Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 7 Jul 1921, p. 7

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oF dysentery -and diarrhoea, small- Ty cerebro-spinal fever, acute poli- elitis, ' pneumococcal infections, | py sickness, scarlet fever, plague and tuberculosis. Cholera can ~#iso be transmitted by carriers, this - being regarded as the chief cause of '1918. All the nursing sisters, with one exception, on E---- effected by means of schedules dis-| yon tributed to individual farmers. When It you want work well dons, select & ip and d, the "Cards Will| ugy man the other kind has no time, nie . k Sie Burens at On "People are made more unhappy by 'awa for com "| the {llé they fear than by those the cept a rogards Ontario and British sumer. AY those ey where the provincial de! Little minds are tamed and subdued ~ Wisps of Wisdom. The man who sells his health for wealth makes a poor on. Open the door to suspicion, is feacs Slee out of the window. Lg mengliou the} when you don't know what it is. fens sown to fle erops and of farm|"'mq only hopeless fallure 1s the por e This enumeration is being son who has ceased to strive tor suc- for! for the detection of airplanes thous- ands of feet in the air, x U. 8. Government officials are said to be considering use of the instru. ment for guarding valuable goods, such as large coal ples, warghouses and automobile fleets not in use. 'In- stead of a large number of guards, who can be avoided, it is expected to set up one or two of Hoffman's instru- ments, which will Immediately show the presence of people in the vicinity. Mothers 'who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones fre reasonabiy safe during the hot wea: ther. ~ 'Stomach troubles, cholera in fantum and diarrhoea carry off thous- ands of little. ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does becomes pale. but often action on the blood. - Miss, freniere, St. Ambrose, vises others to use these pills.. says: "Before I began the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills T felt like a com- plete wreck of my. fo roself. My blood was poor and thin. I suffered from faint and dizzy spells, and had backaches and headaches almost every .| day. I decided to give Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills a trial, ahd by the' time I had used three boxes I felt 'much bet- ter and I continued taking the pills until I felt as well ag I ever cid. - For what they did in my case I cannot re- commend these pills too highly." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- tained from any dealer in medicine; or by mail at 50 cents a'box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ------ i. wt. The Tatar's Burglar Device. In Tibet the Tatars have what is possibly the oldest burglar trap in the world. It was Invented to prevent people from robbing the tombs. Whenever a royal personage died in Tibet he was buried with all his Jewels and his royal robes. To add a still higher tribute, the most beautiful young women of his court were suf- focated and embalmed on the day of his funeral. With their beauty thus preserved, they were placed in a stand- ing position round the tomb of their master, each holding some trinket that the royal personage had used during his lifetime, In o rder to protect those treasures from vandals, the Tibetans erected an arch in which rested sharply pointed arrows, and under which was a release that discharged the arrows in quick succession. Whoever trod on the re lease robbed no more. The invention, hidden round the temples and the tombs of the rien Ta- tars, was doubly efficient, for. it both protected property and provided inex- pensive justice. | --e 'Sending For Him. and ha pains. The "doctors"--in both cases | Provincial Scout Officers-- recommend- ed "surgical treatment," with the re- sult that both towns have two tr each now instead of just one. And all of them are working hard to make their Troop and their town the very best Troops and Scout towns im On- tario. ; Mitchell citizens have organized to 'Back Seotiting in their town. In order to help the two ,Jocal troops with equipment, camp, sports, ete, and to provide a satisfactory meeting place, five hundred dollars is pow 'being raised by public subscription. This amount also includes Mitchell's con- tribution to the funds of the Provin- cial Council, : 'We recently reported that the Brock- vile Rotary Club was raising $1,000 for the funds of the 1st Brockville Troop. We are now glad to be able to announce that the amount has been raised----and it only took the Ro- tari three hours to get it together. The Brockville Scoutmaster, Mr, A. J. Traill, is one of Ontario's veteran Scout men. Through the kindness of Major W. Eatonj'the 1st Néw Toronto Trdop will hold its summer camp this year on his big farm at Oakville. A similar generous offer from Mr. Chas. Parker, Chairman of the Troop Committee of the 29th Toronto (Humber Bay) Troop, places his fine estate at the disposal of the officers and boys of that Troop for their summer outing. Such co-operation from friends of the Boy Scouts is most valuable 'and very much appreciated. Scouting does not force the boy to be obedient. It takes it for granted that he is--and twelve years of Scout- ing has demonstrated the correctness of this attitude. A leading newspaper offered a prize for the paragraph that had given the greatest inspiration and help. Lines from Tennyson and others were sent in by the hundred. The letter that gained the prize was as follows: "I am only a boy; and boys' opinions are not respected by most grown-ups; but we have them just the's#me. The paragraph which helps me most is the Boy Scout promise, as follows: : " 'On my honor I promise that I will do my best, To do my duty to God and the King, To help other, people at all times, To obey the Scout Law.' " ¥ DECLARES TANLAC ENDED TR 3 | "11% the Best Medicine I Ever Heard Of," Says Toronto © Man. 3 "Honestly, I wouldn't take a-thous- and dollars in gold for the good ' has doe me," said Delbert F. Daw- son, 174 Browning Ave., Toronto, Ont., well-known carpenter and builder. ¥ "Besides relieving me of a bad case of stomach trouble of many years = standing, Tanlac has built me ten pounds in weight and I never felt bet. ter in my life than I do now. I suf- fered so I could hardly stand the pres. sure of my clothes against my stom- ach and the way it pained me was simply terrible, and often I had chok- Ing spells, when I almost lost my breath. 'I was so nervous I coyldn't sleep and mornings got up feeling more tired and worn out than on going to bed. I lost weight considerably and became so weak I was constantly los- ing time from work, and many times got 80 dizzy I had to grab hold of something to keep from falling. Near ly all the time I had a headache and | sometimes it hurt me so bad I could hardly endure it. My liver was in an awful cond:tion and I had liver spots all over my body. "Well, I just kept getting worse, In spite of everything I did, until I got Tanlac, But this medicine seemed to get right after my troubles, for it wasn't long before I was feeling lots better. I've taken eight bottles in all and am a well man, never lose a day from work or feel bad in any way. It's a fact, Tanlac is the best medicine I ever saw or heard of." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adve, R. 8 V. P. Here is a true story from a girls' school in the English Midlands; A "general knowledge" lesson was in progress. "Can anyone," demanded the teacher, "tell me the meaning of the letters R. 8. V. P.?" There rose the daughter of wealthy parents, whose receptions drew all the local socléty. "Rush in, Shake, and Vanish Pleasantly," she replied. ER Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere --ee What He Answered. The editor in charge of the personal inquiry column opened his seventieth letter with a groan. ™I have lost three husbands," a lady reader had written, confidentially, "and now have the of fer of a fourth. Shall I accept him." This was the last straw. "If you've lost three husbands," he wrote, "I should say you are much too careless to be trusted with a fourth." a amenities MONEY ORDERS. partments will undertake the compila- by misfortune, but great minds rise|N0t have a safé medicine at hand to When Canon Burroughs of Peter- Sivetnka _ Sion. The collection of these statis] above it. y give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets | borough, England, was in America His Heari g R ° Lies | 5 a national agricultural] Tne world is full of will people-- [relieve these troubles, or if given oc- | some months ago he told this signifi- . ean : stor ed A violent fit of 'anger affects the Bb of much value ® the|some willing to work, and the rest|casionally to the well child will pre: [cant story: A woman empioyed in an he invisible ear drum invented by heart instantly, and poison has bees © fawmers as well as to the country willing to let them. vent their coming on. The Tablets | English mill was allotted a dificult | A. O, Leonard, which is a miniature discovered in the blood immediately . _geverally, Owing to these armual sta-| More harm fs done by the cowardice | 3T¢ guaranteed by a government an-|plece 'of machine work to do. The Hegapiuns, ing wide She i ou after such an outburst. : | tistics, it is possible to show that the|of those who are afrald to do that |alyst to be absolutely harmless even | foreman told her to send for him if {rely out of sight, is restoring the © area in Oanada under fleld crops in-| which is right than by the courage of (to the newborn babe. 'They aro es-|8he had any trouble with her machine. | hearing of hundreds of people in New ed' from about 89,000,000 acres those who do wrong. =' © "| pecially good in summer because they | She had to send for him several times | York City. Mr. Leonard invented this Fri nearly 53,000,000 acres in > regulate. the bowels and keep the'| and finally decided that she would not |drum to relieve himself of deafness LY 'their value from $825,370,000 King Edward's Joke. stomach sweet and pure, They are | bother him again but would'herself try | and head nolses, and it does this so - Lh to $1,466,244,000 in 1920 or : sold by medicine dealers or by mail at [to remedy any trouble that might | successtully that no one could tell he '"Bayer" is only Genuine 5 per cent, ro sense Afeins Wea proud of hig Fe. 35cencs shox trom The Dr. Williams |8H8e. But when troupe ocoutood sel 18 a deat min It effective when 19, DET > semblance to King Bdward VIL He. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. she tried to conquer it she merely | deafness Is caused by catarrh or by oA wore his beard trimmed in the same eins made the difficulty worse. The ma- | perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- he Efficiency Engineer. (| fashion, and occasionally: frequented A Viear to the Toadstools, "| chine came to a complete stop. al drums. A request for information "Some one was talking (0.a Western | the same health resorts. Ome of the A vicar of a scattbred rural parish| When the foreman came to her aid | to A. O. Leonard, Suite 487, 70 Fifth man with reference to sclentific farm | many fantastic stories he used to tell had a remarkable knowledge of fungi. [she looked up at him and said, "I did | Avenue, New York City, will be given ; ot 2 pvontures and misadventures | 5, keen was he on his hobby, saysithe {my best." a prompt reply. advt. as follows: PPS Tas London-Morning Post, that he some-| "No," sald the foreman quietly, "the re aoe here, Richard,' sad King Bd- | mes neglected his pasteral work fo] best is sending Tor me." ; What Is Politics? ward lo me. ou one occasion; 'this | yoaroh for specimens, Ons day he| To-day men and women everywhere "Pop? Won't do, you know, : stopped to gee a bedridden old lady,{are trying to do their best alone, for-| «well, Junior--" Warning! It's criminal * to take a 'What won't do, your Majesty? 1| wns immediately reminded him how |getful that the Master of all work "Are 'politics' plural?" chance on any substitute for genpina } ow . long it was since he had made his last | Stands ready to help them in the re- "No, my boy, there isn't anything in | "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed 'Well, it comes to this: you or 1 call, : *| mediable little things as well as in the | the world more singular than politics." | by physicians for twenty-one years must leave Momburg, and I vote we been a toadstool," she de. | great they lead to, The best is : and proved safé by millions," Unless * "It T had 1 : 1, ! toss up which it is to be, I don't clared, "you'd have been to see me [Always sending for Him, : you see the name /'Bayer" on package long ago!" tet Send a Dominion Express Money | or on tablets you are not getting As- ------e mires b The moon moves 3,350 feet per| Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. pirin at all. In every Bayer packago Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia | second. merrier are directions for . Colds, Headache, rte What He 'Had. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, XT ; Ny. "There was a strange man here to | Toothache, Lumbago and. for Pain. See you to-day, Papa,' sald little Ethel | Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost - i" v . : . on meeting her father im the hall. few cents. Drugglsts also sell larger is ; : - . - "Did he have a bill?" ' packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin ["" Can money be made out of the ex-|ing for his fortunes to change he ap-| "No, papa. He had just a plain|is the trade mark. (registered, in ploration of uncharted parts of the |plied reluctantly to the Norwegian | nose." Canada), of Bayer' Manufacture of world? ie UU 3 t for the very modest sum : M: ti ~The question is suggested by the ex- fof 5,000 kronen (about $1,376). This cers - pedition which has already started to was refused. Everyone thought Nan- | | N J R D' | Boale Mount Hyerest, a a 5 : {188 | 8 ra ; » parks : up, in hot. wate th S MINARDS LINTRBNT Tt and you will never be

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