His Maste) s Voico Records for sale here uco Tasteless Cod Liver Oil with +S and . $1.00 per ott e. peules e and tom's | Raz-Mah are pe ones or sore throat and husky voice use Fomolid Throat-Ease, Nyal's Huskeys, or Medicated Throat Discs day Special --rord's Candies 49¢ . Morrison's Drug Store TA ~ At Christmas Gime You'll be sorry if you forget to order your cards ly. Its not a bit too soon to think about it. We have already taken several erders. 'See the delightful new and artistic cards tha kare ready for your inspec- tion and to choose the one that will carry | your greet Ein 6s 3 abr Personal Greeting Cards range in price from $2.00 dozen and up. You can Shoose your own Style of type and greeting. ' JAMES 'McKEE JEWELLER | STATIONER - Affairs, | heen the watchword of the British Le Bride, = the work of the IL. Shes Satis hist e early| Bil to Ei time. In that outline he showed the develop- ment of constitutional govern- | ment and the federation of the] British peoples. This develop- ment has all been in the direction of controhfor the benefit of the ple as a whole and in the interests of the greatest possible |to freedom. Other forces have been at work, but the liberty-|w loving and fair-minded spirit of the British people has not been good soil for the growth of auto- cracy; and to-day, after centuries of Sire gle for true freedom as to autocracy, Britain is the Smite en of the Christian interests and the one nation that eagerly does her share in main- taining the rights of the weaker peoples of the world. The speaker showed the neces- sity of loyal support of British institutions. He also pointed out '1the necessity of remembering that our late enemy (the German autocracy) will bear watching for many years to come, and that we must be prepared at any time to resist the attempts of this force in the world to dominate for sel- fish es, The outline of events given was a clear presen- [ 7| tation of the claim of the British people to a leading place in world because "'Service" has people. Dr. Moore paid a tribute to his former school teacher, Mr. Mec- ting that his earliest a ideas of patriotism were taught him by*this honored teacher near- lly thirty years ajo in the Port Perry High School. During the course'of their re- a U6 | marks, both Mr. Hutcheson and Dr, Moore spoke most highly of .D.E., as one of the chief agencies instrumen- Ultal in perpetuating Armistice Day. 3-address-was-fol- Dr Moore" lowed by the service in memory of the soldiers who have died soe the war ceased four years o fell in battle : Ex will be a high price from now on: his is the time of year to make your uy produce a profit. Get some of our Chicken Chowder It makes them do the ick. 6 Ibs. 'for 280, $3.75 per owt. oo e F, MeCLINTOCK Arete Be. by Mrs. or or died during the war. This Service was 25 heathifully conducted Jackson, assisted Hugh La cat as standard bearer, a J. Wilde, who played "The Last Post." ery beautiful violin selections were given by Mr. Victor Stouf- fer, who is showing exceptional |e leg in music. A most pleating £ feature of the Fr e 8in 'In in Fladir Fields" was parti- arly fin all his selections and | Folie cig the community was | miste, dt Or feeb. D Hare, 1 na the singing of the Nati- His rendering of rrrrrry - Miss Cora Bowerman has gone to Detroit. | Mrs. Wagner left on Tusgday es of the prograi was) this of Mr. W Dykes m, two miles | "discovered the| xbri ody of yr. Walter | of Uxbridge. 7A rifle side the young rs body 'bullet wound in his ini dicated that he had died own hand... by lis ow Dr. Walter Shier, who was called to view the body, ex- preted his opinion that Kendall's eath'was due to suicide. 'morning Kendall, who was an emplo ge | the Gold Medal Furniture y, lef his boarding house, wit 1 his rifle, avowing his intention of going he woods to hunt. When he a ngt return in the evening it ought that he had gone to visit his foster-mother, who re- sides in the neighborhood of the village of Cameron, near Lindsay. This morning, however, his friends became apprehensive be- cause of his protracted absence and organized a search party. It was merely by ehance that the body was discovered, however Kendall's motive for his action is thought to be unrequited love. For some time he ha been pay- ing attention to a young lady of the village, who had not returned his affection. It is supposed that the youth was driven to despair, which led to his rash act. It is not thought that an inquest will be held. Kendall was the foster gon of Mrs. Elijah Kendall, who lives near Cameron. He had lived in Uxbridge for three years. ~~The Globe. Buying Electric Motor and Pump At a special meeting of the Coutell, by-law was passed yrizing the purchase of a $iftoen h.p. electric motor and pump, to be installed in connec- tion with the Hydro. This out- fit will take care of pumping the general water supply of the town and in case of fire could supply one stream which could be use until the fire emergency plant can be set going. While this 15 h.p. motor will take care of our domestic water supply, and will in reality cost the town nothing extra for pow- er for its operation, an emo = cy pumping plant of 100 capaeity will have to be installed for fire purposes. The question naturally sarises as our present steam plant ho be discarded. The chief reason is that it would cost at the present price of coal about $5.00 a day to keep the steam plant going with the fires bank- s his would mean about $1500, lus the cost ¢f the man to tend the fire. In addition to} our present pump isin a condition that it has to have a new piece all over. A gasoline plantgwould cost between three and four thousand dollars, and the cost of interest, depreciation and sinking fund would not be much more than half the cost of | the upkeep of the present obso- lete Sqmipment. Councillor Hutcheson introdu-| ced the subject of cleaning ing up the basement of the Town 3 and the grounds surrounding the hall. The matter will re- ceive attention. It is also intend- ed to clean up the present dum and and oF Water & new one at_the no ~ This is an ex- _ BLACKSTOCK Services in the Union Church Sunday, 19th inst., will be or Port Perry Branch, - TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THR] H. G. ' STANDARD BAN: CAN, MILLIONS itcheson, Manager 11th inst., in his 90th year. The funeral service was conducted at his home on Monday by the Rev. id to rest in the Anglican Ceme- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fitchett have sold out their business in Beaverton and purpose spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. E. Montgomery. The Platoon Club deserves Leredit foi the splendid entertain- ment it procured for Armistice night, and also for the interest taken in the Poppy Fund. On Sunday, 12th inst., the Platoons and Orangemen paraded to the park and a wreath and two sprays were placed on the monument by Mrs. R. Willan on behalf of St. John's Church, Mr. J. H. Devitt on behalf of the Orangemen, and Mr. McLean on behalf of the Platoons. After the bugle sound- ed the "Last Post" the parade continued to the Union Church, where a Memorial Service was conducted by Rev. R. Carruthers. A tennis club has been recently organized with the following officers:--President, Mr. W. Van Camp; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. W. Mar- low. A number of the boys are busy getting the west end of the park in regdiness for tennis next year. The Victorian Woman's Insti- tute have purchased 500 tulip bulbs to be planted in the park. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow have returned from their trip to the States. We are pleased to welcome Mrs. Marlow to our d | midst. Miss Emma Henders, of Janet- ville, has returned home after Spending some days with Miss lorrie Parr. At a meeting of the officers of the different organizations held in the Armouries on the evening of Tuesday, 11th Nov., it was de- cided to hold annually * 'Decora- tion Day" in Cartwright to decor- ate the monument in the Memor- ial Park, and also the graves of our boys who have passed away since their return home. The following committee was appoint- ed to complete the arrangemen Mrs. R. Jackson, Secretary of the Nestleton Institute, Mrs. T. Smith, See. Vietorian Woman's Insitute, Mr. H. Thompson, Mr. F. Udell, Mr. C. Devitt and Mr. James Marlow. TOWN HALL, ograms ever seen outside Soul be just how good it 1 throughout. W. Scott, and the remains were|-. PLEASE Sweet potatoes, 4 lbs 25¢ Cranberries, per quart 20¢ Spanish Onions, 4 lbs 25¢ New dates, per 1b 15¢ New cocoanuts, 10c & 15¢ each Grape fruit, 2 for 26¢ Seeded Raisins, 1b 20c. Currants, per lb 20c Seedless raisins, per 1b 20c Cooking onions, 7 lbs 25¢ Pears, large basket 65¢ Lemons, 38 for 10¢, doz 30c Choice bananas, 1b 1le. Redpath Sugar, bag $8.50 Cooking Figs, pér lb 10¢ D. Corbman Port Perry The Canadian Boy If you can get a boy to read right kind of books and maga- zines, you will have done a great deal toward giving him a proper start in life. There are three courses open to the boy; 1 He may read little or noth- ing, in which case he is in serious danger of growing up an ignor- ant man and consequently a poor citizen. 2 He may read low type stuff and runs the risk "of becoming vicious and a menace ta the com- munity. 8 He may read good books and magazines and have a better opportunity and likelihood of be- coming a good citizen. If a Scout asks you tu subscribe to the Canadian Boy for your boy, you can rest assured that the reading matter will be good, and the influence wholesome. One good turn deserves an- other, and that fact should be remembered if our boys become Scouts, and are themselves doing HEL hours of solid fun and amusement. Larry Semon in one of his best comedies--2 reels of solid fun; with not a business is to give you a hearty, wholesome laugh that will last" you until you come again next week. Mutt and Jefi--You know them don't you? "A reel in which their antics are a scream throughout. ; an World Fuonts-- Feominent and Most CL : 3 'happenings ov Tor se "good turns." Motion Pictures PORT PERRY Wednesday, November 22nd One of the fin- he big cities. Here it is, so Douglas Fairbanks in "The Mollycoddie." * @ reels. In this, Fairbanks is at his best.» One of the most thrilling Western Dramas ever produced-- nothing but action laugh producing Sag pre Larry's | Seo omg sens PRICEDTO