Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Jun 1922, p. 7

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ne for it. Sing] D1 phones that formerly cost $6 a month now $5.25 a month, which entitles ] tel J: The First Company. : Wall Street man was very keen * proficient clerks in his em- ore a clerk could enter his he was required to pass a writ-' Tha telechronometer is a little de- , Vice located close to each telephone and registers the time consumed by the 2 salting party, after "central" has ) mi connection, istration 1s i. imation on his knowledge of stopped the instant ation 1s he Rod replaced on the hook. No infl t one examination'one of the ques-' outside the control of the Sabsiber was, "Who formed the first! can cause registration. © |' certain bright youth was a little'. The largest sailing ship afloat-is a led at this, but was not to be French five-master, La France, a steel red.. He wrote: | barque of 5,633 toms bunden, which 'Noah successfully floated a come 80 sails and a. crew of 5d. Her hile the rest of the world was best fair weather run iz 322 knots in 3 | a 24-hour day, though the has logged as much as 421 knots in a hurricane, Not many steam freighters could bet- _ Ex % ter those figures. a et nto u_jewelle's Su arth Balfomr's fill title 1s furtive air. He haided go +'poir i i ring 'with the stam.' of Balfour and Viscount Traprain : ; i of Wittinghame. Balfour is.a small place in Fife, the original home of the Baifours. Wi e is the Earl of Balfour's Scottish home and place of birth, in East Lothian. : "If a child refuses to eat," says an expert, "do not try to force him; in- stead, dole out the food with apparent reluctance and try to make him be- lieve that he must not eat too: much." The boy and girl club leader who put "earn" into "Jearn" did much 6 further the club movement. Ri Novel Method of Attracting Settlers man's lungs contain two hundred ches of air, sconsin's method of adding to the a wealth of the state fs h y absolute originality, t is better, by unparalleled says an American writer. conisin," and pointing out the use of an inclosed "certificate of inquiry" to be. presented to. any person or firm from whom the prospective settler , ] p might purchase land. This certificate states, not to mention Canada,' is a protection to the land purchaser, immigration is'desired, Wiscon-| and it warns the land salesman that printed pamphlets describing | the Wisconsin Bureau of Immigration fea intends to keep in toweh with the pur- chaser during the whole transaction. Thus isthe immigrant in a large meas- ure from | The result his Jesu that inde the wae, $350 families have located in northern Wisconsin to igration | a | Child - Welfare? oa] for their health during months Who is behind this work of It is the Ontario t, working through the | Maternal and Child Welfare Division | of the Provincial Board of Health. | 2, What is its object? (a) To re- » the death rate among infants and young children in this province. ~(b) To ive advice and Min ol to prospective mothers on how to care the critical order that they may survive the first criti- cal year of life. : j (d) To provide means whereby mothers can have their children weighed and measured for physical ailments or defects. (e) To adviee the parents of a child having physical defects to provide medical treatment for the child, so that the defects may be early cor e to grow up normally, without any . unmecessary handicap in its growth and development. ~ CHILDHOOD AILMENT The allments of childhood--consti- can be quickly banished through the use of Baby's Own Tablets, They are a mild but thorough: laxative which in- stantly regulate the bowels and sweet- en the 'stomach. They are guaranteed be given to the youngest baby with perfect safety. Concerning them Mrs. Alcide . Lepage, Ste. Beatrix," Que. writes: --"Baby's Own Tablets were of great help to my baby. They regu- lated 'her bowels and stomach and made her plump and well." The Tab lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢ a box from The Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. esi com Scandal. If you're the butt of scandal's aim, This thought to you appeals: The poorest fruit is not the game On which wasps gnaw their meals. The vicious word, the ball of snow, They gather as they roll and grow. Throw a handful out upon the street, It's @ mountain when the neighbors méet. en Ps Nurses War Memorial Fund. Canadian nurses from coast to coast are raising funds to erect a monument at the Capital in commemoration of Canadian Nursing Sisters who lost their lives during the Great War. On- 'tario nurses are requested to send their contributions either individually or through their local association to the Provincial Secretary-Treasurer of the Fund, Miss Holland, 410 Sher bourne St. Toronto. ns planting is being actively carried tree. on | t da. In Ortario and 'per care and feeding of infants so rected and thus give the * child 8 pation, indigestion, colic, colds, etc.-- | to contain no hermiful droge and dan' * This is the season of the year when |. 8 'are improving their | thy mén and women to-day if their 'present defects "and health handicaps "had been given medical and nursing attention in early life. These unfor- tunate people have become chronic invalids and are now a burden to the! state. 5 ; | 4. How many children were born {last year in Ontario? 72511. i { 5. How many of these died bef reaching one year.of age? 7,804, or 'more than one hundred out of every thousand births. 5 : {2 6. What is the infant death rate in 'New Zealand, where Child Welfare York has been carried on for about | twenty years? About 45 per 1,000. !. Knowing these - facts, tell your friends and neighbors, Ihterest every- body you know in the great work that is being carried on ih your city and | Community and, if possible, persuade indifferent people to become enthusi- asts. Remember it is a labor of love. It is work that is worthy of every , good citizen. It is the work of the , Master, who said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of the least of these My brethren. ye have done it unto Me." and "Suffer little children , Yo come unto Me and forbid them not, (Jor, of such is the Kingdom of Heaven". 'The Pine Tree and the Star. Inf the vaulted blue a shining star, Brightest of the hosts on high, Sheds its radiance from afar, A rare jewel of the sky. A humble pine tree on earth below Lifts its arms unto that star, Like a giant index it doth show What it worships from afar, 'The pine tree can not the star attain, It stands rooted in the clay; But worship of the orb shall not wane "Till the tree shall pass away. Winds the pine tree's branches toss «and sway, But the gale it still defies And with its giant finger points the . way To its idol in the skies. : My soul looks upward to heights of e, As the pine tree to the star, In dreams I see an immortal name Where Fame's deathless glories are. And does my soul look up all in vain, While my feet cling to the clay? Should T SEOr heights I may not ati And choose & more humble way ? Better that my soul should ever yearn] For heights I shall never know, Than to be content to humbly turn Into ways obscure and low. As the pine points to the star on high It grows ever straight and true; And uplifted ever, so may I. Attain some small glory, too. ) --Hattle. Washburn. ------ Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere | The lighted match and the willl net, We can new Forest fires have made such inroads upon Canada's fi having the : camp fires, matches, and tobacco have robbed the nation of millions of dollare in publie: ti . To leave a burning while in or near ber is a plain invitation to a disaster. cigarette are in the same category. ee een MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mall is by Dominton Express Money Order. ---- een. Two,_ cabins, a heating also warm food, and into which shipwrecked jump, are the main features of & type of lifeboat Helm down, haul taut the gear Our port of happiness is home! --H. C. Chatfleld-Taylor. se iene Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia "Mystery roads" on which motor cars travel more quickly "of their own free will," are now said to be due to the extra profuse vegetation on either side; the plants give off oxygen which helps the motor engines to run ore! freely. sea, STOMACH TROUBLES ARE DUE T0 ACIDITY Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy Relief For Acid Indigestion. So-called stomach troubles, such as indigestion, gas, sourness, stomach- ache and inability to retain food are in probably nine cases 'out of ten, simply evidence that excessive secre- tion of acid is taking placé In the stomach, causing the formation of gas and acid indigestion. Gas distends the stomach and céuses that full, oppressive, burning feeling sometimes known as heartburn, while the acid irritates and inflames the delicate lining of the stomach. The trouble lies entirely in the excess de- velopment or secretion of acid. To stop, or prevent this souring of the food contents of the stomach and to neutralize the acid, and make it bland and harmless, a teaspoontul ot Bisurated magnesia, a good and effec- tive corrector of acid stomach, should be taken in a quarter of a glass of hot or cold water after eating or when- ever gas, sournees or acidity is felt. This sweetens the stomach and neu- tralizes the acidity in a few moments and is a perfectly harmless and inex- pensive remedy to use. An antacid, such as Bisurated Mag- nesia, which can be obtained from any druggist in either powder or tablet form, enables the stomach to do its work 'properly without the ald of artificial digestents. Magnesia comes in several forms, so be certain to ask for and take only Bisurmated Magnesia, which is especially prepared for the above purpose. a DOG DISEASES : and How to Feed Mailed Free to Ad. dress by the Author. lover Go. Ine, 13! ont Jath, Street New York, U.S.A, in COARSE SAL LAND'SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J OLIFF TORONTO Those Having Sick Animals MINARD'S on oF par TEEN Good for all throat and chest disedses Distemper, Garget. Sprains, Bruises Colic, ange, Spavins, Running Sores, ete, etc. Should always be in the stable --SOLD EVERYWHERE. TOENOY PERFECT HEALTH Every Woman's Wish-- Read Mrs. Cassady's &xperience Paris, Ontario.--"For five years 1 suffered with pains in my back and from other troubles and was taking the different' medicines that I thought were wd fully. I am now in 0 all my own work. I recommend it to others and give you permission to publish this letter in your little books and in the news Japers as a testimonial,"--Mgs, PD. AssApY, Box 461, Paris, Ontarfo. This medicine which helped Mrs. Cassady so much is worthy of your . fid If you are troubled with such allments as displacements, in- flammation, irregularities, or "other forms of female weakness you should glve it a trial now. i Lydia B. Pinkham's Private Text- Book upon "Ailme Pecul to Women" will be sent to you free upon request. Write to The Lydia B. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass, . book contains valuable infor mation. \spirn' ry : Say "Bayet when you buy. Aspirin. 'WARNING! . "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get-" Accept only an "unbroken package" of Unless you see the name piri," which contains directions and dose ~~ t by fare 22 years and proved safe by

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