3 for aster Outfit. ts, Spring usual display : of : Spring Fashions. With YY Accessories to the Easter Costume SILK HOSE a to-day, (Wednesday) we make ~ our formal display of Spring Fashions in Millinery in our lillinery Parlor. You are ~~ cordially invited to be present on any or all of these days. Order your Easter Hat now. _ They will be delivered in the same rotation as the order is received. =~ = : : PLS Owing to the great difficulty in get ing dresses made we have made arrangements with a manufacturer of skirts and dresses to send a - number of exclusive modely down for Jisplay at our opening. There are _ some smart designs in dresses of wool Jersey Cloth, Serge and other materials, Handsome skirts of the popular Baronette Satin in large ee plaids and stripes will be shown. Waists will be shown in Georgette, repe de Chene and Voile. a : t Ladies' Hose made of pure i thread silk, seamless, with el- _astic lisle top. Colors Black, White, Taupe and Brown. Per pair $2.75 ----- = ~ Spring Gloves Men's unlined Mocha Gloves 74 to 10. ' Price $2.50 ' Unlined Cape Kid Gloves in dark grey. Price $3.75 Easter Neckwear New Silk Neckties in four-in. hand style in many different designs. Prices $1.00 to $2.00 ment of .~ Men's Spring Suits ~~ We have just received a ship- en's Clothing con- sisting of some nobby styles. in Men's and Young en's Suits. The materials are Tweeds and Worsteds and are the conservative sin men. ade up in hree-button le breasted Sac7d6 or slight- = {y fitted belted m els for young Prices $32.00 to $45.00 Boys' Suits We are also showing many new lines of Boys' Suits in Tweeds and Worsteds. 8 years to 16 years. Sizes Prices $10.00 to $18.00 ~ LADIES--The undersi oh h L Nt All information and Bell Phone 129 3 Spirella Corsets Satisfaction and goodfitting guaranteed ed is prepared to , call at your home and fit 'Spirella Corsets. prices upon application 'to Mrs. A. M. Roberts, Port Perry, Ontario --27 " + VJAKE your banker your financial = adviser. Let him help you fo shape your affairs so that he will be warranted in giving you ample credit Joupetale your farm iicientl, Our : S you in every w possible. ON = rtd "THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE for Butter Fat. SL -- BIG PRICE FOR CREAM The Port Perry Creamery is ». now: paying 68¢ per pound Qur rigs are on the road and are will- ing to call for your cream. GIVE US A TRIAL Allan Goode, Proprietor PAID-UP. CAPITAL = =. $15000000 RESERVE FUND TR $15,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, E. B. Walker, Manager. 'Port Perry FRA Prince strawberries, black etc. In good repair and My, What a Pleasant Surprise | and they're Willard's tandies too. My dear boy, I cannot thank you enough, for I do dearly * love those delicious Willard Chogolates and bon bons, They . have such a different taste, such a whole-. - * some taste, you know. Thank 'you indeed. oi ; outfit, fireplace. Confectioner. Port Perry| Highest Price - = NT )pecial Prices for Crate Fattened SEA Hens HAROLD W. EMMERSON Ontario dwelling in Village of Ibert, acre land, raspberries, currants, apples, decoration. Convenient to school and church. NEW BRICK HOUSE; hardwood trimmed throughout, full bathroom furnace, electric light, Situated on good street in Port Perey... Terms can be arranged. yout properties with me, --e | RAW FURS and will pay the Every unmarried person, or "widow, or widower, without des pendants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year, 1919, received or earned $1,000 or more. L CLASS 1 Forms to be used in filing returns on or before "the | 31st of March, 1920: Trustees, executors, ad- ministrators, agents and assignees must use Form Employers making a return of the names and amounts paid to all di- rectors, officials, agents or other employees must use Form T 4. Corporations and Joint Stock Companies making a return of all dividends and bonuses paid to sharchold- ers and members. during 1919, must use Form T 5. Lion oot. TIe rotates oe thes oti dual capiicity on Form T1 or TL A "PENALTY. = + Every person who is required to make this return, who fails J to. do. so within the time | limit, shall be subject to a of $10.00 for each day 'during which the default 'continues --andall such pen- x 1 an from the person and Return - All persons. residing in Canada, employed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: in which | Qn FED / All other individuals, who during the calendar year 1919, received or earned $2,000 or more. * Time Limit All persons in Class 1, as shown hereon, must file on or before the 31st of March, 1920, All persons in Class 2, as shown hereon, must file on or before the 30th of April, 1920. General Instructions Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation, or from Postmasters. Read carefully all in- structions on Form before ! filling it in. é Prepay postage on . letters and documents for- warded by mail to Inspec- tors of Taxation. Make your returns promptly, and avoid penalties : mapecror of Fan tion fo bis istrict, Ir York ONL. j Yourlncome lax Should Je Filed at Once!!! Every corporation and Joint stock company, whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year end- ed in 1919. person «| making a false statement | information | or to six months' | ment or to" both fine and :| imprisonment, CLASS 2 Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920: All individuals other than farmers and ranchers ust use Form T 1. Farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1 A, Corporations.and Joint Stock Companies must use Form T 2. PENALTY Every person required" to make a return, who fails todo so within the time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five per centum of the amount of the tax payable. Any person, whether taxable or ot ise, who f: make a return oi information di according to of the Act, sum © conviction to a penalty" of $100.00 for each day during which the default continues. Also any in any return or in any uired by the liable, on Minister, shail g conviction, to a summary penalty notexceeding $10,000, | son-' RW. BREADNER,