Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 14 Jul 1921, p. 1

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ok 100 Letter Size Writing Tablets ~~ Regular 35¢ going at 23¢ each a : Smpoles Grape Salts now 50c¢ bottle ~~ Moir's Chocolates, 65c¢ pound. - Montserrat Lime Juice a vl kl 50¢c and $1.00 per bottle - English Health Salts, 60c per tin * a ~* Morrisons Drug Store nai Community Plate 'housewife who wants tableware, she can proud to own, and to use, shopld insist on having ly Communi 2. You can.start your set with single serving piece and add to it from time to time We are always glad to show Community plate. . Jewelry and Watch Repairs promptly : done ' JAMES McKEE JEWELLER # STATIONER | IS TI aE EEE LULU EES Shy say. Great support, : faved him, 31) | relieve, Sn) | last innings. The 7) batting has lately been borne by 3] oi | of being ¢ | Lindsay--0 0100000 { We expect our usual supply of Cherries from eh Get your supply early as the crop is short. J. % F. Perse no McCLINTOCK ¥ rhe i= "Ontario | last weel J ict verea nase: ment on anything so far this season. On Wednesday we x feated Lindsay 2-1. Starr, Mc-| Donald, Logan and Bates of the Lindsay Central Ontario 1e team played. . Logan had the misfortune to break his thumb, and will be out ot the game for. some time, Fat Jackson was right on and | Lindsay could not straighten out their hits. The only run scored was the result of an error. Ingram grabbed off a red hot liner at short stop. Gerrow won the game in the eighth when he doubled scoring Me- Gregor. Those who saw the game state that it was the best, they have witnessed for some time. At Sunderland on Friday we | Were beaten 3-0. The game was |p called in the 8th innings on ac~ A count of rain.. Jackson pitched the first six innings, but it was evident that he was-tired, due no doubt to his effort against Lind- t Support eer, atches by McGregor, ward: Gorroy Sand rand by Boe featuring. Raines Jackson, and pitched burden of the fielding Palmer, MeGregor and Boe. | Let's have some hits from the others. The game with Stouffville on ednesday gives every promise a high-class affair. RHE 1:3 Pt Perry-00010001 2 6 Ch rs and Bates H. Jackson and Palmer. ; Port Perry-- 00000000 0 6 1 Sunderland--0200010x 3 5 0 H. Jackson, Raines, and Palmer Purvis and Hill EE ---- Sonya 'Last Friday the Adult Bible lass spent a very enjoyable afternoon motoring to Port Bol- ster, Beaverton, and to the Lift Lotks at Kirkfield. Miss Mary Watson has gone 2 Toronto to take a course in t. Mrs. May and daughter, who have been visiting with Mr and Mrs. Jas. Watson, have returned to their home in Buffalo, Miss Mildred McPhail, Roch-|. ester, is holidaying at her home. Remember the date of the Garden Party underthe auspices {| of the Ladies' Ald Society, July| 20th, on the anse lawn. Sports in 'the afternoor oon-- baseball 'and and 'concert in r. Will Spencer, Little Britain Band is being secured] 11 be held on Sunday; July Mr. Rowland, of Bro ill take charge of the services. ther i g, of Purple r and Mrs Etherley, and Mr, nd Mrs. Phillips motored from Toronto, and spent the week d with Mr. D. Lyle. ; Mrs. L. Stanton visited with latives in Manchester recently Mrs. Chowan, of New York, 18 visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Squelch. : v -- ~ Cartwright Council Regular meeting of Cart- wright Council held with all members presents Reeve Van Camp presiding. Minutes of 31. | oklin, 8. FARMEP, Pullich Your Harvest Expenses ha HAVE you sufficient ready money with which to eet the tion with our ful accommodation. Port Perry Branch: i asm Horses Killed Mr. Sam. McConnell, north of Port Perry, has been a heavy loser as a result of the, heat and recent storm. One of his horses succumbed to the heat, and three young horses were struck by lightning. Hail On Thursday a heavy but brief hailstorm visited Port Perry. The stones were frequently an last meeting read and adopted. Correspondence from W. H. Harris re roadway to his cottage con. 10. "After discussion clerk | was instructed to communicate with the C. P. R. re crossing at said concession. Reeve and Clerk appointed committee to Purchase park fence. Accounts Passed Zi G. Stinson 40 rods fence $10.00 | N. Mountjoy Sec. Treas. S. S. 1 310.00! T. Hyland "8.8. 8 of 500.00 W. C. Ferguson Sec.-Treas S.S. 8 : 125.00 8. Malcolm 60 rods fence 15.00 rost Fence Co 195.00 . Wilsons cement 46.00 Joseph Forder road commsr. 1884.00 W. Beacock } year salary 150.00 Receipts Returning Officer vent ; 'of Hall 10.00 "7 = Myrtle You haye not forgotten the good time you had at the Garden Party here last year. Come again and have a better time on the same grounds, those of Mr. Oscar Downey, on Wednesday evening, July 20th. ' Mrs. Campbell and son, Nor- man, of Toronto, are holidaying with the former's mother, Mrs. Todd. 'Mrs, Jas. Stevens was in Co- bourg last week seeing her son, Chariie, who underwent an op- eration for appendicitis in the " inch or an inch and a quarter in iameter. Fortunately the downfall did not last long or the damage would have been much more serious. Asit was, con- siderable glass was broken in town and many fine plants des- troyed. Out in the country the storm beat down the grain Yellow Schoolhouse Promotions Fons h of not you are cordial invited to local Manager. JR. IV to SR. IV Ethel Tummonds, Marion Will- iams, Evelyn Wallace, James Cawker. | JR III to SR. III | Winnie Owen, Grace Cawker, | Willie Mark, Edith Wells, Aileen | Tummnds. SR. 1I to JR. III Lloyd Wallace, Viola Sutcliffe. | (Teacher, Miss B. Ward) { TTT | for Oshawa? (Oshawa Telegram) The Oshawa Board of Trade | Chippewa Power | thas passed a resolution asking, that when the increased power supply from the new Chippewa canal is ready, that Oshawa be connected up. The supply from the Trent Valley canal has not been sufficient for local needs for some time, some of the lar- ger factories being entirely de- pendent on electric energy for power purposes. With the pros- pect that Ontario will have to dispose of surplus power to the hospital there. The hand of death summoned! another of our much esteemed | citizens last Wednesday, taking Mrs. Charles Hartle. Although ' she had been under medical at-' tendance all Spring, suffering from dropsy, her demise came rather suddenly owing to the in- tense heat. "Aunt Becky," as she was called, was loved by everyone, although she did not go out from her home of late years. She was very active,and ever réady to serve others. The funeral, which was held on Fri- day, was not largely attended, owing to the severe storm at the! service hour, Interment. was made beside her late husband at Groveside Cemetery. Mrs (Dr) Clark, of Edmonton, ! is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs W Tawes. A Fine Parade A large delegation from Port Perry attended the Twelfth of July Celebration at Uxbridge on | Tuesday. The parade was large, | and the whole Eosoedings were | conducted in splendid style. The speakers gave excellent ad-! dresses. Refreshments seemed | to be rather scarce. The crowd i vay 80 {ie the ice cream ft drinks were soon sold, ge won the baseball Rtouffville--4-1, 'against industrial operations. United States, there should be little difficulty in Oshawa get- ting all the power required here for local needs. At intervals here, the shortage has been acute, and has greatly militated tian, Sudden Death of Frank Bryan (Whitby Gazette) Information is received of the sudden death of Frank Bryan. at his home, Byron St. south, about, midnight last Wenesday. r. Bryan, who has been the turnkey at the County Goal for years, was about town as usual on Wednesday. About midnight he suffered a hemorrhage, due to a broken. blood vessel, and ex- pired almost immediately. His sister, who was in the house at once called a doctor, but Mr. Bryant had passed away before he arrived. Dg # andard Service always affords practical and help- STANDARD BANK _ TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS H. G. Hutcheson, Manager, Creenbank Presbyterian Garden Party. Greenbank Presbyterian Gar- den Party; which has always been an enjoyable affair, will take place on Friday evening, July 15, at the home of Mr. John McDonald, one mile 'north of Greenbank. Tea will be served including raspberries and ice cream & other good things. The program will be given by Ben Hokea and his orchestra. _ Come and enjoy a good time. Adults 50c. children 85¢. Warriner Lodge No. 75 Meets every Second and Fourth Monday in each month in the Oddfellows' Hall, Visiting Brethren Welcome T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, N. G. Secretary 3 Tea Special Economy Tea Special per Ib. 40c or 3 Ibs. for $1.00 Good Laundry Soap 4 bars for 25¢ New Bulk Dates per Ib 20¢ Cheese, per Ib. 30¢ Peanut Butter, Ib. 30¢ Christie Sodas, Ib. 20¢ Prunes, Ib. 15¢. D. CORBMAN Bell Phone 157 PORT PERRY, ONT. Machinery for Sale 2 Massey Harris Binders McCormick Binder Massey-Harris Mower No 21, almost new International 2} h.p Gasoline Engine, almost new Sulky Plow All these articles will be sold at very low prices. | . C. Switzer Port Perry circle where quality foods but the best and lots of that Beef Steak, 25¢. 1b. « Beef Shoulder Roast, 23c, ~~ Beef Brisket, 17¢ Lamb Leg, 28¢~ - Mutton Chop, 20c ~~ Pork Shoulder, 18c. . "Pork Ham, 20c. - Breakf} Rose Brand Lard, 31b We are going to deliver orc 3 and Saturday i. Phone y R. A. FITCHETTE ~, The Purity and Sweetness of our meats make their appeal to the happy family i are appreciated. est weight and satisfactory seryice. your best friend, i Pork Loin, 22¢. Back t Bacon, Rose Brand, Maple 65¢, 20 1b rs | Nothing i8 to be found there. Hon. Our telephone is Beef Sitloin Roast, 25¢ Beef Flank. 18c. Beef Plate, 20c. Lamb Shoulder 25¢ Mutton Roas*, 18e. Bacon, 50¢ 1b. Leaf, ete, 42¢, 1b, pail ort

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