'Women' Hose gs from pest. als cash 5g iv) arn. They are the Pg : : and s Bless fost, Little eh oct or Little King fine ribbed cashmere Colors, cream, - lack, tan or for children. angle make, fashioned n black. or 'cream. ; Cardinal, Sizes' to 8}. Prices 50c: to 85t _ Double Silk Gloves | - $1.75 Pair = Women's Gloves made from pure thread silk, and WONT double throughout. Solon, Pack, white, brown, fawn, navy, and grey. Chamoisette Gloves woven finish. pos in black, white, v Pair $1.00. Xe have i in stock Nhips ~~ Curry Combs : Bties, Horse Collars ? ~ Sweat Pads - Lap Rugs ~. Club Bags Trunks . Suit Cases pairing. a specialty. HARRISON IOLIN VIO! Perry y welding dine. 5 Pair $1.75 awn, brown, and JOHN TH, LUNDY ! URGEON. Graduate pe oy College of Doan Sur- geons and University of Toronto. Office house? 9 a.m. to.5 p.m. Evenings by appeintment. | Yi Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence Ying? fice over Morrison's Drug Store George Collins Real Estate Agent FARMS FOR SALE Good properties. Terms to suit purchaser, All sizes of ' - farms, houses and lots, ete. Port t Perry, ont Welding. Done. for sale. | |Magnetoes re-Char, Oxy-Acetylene Weld oo Are the Magnets on your Mag neto weak; if so have them re- charged by Bert Fralick at | Beave's garage. Oxy-Acetylene as - REX MURRAY 3 A NTIST rad Otfice above Archer's ie pours. 9am. 19.8 pum with soft suede : NN Y | taught in Public Schools. tha takin Pailette silk, in white or colors, made up Shades. : . Farm for Sale .'W. R. Clemens farm, 154 acres, "|located at Tyrone, Ont., 20 acres orchard, fall plowing done, fall wheat sown. © For terms, apply Bruce Honeywell, 50 Duke St., Toronto. Farm for Sale 100 acres, located in Cart- wright, at Purple Hill. Formerly owned by late William Bruce, price $3,600." Terms arranged. poly Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke 'oronto. Manchester Don't forget the Christmas tree to be held in connection with the Methodist Church here on d | Friday evening, Déc. 23. Pro- gramme will commence at 8 elock. Mr. Fred Masters is visititg with his brother Mr. J. Masters. Miss Belle Thompson. of To- ronto, spent a few days last week at the home of Mrs. well, "Sonya The first debate, of the inter- debating leagne in connection * | with the Yonng Peoples' Societies, was held at alentia on Friday evening _The 8 biosti 'Resolved, That Household Science should vie al- the hegative and Buy a Silk Waist Length Combine the ornamental and useful,and make a giftiof a length of silk, either for a waist or dress. ood weight, 86 in. wide. 'Duchess satin, beautiful soft finish, all shades, 86 in. wide. Georgette and Crepe de Chene Waists, | in - smart -styles richly em- "broidered. Can be had in many dainty All one price, $5.76. FF. Ww. TIcINTYRE | Per yard $2.25. Per yd. $2.75 Wool Mitts for Boys and oe 60c v We are making a clearing price for all wadks 2 len mitts for Boys, Girls, and women. from pure worsted yarn. ~All sizes and colors. Reg. 75¢ and 85c. Price per pair 60c 7 . Gift Suggestions for Men and Boys Boy's 2/1 ribbed Cashmere Stockings * 75¢ Boy's Natural Wool Underwear 75¢ to $1.35 Cuff Links for Boy's. Pair Men"s Suspenders. Pair Men's Enamelled Cuff Links. Men's Cashmere Socks. Pair 50c to $1.00 Men' Black Silk Socks. Pair $1.00 Men's Woolen Mufflers, Each $1.50 to $2.00 Men's Lined Mocha Gloves. Pair $2.00 Men's Neglegie Shirts. "Each $2.00 Men's Silk Neckties. Each = 50c to $1.50 Toe Pair T5¢ SEBERT HOUSE A. E. Rogerson, Prop. GOOD MODERN SERVICE You can recommend the Sebert House to your friends. We know we can please you in hotel accom- modation. MR. FARMER! Why send your cream to city creameries when your home creamery can pay you more money. pay every week this year. Give us a trial and be convinced. Allan Goode, Proprietor = Church of the Ascension SUNDAYS Mornin Pra er, . . 11 a.m Sunday and Bible Class, Bos 3 p.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Holy Communion at 11 a.m. the 1st Sunday of the month. REV. NORMAN H. NOBLE 3 Incumbent : Baker and Confectioner Christmas Number Delineator 25¢ Fuel Prices Domestic Coke--$11.00 per ton Cannel Coal--$12.00 per ton Nut Coal--$16.50 per ton $1.00 less per ton in the bin THE FARMERS" UNION MILLING COMPANY, LD. PORT PERRY . ONTARIO We wish our many customers the compliments of the season H S. WHITE Port Pex