dou doubt as to to which before purchasing, put their fence to meet rigid inspection tests. " AMERICAN" GALVANIZED STEEL POSTS--no Staples 201 or clips required. i BARB WIRE, COILED WIRE, STAPLES.