the of British Si A modal nus been presented b Bri wor tor Lion : Germ camer : 'sailors in February, 1914. ities to the. S LONG, THICK INARD'S WINE OF PAIN" A | RHE 'Lumbago, Neuralgia, or any other pain, Sool Snare Liniment to the aching pot and get quick relief, Minard"s is the. re ur grandmother used. 5 herd is AOthIng to equal it. meds ' FOR SALE EVERYWHERE, : Doubly Significant. ! Small boys often ask embarrassing questions. A preacher was addressing a! the Sunday School, and explaining the [and strengthens them. Th AND ABUNDANT and sick I could hardly' i 3 smell Lot food cooking. My Conon : seemed to got worse constantly'anfl wortled ail the time. TER > . Well, the first thing Tanlac did for me was to give ine & splendid appetites Then all my troubles gradually dise peared, my nerves. got better could enjoy. @ good night's sleep. | dy whole system is now fn excellent. ¢ dition ;and I'm enjoying the best of '| health. Tanlac is certainly a wond weeks u new hair. at a, FF Wi over the scalp. "Dander- * is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. Rp right to the roots, invigorates r is delights, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, "does a bride desire to be clothed in |f and 1 white at her marrage?" As no one answered, he went on, "Because white stands for joy, and the wedding day 10 the most joyous occasion in a wo- man's life." 3 y mediately a little fellow piped up: "Please, sir, why do the mea all w ear back?" Suetremmtlhedortninim Mother, Quick! Give California Fig Syrup For Child's Bowels Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Pig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of re| cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fafl to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly -it works -all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and waste from. the tender, little bowels ' and gives yout a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep*"California Fig Syrup" handy, They know a tea- nful to-day saves a sick child to- morrow, Ask your druggist for genu- {ne 4California Fig Syrup" which has 'divactions for-babies and 'children of |' all ages printed on bottle. Mother! = You must say "California" or you may 'get an imitation fig syrup. a Mn <- Cold Weather Starting. During cold weather the battery fallg off in efliciency, and the car own: er .can help hie battery considerably by turning over the engine a few times with the starting crank, before throw- 4ng the starting major inbo operation. |The cranking by hand serves to break solidified oil around the pistons. atc MONEY. ORDERS. - When ordering goods by mail send inion Express Money Order. Until recently blubber and whale- bone were regarded as the only things worth obtaining from the whale; but now we get another important product from the sea monster's great carcase. 1t hes been found that whaleskin when |, tanned 'makes excellent Teather; and & .great whale tannery has been started at Puget Sound, The most important thing about the whale is that thé whole of his skin is good. The skins of cows, horges, and other land animals furnish a compare- {tively small quantity of leather for ; e back parts ere of the right 'aded hair to grow long, thick, hea ¥ 8 vy i ls FOR' HAIR AND" SKIN For Tomoting and maintain: ing uy of skin' and hair Cuticura ap and Ointment are unexcelled.' Cuti¢ura Tal- cum-is an ideal powder, re- freshing and cooling to most delicate skins. Soap28c. Ointment 25 and 50¢. Toleun 25¢. 'Sold throughout the Dominion, Canadian Depot: Moutreal. atleara Soap shaves wiihoos mus: COARSE SALT LANDYSALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS 0. J. CLIFF Lo. TORONTO ful medicine." \ * Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. 3 : --Advie Ambassadors represent Great: Brit tain in twenty-seven foreign countri Minard"s Liniment for Garget in Cowan Consider the pin-_its head keaps' IF from going too far. i 4 WOMAN TOO WEAK TO WALK Now Works Nine Hours a Day. + Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Strength Union Village, Vt.-- 'I was weak and. run-down. I could not aper and after tak- i one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham! t was doing me and I took seven more in nine hours a day in a steam laundry. cannot say too much in favor of your medicine. I trust all sick and suffering women will take it. Ithasbgen two y since I took it and I am strong and well. -+ ~Mrs. L. A. GUIMANN, Ul Village, Vermont, This is only one of such letters wa are gontinually, Rublishing showing - what Lydia E. Pinkham has done for women, and whether you work or not Mrs. Gumann's letter should interest you. Many women getinto a weak; nervous run down condition because of ailments they often have. Such women should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound at the first sign of ouble. god @ necessary an gplendi medicine will help you to keep it. For Constipated Bowels-- Bilious Liver The nicest = catharticlaxative to | to-night will empty your bowels com- physic your bowels when you have Headache Billousness Colds Indigestion Dizziness ,Bour Stomach 1s candy-like Cascarets. One or two pletely by morning and you. wi! feel splendid. "They work while ' you pleep." Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oll, and they cost only ten cents a box.. Children love, Cascarets: too. ---- Sprite sa p-------- rr pa ' o .