few years back, "I Don't Know Wh 1 I'm Going, But Pm on my Way," would very aptly describe the mental] tlitude of thousands of young men| ; young women who are just start- ing out for themselves, but don't know where they're going. They have vim | and courage and ability aplenty, and Viieh is the most important leg three-legged stool?" letting you walk abeut in them old boots, and him a bootmaker, too!" "Garn!" replied Bobby Roberts, "my father: ain't so: mean as your anyway. Why, fancy him being a den- tist and: your baby's only got one tooth!" : : © All Meal Time, A farmer 'who went to see the] sights 'of London engaged a room at a hotel, -and before retiring asked the 8-{ could make a splendid success of their| clerk about the hours for meals. "flives, but they will fail for lack of al* | definite purpose, one all-absorling aim . % Santo which all the energy of their life pon. t "heal I dfishould be poured. t of|her children's eltare exact - heavy A man starting in life without a P aght | tolls, while kt Hol meals, broken restif definite aim is.like a ship that. should ve you a simp 6 test; and much Indoor lying tend to weaken fistart out on the ocean without chart thing, to-day, which Her constitution, : No wonder that the for compass, or any definjte port in r company's inter-| Woman at home ia often indisposed | view. fis rough ess," headaches, back-| The failure army is full of people aches and nervousness. 'Too many | who drifted through life without any women have grown to accept these{plan, without heading for any goal in visitations as a part of the lot off particular. Half the human race: is motherhood. But many and varied asdadrift, without aim or purpose, living her health troubles are, the cause i4{an unplanied, hand-to-mouth exist- simple and rellet at hand. When well, fs the woman's good blood sh "when "fil sh must' make her hlood rich to renew her health. The nursing mother more than any other woman in the world needs rich blood and plenty of. 'Jit. There Ia One. way tJ. get this good | blood so necessary to perfect health; and that is through the use of Dr. f Williams' Piok Pills. = These pills rimake new blood, and 'through 'their ce. barks There are millions of hunian! on the sea of life, sailing aim- Llessly, without chart or compasd, and [yet they wonder why they never get' Fanywhere. : With a definite goal in view and an inflexible determination to reach it, you will win out, though the whole world should try to hold you back. . | tf mii Making Joss Sticks. | "Wa have breakfast from eight to eleven, lunch from eleven to three, tea from three to seven and dinner from seven to. ten." t "When the dickens am I going to get to see the sights?' exclaimed the farmer in surprise; only a Dud. While he was making his way about his platoon one dark night a sergeant hear the roar of a "G. I. Can" over-| head and dived into a shell hole, His head knocked the wind out of a pri- vate who already occupied 'the hole. There was a moment of silengg a long, deep breath, and' then: "Is that you, Sarge?" "That's me." "Thank heaven!" exclaimed the pri- vate feverishly. "I was just waiting for you to explode." * { America's Ploneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES sic a 5 a £ tried height of 5,000 feet, but the dust f; ed to cause rain. Rs 2 fe Ey En, liz The Pretoria Government % ra RV EA EIR TABLETS Sy FRY TH Lo AL: CI WOWID TOTOS Cause of Early Old Age The celebrated Dr. Michenheoff, an autho.ity on early old age, says thatitis "caused by @ enerated in the intestine."", hen your stomach digests food roperly it is absorbed without Pop Hy matter, Pol: tly 'an experiment with a View te ueing rain by dropping dust on clouds, An aeroplane ascended os al- ve done for "ourfuse thousands of weak, ailing wives The composition of the eandles call- 1 -bygdne| and mothers have been made hright, led joss sticks, which are used in all ne 'chegrful and strong. If you are afl-| the religious ceremonies of Buddhism, aling, easily tired or depressed, it 8} has long remained a mystery, the pre- la duty you owe yotrselt and your | paratfon of the sticks being entrusted and How to Feed Mailed Free to any AG tdresd the th t 31st Btreet Mew Fork, VBA ns bring on saply old Lage and; Fa Ea mak: 'digestion sound. ro W, it+copied out by hand. A beok then|family to give Dr. Williams' Pini i f'was 'an' almost priceless p j|& fair trial, - What this medicine hal ~~ land we do not so highly regard 'what | done for others' it will 'surely do for lingly nothing that "fs}is committed to paper in. thig éra of you, =< fees esome. But: consider the. con-| comparative plenty and of quick-| You an get Dr. Williams' Pink y that remark: Nothing is]action presses.: But-if the Pliysical Fille through uy aler in matictse 1 he 3 va of go ter, al or by mail a 0X Of 8 xes lesome that we do willing] valuation of a book 3 slighter, it 1s for $2.50 from Tho Dr. Willams' : : Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ey 'Little-Known Iceland. The! giversinient of Iceland will be in the market .for a loan as soon as 'the project of expenditare is approved 'by the homie government, which is 'Denmark, - It should certainly get it BY DR. Li) MIDDLETON : Wher iol try on-astiirte which it 18 safe to lend 5 "it is Toeland, Fatih "is °g country nearly twice o size of Nova Seok of * which playing | about balf is available for tillage or eb 'In|Pasturage. Its CT of w if he| there are an ebundance, provide ft sperately pith a great amount of water power, is mouth | Which its people desire to utilize, The 'coughing, | loan will said hel installing hydro-electric power plants, the dan-| Iceland lies just south of the Arctic ng in a] circle, in the latitade of Central er of they agree that they have power and can make profitable without trouble, for if there is a coun- | e sought for thexpurpose of | to certain persons chosen from a lim- 'ited class. Not long ago, however, there was learned the manner of mak- ing joss-sticks in Indo-China. A stem of bamboo is rolled in a preparation containing fourteen different odorifer- ous 'drugs, two of which are signifi- cant, as showing. a knowledge of omic and physical properties. lege. are aconite, which serves to protect the sticks against the attacks of rats and mice, and camphor, which causes them to burn steadily without being periodically extinguished. ree ameter One of the best known guides in Noya Scotia gives this testimonial of MINARD'S LINIMENT-- . Have used MINARI'S LINIMENT in my home, hunting and lumber camps for years and consider it the best white liniment on the market, I find that it gives quick relief to minor accidents, uel 'es Sprains, Bruises and all kinds 'wounds. Also it Is a great remedy for: coughs, colds, ete., "which one is Hable to catch when log driving and oruising during the winter and spring. onths. I would not be without MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and cannot recom- mend it too Hy Bitison 0. iad ec BIEN son_Gray Hast Kemp! Feb. 24, 1920. What He Thought. At last little David John was allow: od to visit grandpa all alone. They were great friends and had long wait. ed for the great day. David John had the time of his life. Grandpa saw that he wanted for nothing. The small hoy gobbled cake and pie to his heart's content, while his pockets bulged all the time with sweets, But there comes an end to everything and David John went home again, pale yellow of com: plexion, and languid and feverish, Mother, promptly sent for the dodtor, who ordered him to bed and sent him some very disagreeable medicine. Grandpa came next day and was per- ville, N, lying wan and pale on his but received a watery smile of "Oh, Grandpa," seid the Valco, "I've been awtully Is 80 soothing and cooling for baby's tender skin after a bath with Cuticura Soap. hema awiste. Tucan Zc, Sold Lie dimited, 344 81. St. W., Montreal. Soap shaves without mug. re ae freed. Liniment : ONLY TABLETS MARKED Y " nn (WA A -------- M You can just tell by its healthy, stimulating odor, that it is going to do you good #7F 1 only had some Sloan's 'Lini- 1 ment!" How often You've said that! - And then when the rheu- matic twinge subsided--after houg of suffering=you forgot it! pr Don't do it again get a bottle (o- day and Reep it handy for possible use tonight! A sidden attack may come on---sciatica, lumbago, - sore.muscles,. backache, stiff jointa, neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from expos- ure. You'll son find warmth and re- lief in Sloan's, the liniment that peme~ trates without rubbing. < Clean, econom- ical, Three sizes--35c, 70c, $1.40 loa = "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" S|