Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 19 Jan 1922, p. 4

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W Ln Sheet pr All come. ¥ Cami McLean, free" Company, t and ar wo } their brother, My J Wi McLean, last week : 2 EB B. Walker and Mr, Weir attended the araae Fa of the Canadian Bank Commerce; and the let The en by the General Man Presbyterian Church A representative of Thel¥ World Brotherhood Federation, Mr. H. Laverty, will in St. John's Presbyterian Church next Sabbath morning the 22nd inst. - David Lloyd George, says of it: *] know 0 na support thet mors the Brot fin Se o New Beta It will enable us to build up § New ain as a movement to our fallen Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hartry wish to express their heartfelt appreciation of the kindness of their friends and neighbours at the time of their recent bereave- ment. Ashburn The annual meeting of the congregation was held on Thars-|* day p. m. on January 18, with Rev. A. McD Haig as chairman. We are to have on our man- ers § roll for this year a number {Messrs Shel win Hicks ks and Anderson. Mr. Hicks was elected secretary Fred the egation in place. of Mr. Allan Walker who has moved to Whitby. Mr. Wm A. Hern was appointed secy-treasurer of mis- sions. Miss Girven was elected organist. Mr. Walter Kerr was appointed leader of the choir. Mrs. Edward Ashton visited her daughter Mrs. Rogers, of Brooklin last week. We are sorry to report that Miss Iva Varcoe is quite ill also Mr. Everett, Mrs. Pilkey's f ther and Mr. John Lynde, and we sincerely hope they may soon be restored to good health, A number of good neighbors assisted ata bee on Saturday afternoon taking down a barn for Mr. Frank Lynde, on the property of Mr. John Miller west of Ashburn. Miss. Elsie West was home aver Sunday. -- Two Fox Hounds Lost Two fox hounds lost én Tues- the other is black with some tan ; £1 1a . If located return to > bert Harran, Caesarea, or Heh 116 a and receive the re-| ward of $10.00 "The following are the names gf those standin for office in i552 © DE he Phe so before Monday, Dutield, Mr , Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Bent- 1st VR Mrs. Nasmith, Mrs. Roel VR. Mrs. Brock, Mrs. Nasmith ; 3 ar A "Mrs. Butt, Mrs. 4. X fia Moon. lar held at the home of Swan on eid ps os Jannry y ed to be.pr , ten coat tea Sa aril be served. ome ode 2 Cooking w On Saturday, afternoon, Jan- luary 28, there will be a sale of home- made cooking in the base- ment of the Methodist church. p.m., at which a charge of 25c. will be made. * LE -- FOUND Watch found in Port Perry, apply at the Star Office. Cows For Sale Four Cows, one freshened a week, the othe due soon, 'good dairy cows, call and see them at lot 10, con 10, Reach, one mile west of Greenbank. ; D. E. Ianson Manchester Mr. Grant Christie with Mr Duff and Sons shipped from My- tle station their stock to the fair at Ottawa on Friday last. Miss Eva Johnson who was vi- siting with her parents Mr and Mrs John Johnson for a time has returned to Oshawa. Mr Thomas Beare of Port Perry has completed the water works in Mr Grant Christie' s residence A number from 'here took i the Box Social held in Prince Al bert on Friday evening and re- port of having a good time. The many friends Mrs Roan tree (nee) Eliza Belknap are sorry to hear of her serious illness. Sy- mpathy is given for Mr Roantree in'his trouble as he is well kno-|P wn in this vieinity. Mr H. Dobson has returned home from Oakwood where he has been visiting friends. Seagrave < (late for last week) Miss Helen Hawkin is spend- ing a few days in Toronto. Mr. Ralph Reynolds has re- turned from the West. Mr. N. Mitchell is improving in health, Mrs. J Tanner is able to be out again after her illness, It Jooks like a basket socig] and concert at Seagrave soon. The following officers were elected at the Sunday School meeting Supt.--Mr. S. Reynolds Assistant--Mr. E Butt Missionary Supt-- Mr. N Woon Temperance Supt--Mr. R Scott Treasurer-- Mr. W Rogers Secretary--Mr. Mel. Sleep Assist Sec'y--Mr. R Moon Teachers--Mr. W rs, Mrs. H eson, Miss M tham, Orchard, Mrs. W Rogers, Mrs. Sornber- Convenior of music, Miss ist, Miss 0 rs, Miss G_ Wilkinson, Miss : 3 nner and Miss Alma Frise. Come to Seagrave on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday_nights | ty and enjoy a good skate. Sonya The parts 'and annual meet- | ON A es. fold e on noon. Not HY did the class i All members are Tea will be served from 4 to7|¢ an El % Hon. Mr Bi o and to the Toronto pers To Bo publication. - i ; 810 nia Jobb to 12 Reg to 5 i [3 iro le 17. Sal ferred to Ci Clerk to investigate. Children's Hospita Hospital, were donation. Messrs W Swain and R Nes. bitt were appointed auditors; 8 Jeffrer member of local B of H and Dr. iy Sanitary Inspect- or. Clerk was instructed to com- municate with Mr. Geo. Coulton re gate in Mr Osler's farm. Accounts Passed Vancamp Bros, oil : Election expense, boo th asking xa REE. 1] 2 " " LL 3 4 ht aD Minicioal World, poll books Insurance on Te buildings Dr. McArthur, M. H. O Municipal World, 8 a J Wright, work on park Dr. Archer, gisenfecking E. Smith's house 8 W A Vancamp, S Jeffrey, Wm k, services of Health, each $8.00 By-law appointing assessor wil be introduced at the adjourned meeting of the Council on Jan- uary 21st at 8 p.m. . SEE . Town Council An adjourned meeting of the Town Council was held on Thurs day evening last, All members present. Dr. D. Archer was, appointed Medical Health Officer, and Wm, Nesbitt Sanitary Inspector. On recommendation of Messrs Figary and Real, a chartered ac- a SW. Baxter of oronto) has n en to books of make an audit of the 1921. SRR, seconded by P. Figary, That this Council much regret the decision of the Department of Public Works of the Ontario Govern- ment in selecting the longer and much more difficuit route through this county for the constriction of Provincial' Highway from the Town of Whitby in the 'County of Ontario, to the Town of Lind- say in the County of Victoria, thus: necessitating a much in- creasad, expenditure that can- not be justified besides increas- ing the distance many miles; and this council is further of the opinion that no Government other than the one in question would countance so wasteful an expenditure of Joblie money by selecting "the longer and more difficult route and thus increas- ing unnecessarily the between the two the Jinace tracking and diverting trade from oe Bont povcibiace 30d market). ike Po a is Coun deems. it an duty to re- cord to condemnation of so ex- oF able and unjustifiable waste money and the Council n of Port Perry he repudiates the payment of i incurred in the n-or maintenance of said Provincial Highway; and olution be | nications from ick Mi Bais 1t was moved by Wm. Real, : a POTRAGT a ", Suite 104, Vicia Stes. Toons Car for Hire - Local "and long distance fr 'Promptscrvice with gargful driving, A. Parrinder Phone 172 Resturant, Port perry = W. I. Cook - Real Estate A large list of farms for sale in Ontario County. Soule: city property for exchange or sale, also Western land. My list includes some rare bargains. ey 1 - 4 sod Snasealed: 'class in ein all Degariinsnie id obtain employ- Redden is Ministed any 'time. Write for our handsome catalogue. W.J. cE BASH Scugog Council The first meeting of the new Council was held on January 9th with Reeve Geo Sweetman and|- Councillors*J C. Crozier, J Al- dred, C Hood and F Dowson in their places. On motion J Crozier $7.00 was ordered paid to L Smith, for work on road. Mr. Amasa Sweetman was ap- pointed assessor at a salary of The following pathmasters and fence-viewers were appointed: No 1--L Smith, No 2--E Hance, No 8--C Samells, 'No 5---Rebt Jackson, No 6--Wm Dawson, No 7--S Ploughman, No 8--D Hope, No 9--Geo Jackson, No 10--A Leighton, No. 11-0 Williams, NS ke 'N 1 oun rs--No 1, 1 Rod- man; No 2 3 Samells; No, Wm| Mr Geo Jadkeot as - ol So Juan was oui - Messrs R. D. Panhani and 1. were =prointed eetman, caretaker Wiite or phone me before{ buying. Communicate with W J Cook, { R.R, No 2, Port Perry, or Bell Phone A 10722, » Indevendilt Phone 408 Jef! 5 ah Fraliok was Ps of al J ote Fh _ i Eo cules = -- with the Cold 7 this winter when you can. have a { Methodist Church Anniversary AND | Thank Offering ON + 'Sunday, Jan'y 29 & 1: _ Rev. Dr. Fallis -of Toronto will preach at 11 and 7 p.m Special Music - You ARE INVITED Cor or Hox for Hi 5.10 p. m, train C. CIE ALD he per facilities Shing all coal SH SR ERE

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