ee tds shin secommrian : Fair STANDARD, BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS ; Port Perry Branch: emir i CHG, Hutcheson, Manager, The Box Social is aed n roup Port Parry fs pled pls ry There was a royal gi nelades. Mark Harkhar the. Sowa, gallon W ¢|Warriner Lodge No. 76 bridge ton, and Port|p p A A. set out to give eis Meets eyery Second and Fourth X- Ferry. As will be seen by the! DL A a pleasaat evening and of Monday in each month ule, the opening game of course enjoy one themselves. in the Oddfellows' Hall, | the series is to be Dlaved at Port Everybody who took part i Visiting Brethren Welcome: Hambung, Korea {gery on January 6 the ram did well, and the |T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, in Seoul, the capi- ao 6--Markham at Port Perry ra to thank them for the N. G. Secretary We arrived tal city of Boren. on the evenin 13D Ports at Caningion hE. given, with a special word of appreciation for the| Mr. H. Hope has bought and of Augw Bist, and were we , 13--Markham at Uxbridge | pfjgqeq Davis, Miss Estelle Bull, moved into the Hepes recently the pa by tal staff. We spent the| ., 5--Fort Perry at Markham '4nq Auctioneer "Ted" Jackson. |owned by Mr. Earl Haynes. night at the Mission Home--a| .; L' _cannington at Uxbridge, "The ladies who supplied the| Mr. B Kil trick, of Toronto, ice place to stop--if only most 20--Cannington at Pt, Perry p,xeq were paid the compliement | has been visiti ting his sister, Miss ER Cr are BRIE ab oy, moat], 29--yxbridge at Markham of seeing their 45 boxes averaee Kilpatrick, who has been' véry We have a privete teacher for 24--Uxbridge at Cannington ach, and the boys found that |i]. language study aud are glad to] + or Markham at Port P rom all sourees, the net proceeds | Vrs Thomas Smith, who g 27 Tort Perry at Uxbridge | yorg ghout $180. been under the den a for have some time at this before id i pe order has just landed; the school starts October 10th. = Markham a Cannington some time is, we understand, AE------ J[2ne course is short nnd byseied : Utica somewhat improved in health. e newcomer wi no Mr. Fred. M. Campbell, r- knowledge of the language i isat Cartwright Council Lu yang Mrs, ames Laker, of borough, i Cpebell, Peter. a disadvuntage. Dec. 5th, 1921. {7 Manchester, visi So 81 M, Campbell, over the week end. Last Friday I saw a demon-| R meeting of Council a ohn Sutaeriand: recent. y. stration. of ancestral worshi Ju Members all present. Mrs. Wright, of Greenbank, Raglan the graveyard back of the Com<|H. Van Camp presidin Se 'visiting her sister, Mrs. N pund e people gather one tes of last necting and MacDonald. The bazaar held under the | in the spring and and one|proved. Dr. McArthur's bill re] Mrs. Wm, Mitchell visiting her aus ices of the Ladies' Aid last y in fhe fall to shank their Sinfocting ns Smiths fore, Sajebien Mrs. Wm. Rusnel y evening was a splendid wail over the grave|refe cl or Mrs. Claughton and Miss Nettie ocho the procee: Some parent or forefather. It{ S.A . Devitt applied for oo visiting Sugh and Mrs. A. E, to $58.85. ® proceeds' amounting Re : . 3 a gruesome sight, and the to sprin in his car. Committee' Claught: ember RA our regre egret of last Christm as: "1 ling could be be heard ever so alloy inspecting road . and Miss Sadie Hortop was the By sso lt ated thes pe iodg- Pog had s poe early. : I Jar, at a little they have to wed no damage. est of her cousin, Miss Norine! Mr. C. Hodgson of Oshawa, : karl shopping ths year | put you in' the fi Bj wi op SOlelne 8 fo weep and} "N. 'H. Marlow re-appointed Rorton. over the week end. All are pleased to hear that class w with will not regret. Uc Ww or em er ey. ares ttendant officer. Miss Gladys Graham, of Epsom, ) V he and e-h : : Mrs, Wm. Bright, who has been 500. -- Beantitul gifts at ne: and what? hope we~havel. By-law: aly Passer siting Miss Ruby Joneson Sun- seriously ill, is slowly recovering, ' y $5.0 0 n contrast. The graves are|D. R. 0. poll io and resemble haycocks. pk in Pe a poll i ded. | %2Y: Miss Pearl Brent is visiting. in w around and see what Beautifu ul things we h The people bring a feast with |" Mr. Van Camp applied to erect| Miss Nora Ackney, of Epsom, [the city. _ have. them and have a great spread-- | poles from his e to Metho- Visiting Miss Mae Rusnell on Sun: | "Mr. Roy Moon, of Seagrave, ; Bla combination of holiday and ted. ay JAMES McKEE _gl{ mourning. es ar for cedar| Mr. and Mrs. W. Tennyson, oy Sunday ub Mire: 1 Stan i A week ago a number of the|timber accepted at $36 per M. Mrs. L. Hortop and Miss Elva, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Platten ] JewelLer TH STATIONER ij | single ladies were taken in Mr.| Orders signed as follows: visiting at Mr. F. Hortop's on | .civeq with relatives in Scugog i oN Young's car to one of his churches James Byers, committal, James | Sunday. recently. in the mountains, a distance of { Stiff, : The vote at Utica was-- Smith Keep the date of the Christm some 35 lles, The scenery was| Dr, 38 Howe, sanitary in-|47, Clifford 28, Chapman 106. entertainment in the School wonderful and we enjoyed it im- specter, mensely. The people were ex- 3 Weight, sheep valuator, $14. House on Thursday, Dec. '22nd. tremely kind to us, "¥ J; Cracken, © rods wil Prince Albert Sonya It k fen (one thin i goritn IE Plliams, 50 rods wire fence,| Born to Mr. and Ws. A. Bond, r. D. that Sunday is the same as any | $12: 250, on Thursday, Dec. 8, a daughter. |, Mr. D. J. McPhaden gave the other day, except to Christians), E. Dorrell, 20 rods wire fence, | Congratulations. toms "4 atriots of the Past" at and great crowds were gathered | $5.00." Mr. George Barker, of Toronto, C. E. last week, 3 Wes can on SopEly your his for ih from the country. Many of 28 Couch, exp. to Home, $8. | and brother of Mesdames John | Miss Lena Cameron has retur- d; in' assess- 'ned to her home, after a recent ad never never scen a ey». and James Warren, has moved to visit with her sister Mrs. Felmer i Bo fore n woman before, and the $2.00. : Borelia, having bought the Mec- 7 BOOTS and VEER wed around the car so close| , C. Venning, services re Walter | Koo property. Mr. Barker was|of Toronto, oH that we _couldn't move, When [Austin's arrest, $7.80. brought up in this community and | . The first debate of the inter gi the engine would etart they were| J. J. Jobb, 40 days' work on we are glad to have him with us jdebasing league will be held at fri Valentia on Fiiday evening, Dee: ui He a wy Fo, oo Jas. Forder "roads and bridges, Ne wish to extend our sym-|ember the 16th. The subject's De had never visited thi $125.60. . resolve that Household Science before, so. you can imagi ne F. Willan half days work 3s. Jabs. is hii General MacBric ghouldbe taught is Public schools the interest ; t we srested. X aq Holand ro $95. oI ent his boyhood days in this log irmitive being taken by oa pire out to oe one i Ferguson ' rguson, & =. Vilae and qu: sincere Sympathy The Y, L. B. C. had a handker- _ kill them. - She is now a Bible * Det » 0 . vement. chief shower for Miss Christina { woman in the Upper Church. : Mrs. Campbell spent a few |Currie, who isa Missio in * Hamhung is a very pretty $150. - Beacock, half year's Bry, days of last week in Toronto. Korea. Other useful "gifs wore 00. are 80 many We are sorry to state that Mr. | given to the class to be sent to Sven if hey are Sunsail. ¢ There SE alias fond, 82. Jas. Biggs passed away on Satur. | Miss Currie. fre quite 3 ham \ r 0 ocst 15th, 1 day after his recent serious ill-| The Sinclair Mission Ban in the flower bode. We he : 'W. BEACOCK, Tp. Clerk. |ness. meet in the schoolroom o he BDeving io the snide With Bl mer NLT : Misses Rebecca and Flora Hol- | Church next Saturday afternog well patronized at this of | mm man, of Toronto, visited with| Invitations will be lasued short. the; ear, for the Aida i i SA i Mr, and Mrs. Paterson the early [ly to-an'informal dance in the S. hive Just received wo rd]: part of last week. 0. S. Hall on December 26th. 4 nen nd} % SE hd HL = & a et : Ei g year, ea. aver Wao, nd f yo tomeagun. | Port Perry Business College ster: at was for ACCOUNTANCY and STENOGRAPHY It you are contemplating a six month's course beginning January 2nd by enrolling now, the remainder of' this term will be allowed you, This should enable you to become familiar with all the subjects and you should be ve advanced by the After holiday opening. » Get in Touch With Us at Onoe Delays are disastrous X rs. Chas. south of the Sp