IRE on adtiey siyor| LETT 22 T : Tolan s | Bt, Toronto, Ont. 1d 5 a : aking hg lan The Source of Ermine, : tall known as "ermine" co ) +» | the mountain weasel, an a: al which lives by. sucking the blood. of the and- mals it kills, "I had the 'flu' a year ago and it left me so weak 1 could hardly get about. My appetite was so poor I barely ate enough to keep from starving. When I tried to work I would: give out and couldn't even do the smallest job. Bome days I was so weak I couldn't crank a car. As time passed and I saw no improvement I felt like giving up. | "Tanlac brought back my health and I am now full of life and energy. The | man who told me about this medicine did me a good turn and I want to pass the good word along." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. entirely a German i ry, in now being done o a Inge extent a ritain. i Amsrice's Plonser Dog Remedies Book on x DOG DI E aliod to % the AE ARSE SALT LANDI!SALT Bulk«Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS G 4 CLIFF . TORONTO BE a -- The men whom I have seen succeed best in life have always been cheerful and hopeful men, who went about their business with a smile on their faces and took their changes and chances! o this mortal life like men.--Kings- ey. weight, with other defects, and 1,287 were suffering from malnutrition. That is, one-third of the children, of this community were undernourished. Only 878 children (24 per cert.) were normal and without physical defects. There were reported 216 cases (7 per cent.) of defective-vision; 23 cases (1 per cent.) of defective hearing; 125 cases (4 per cent.) of adenoids; 819 cases (28 per cent.) of defective ton- sils; 1,071 cases (87 per cent.) of de- fective teeth. © What could be better than that the home physician and dentist should get busy?" . © Apparent negligence there was, but where was the fault? The fault lies in the point of view, and this applies to Ontario as well as any other place on this continent, or in the world for es | MACHINERY TORONTO Yarmouth, N.S, March 24, 1921. The Secretary of the Yarmouth Ath- letic Association, who were the cham- : . pions -for 1820 of -the South Shore People who say that life is mot League and Western Nova Scotia Base rth living are those who cling to| Ball, states that during the summer t most--Judge Parfitt. the boys used MINARD'S LINIMENT with very beneficial results, for sore muscles, bruises and sprains. It is considered by the players the hest white liniment on the market, ®Every* team should be supplied with this cele- brated remedy. (Signed) JOSEPH L. LeBLANGC, Sec'y Y. A. A. A, Champions N. 8. South Shore League, 1920. WOMAN TAKES EVERY CHANGE To Recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's' Vegetable Coms pound, for It Helped Her So Much Fredericton, N. B--"I was weak and had some troubles women often have, and usually I was unfit for my work. 1 saw your advertisements and decided to try Lydia B. Pink- Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuraigls Canada has a greater area than the United States, but a population less than New York State. Dyeing and mining are Britain's cers of the organization, and as con- " : oldest industries. 'ou're sixty-seven now if you're a day, | _ With a tidy bit put by, I'll lay, Vention jessengole. You've done your share, and you've Lord. Byng Is now: touting 'Western Canada, and as in Ontario, 1s being ~~ worked full measure ; 3 dort you JOU 168Ye off and (ake your greeted by the familiar Boy Scout smile everywhere he goes. And he is ; y y JB A Other folic do it. Why shouldnt you?" taking ist as keen ani interest In the "Ah, Passen," says Farmer, "and 80 I boys- of the prairies as he did in those eo of the Bast. In each of the Western My pleasure be this, for to work and Provinces he will conduct a training for me-wive and datters class for Scout leaders and will hold > hid pleasure to take know, and some of these parents would resent the insinuation that their children had physical defcts that were being neglected, It is only by educa- tion that this prejudice can be entire- T ly removed, and no parent, once the! Mrs. M. of Walkerton complains of condition is realized, would leave a|severe headaches, with occasional stone unturned to give the young child | sickness of the stomach. She should the best possible chance in life. It is| consult her doctor and dentist, have because they do not know, that par-| her tonsils and teeth carefully ex- ents seem neglectful, and in rural dis. | amined: 'There may be some focul of tricts and on farms there is very little| inflection causing the headaches and opportunity, except through the com-| other symptoms. And Scout camps are not just recrea-' Bssex, England, with a considerable tion camps either. They are training | amount of truth in it: fects go unattended until they develop into serious ailments, and often are iy lected al ther. | conferences with, Scout officers on hep) toge : problems relative to their work. On the way west he met groups of Boy Scouts at Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William and Kenora, and when he re- turns he will meet others at several points in the Temiskaming district, | . The Boy Scouts of Port Huron, Mich., where they have some twelve : troops, have a splendidly equipped "Veamp in Papst Grove on the shore of Lake Huron, three miles south of Lex- np | M@ton. An"fnvitition has been ex- tended by the Port Huron Scouts to camps--places where Scouts not only have the very best possible opportuni- ties to put into practice hosts .of the "When the moon is at the full, Mushrooms you may freely pull; 'When the moon is on the wane, ham's Vegetable. Compound. very much pleased with the result and recommend your Vegetable Come pound whenever I have a chance. the Boy Scouts of Sarnia to spend several days with them at this camp. This 1s another illustration of the #plendid feeling of comradeship fast developing between the Boy Scouts on either side of the America -Canadian border Hne. Another instance was the "Interngtional Scout Rally" held at Fort Erie, Ont, on June 3rd, when Boy Beouts from the city of Buffalo and Erie County, N.Y. spent a whole day 'with Boy Scouts representing various Boout towns and cities in the Niagara Peninsula from Hamilton east. Many of Ontario's Boy Scout Troops are now in camp, and before the sum- mer is over it is expected thet many thousands of the "boys in khaki" will have enjoyed such a summer outing. You may use this letter for the bene- | fit of others."---Mgrs. WaNDLBESS, 360 | Church 8t., Fredericton, N. B. \ Mrs. Wandless, like many, many other women who have found relief by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, is anxious to let other women know of this splendid medicine. So by word of mouth and by letter, one woman to another, its virtues are made known. 'Women suffering from. female ail- ments, indicated by such symptoms as backache, nervous troubles, hot flashes, pain in the side and a gen- eral run-down condition of the whole system, should take Lydia BE. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. For nearly fifty years it has been helping women. Let it help you. Lydia BE. Pinkham's Text-Book upon "Allments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request, Write to Lydia BE. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Wait before you pluck again." WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Ta for her little ones she would i be without them. They aro the ideal home remedy for the baby; being guaranteed to be absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are a gentle but thorough laxative and have been proved of the greatest aid in -cases of constipation, indigestion, colic, colds and simple fevers. Com: cerning them Mrs. Ernest Gagne, Beausejour, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for consti- pation and colic and have found them! _ 80 successful that I would not be with- out them. I.would strongly recom- mend every keep a box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. things they learned in their troop meetings during the long fall, winter and spring months, but also where they learn much about the things of nature at first hand, learn to. live to- gether and cultivate some of the great qualities of healthy, manly citizenship. Mushrooms Grown on Trees. Nature, by cross fertilization, hes produced many freaks and monstrosd- ties, Every now and then we hear of .| some new prank she has played. As a rule, men don't climb trees to gather, mushrooms, though many of the mueh- room's near relatives flourish on grow- ing trees, . These fungi, if not edible, are at least very interesting. Their beauty of structure, rapadity of growth, and brilliancy of color readily. arrest at- However, it might be well to warn mushroom hunters to give these growths on trees a wide berth. The : may be at hand when Nature will eliminate the noxious elements, and fantastic fairy stools will then le as food for man. On retiring rub itching with Cuticura Ointment. morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. This cleanses the scalp of dandruff and promotes hair health. spots of dandruff and Next ph Advice. If. you don't want to be langhed at by others, laugh at yourself. If you don't want to be criticized by others, criticize yourself. If you want others to take your seri- ously, don't take yourself too serious ly. eee es © MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Bxpress Money Ordér. Five three cents. Gertrude had been inquisitive all the 'evening, Her father had answered her questions patiently, but he was becom-| Finally she said:-- do at the office all day, tree," the Japanese have adopted a system of tree culture for these de- The Japanese method of securing a Si ymerrahaniali du iin du UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all