' That' day the wert away amazed by the girl's courage, but the 'next day they returned and killed ~ Mary Morrell and the others, : To the amagement of the Chinese, " the relatives of those murdered _mis- " slonariés are now vio 'The old gateman Still ves to Horace Pitkin, one of the three, ted a letter to his son, urging n'to come to China and take up his 1 work; and in 'answer to that 'message the son, a graduate' 6f is: now a me missionary: » spirit of the Master that to- ariny of which: he-be: | through the nse of B veo lets. Ls bp but thorough laxative which can always be. depended "to_regulate the | and s eaten the = stomach. They are fon olutely safe and are,sold | 'under a guarantee to be entirely free from opiates or other injurious drugs. | Concerning them "Mrs, Thomas A. Boutot, Lake Baker, N.B., writes: "I am pleased to state that Baby's Own Tablets' were of great help to me when my baby was suffering from constipation." The Tablets are sold | by medicine dealers of by mall at 25 cents a box from" The Dr. Williams Medicine Coi, Brockville, Ont." ~~ | ef ei France now ho io reduce her Free, now opes 'States, according | 5: i] disgass and to fight it after disease | precious possessions you have. You 'weaken this power when you let your .| fig from' Hanya the' 'well known to "The power of "your is to resist a foothold, is one of the miost | general. health run down, your blood 7 gets thin and your nerves unsteady. | You weaken it when you worry, bq hen you over-work, when you do not | b- | get sufficient sleep; and when you are undernourished, either because you do not eat the right kind of food or | because your digestion is out of order | You preserve your power to resist disease when you keep good hours atid edt proper food at regular inter: vals. You further increase and strengthen resistance to disease when you build up your blood and nerves by the occasional use of a tonic like Dr. Williams Pink Pills, which are free from opiates and harmful drugs of any kind. 'The value of these pills as a health builder is fully shown by the experience of Mrs. HW. C. Taylor, Hanover, Ont, who says: "At vari ous times since I was'a girl of fifteen I have proved the value of Dr. Wil llams Pink Pills." At that age I was in @ much run down condition, suffer: "| land. | more intelligible than speech. guage of the tongue Land another sof tthe heat}, and the cond is the more important. - The Canadian Tommy in France oftey found himself unable to exchange words--heyond the briefest greeting Ajd [or the expression of the elemental needs of life--with- those: among "whom he came, from a'far, strange But actions were louder and people knew from his kindly face an 'his outheld hand that they had no- thing to fear from this Canadian sol-| dier. He came not to steal or de. stroy; he came to help and to play the part of a friend, The traveler in a land held by sav- ages is under a constant surveillance. The aboriginal folk are wondering v-hether he is the advance agent of a great many more, who are coming to longed to them and to their forbears. He is on trial, and the burden of proof rests with him. If he goes with the modest, courteous, considerate de- meaner of a Farabee traveling through Amazonia, he has nothing to fear--for he has done nothing to cre- ate fear, When Stanley went to Africa or Roosevelt traversed South America, or Kinglake made his jeur- ney in the"East, each of these voyag- ers encountered unfamiliar tongues; but there are always ways in which one human being makes himself understood by another, no matter how distant the points from which they came, The variety of languages is one of the marvels and mysteries, yet be- yond the grammar and the etymology there is forever a fundamental 1'fact-- that men: are+b bound 'to-help: and' serve - © "other in 1, tine of feed. 3 sickness - i pletely broken in health. Part of the tors, and for three months I was prac- tically between life and death. Again at my mother's suggestion I started the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, I had not been taking them long before I could tell that they were helping me. Day by day I could feel my strength returning, and was soon enjoying good health once more. In view of my ex- perience I think I can ~gafely say there is nothing in the way of medi- cine better than Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes fof $2.60 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ina Bookshop: [A shabby woman, with slow, weary ga Searches through piles of marked down volumes; where Amid old favorites she finds "Jane eyre"-- An old man passing by, with out of date And threadbare garments, turns; sur- prised, "Why, Kate! - « = It's years . -. . " 'And she: "Do you remember, Tim, : 'When we read this together?" Eyes grow dim, dal bend above the tale of storm "tossed fate. | And time and trouble swiftly fade "away, + Until beneath the apple tree once more, Hand clasped in" hand, anibitious, 'young and gay, O'er Rochester, St. John and 'Jane they pore. Then waken witha: start to each rim geM-- fr ou Tim, Sid. Kato, beside a Bookshop shelf. was following anf. attack of pleursy, which left me coms time'I was under the 'care of two doc- and: The pron pets We make and Tourn 'to love do not talk to us--in words they use no- language. that-we recognize with one another. = "The dumb brutes," we sometimes call them, Yet when your dog 'stands at your: knee: and looks up at you; how eloquent are his eyes! His friendship proclaims itself in a speaking silence; his e attitude is loquacious of his fondness and his loyalty. Two are friends when they have learned to interpret aright the silences that fall between them. They know that the understanding is complete and that words are unnecessary to an explanation. It is a relief when one may-without reservation trust and be trusted, though nothing is said. We might, indeed, learn from our humble dependent the dog a valuable lesson of implicit faith that does not need the medium of writing or of speech. J ----, « A Disappointing Manarch. e obituary notes of Mrs. "General" Thumb have generally omitted jncident that attended Barnum's cess in inducing Queen Victoria to } the Lilliputian "general" to be jented to her. 3 e little wife was allowed to ac- ¢ he her lord, but was not per- mitted the honor of being "received." In a gap in the conversation the nasal comment. of Mrs, Tom Thumb, who resented the diserimination, sounded from the background: "My, but ain't she shabby for a queen!" This is to certify that fourteen years ago T.got the cords of my left wrist nearly severed, and was for about nine months that I had no use of my hand, and tried other Limiments, also doc- tors, and was receiving no benefit. By a persuasion from a friend I got MIN- ARD'S'LINIMENT and used one bot- tie, 'which completely relieved me, and Hiavée been using MINARDYS LINI- M 'in. my family ever since and find it' the same as when I first used it, sud would never be without it. 5 ISAAC BE. MANN, Metapédia, PQ. A Concise "Ending. ttle boy had labored long at 'the of writing an original story. He ad written: #Once upon a time .a me fia bev in th town take what through the ages has be-| Toacher-- What are {he properties of heat and cold?" alk Pupil The property of heat expand and cold to contract." r--"Now give me an ox- ample." Small Pupil--"In summer, whin it is hot, the days are long; in winter, when it 1s cold, the Hays are are short." Pat's Explanation. Pat, with his fellow-workman, was | crossing a plank between two sky- scrapers, and the foreman noticed that Pat crawled across on hands and knees, while the other workman walk: ed across. © "Ho," said the boss, "you're afraid of walking on that plank, Pat!" "Begorra,". answered Pat, "its not afraid of walkin' on the plank I am; shure, I'm afraid of walkin' off it." bs . S---- | His Favorite. 'The rector was discussing the Par- ables with a small'boy, and said he as- sumed, of course, that the boy had heard of the Parables. iYes, sir," snrwered the boy. "Good," "exclaimed Dr. 'Durrell. "Now, which of them do you like best? © The boy considered, plied: "I Hke the one where somebody loafs and fishes." im oni MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. and then re- "8o It Seems. "I don't approve of this reckless ex- penditure, Mabel. You should save your pennies--the price of things is going up." "Then what's the use of keeping them, Auntie? The longer I save them the less I can buy." To agree with the opinion of others is less usual than it is to applaud your own opinion when expressed by others, ing with neighbor Johnnie and teld him plainly that he considered that effect. This w Tommie's mother hap hearing, and auyouct lo bo in were too painful to relate. Next day the boys were again playing together, and again Tommie lost his temper. ' "You inly are--" he began wrathfully, but memory lent caution to = his tongue, and he concluded forceful ly, "just the same kind of a fellow you were yesterday!" ------------ Ask for Minard's and take no other. In Siberia a winber zainbow Yome- times lasts all day. It is caused by fine particles of 'snow suspended in the air. 2 "MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only--Iook for the name California oh the package, then you are sure youl child is having the best and most "DANDERINE" PUTS "+. BEAUTY IN HAIR &! RY -- double its beauty. You can have lots Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading.. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 85-cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic; then its life, color, brightness and abundance will return--Hurry! A of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. |' hirmléss physic for thé little stom. ash liver and bowels. Childsen love fruity taste. . Full directions om each dettle: on, must say yd Jorata™ Doc. DISEASES Mor How to xed to. an: rons ¥ the Author. XH. Olay Glover Oo. Ino 118 West 81st Birest . New York, U.S.A. . ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN : D Not Aspixifi at All without the "Bayer Cross"