Shorter hours on the farm --The Fordson saves from thirty to forty per cent. of the farmer's time. \ Fewer horses on the farm --The Fordson does the work of from four to six horses. Less farm help --One man with a Fordson can do 'more work 'and with Tess expense than two men with horses. More money for the farmer --A farmer with a Fordson can raise more crop easier with less expense. He therefore makes more profit. McKEE & HOOD. LOCAL DEALERS PORT PERRY 4 "If you think of making any change in your heating for your home this year come in and have a talk with us For, sale i in Port Perry G. MORRI SON" 53 Ss tod gL IE ei Er Rheumatism Now is the time to get rid of itl Nature. is pulling for you-- The warm weather's here-- This is your change grasp it--take & Templeton's Rheumatio ; Capsules draggin tor 8 Bi for Reiss HE itd Yous, 142 King SEW, ed ' Sold by P. G. Morrison APPLES POTATOES All Kinds of Live POULTRY Junk Hides and Sheep Skins Wanted. We pay the big price | FU RNER BROS. _ Bell Phone 218 Ind. : 1800 | Tuesday, gust 30th Plan to be in on the opening day | Write for terms now. Ei Lady electors are snacially y in- vited to be p: 'Zzent, Dal assist in the organization. Chair will be taken at 2 pm. J A Full attendance is requested. JOHN J. MOORE, Secretary Less Troublesome Adjustments -As a rule the adjustment you get on a defective tire, dosen't quite satisfy you. Mainly, we suppose, because we. are all human and want a little more than we are entitled to, But even our most Diva opinions on the fairness of an adjustment, can find no fault with the a of settling claims on Ames Holden "Auto-Shoes," You are always right with ourselves and the ufacturer. We personally look after your kmanship time. Tey ars shoe on ha bess vith Come to us for AMES HOLDEN "AUTO-SH cot ce 8 it Standard Garage | : Port Perry ily