Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 4 May 1922, p. 2

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Prank Wi coal "Shorty," Cove on Bay of ¥ dy icoast with his other er his uncle, Captain: . He bh and his chum Lemuel Ring, drink a hand "bottle of rum, whereupon Frank's Inte Sells im the shiry i 'his fath- er's fondness for drink and, how t "Grace: Westhaver" went. dows Sable Tsland with fen of her cre her skipper. This has' the desiret-ef- fect upon Frank. The two boys pilet{ Cia an Italian vessel into: Anchorville to'ment the astonishment of 'Captain Spinney, harbormaster.' Frank finishes school: ttle stoc é with credit to himself and spends the Valhalla is Jeb Wessel---a summer 'as an. apprentice 'to "Long Dutchman. an' rogliar Dick" Jennings. In August Captain sail. Ran from Portland ameh Clark 'offers him a positioh on his cnee. in seventeen hours--hlowih' a fishing "boat and they 'set. oh for £3he on Shick © stow. To a ansaus heap of 1A 08! IN id Fy. ee A 1 Sion : mind--was mm down by. a steamer on! littered 4 ero 'bout two: months 'ago sn' jest) 8nd suits Kha CHAPTER FOUR---(Cont'd.) sue clear g bis vesse) More she oot into ihe, bunks: and. the A "two-funmelled, four-masbed on' him. They were days and | slclar BS liner glided majestically past. Shorty | nights Sn th' doriies afore they wate) SIS, could gee the uniformed officess on her | picked wp. TH k han with th' bridge 'and the white-haived master' 20% wire in his cars isa Portygee-- ted with pacing the starboard wing. A tug Manuel De Oust. gout Georges Bub. lanyard -- 7 ws traf i ini ermian--- vi 4 Frank," huge bulk 9g i thread. He Ghangely| Tet man And So ons Cr brings. downy ¥ and the long promenads deck was! The time passed quickly---so quick-| 2% e yer cl y thronged with passengers, a | ly thet Shorty flit Jat Io Jseve mw. biti A te, yeid "De "What a monster!" ejaculated Boston for sucester. 4 uc ' on : wes | 'Shorty 'almost breathlessly. "I reckon! tamoe he followed his uncle 16 the hold fav, Start Dight In 44 dob she must be th'. biggest vessel afloat." | etation, and there entrained for: the} rod ; 1 tha me : ie Uncle Jerry laughed... "Not by a!famous Massachisetts fishing port. It Mi € EE he : boy ---- long way, Frankie. That's hundreds was dark when they artived, and tired J! Fr hind Se tind i hat o' bigger ships than her. Wait till oyt with the 'events of the day, the | 2 he. a feral rd etopmast Darien. out op on Grund Batik o off Sable hay res soon Jest helony 'between Bet b es 5: of he ha sland. ell see them New York sheets of the hotel A . : a . green packets 'a-flytn' past at twenty knots), Next morning he. breakfasted in. 2% is Sorafble Aleft--and, ix his an' as big as two o' them put t'getlier, company with a coliarlioss, bewhisker: | JeITY, ok ne it i balliasd streak, or run, an', sonny, yell pray hard ye don't|ed crowd of vessel masters, who talk- bi Bo Sh oa 4 nd it by whether: get' anywheres 'near, them in thick! ed fish and discussed: the merits of Wil more tear a tied: : : weather. 1 like t' seé them. ig a dock every vessel in the. port; who prop- wi IW, Was fein Frank : begt, an' not when welre on thihesied the outcome. of the season, |W} bo pio tities fon, I Fees Coanin' thagagh oh 5 o ROU-Top | Seay ate ao erg MEL 0 | en "Beards, and other nnens teaxn' Through it-at.a hell-for- | ¢ AYE p evs Dui % TERRES SE pt leather clip. Look at th' forts, Frank. | The pi-k of Gloucester' fisting skip: Br Poming an fora, great ¢ See th' guns astickin' out? 'Thar {pers 2 Jsembled: anound that | TOREN as = Eth oy Deer Tslani-= itl o prison, + Gréat, board, uty felt honored when- arter and waist of a fat = Ea rl here. Thurs ovet ¢ Onig 2 hese great men deigned | i) I Bnd Bug Lig t be long now a resi hi Bs § we step ashore. Go' git yer dunnage,| "Had enough: to: eat; Frank?" Frank--th'; 'customs'll be: overhaulin' queried is tnele, x orty" ed. Lhe They same alongside fhe wharf at] wh then, we'll git down abroad.) en Inst, and Shonty end his uncle: were | Goo me ths morning, an' sk cal'late | 7 ot Dotter A yer kit goon." il balk ta. Long: as only painting cross-examined by. am Soffivlal, 'who [th ang. ia 'most all here. Go git yer HAA d; arid blushed: conseibusly = 1-Mina od them with a laugh and a joke. bag an' we'll hev th' porter ¢arry ou're 'most a United States citizen, down' for: ug", o% - : Cap'en Clark" he said, loo And" leaving the hotel, they bore] " "Most, but not quite," repliedithe up for the waterfront. . There were other, "We Nova. Scotinns seém't' be many vessels in port, and avound their in every countwy. but our own" decks sat the gangs nigging gear. | The "immigration officer laughed. | Here and there were vessels being "That's true, Can," he returned. ("My overhauled, and the taptap of: canlk- ol' dad was proper Blucnose himself. ing mallets echoed: among the alleys Your son, Cap?" He indicated Frank of fish sheds. Everybody: seemed busy. with his peneil. Here was 4 man painting dories, there "Nol"my nevvy." another: was making trawl tabs, "Aha! lickin' amother - young ¢éub! abrotd the vessels the vamious gangs rr Ti fate inter shupe. Waal, waal, I dunno what were" working with trawl-splicer'. or " Telephons Manners, x a Glo'sber "od do for. fishermen 'ef you hdokiset rigging new, gear or' 'over. |' "Th ; 5 tain: OR of svt Nova Scotiamen. didn't. come traveilin' havling old, and the wharves seemed ore, ars cers Pointy : or over. Good diy, Cap, an' good luck t' to. hum 'with life. Stacks of salt: fish day telaphins eequebie: tat may fit-p ye" © And the officer turned away, were wheeled in and out of the sheds,| tingly be Spoken of, for breaches inj while the cusbom's inspector cante for-! an * Italian' bavque was *discharging| it are made daily. Vety ohmoxious. isl: ward. "No diamonds in-yer dunnage, | Trapani salt 'hylmeénns of a tub and [the telephoner "who, after assuring Cap?" he enquired jokingly. | mainyard tor le; ia three-masted 'himself that he has the right. party;! Unele Jerry smiled. "Waal 'now, I schooner was Toadifig- salt cod for the | {ive on your guessing who he is. don't know. but what they might be. West Indies--everything was fish OT fr is' have the choice of cithor enter: 1 was thinkin' of decoratin' my ves-!in: connection with fish. Glotcester's| = fimto Hi id hentton: sels figure-head with « few joomls, wealth lay in ihe shoal waters of the| ine into his game a oning : / an' I'd take a look aroun' ef I was! oben Atlantic, as also mamy of her|Variety of names, or of flatly refus-| WH you." SONS. 4 dng to have it. continued as a mer The "inspector made a eabalishiz|. Captain-Clark pointed to a schooner | of my na Fats mark upon the bags and" passed' om, which lay at' the. end ofa wharf while a teamstér hustled them on. to "That's Kastalia, Frank," he his waggon, When the inspection was | proudly. "How's she look to you?' over uncle and riephew passed out toi. Shorty répanded the v with the city, | oonicealied admii and "A higger place than Anchorville," his approval 4%, r remarked Captain Clark as they stvol- | Uncle!' A reg'lar yacht led=attorinid, "See th' buildings, Frank! | © "Aye, Frankie," assented ith Bome height, dh? An' thet Flevated "an' she's jest 8s good as she an' Al "leetric cars," Ye never' saw We put a lot o' money into, that ves- | hand; c 0 th' Jike o! them afiore." Ha sel--wixteen thousand dollars lea "Mise" unless' you are SAE. Shorty never had, and he was ims|t' build-~but she's on& oth domparative stranger. | 8 pressed with the immensity of it all. fishermen that ever left ith 2 There. MANY pi is who. don't | 9B What sights his unaccustomed eyes ian Essex yard. Burgess d i : IY Persons Who Cont had feasted upon that day! The bust: an' he never: made. OW; Hig: " ks ling crowds, the whirling Elevated, !pick in his life. She's the buildings and stores with their | evéry plank of her wonderful wares, -Mingled in his brain were memofies of the gold-domesd | State House, the Common; and' the!is thronged alleys of - commence down! around Washington, State,. and LH He Ltd i 3 {

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