Kee growing chicks in "healthy condition Absorbent Cottons, 'Gauzes, il ot ges, etc. ei A. A new line just to hand ~ Kepler's Cod Liver Oil A perfect preparation with Extract of Malt. - ble x The best food 'and easily digested. ® for producing fat and muscle. i's Chocolates, a full assortment just arrived Our Saturday Special Fords' Candies, 49¢ per box. i S Morrison's Drug Store a Nea [ELE RE RR en the Postman Rings leaves 4 wedding invitation or announeement; what's * first thought ? - "Congratulations,'"' and your next. shall J] give them? Here is where we can help 'you with Ho * «GIFTS THAT LAST" h will be beautiful as well as useful to the newly Articles to satisfy your good taste and be appro- and useful at under $5.00 or over $5.00. : JAMES McKEE JEWELLER Armistice Service The third anniversary marking the close of the "World War" was fittingly celebrated here by a service in the Town Hall on Friday ¢vening-- Armistice Day. Before the community singing, | with which the evening opene was ended, the hall*was packed to the doors with an enthusiastic crowd, and when the spedker of the evening, Dr. Herbert Bruce. of Toronto, entered, he was greeted with the warm welcome Port Perry keeps for her famous 'Old Boys." : On the platforin also were the Chairman, Reeve James Lucas, and associated with him was Mr. Geo, Stone, who had been one of Dr, Bruée's old teachers in the ddys when he attended school here. oh BE : The stage was artistically draped with flags and bunting. A splendid basket of poppies-- the emblematic flower of the war-- occupied a central place, | and across the back was thé beau- tiful new service flag, with its wreath of gofden maple leaves i | above, signifying those of our 2 | boys who had paid the supreme sacrifice in the war. Beneath was the cross of green leaves-- one for each who had gone, but had been permitted to return in off | safety. . This flag was later presented to the town by Mrs. George Jack- 'ic son, the' last President of the 'Women's Patriotic iation. In introducing the speaker Mr. Lucas spoke of him as fla recog- iV nized authority in surgery, and : lone of Canada's most famous sons Dr. Bruce not only holds the highest positions in the On- tario medical profession, but also ssesses the highest medical egree conferred orr any physician in the British Empire. He went overseas as Inspector General of 5 Wo can supply your wants for. BOOTS and RUBBERS the Canadian Medical Service. Later he was appoiuted Consult- ing Surgeon of the British Medi- Corps. Dr. Bruce replied that he was almost afraidto speak, after all the praise which the chairman had WEAR} MITTS bestowed on hith, but expressed his appreciation of the greeting received from his old friends and town people. He also wished to take this opportunity for his wife, "who was in the audience to rise ~fi{and meet them too. Bruce This Mrs. did amid much applause: The doctor referred affection- y to his old days at the High School, and ascribed the solid raining' of Mr. McBride and Mr. \ In Stone, as factors which contribut- part at _leeast, to his later a Bruces's ad 'was ed downward revisio lexperienced and of local reput- ) traders.. 'A tar 'lary and the L. 0 CLIFFORD To the electors of South Ontario: Ladies and Gentleme:: ' Having accepted the noWiinat- ion of the Liberal party of South Ontario as its candidate in th present election, I desire briefly | to place my claim for support be-: fore you. I am a native of Sout Ontario where I have resided al my life. Iam engaged in farm- ing near Oshawa, especially deg voting my energies to the pro- duction and marketing of -fruit. and to the raising of 'pure breg Hereford cattle. Ihave success- fully exhibited my herd at al} the large shows in Cana.a. haye also acted 4s Judge at al the Western shows when not exhibiting. Iam the Presiden of the Canadian Hereford Asso- ciation, a Director of the Can- adaian National Exibition and of the Royal Agricultural Show' Haying occupied these respon- sible positions I feel I can rend- elected to represent you in the Parliament of Canada. The present government hav-] ing lost the confidence of the people are now asking for a re; newed lease of power. In the present crisis in Canadian poli- ties it is the duty of us all to seriously consider our p sition and it 18 the especial duty of those considered by their fellow citizens fitted for public posi™ tions to offer their services on their behalf. Accepting the. call, I offer myself as a candi- date, and if elected will bring to the- service of yourselves and the country the benefit of my] experience in business affairs, and my fullest energy as one of the younger citizens of this rid] ing. f The extravagance and. short comings of the Government, sd well known to you that I do not need to enlarge upon them, arg sought to be covered up by ils supporters in the present cam- paign by other issues. inet has been reconstructed, many of the former ,members having been appointed to th Senate. The appeal to the peo- ple is being made with a cabinet of 21 ministers, mostly new, in- ation only, costing Canada $299, 000 a year, as compared with, the Laurier cabinet of 15 Minis- ters costing only $142.600. a year, and the ery that all Liber als are free traders. The Gov- erment cannot escape the con- demnation due them 'for the, resent state of affairs by libel- ing all their opponents as free iff for the rev- y is necess- k party does not stand for free trade. A n in the tariff is due in some lines, butI am not in favor of any changes 'the industri : } Port Perry ; 'scien and wisdom may direct, | consulting at all times the wel consideration and the principles er sefviee ifi 'a larger sphere iT[just cause which I do, I mak sell all his stock of The cabzl, FIXTURES is STANDARD SER STANDA TOTAL ASSETS OVE Branch: - onsible farmers wh ; to | REAR AR assistance i Fan matter with you. . desire to enlar ge a this di < s the will be dad to discuss the VICE-- Encourages' Progress. ™ . RD BANK R NINETY. MILLIONS Ae H G Hutcheson, Manager. SE fare of my constituents whether engaged in agriculture or indus={- try. 1 do not wish to follow, blindly all party dictation but to be at liberty to support all good measures and principles by what ever party or man they may bi proposed. I will at all times insist upon the most rigid econ- omy in keeping with efficiency of administration. Fwill give my for the betterment of agriculture and for improving the opportun- ities of our returned men. Accepting the nomination as r have at a date it will be impos- sible for me to call upon all per- sonally as there are over 15,000] voters in the riding. I will en- deavor to see as many as I pos- sibly can, If I do not see you] you will know that it has been impossible. If you think mj personal record' is worthy off which I represent are worthy of support, I ask for your vote an® influence to elect me as your representative in the Parliament of Canada, promising as I do that I will give my best efforts to remedy existing condition and to restore the prosperity an contentment to which you are all entitled. Championing the e this appeal and eonfidently look forward to victory through your co-operation from now until the end of the campaign, on polling day December 6th, Yours very truly, , L. O. Clifford J LEAVING TOWN C. O. Clay is leav- ing town and will - ELECTRIC _ below cost His household fur- niture is also being | -offered for sale privately Notice All Accounts must be settled at once, at the Standard Bank. ~ R. A. Fitchette t heartiest support to all Te omeot Monday in each month in the Oddfellows' Hall, Visiting Brethren Welcome T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, N. G Secretary ASHBURN Burns Church Sunday School have decided to hold their Christ- mas Tree on Friday evening, Dec. 23. Particulars later. Misses Elsie and Marie West were home over Sunday. Miss Iva Varcoe leaves this week to attend Business College in Toronto. We wish her every success. . Miss May Fisher arrived home from the West on Thursday even- ing. The Women's Guild are plan- ning to hold a Bazzar early;in January. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brash en- tertained a few of their friends on Wednesday evening, Manchester The friends and neighbors spent a very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lakey, and presented their daughter Lizzie with a kitchen shower and the follow- ing address: Dear Miss Lakey:- We your friends and neighbors of Manchester having been ap- prised of the fact that your are about to change your relationship in life, have met in your home this evening the express our ap- preciagion, of the benefits we ave received from association with you, since as a small girl you began to impress us with your Christian graces. We ac- knowledge with pride the fact that you have always been will- ing to assist in every way pos- sible whatever meant the uplift of the Church and community. As organist in our Church we have admired your spirit, your integrity, so worthy of emulation; your kindly disposition, pleasing manner and obliging nature have endeared you to us. . We felt we would not be doing Justice, neither you or ourselves if we allowed the occasion to pass without in some manner acknowledge the worth of your sterling character and making known our sense of gratitude. On behalf of the Circle and Choir will you kindly accept these trays and as long as you are spared to enjoy it may it cause pleasant memories to recur On behalf of yoar other friends and associates please accept the shower. May you always feel that your Manchester friends will not soon forget you and that they sincere- ly wish you and yours a long and, Our prayer is that continued on supplement) " Port Perry Bu unless you are so equipped You which are whic siness College ACCOUNTANCY and STENOGRAPHY We realize that you have an | ambition-to equip yourself better for the co [the world of Commerce and that you kno 2d you cannot hope fi may have certain abilities, 'certain e less because you have not trai earnest desire and