Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Dec 1921, p. 6

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any d As: onger as 2 Fob gr ead SENG d) Ron oop bo his complete. guilt. you: know. CHAPTER XXXVI--(Cont'd.)' rds between France and England at yourself, the cipher letter warning Adeniral Convers paid his usual the beginning of the war. There's no, people in London of the com mornirig visit to the Admiralty, lunch. | particular secret about my position, ing reid, passed through. his hands: olen. . x now. Ive had a very hard fight to Hé even came here to warn you. ver. The ed at his club and returned home that h hard fight to make it'8 Ther, Ea inst him | Witaln the limit evening in a state of suppressed ex-|keep it, a very ha A © were other charges agwinst him © "sq 3 ost" defect : citment. He found his wife and Ger- | useful one. Until last night, at any which could havé been proved up 0. 3. nch and on the same shopping aldine @lone and at once took np his | Tate, it hasn't seemed to me that Eng- the hilt. While we are on this subject, gno secured & sheet of black card: favorite position 'on the hearthrug. fish people realized that we were 8% Geraldine, let me finish with it abso- board and sone whi Ans i Amore the 'other sarprises of the War. Now, I hope at last that we are Jutely, Only a short time ago T When at ho last tenty-foos. Hours," be amnoune. €oIng to take the gloves off. Do you fronted him with his guilt, I gave him tration of an urn ¢ od' "I received ono today i which al. | know," he went on, a little later "that ten days during which it was my hope. Laeed pa, It iB e 3 most took my breath away. 'It hadi France they think we're.mad. Hon- that he would embrace the only hon- - The then CURBS "08 FIER 8% tO reference to a person whom you both | estiy} in my position, if I had had the orable- course left to him, I took a| HITE SiCmey as fiat ab she could know. French laws at my back I believe that risk leaving him free, but during the onto the black cardboard. 'She then - "Not poor Captsin Granet?" Lady|by to-day the war would have been, Latter part of the time he was watched | cus out the 'white cardboard urn and | Conyers asked. "You read about im,| Over: As it is, when I started ¥%%, day and night. If he had lived until] glued it in turn on to the black and of EE a "my post was a farce, We had % this Jnomiig; there isn't any power an} yee, the 'temp un flowers easing "« Ther 1 + ramet knuckle under, the whole o: e.' earth could have kept him from the: BabA, ER ¥ . eT ello Ee iret | to the civil anthorities. They wanted Tower, or any judge, however nierei-| _ A ACK woolen frame was the next | picture. J (hIfk the woman Licte rg "| to fine a spy ten shillings or to bind ful, who could have saved him from| StP &n wits dealin RE Dros "TA 1 1 pu for & few yards with the an who Js im over to keep the peace. Pre ever! being hot." : responsi toda {had to fight for anything so hard in| «It ig too awful," she faltered. "and| 4 Practicglly th onsite | the y for they my life as I've had to fight once or| yet it makes me so ashamed, Hugh, to OT Oks War, O41 twice for my file of men at the Tower. think that I could not have trusted you Pall Mall we came face to face with At the beginning of the war we'd! more absolutely." Dpouigen. 1 nodded il We Were Dass catch them absolutély red-handed. All| ~ He opened his pocket-book and a fg ony. oC ot Held a both] they had to do was to surrender to {jitle flush of color came suddenly into], El oa dear fellow,' | the civil authorities, and we had a ¢ity her cheeks. He drew out the ring be said. 1 came round ts your rooms Magistrate looking up statutes to see silently. 4 4 pe dts but eo @ od rs or | BOW to deal with them." . "Will you trust yourself now and| rer dy rw -- four en Hot pan save this| There are a good many things finally, Geraldine?" he asked, Don't Frighten the Baby. that I must be careful for if --thanks! When we write our history, | ich will make strange reading after) She Held out her finger. It isn't generally supposed that] was no common fear. I soon discover- the country will know what it owes| the War is over," the Admiral saic| «I shall be so proud and so happy| babies or young children pay any at- ed that she thought he was the Ger- At present, thanks!" " grimly, "I fancy that my late de- to have it again," she whispered. "I|tontion td news items or other matter| mon who stole those Belgian children Te iMajor Thomson?" Lady Conyers|Portment will provide a few sensa-| do really feel as though I had behaved | whidh their eMers chance to read |and now he had come for her. : eh ' y tions. Still, 'our very mistakes-are! like a foolish child, and I don't like | aloud, or that they would understand| Let us think twice before we read Hugh?" Geraldine echoed. our justification. We were about a8 che feeling at all, because in these it if they did, but it would often be| sensational news where the baby can dT V 3 The Admiral smiled : ready for war as Lady Conyers there days one should be more than ordi-| well to be much more éareful than we hear--it won't sound to baby ears ad| most d one' article or. parcel IAN "We passed on," he continued, "and |i8 to play Rugby football for Oxford." | narily serious, shouldn't 'one? Shall I! are about these things; the little brain | it. does to us. 2 "Post or express, We will a iE 1 said to his lordshin-- Wasn't that Tt has taken us the best part of 2 be able to make it up to you, Hugh,|is alert and .active, the child hears; 5 ror Sg / 'our charges Thomson, the In tor of Field Hos-| eer to realize what war means," do you think?" : ; what we least suspect, and no human] { Mary's Little Lunch. s Cd pitals ?' He Snph Tanghed at me, 'My/| Thom=cn sosented. "Even now there © He stooped to meet her lips. 'being: can anticipate what unexpected | Mary had a little lunch. ~~ dear Conyers' he said. 'surely you! ore People whom one meets every day| "There is an atonement you might! meaning will be conveyed to the baby| Tortall the honest truth, knew that was only a blind? Thomsen "ho seem to be living in abstractions." | make, dear," he ventured. "Do you! mind. : Too' little; quite inadequate; is head of the entire Military Intelli.| .L@st night's raid ought to wake remember a suggestion of mine atone! My two-year-old girlie was So ter={ = 1t wouldn't fill & tooth! D He has th y | @ few of them up," the Admiral grunt-' of those historic luncheons of Lady! ribly frightened by a news account of | = 3 ; Bone SD armment. A led. "I should like to have shown those Anselman's?" some Belgian children who were sep-| Lt Went with her, this little lunch, him when he likes to take it. He| devils where to have dropped a few| 'She Usughed into his eyes for! arated from their parents and herded |, [ie Paper, bread and bacon, ak: prefers to remain as far as possible of their little toys. There are one moment and thén looked away. =~ in a box car during the German in- To sehod] each day} she lost Jem pune hf unknown and unrecognized, because it | OF tWO men who were making a lot of | ""I was wondering whether you had| vasion, that I had a serious time with er health was sadly shaken! ~ helps him with his work.' Now, listen! | laws not so long a5, Who'd have had forgotten that," she confessed... | her for more thane year. Some of us| "Ti}' Mary's school served every day You've read in all the papers, of(® Bole Battin i (The End.) seed he en aloud With nos thought A warm sulk 'soup nutritious. 3 » Ee it wou ec baby, 1] s ) ase, Yat, he lag waning of what| "I really think that dad feels more Out of Her Poverty. saw at.once that she was unduly Non boy, 1 fool antpicionet na Tus Soming Joss sight, that the ves] bloodthirsty when he talks about some! 1t was a cold, dark -vening, and the alarmed and it soon dawned upon me! every light in London had. been ex-| of our Politicians than he dose about! city lights only intensified by helt that she expected something of the 'Everyday Uses for Common Salt. ing uis] 1 y : the Germans," the declared. sharp contrast the gloom of the storm. | kind to ha to us. It was useless gL 2 : h : rh & ppen J : Bowls mame? Well, the. warning], "Some of our worst enemies-cre at It was the me. whan Wealthy Shop: a" ell hor that po one ut hereolt| ort pr peop ea reste 1g, the clothes : home, anyway," Sir Seymour insisted,! pers were eating hot dinners, and | wanted mamma and no one but mam- water OF a few mons thn eto they will never freeze fast again; a one ived | Yue to. Thomson and. "and we shall never get on with the! when 'the shop-girls were plodding ma wanted her, and that all these « hin : i e've weeded them out." home, many too poor to ride tired with jj; h ed fi ay they! 3 doped "And to think," Lady Conyers ex-| Var till we've { home, t hings happened so far away they muro a i claimed, "that 'we were half ad to! . Where did the nearest bomb fo you the long day's standing and work. conldn't come: to us. 'She SH} tad a] Thon 5 hud walk jo a tell your father that Hugh was com- drop?" Thomson inquired. | One girl was hurrying home through haynting dread that they might. | freeze. Place: a tablespoontul 'of Ff 3 : 1 "The corner of St. James's Street," | the slush, after a hard day's work. She | sould sympathize with her when I re- % : 3 ne 2 dite rid slipped from. the Sit Seymour replied. "There were two! was a delicate girl, poorly dressed, | called oa what horror. T had hoard pict ot in he Hitchen Grain ty room. The Admiral blew his nose, | Pouses in Berkeley Street alight, and; and wholly unable to keep out the gn account of cannibalism in 'my Very| tran or a wil jin] 2 «1 hope Geraldine's going to be es fa hole in the roof of a house in Hay| winter's cold, with a thin fall cloak, | aaply childhood and how surely 1 had | g Hy 2 fain, ll x Tie er freeze. sible," he said. "I've always main-| Bil: The bomb there didn't explode, She was evidently very timid and seif- ted to be eaten: The fact that' ios hot Sou i nding tained that Thomsan was a'fine fellow, | (hough. Sad thing about young Gran- absorbed. | the. child is not easily reassured indi<! thi. oni "they: will url naturally and|- only Geraldine seemed rather carried, &t. Wasn't it? He seems to be the only| A blind men was sitting in an alley f qtey np luck of confiderice either in poutitalle It ote on fife. away by that young Granet. Poor | Service man who suffered at all." bythe pavement; silenily-ofiering PEI" | the veracity of the parents or in their top of the stove ee a ib. iv fellow! One car't Say anything about! Lady Conyers shivered sympathetic-| ells for sale to the heedless crowd. { 'care and protection; I know, becanse I hy ot ts Sr t-on rt hs him now, but he was just the ordinary] ®U%: } The wind and sleet beat upon him. He | remember distingtly thinking that mY] the old hot water bottle it ot sel £ shi i IR OrCImary|' "It was perfectly ghastly," she mur-| had no overcoaf. His' thin hands people didn't. believe Be would], e old hot-water bottle with hot sa {ye 3 owy 'young oldier, 'not AL el clasped' with purple fingers the wet, | os" = ig" phat they, would: surely and use for 'pains of any kin a a candle to a 'man like Thom- "4 very promising. young officer, I sleet-covered pencils. 'He looked as it| 0 fot me if they. could but of hot water Lady Coniyers was a littl led, | Should think, the Admiral continued! the cold Lad congealed him. { horribly afraid the savages would sur- and may oy 4 a" '| "and a very sad death. Brings things; The girl passed the men, as didathe |. clddine some day and maybe eat] You have such sound Judgment, | = to you when you remember that! rest of the hurrying crowd. When us'all: A child has no comprehension masa was ow poss at oe I wan ony. yestoniny ve war | be ud walked Bi Bock tees sh GF ps, SOE i . . | poor fellow!" { fum » thi x gh acked: salt ' ] dinner but even the Admiral forgave i Goridine and hor mother rose from | Walked Dag. ou her -- happens saymibES ony | Water Bottle and use in case of head-{. their places u few minutes. later, The! FDI a moment she lobked intently My a ol garden che or fever: when a: cold § : - ii omaan," he skid latter looked: up at Thomson: as he|&F the vender of pencils, and when she |. ' dining-room. "What a shock the Ch held open the door. . "a 'teh-coiit: pi into his fin. | Very annoying turn one day when I gave me toflay! You've kept thi "You won't be long, will you?" she Siopoed = ol cout iece nto n A fri eighbor, ty desk. "in 4 for of H. HAE begged. gers, an owalked on, : i Svat (ih thes pret dark. Inspector ospitals, ou cain take kim with you, if you]. But she was evidently troubled, for hom several yasne Be. indeed!" | smiled : ed Wie," the Admiral declared, alto Tig) BOT steps grew slower. : og has Re with b ride. "That wes my smodss;" ho, explain] 8 to bis feet. "Fle dosen't drink port FH Me s(opDed, tured, and walk od, "for e : for and the cigarettes are in your room. 2d rapidly bac = 8)I8Y, an Ee § Bor- I have to take the Chair aba recruit] the man half hiding in it. Bending ing meeting 'at, Holborn in a quarter | °VOE him, she sald softly, ifAre you 'of an hour." The car's waiting now. y : | You'll excuse me, won't you, Thom- "| son 2" "Of course," the latter assented. "1 : olhity [RITE FATA TM arn hen saw that he gave no sign, she quietly |

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