Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 21 Apr 1921, p. 7

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ling, hypertrophied or hi defective nutrition, | ng troubles, nervous) "Sete, skin : and 'the Division of Maternal an Ohl Weta Think of what an im- blessing such a combined be when ls even before thé bi ; clinics to look after th child : Ee mother with ihe ad operation' in bringing up the baby : the critical Bhs years of life; then school inspection on followed later medical inspection 'of oung boys | girls Fore sti it would "be ghts. need for 'these a land of such as 'has been of the bereft of 'hot, well-cook od during - school hours, but aie early Sangh % He advantages nciples a the oy ot impres- sions very ad hese remain through life. This combined scheme of medical generation &tronger and more frée from physical defects than any pi one, and lay the foundations for a race of to er indus- tions' td my garden is a poppy bed, "Filled with blossoms of a brilliant red; They softly sigh. Saying a message from a distant land, | ~ [Bringing a memory of a noble band : A tame squirrel, kept as a house supplied with Jute in the most curious 'Who died for freedom In a valiant | tra stan eo Where still they. lie. Each : lite flower seems to tél g 'one { Who lost his ife re if had au poppies the Jude x 2 harvest of love t meskes ut found in the|. rural. Gi especially that many|, coming some distalice pet and allowed liberty from: its cage, 'As in the breeze nods each drowsy: wi A lumber. Leagtie," 1 at the present tine mak- ing great efforts to secure the Preser- vation of some of the giant trees in Californfa, which are fn al way the most interesting of created things. They are by far the 'most ancient of living things. Many of these trees : ere well grown and flourishing: dur ing: the.lifetime of Christ, 'Some: of | them were living when King Solomon reigned in Jerusalem, when the pyra: 'mids: were built and when Babylon was at the height of its glory and power. Their years can be counted by their rings of annual growth, Unfortunately, nearly all of the sur yiving glant redwoods are on land be longing' to 'private' owners, most of whom 'are disposed to log them off, re- farting their money value as of more importance 'any sentimental cofis siderations attaching to them. The league has undertaken to obtain pos- slssion of some of the tracts by pur chase: ' "Many of 'the giant trees are 'more than 800 feet tall.: "Old Goliath," 4 which: was blown down in a storm & tew years had a circumference of more than 100 feet at the base, ai one of 'its limbs was eleven feet' | diameter. 'The "Father of the Forest," 'mow lying prone, has had its helrt o | eaten out hie fire, 80 that one can ride the rest .. ; fora through its trunk of eighty-one feet. it was more than 100 feet: in height, The "Mother of 'tiie Forest," long ago stripped of its bark, measures (without the bark) forty and a half feet in girth seventy feet. from the ground. It is estimated: to contain 527,000 feet of sound inch "Municipal in Canada| And who Will walk amie with me, Alotig life's weary A friend a Aa i 0.00 , The stare shine out oer the darkening And he quiet rest at the end of the say, The brave, sweet words that cheer' - the way 'Where he walks a mile. With, me. With such a comrade, such a friend, .1 1 fain would walk till journey's end, Through Sumner. 'sunshine, winter again! a "Henry VanDyke Father and Son. - We will hazard the assertion that by far the greater number of men whose lives are useful, fruitful and reasonably happy had fathers 'who made friends of their boys, and that the greater number. of men whose lives are wasted or evil had fathors who never made friends of their boys. It is from the father the boy should get his first lessons in good humor, sportsmanship, generosity, good fel- lowship, perseverance, industry--in- deed, in all the qualities that should eventually enable him to bear himself as he should in the rough-and- tumble of'life. From the mother come ug ly the fostering of the gentler? Bina that outgrowth is Ii ed and may even die unless it is ac- companied by growth of the manlier virtues. ' Those may be fostered in school, by teachers and by association with other boys; but there is no in- fluence 80 potent iff ourighing' them' in shaping the boy's character as that of the father who tikes a friend: of his son. Paternity Implieh: 'nearly alwads some measure of affection, but it does not always the world who have a kinder and more tender feeling for "their boys when they are away from them than when they see them. The nervous, irritable father © whose high-spirited son is a solirce of annoyance rather than of pleasure, the overworked father who comes home too tired to have any zest for play, the preoccupied father who _gannot troubles, the self- "indulgent father who regards his home as a sanctuary for himself and wants only to be let alone with his newspaper, his magazine and his pipe--none of them is by way of cultivating his boy's friendship. None of them is meeting in the proper spirit the responsibilities of parenthood-- even though they may all be taking proper measures for the health and schooling of their children. Friendship requires a' certain amount of effort, a certain amount of self-sacrifice, ylelding frequently your own desires to those of the person that you befriend. = The fgther who reads aloud to his boys and discusses with them the books that they read, who helps them with their lessons, who teaches them the use of tools, the names of trees and flowers and «| birds, who makes holidays and Swn- dayd an occasion for giving pleasure to them rather than for seeking it for himself, serves not only his sone but his country. rere A ree ns Yap Money. 'The island of Yap is noted, among other things, for having the most ex- traordinary currency {in the world. Besides the ordinary shell money there is a stone coinage, consisting of calcite or limestone disks that vary | from six inches to twelve feet in diam- '| eter. The larger stones, which are | rather tokens than money, are piled - fup round the chief's treasure house + {and seldom change hands in the trans- {actions in which they figure, though the ownership changes. One huge fei, or stone coin, was lost in a storm _| while being ferried from one place to | another, but is still regarded as valid "| as a medium of trade, although it lies at the bottom of the sea. Evidently | there 1s something to be learned from MEAD: To. lose your mney and still have oF: and lifé could hardly grow ous in a land where it ig the 1 to trundle a couple of eight- | down. to the corner A friend who Knows, and dates to rain, : And then? Farewell, we shall nit] more spiritual side of his nature; but' kely "to ve. SArrdate imply some. measure of .| friendship. There are many fathers in shake off his problems and ha iis for my children and from my | fE3perionce; x would sot be without them. 1 would urge every other mother to keep a box of the Tablets in the house." The Tablets are a mild but fhorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten: the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion : '| break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. They are sold by 'medicine dealers or by mail at 256 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 . 0 Character. © When we use the word success, we too often mean a fortune. But the het- .| ter kind of wealth is not the wealth of -|dollars, houses, lands and vested in- terests. It is the wealth of a good name and the essential quality in man or woman that makes such a name and stands behind it, 'Some who maintain a very respect: able character in the community think they are better than others who fell, when the truth is that they were never similarly tempted. They were cush- foned om all sides 'against a shock. They were sheltered from the tempest others had to-face. It takes extremes--either of adver- sity or of prosperity--to bring out the real character. We find certain men who have inherited preposterously arg "Sums Jot money going alk to goss orally, "drunk with sight of Lower," failing to realize.their stew- Pardship. Quite as bad as to be prodi- gal is to be niggardly. In fact, the picture of a digsdlute rake flinging his money away ig rather more attractive than the view of a mean old miser sitting on top' of 4 pile of money and loving ft to death. 'Character is not = to be simulated. Now and again one encounters the man "who thinks he can go to the @nd buy the makings of a ge! lan. The swagger outfit of ex- ternals will not do-it remains obvi- ously an outfit, merely the external raiment, entirely separable from the substance and the spirit of a man. How amazing is the difference be- tween two that are fashioned crigiual- ly in God's image and of the same clay!" One breathes benignity and the other fs malign. One is spiritual, the other is of the earth earthly. One has only commonplace ideas and a torpid Imagination, "the other abounds in bright and delicate fanties and a quick and humorqus sympathy, so that the association is a pleasure al too brief and rare. To keep a character worthy of one's own respect implies self-control. Nor will the respect of others be won if We have reason to despise ourselves. -- ee One ostrich egg will make an omelet sufficient' for thirty people. The first explorer to cross the Can- adian Rockies was Alexander Mac- kenzie. On a great rock at Tide Water is the inscription: "Alexander Mac- kenzie, from Canada by land, July 22, 1798. Lat. 652.21, 48 N." He also dis- covered the river which bears his name. * Amerioa's Pioneer Bi Remaiive ng DisiAsts money and has been used many times ESE ye A Quick Relief Wiel Headache fi hondachelnfraguentls caseed by ull Abecrbed by the Lead which in turn irritates the nerves and absorbed by the ASPIRIN Is only Genuine "Bayer" criminal to- take a » | chance on any substitute for genuine | "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin, ** preseribed by 'physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Unless with the dishes?" "No. He says he did all the | police duty he' ever intends to do {the army," Ap All He Owned. "1 wonder will Smithers al lude to his wife so lovingly al own'? "Well, she. is his own. Everything else in the house he is paying Tor on the instalment plan. u $ ab' 'm! Not | His His Sob. : The other 'day a little fellow was having a merry romp, regardl of his clothes entirely. During a pause in his play his mother said to him, pointing to two boys in immaculate white suits "Look, dear, wouldn't you like to be nice and clean like those children there?" "Huh!" replied the youngster scorn< fully, "they're not children, they' re pets." Laying the Ghost. A young Irishman went to the priest and told him, with a long face, that he had seen a ghost, . When and where?" said the pe "Last night," replied the timid) "I was passing by"the church, against he wall of 1% did I bebol spectre." "In what shape did it appear?" ins quired the priest. : " It appeared in the shape of a great ase." "Go home and hold your tongue about' it," rejoined the priest; Tuyou are a very timid man, and have been frightened by your own shadows} tor, an; up the # rte Aree E MONEY ORDERS. = The safe way to send money hy mail is by Dominion Express Money;Order, - Oriental Goldfish. Goldfish, as bred in Japan and China, assume strange shaped: the Celestial has eyes on top of it head, the Telescope has grotesque frotrud: ing eyes, while the Tumbler 'cahnot maintain its equilibrium in thd water owng to tts curious shape, eo Every workman in Japan wears on his cap an inscription stating his busi- ness and his employer's name. For Wears I have never considered my stock of household remedies compléte unless a bottle of Minard's Liniment was included. For. 'burns, "bruises, sprains, frostbites or chilblai it ex- gels, and I know of no bettedfremedy for a severe cold in the head, ora will give more immediate relief, 'th to In- ale from the bottle through the nasal organ, And as to my supply of viterinary remedies it 1s essential, as it has in very many instances proven its valu: A re- Sent experience in reclaiming what was Siphosed to be a lost section of a valu- ble cow's udder hag ok again dem strated Tis great worth to re- commend it in the highest i to all Wha have a herd of cows, large er small. I I am safe in saying ainong all the patent medicines there is none that covers as large a fleld of usefulnédss as doés Minard's Liniment. A real; trueism good for man or beast. CHAS. K. ROBBINS, Chisbogue Bont, Ld 8. Pi just ached Sloan's Liniment and the quick comfort had bro broughta smile of pleasure to for aches res ting Spal Shar Sabotdre: ° overworked es. Pane. "trates without rubbing. All druggists have it. Burning On Hands, GouldNotPut |- pa te, Lost Seep. |

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