Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 26 Jan 1922, p. 3

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+ i £2 A ka * at 'Times Made "I certainty ai gli ¥ lac and gaVe'it 4 fair trial, taking it"Pm eating bet: ) | better and feeling hotter: in years," sald Henry Leach, known citizen residing at 766 Pape Ave, Toronto, Ont. a "Bver since I had a spell of grippe some five years ago, I've been heaving attacks of indigestion and other trou- bles that gave me no end of worry. I used to go for days at a time without eating scarcel™anything, and even the sight of food just made me want.to leave the table, Even what little I did eat seemed to do me no good. Nights I often bloated with gas until my heart acted so queerly I dared not try to lie on my left side. Many times I got so dizzy it looked Hke I would surely fall. I had terrible headaches, and dull pains all through my body. I got scarcely any sleep and always felt tired and dull, 2 "At last my wife persuaded me to try Tanlac. I took three bottles be- fore it seemed to help me the least bit, but after that I improved wonder- fully and now I'm a well man, and I mean to say by that I haven't an ache or pain of any kind. I sleep like a log every night, and am always ready for a hearty breakfdkt in the morning and a big day's work. There's certainly nothing like this wonderful medicine Tanke." / to e of each of the ; r's wheels 1s a bar, the other end of which terminates in a stirrup that is always held fast to thé above mentioned worm. Thus the worm, be- ing elastic, controls the elevation or depression of the wheels as the latter pass over irregularities of ground, and at all times keeps the caterpillars feet in contact with the ground with an Where do fairies hide their b k "When snow lies on the hills-- When frost has spoiled their mossy 'beds, "And crystallized their rills? 7 Beneath the mobn they cannot trip: dn circles o'er the plain; - 'draughts of dew they cannot sip lll green leaves come again, equal pressure. aa 5 | The movement of the machine be haps, in small, blue diving-bells, Horde . Ek (They plunge beneath the waves, - | SIS: HIGHS 10 thls elastic wrrunige. | Inhabiting the wreathed shells A MeBt, ah gacy and sitoolli glide, like LL "Phat lie in ooral. caves. that of a real caterpillar. Watch the Perhaps, in red Vesuvius, insect travel and you will.get the idea. Carousals they maintain: I sould Tek Hove in that way if it had ha if a skeleton. eer holy Sitio sities thus, Thus improved, the machine (so the x inventor claims) affords easy ridipg, When they return there will be mirth, | and not being subjected to violent +| = And music in the air, strains and shocks, its length of life is And fairy wings upon the earth, greatly extended. And mischief everywhere, -- me . The maids, to keep the elves aloof, The great Kiel plant in Germany, Will bar the doors in vain; from which came so much of the war No key-hole will be fairy-proof, material, has now taken up more When green leaves come again, peacable pursuits in the manufacture --Thomas Haynes Bayly. | of street cars. These cars are made from the lumbering and rumbling as subsid | The : % 4 Ae reuiset cord-broaking Atlantic liner. _A new 8 more common that differ-| to "the suspended battle-cruisers, em-| trade at the best rates will be created, 'animosities between parties ployed in the propulsion of first-class | and the proposed Lusitanias would Fy remedy is to bring back thé re cannot subsist without Atlantic liners, would revolutionize | Pay. ---- help? - go a | Transatlantic travelling, and open tlie| There is only one passenger liner in MONEY ORDERS. ke tanks, and armored motor cars of all toast Liniment for Ga - to door to a new and trade. prosperous the 'world to-day capable of doing Instead 'of the four battie-crulsers, twenty-five knots -- the Mauretania. r. Middleton will be g ters through this column. Ad re mn Dr Yo : Ts. oF ; imo jail, This is a deplorable case --that of & man who might have been| pher Z to answer questions on Public Health tat dress him a Spadins House, Spadins || young children to-day in this great | Province of Ontario being allowed to increase the physical an! mental Ft- twentieth century "be tackled in a twentieth centary way, tie The best of the others do only twenty- two and a half knots. Among battle cruisers, the Hood and the Renown, in which the Prince of Wales is travel ling, can noteh thirty-two full knots an hour. That doesn® say much for the enterprise of Britain's grémt ship ping companies. ¥ The kind of enterprise needed to- day to help Britain and her shipyards t be exampled from the life of Sir m.. Pearce, the great Clyde ship 'builder of last century. He told the first Lord Inverclyde, chairman of the Cunard Company, that he had the designe of two ships which were designed to cross the Atlantic in about five days, and if the Cunard | didn't take them, he would build the boats himself. and run them against his company, i: PRT Sr ae Lord Inverclyde demurred, and tried to haggle for one ship; but in the end the indomitable Sir Wm. Pearce got his way, and the orders for the two boats were placed. This same enterprising gentleman, during a period of dullness' in ship- building, built two grand steamers, the Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales, for the Isle of Man service. With two Manchester gentlemen be- hind him, these ships were run in com. petition against the boats of the exist- ing company. . They proved so much faster that | bills: were posted in Douglas every day, intimating that the Queen Vic- is toria or Prince of Wales would leave one hour after the regular steamer of the opposition company, and be in ~{ Liverpool before her. = grow up in just the same haphazard of plate glass windows in Parry Sound so that he might be sent tu jail. To combat infantile mortality and "problem and must Last year there were 74,811 babies 'This feat was actually performed day after day, a new record being set up for the seventy-five miles' journey 'in two hours fifty-eight minutes, "What Has Been Done--" '| The result was that the people tra- velling to and from the Isle of Man {the handfule on board the opposition | being boat as they led the way into the Mer- * In the end, these boats proved so ex- ce y popular that the local com- | pany was compelled to buy them out, | - -| and, like Charley's aunt, they are run- . {ning still, and earning geod money for the company. .. pi the Lusitanias, then! i L 'records by a day and a half. Restore all 'the old 'enthusiasm of Atlantic trave Break | - The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. [EEE WY Little Happinesses. When Ibsen makes one of his char acters exclaim of the burning of her house, "It was the loss of the dolls that mattered," he touch hard facts of "Cascarets" if Sick Bilious, Headachy From the Boweéls Get a 10-cent box now. You men and women who can't get feeling right--who have headache, coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bili- ous, nervous and upset, hothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have a bad cold. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or mere- ly forcing a passageway every few days. with salts, cathartic pills or cas- tor ofl?' Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse the stomach of sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from liver and carry out ofthe system all the constipated in the bowels. A Cascareét physic to-night will straighten you out by morning. PNEUMONIA and other Lung Di pr Fla Jor has colic, kinds. Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Advt Mother! Clean # Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child 18 listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, glve a teaspoonful to 41 plays £4 spoonful to-day saves a sick child to pange the liver and bowels. In a "\ Hours you can see for yourself 'thoroughly it works all the consti- on poison, sour bile and waste out | g' bowels, and you have a well, Wl child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has di- | rections for babies and children of all! A Californian bank has installed a device which it is believed will protect its vault from safebreakers. Huge bottles of mustard gas have been placed inside the heavy steel door, and so arranged that the slightest jar will break them, allowing the deadly con tents to escape. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. The longer you gaze on an obstacle the bigger it becomes. Classified Advertisements. BELTING FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF NEW AND USED belting. pulleys, saws, cable, hose, packing, etc., hipped subject to apiroval at lowesy in Canada, YORK BELTING CO. 116 YORK, STREET, TORONTO. ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. CUTICURA In terrible rash on face which made skin sore and inflamed. Irritated faceby scratching and was disfigured. Could not sleep well and made feel )! 'Trouble lasted 3 months Claims many Victims in. Canada and , should be guarded against MINARD'S LINIMENT is a preventative, being one of the 5 remedies used. Stinard's Liniment has relieved thousands cases of Grippe, B: is, Sore Throat, Asthma and kindred diseases. It is an enemy to germs. Thousands of bottles every day. For sale by and gen dealers, Co, Ltd. N.8, . all Minara' 's__ Linimen: Yarmouth, before used Cuticura and after using 2 cakes of Soap and 1 box of Oint- ment was completely healed. From signed statement of Miss Gladys Neabel, R.R.3, Brussels, Ont. Cutictrd Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. Soap nt 28 and 5O0c. Sold Bo heat the inion. Canadian Depot: Lacs, Limited, St Baul St., shaves without mug. you see the name. Say "Bayer. me "Bayer". on: Aspirin at all. Why take chances y an Jnbroken pas ections and dose worked out by when you buy "Aspirin. 2d tablets; you are oR of "BayerTablets of afe by miltions for COARSE SALT LANDYSALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS 0. J. CLIFF TORONTO DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out: Thickens, Beautifies. 36-cents buys a bottle of "Danderine" at-any drug store. After one applica tion you can not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new. life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. America's Ploneer Dog Memedties Book on and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ade Es the Author. lag

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