and from the, back. of his month was Januar Ys hut enezuela; is stifling hot .noonday" sun was beat- es?' a the awning of the menade deck and gazed disconso- ely olit over the city, with 'its stone houses, its red-tiled ncofs that seemed only to accentuate the heat and its nagrow, dirty' streets. Not a living creature was visible, and the adjacent docks were laden with sacks of coffee ang piles of skins. that: were to he loaded after the miscellaneous cargd aboardchad been discharged. Of médivm: beight, well built, blond, blue-eyed and twenty-one, Bob was the new type of officer turned out by the U. 8. navy to carry the American troops across. After the armistice, he had, like many of his kind; obtained his release from active duty and had gone into the new American merchant marine, He frowned as he thought of the 'long, dreary houts he must spend at hig station in No. 2 hold, superintend- nz the unloading. The hold would be as hot as a furnace. Not a breath of wind would be stirring, and the air would be full of dust and dirt. "Sir, the captain, he wish speak to you." Bob turned in the diréction of the voice and saw a small, brown figure dressed in white; it was the captain's fensiv smile. |. i Yes, we The Venezuelan nodded and with a polite word went over to the gang of waiting men and assigned two of them to operate the steam winches, whi hoist the cargo out of the holds and, 3 3 swing it ashore, {Not all the stately marbles . Soon the air vibrated with the chug-' That grace the Minister's wall: ging of the engines, the shrill whistles Bear names of England's' glory, e negro foremen as they signaled, + Not kings and sages, all. for a while. =~ '(To be of th to their winchmen, and with the' dg : eg Ui ter of the stevedotes as they loaded Hard by the Poet's Corner the miscellaneous cargo into the cargo' Four words 1 found, and smiled, nets. Reels of barbed wire for, the -The deathless message musing, inland" ranches, pieces of machinery, ' "Jane Lister--Deere childe" for the mills, cases of bottles for the' : liquors of the country, bales of cloth Fair head, above her sampler, : that would later adorn the Venzuelan Two hundred years ago, belles, all disappeared aver the side,' So sweet--dear, gentle 'daughter-- and a negro checked them off his Hist. |. To the hearts that loved her sol Bob. watched until the work was well under way and then strode across' So patient in her suffering, to the hatch. He threw his leg over| So quiet in her sléep, the combing of No. 2 hold amd went; Now this, her fragrant memory, down the iron ladder hand over hand| The storied marbles keep, to between decks where the men were working. Here he took a position from { Which he could see' the numbers of { the various bales as the ten loaded She lies with the Immortals, With Milton and the rest, Love's human cry still sounding them into the cargo nets. Above her quiet breast. The work went along until between, decks was all clear. The bale No. 7838 had riot come to light. Work began on the hold itself. Several times Bob "thought he saw the bale for which he "Right worthy to lie near them," 1 softly spoke, and smiled, "Perhaps they knew and loved you, Jane Lister--Deere childe." #: ----Bartlett Brooks, | was seeking but each time it turned out t6 be a number much like it. Per- p db | haps he had missed it and had allowed it to get ashore. "Yes, sir," answered the boy 'and{ On the desk near the hatch the turned atvay. Sa , Venezuelan moved to and from, now the people of "Western Canada show Bob yawned and got up and stretch- | giving an order for the disposal of this; the keenest interest is that of plant- ed himself. for he felt the éffects of load or that, mow looking down the Ing shelter-belts across prairie farms the unusual-heat. He strods over to|hatel to see how the work Was pro-| And: around the homestead buildings the Jadder leading to the bridge, climb- | gressing. As the work began on the and garden, The Dominion Forest ed up it and walked across the hridge i hold itself he walked carefully over to Nursery. Station at Indian Head has $0 the cabin. At the door he stopped ; the hatch and peered into it, then 'been distributing trees, free; for plant and 'knocked. : [walked to the side and, gazing round ing on prairle farms since 1501. «fn "Come in," sounded the deen voice furtively to see that ro one was near, the early years only a few hundred of the eaptain. . | book a bill fold from his inside pocket. thousand trees per annum were dis: He opened the door, removing his, From it he extracted a small shest of tributed, but for the last four or five cap. "You wished to see me, sir?" | paper 'and began to read it. | years it haS-averaged well up to five "Yes; come in and sit down. I have! mess boy. He wondered how he man aged to keep so cool. "Alright; tell him Pll be u rectly." g Prairie Homesteads Comfortable. One of the lines of work in which M At this moment ary rang out from Millions per year and is likely to ex- a wireless that we received when wel the hold. He started up, looked in the ceed that in' the near future, AS it le of cloth, which I find is in No.|Ped the paper and the bill fold into the Cuttings, it is necessary that upplica- Dale of oth, which I n No pocket of Mis trousers. Then he mo. tin be made a Fear in puter bat Bob took the proffered paper and | tioned to the winch operators to sto | this is not a loss of time booause it ena saw that it was from the secret service | their machines and ran to the edge of ables the farmer jo pag e praparly in New York. He read it slowly,| No. 2 hatch. { the geuund i bi ae ae of of "Hold Bale No. 7338 until further| "What ig the matter?" he cried. | thorough cultivation is the secret of orders. : Consigned to Carlos I Co. Weight about three hundred pounds, Under no circumstances let it go ashore." Bob knew that Warren, who had signed the message, was the chief of the New York brench of the secret service. What could it be ? It must be some- thing -intportant since Warren had signed it: himself. Three hundred pounds--that could be almost any kind of bale. - He glanced up quickly i at the face of the captain. "Have you any idea what it is, sir?" The captain smiled. "You are curi- ous, too, eh? No; that is all the in tion T have concerning it. I leave the matter in your hands, and see that it does not go ashore. Let md know 'when you-find- it." That is all 3 dons' | successful tree growing on the prairie; re cked > St him. SO 8 hale, Mr. Norman M. Ross, Superintendent cut it a little, but not serious] H of the Indian Head Forest Nursery y y. Have you got a clean handkerchief? I can|Station, reports an even greater. in: bind the cut up init, and he will be! terest in the subject this season than all right." ? | in previous years. The Venezuelan nodded and took a! Keep Off the Track. handkerchief from the pocket of his | It is stated that a railway train trousers, rolled it into a ball and t0ss-. travelling' at the rate of one hundred: ed it down to hint. ; | miles an hour could not be pulled up "Thanks!" called Bob and turned to in a distance less than two miles. | i the negro, who stood' on one foot, te ! while he held the other in his hands. | Minarg's Liniment Used by Veterinaries: fa £ofg ib il ml to rise and when ligh be found filled with large bu gas, | It. is kneaded again to the excess of gas 2 second time. Tt is k3i i TT A ¢ 1 e ainder evenly [of ot thronghout the dough. Tt is then the excess shaped into loaves and given its final] a; rising in the pan before baking, G In preparing the dough would injure Firion texture! materially. Nev Yr of gus must be 'ginning. the chief thing is teri , one. the seed puniform mixture of the ing were leaving New York, concerning a direction of the cry and hastily slip-| takes a year to grow the lings on 4hat every portion may ; is for its growth. Finally, the dough tearing should be 80 manipulated at this time is very that the gluten is stretched sinse this also work seems to increase its elasticity. 'The| large various ingredients for the loaf are therefore lightly mixed in a bowl undil{- the mass clings together. This dough is then placed on the board and' the outer portion lifted 'and folded over toward the operator, in order to in-|i e. being str corporate air for the growth of the| to form a sort of skin er it, yeast. With 'the paliis of the hands | allowed to rest on the board, i it is then pressed outward of pushed|for about 20 minutes, "Though away from the worker. The result of| geberally practiced by housewives this] than their own these two motions is to stretch. the proced followed. in con ulled *