Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 22 Sep 1921, p. 4

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FAN If you are troubled with Rhep- matism, Neuritis, Sciatica or . Lumbago use T. R. D's. 1 : Asthma use Raz-Mah. Both re- nended and sold by P. G. + W A Powers, has just return- ed to his home in Pembroke, after visiting with his mother and brother. He was highly pleased with Port Perry Fair. Mr. and Mrs G. Powersand daughter Kathleen, of Toronto, 'spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Kimber of To- ' ponto, are the guests of Mr and Mrs Robt Murray. Mr. Kimber is paying teller at the City Hall. « Miss Yarnold has sold her res- idence to Mr. Albert Orchard: Mrs Asling, of Toronto, has been spend- ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. P. Nott. Mrs. John McLachlan is sperfding her holidays with friends in Hamilton and Burlington. A number of members of Whitby and Blackstock Lodges, Sons of England, visit- ed Old England Lodgé on Tuesday even- ing and a very pleasant evening was spent. E.R: Blow gave a report of the Supreme Lodge session. Card of Thanks Mrs. J. Platten and family wish to thank their friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy during their re- cent bereavement. "YOU are cordially invited to attend the Harvest Thanks- giving Services which will be - held in the Church of the Ascen- sion, Port Perry, on Sunday, September 25th, at(11. a.m. and 7p. m. Special Music. WANTED-- Port Perry Star of July 28th. Auction Sale SJ Wooldridge, lot 1, con 1, Mariposa, is holding a sale of pure-bred shorthorns, October 3, see bills, Geo. Jackson and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. Prince Albert We are pleased to report that Mr. H. Hope who Ro been ill with typeid. fever is convalescent; also that Kenneth Wauch- ope is quite recovered from an attack of scailet fever. ; Mr. and Walter Sharp of Burks Falls, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jetfrey. Mrs. Sharp was formerly Miss Laura Weir of this village, Inspector A. E. Miller of Revelstoke B.C. visited our school last week after an ab. sence of twenty-two years. Mr. Miller taught in this school for nearly five years, and is held in affectionate remembrance by his former pupils. Mrs. Miller was jonnedy Miss Eva Bartley of Prince Al ert. The property recently sold by Mr. Camp- bell to Miss Spragg of New York was sold by Mr, George Johnston who has been the owner of the property for a number of years, . The sermon and sermon recital given on Sunday by Rev. Mr, Morley were thor- oughly enjoyed by those who heard them, The Monday evening concert proved Mr, Morley to be a most entertaining elocution- ist. Miss Mark of Port Perry was also Jety much enjoyed in the solos she gave both on Sunday moming and at the con- cert on Monday eveningt: The Manches- ter choir furnished the music on Sunday evening and Manchester is to. be congrat- ulated on having so much musical talent which was emphasized by the sweet and patriotic selections given by the male quartette on Manday evening. - The aud- ience testified its appreciation by the numerous encores. he programme, though somewhat lengthy, was very. en- joyable, Mr. Mills proving a most accept- able chairman. W.C.T.U. «The regular monthly meeting of the W.-C. T.U.-will be held on Wednesday 29th, in the Public Library, at 3. p.m. LOST-~Pair gold rim spectacles in Port Perry. Reward. Finder please leave at Star Office. Wanted A travelling companion desir- ed for elderly lady (accustomed to travel) going west any time after Oct. 1st. suitable remuner- ation for right party. Write boz 82, Port Perry. : . Car for Hire Apply to Morley Moase, Bell "P® Prone 173, Port Perey. Late John M. Platten on ve Brides ist, is at present visiting vatious sb44 parts of Canada) on Sunday last nada) on y li congregations attended the open- ing meetings. Yan Om Sunday morning, after the acting Pastor, Rev. ©, evangelistic party, and accorded' them a warm welcome, Gipsy Hawkins gave a very helpful and instructive Bible Lecture, and at different points in the service Miss Gould rendered the solos **Count on Him' and "He will hold me fast : At. the evening service, to which many people from Green- bank and the surrounding dis- trict gathered, Gipsy Hawkins took as his text, "He made haste and came down, and received Jesus joyfully." During the course of his earnest address, the evangelist said he hoped | many that evening would follow the example of 'Zacchaeus, and receive Jesus joyfully, We must always come down from the heights of pride and self-right- eousness before God gan lift us up and give us eternal life. In all his experience as evangelist in many lands, he had never known anyone receive Christ sadly--it was alway with great joy. Miss Gould powerfully sang the gospel solo "God in mercy sent his Son"" and at the after meeting, the appeal song] "Why not say yes to night." On Monday evening a large and interested audience gather- ed to hear the first part of the Lantern Lecture on 'My Evan- gelistic Tour round the world." Gipsy Hawkins has travelled ex- tensively in his capacity of eyan- gelist, and has preached to men with skin of all colours, and the interest is greatly enhanced' by the fact that he has many in- cidents, personal experiences, and information to convey con- cerning each picture shown. Many of the pictures are very beautiful, and the lecturer con- ducted 'his audience through Canada, France and part of Italy while on Monday next he will take the Isle of Sicily, Egypt, Palestine, Ceylon and India. In all of these Countries he has conducted Special Missions just such as is now being held in Port Perry, and has scattered the Scriptures in the language of the country visited. Miss Gould sang the pretty missionary solo ' 'Tell the people'! the congregation heartily joining in the chorus. On Friday Gipsy Hawkins gives the first part of his life story from Gipsy Boy to Preach- er, or from Shoeblack Box to Pulpit. This is a life story of thrilling and absorbing interest, and we advise our readers not to miss this unique opportunity of hearing it. Services on Sundays at 11 and 7, and-on week nights a we Sonya .. The Young Ladies' Bible Class met at the home of Miss Edna Cookman ~~ on Thursday after- noon. . ; The mémbers of the Sinclair Mission Band "packed their box of Christmasgifts for the Sifton School on Saturday evening. Miss Myrtle Cookman is visit- ing friends in Coboconk: Visitors during the week were: Misses Gertrude Munroand Mary McTaggart, Toronto, Miss Mary Watson, 'Cannington, and Mr. Clifford Jackson. = . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Munro, Mr. and Mrs, N. Dure, were visiting friends in Uxbridge recently. _ The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the family of the late Mr. S. Shorburn. 2 Mr. and Mrs, L. D, Woodville on. Si Miss Elda a : ic. Campaign at 'the Baptist Church, Port Perry, and fine| Broughton, had introduced the| sell the best. Rheumatism? Or Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago? The remedy is simple, inexpen- sive, easily taken nad Rarnicas: * Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Your drugdist will supply you. Write Yor free trial to Temple~ ton's; 56 Colborne St., Toronto. _-§ofd by P. G. Morrison Auction Sales Thursday, Oct 20th. Auction sale of Reg. Draft Horses. Reg. Hereford and Jersey Cattle, Reg Shropshire Sheep, Hogs, Barred Rock Fowl, Hay, Roots, Farm Machinery, at west half lot 23, con 8, Brock, half mile west of Manilla, the property of the Estate of the Late Henry Glen- denning. 12 months 'credit. Sale at 1 o'clock. . Marquis, Auctioneer. E Thursday, September 22, the Estate of Albert Brent, are holding a sale of House- hold Furniture ot his late residence, Port Perry. The house and lot will also be offered. Geo and Ted Jackson, auction- eers. Sale a! 1.30. : School Fairs _ School Fairs will be conducted in Ontario County as follows: Greenbank, Sept 26; Scugog, Sept 27, Manchester, Sept 28; Claremont, Sept 29; Brougham, Sept 30; Pickering, Oct 3; Whitby Oct 4; Thorntons Corners, Oct 5, Brooldin, Oct 6; Uxbridge, Oct W. J. Cook - Real Estate A large list of farms for sale in Ontario County. Some city property for exchange or sale, also Western land. = My list includes some rare bargains, Wiite or phone me before R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell Phone 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406 COAL Best Quality of NUT and STOVE COAL $16.50 ton "Delivered in Town or Prince Albert: P. FIGARY Phone 214 Office in Ebbels Block PORT PERRY Bicycle Tire Found Apply Star Office 'Baseball A meeting of the Executive of the Tri-County League was held in Sunderland on Thursday last. Two officials of O.B.A.A. were present and the meeting decided to suspend both Uxbridge and Sutton for the remainder of 1921 Cannington and Stouffville were ordered to play a stdden death game at Sunderland on 21st, the winner to play Milliken, ~~ i Sap SAE ME , Christie} {and family ising friends at N - W. H. DOUBT | buying. Communicate with W J Cook, H RS br I Ere HEE 4200000000 "490" Sedan bh AAA a A A 0 030000340300 0000000004 - + 4444940434404 P RRR I NTRP PIR RRICRIYYTY CHIROPRACTOR Suite 104, 81 Victoria Street, Toronto Palmer Graduate' Coal for Delivery Coal now in stock. licited. C. L. VICKERY. i : For Sale ; . Good work horse," 10 years, excellent worker." Apply Jas, Kirby, R. R. 2, Port Perry, or Phone 198-r-3. Foster Homes Wanted For Nine Fine Boys 3 boys, ages 12 to 3%2 years, 4aboys, 4 to 5%; years; 2 boys, 7 and 8 years. Take one of these boys', and give him a good home, any-a chance to become a god citizen, Photos of any of these will e sent upon request. This ought to ap- peal to every home where there are no children. For further information apply to W Elliot, Box 321, Oshawa, Ontario, Children's Aid Ssciety of County Ontario. House For Sale or Rent The frame house recently oc- cupied by Mr. Moule, 6 rooms, pantry, hard and soft water. Key at Star Office. For Sale : Domestic Souvenir Stove and Parkin, Manchester, Farm for Rent For term of years. One mile south of Seagrave in Reash. 85 acres, with 75 workable. Good orchard, and buildings in fine repair. Full possession' Apply: A. Snyder, 48 Emmerson Ave., Toronto. Farm for Sale 150 acres. 85 acres under cul- tivation. Brick-clad house. Good buildings. = Water system in stable. Silo. 2% miles from 12, Reach. OON, _ Vuloanizing Mr, S. chased the Nasmith Vulcanizing business next door to Bros. Garage, is prepared to do our vuleanizing work 1 "Don't throw. when ey, "490" Light Deliv & BEARE BROS. . Dealers at Port Perry and Uxbridge Phone Adel 7458 Literature on request 1 b \ manent relief, even in t 8 | 5 trating liquid it reaches the seat of the desease in the. pus J Car load of steam coal for|fi : threshing. Pea, Nut and Stove Orders so-|@- If your druggist cannot supply you send direct to us. Quebec Heater. Apply to 'Mrs. : Mar. 1} Seagrave Station. Lot 19, con. | R.D.W 7 _ Bell Phone 115 r 4, R.R. No. 2}: Seagrave, Ont. a Laughli Master Four Touring Sp Master Four Roadster Sales Tax Extra % \ ¥ i a. SESIIELELIIIIIILIIIIRIIILIIIIIIILLIIIIE SEE E ob 040 00044 Shi sbiitet iii iis DR. J. W. DAVIS, pc. pic | frnnmmnnmms a rem PYORRHEA REMEDY McHale's Pyorrhea Remedy 200040 000000004 fr +444 rrr ere dd S000 contains no injurious Ingredients, gives immediate and per- ¢ e most acute cases, being a pene- pockets that harbor the germs. ' .<. PRICE $1.00 TRIAL SAMPLE, 25¢. our dentist at a moderate fee. Nurse in attendance. Consultation free. THE McHALE PYORRHEA REMEDY CO. LTD. 17 BLOOR ST. WEST, "TORONTO Reta Your K. & S. Coupon is as good as cash to you, here, on the purchase of a K. & S. Tire. Take advantage of this oppor- tunity to get K. & S.--Canada's leading quality tire--we recom: 'mend them. Our stock is . Wright, who pur-| Beare| ' Acute cases treated by 3 SN SEER rR -.

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