Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 26 Jan 1922, p. 5

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week only. a ) areatuion 'this ose ont hree dozen of men's fine ge 'wool cashmere hose. his isa special line that we are offering for this 'The price of these hose have been from Toe to el %s. Sizes 10 to 11. Sale price "490 | Mens . "Work Sox 29c 1 pair. . These a are 8 dark yam, : Sizes 1 and Al 2 Spring Butterick 35c¢ HARNESS SHOP. in Blong Bloc 3 'We have in stock Whips = +. Curry Combs Brushes - Horse Collars » Sweat Pads Lap Rugs "Club Bags Trunks Suit Cases Repairing a specialty. W. E. HARRISON Port Perry; Ont. "Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169r2 . Port Perry * PORT PERRY : RESTAURANT (Diesfeld Block) 3 Meals at all hours Home: made Cooking 7 for Sale _ £t Drinks, Cigars, Nobactos. Soft lee Cream and Oysters in season a Evenings, Ne 'sox made from union "A imited number only. Per pair 9% "JOHN BELDON LUNDY ' : LDS. DDS. ». DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. geons and University of Torento. Officé hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings y appointment. Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence ring3 Office over Morrison' s Drug Store George Collins Real Estate Agent FARMS FOR SALE Good properties. 'Terms to : suit purchaser. 1 sizes of farms, houses and lots, ete: for sale. . Port Perry, Ont Welding Done. agnetoes re-Charged xy=Ac 'Welding Are the Magnets on your Mag neto weak; if so have them re- ~ | charged by Bert Fralick. at Beare's garage. Oxy-Asgtylene yoding dorie. i "MURRAY " DENTIST N Office above Archer' s Hardware ours, 9am. to 6 pm. Phone 93 ers and that is 'the best." orange, Pal red, and plain white. | this week a in in ears This is Penman's med- 'about 70 2 Ser Men's Pullover Sweaters We carry only one line of men's "cent. wool. price $1.39 pullover sweat- They are Warren's manufacture and are guaranteed Yall wool. We "have them in combinations of black and orange grey and cardinal, maroon and myrtle, purple an Sizes 34 to 42. < Price $4.50 i Warren's Pure Wool Sweater Coats « There is just seven of these sweater coats left. They are a heavy-all wool, elastic knit, ribbed - sweaters. They come in pretty combination colors Khaki.and Garnet Brown and Copper, Black. and Purple, Grey and: Royal Blue. Sizes 36 to 42. » EF. W, . | white ash and hemlock, : ] Reavy ee loam, 9 miles from Oshawa. Regal price $. 50 MR. FARMER! . Why send your cream to city creameries when your home creamery can pay you more money. We pay every week this year, Give us a trial and be convineed, hi Goode, Proprietor w, L _ SANGSTER * DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over L. G. Hall's PORT PERRY ONTARIO Sale price $7. 45 FcINTYRE SEBERT HOUSE A. E. Rogerson, Prop. GOOD MODERN SERVICE You can recommend the Sebert House to your friends. We know we can please you in hotel accom- modation. 7" See Geo, R. Davey about INSURANCE 247 acres adjoining Port Perry, dot 17 con 7, Reach, two. sets buildings, 7 roomed brick house, stone cellar, barn 70x33, hip roof, stone foundation, running water, No 2 barn 70x30, horse barn 40x24, frame house, 25 acres timber, Kod grain and stock farm. Possession arranged. 100 acres, lot 10, con 11, Reach, 11] roomed brick: house, stone foundation, in good repair, barn 100 x 45, stone wall, cement floors, water in stables, 'separate drive house, her house, piggery, stabling for 9 horses and 30 cattle, 22 acres of orchard mostly fall and winter fruit, fences are good, 75 acres under cultivation, 1% miles to school, | mile to church, 12 acres hard woed bush. This farm is well situ- ated and is reasonably priced. ch, basswood illing timber 23 acres timber, maple: ihixe a ser. have 5 years to remove timber. |} 464 acres, lot 13, on 8, Whitby, in the village of. mn, 8 roomed frame house, rd and soft water, barn 56 x house, hen house, (150 actos Pasture Land fwo: miles noth 5 of Port et Ponty rabout: 12 acres of timber-- W. J. COOK, REAL ESTATE = "RR. 2 Port Perry 25 acres, Whitby Township 30 rods from Dagmar Station, 13 adres timber, ka'- affte pasture, gravel' pit on property, wire and rail fence 67 acres, about 4 miles Uxbridge, clay loam, all workable, 8 roomed frame house stone cellar; hard-and soft-water,-barn50-x 60, stone stable, hen house, piggeryl and sheep pen, implement houss and garage, small orchard, easy terms. 160 acres lot 1, con Y, east Whitby, clay loam, Provined frame house, stone found- ation, water piped to house and barn from epring by gasoline engine, large frame barn stene stabling, piggery, hen housé, garage 5 acres in Prince Albert, 8 roomed solid brick house, in good cendition, on stone foundation, hard and soft water, one acre orchard, Buselent garden soil, drive house, wood shed, One of the best situate pro) ries that can bought. Moderately priced. 1% acres, Reach. 2Y; miles from G.T.R lation i) achcsl and sate, ela oa: rtly rolling, acres under cult agen 3 acres standing timber, soft woot sture, 7 roomed brick-clac 5 ou Wp water and later at house; 48 x 80 and 32 x 48, good stables cement stabling for 35 cattle, 5 box stall, separate drive houte ERS aos ing is 'in' first-class sha sale. % I 20° per cent Reduction i in Clothing Do not forget that we are reducin and boys' suit and overcoat 209% of. for this month. every man's We have four or five overcoats in brown and grey materials, made in the half and full belted style $20.00 ; Sizes 33-35. Re a Sale price $16. 8 Men's heavy Mackinaw Coats in nice a of brown and blue, brown with red overchecks. Sizes 36 to 32. $13.00 quality for $10.40. $12.00 quality for $9.60 We are also offering a few real bargaips in the men's heavy winter overcoats. The patterns con- sist of a good range of grey, brown and heather mixtures.of good weight blanket cloth, modelled half-belted, full-belted and loose fitting styles. Sizes 35 to 42. Prices: $32.00 quality for $25.50. $30.00 quality for $24.00. $25.00 quality for $20.00 We have a nice assorted stock of men's suits 'in all"wool navy serge, worsteds and tweeds. With the 207 reduction off these suits the prices start at $12.00 and'run up te $30.00. the selling * youths heavy winter | NT TR TE BE TO Everybody knows that in Canada there are more Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rhet= matism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe them, most druggists sell them. Write for free trial to Templeton, Toronta, Sold by P. G. Morrison alien NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Arthur Leslie Smith, of the Town- ship of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, Farmer, will apply to'the Parliament of Canada at the next session" thereof, for a bill of divorce from his wife, Estella M. Smith, of the Township of East Whithy, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, on the ground of refusal to procreate or consummate the marriags my Dated at Toronto, in the Province of | Ontario, the 23rd day of De ee ~mber, 1921. ARTHUR L. SMIT] By Coatsworth & I von His Solicitors. [51 February Delincator 25¢ LEONARD EAR OIL RELIEVES DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES. Simply Rub it Back of the Ears and Insert in Nostrils. Proof of sue- cess will be given hy the druggist. MADE IN CANADA L. i. BEDLINGTON CO, Sales Agents, Toronto A. 0. LEONARD, Inc., Mfrs. , 70 5th Ave., N.Y. City "You cannot afford to be deafl"' For sale in Port Perry Ly P. G. MORRISON RAE TERE |The Siar does all Kinds of commercial printing. Fresh Made Every Day Our bread and pastry are fresh made every day from the best of materials. 'They are baked by experts to suit the most critical tastes. In flavor, toothsomeness and nutritive quality they are ideal. Get some to-day and save he worry of baking at home. = H. S. WHITE Baker and Confectioner Port Perry - Achievement! r

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