Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 25 Mar 1920, p. 4

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ov i Chureh, Te; : Sir nth | nig rom the Ontario Govt ostieton Station R. R. 1, (via Caesarea P.O:) the fmastor Cencral's easurs, bid Rs ma voiiradal In Baa faformation as i ditions of propre] Cantract may be seen and forms of 1. do may be obtained at +0 Cast -Ofices of 4 Station and Cacsarca ! iu bat tine office of the Pout (fice Inspector, Toronto A. SUTHERLAND, 3 Posi ze Inspector. Fo crane, Mareh a7, 1926 Victor y Bonds The undersigned has for sile Victory Bonds (an abso- intcly safe investment. at ood interest) as follows: Year Price Interest 1922 99 & iat. 5.85 1923 93 5.80 1924 of". 6.10 L927 100 -* 5 50 S933 100 5.50 1924 OT i' 5.80 1037 10%. , 5.40 Aonly for further particulars Yi MORY sy LayenaL, d..e Port Perry, Ont. Yor Prince Albert John Waren, who was appendicitis, is Mz. «peated on for % Js) ue ill, but is more than # Idizg his ow, ; ML ¢. ang euben' Bond are vaeks with their vhidreg th 'l Jraity, Ms. Se! cpent Friday of Lit wee in ) idge. fp and Mrs Mocley Campbell, vere on the sick list, have : TeCuve ad Mrs Bickel spent a jw.of days in Oshawa lately. 3. 4 a vita fell on theice a... i jue. nes wrist badly Lir. George Heayns and family oi Brooklin have moved into the aouse lately oceapied by Miss Oa, i nite, Lir. Willi Livy 137 retiring Lom fami ix. sv. James Kirby 13 movihg ua ©» his father's arm, while ici. Robertson, ofl- shirley, 18 takin 5 the farm re- satly ow cd by |! 3. Kirby. Died At Port Perry, on Sunday, > avch 21, 1920, eph Reader, his (5th year, TPS. At Port Perry, on Friday, "arch 19,192), Sarah Elizabeth Wright, beloved wife of James nongard. n ] 'Shurch of the 2 scension Sunday next, the 'ast 'Sunday | ithe month, €2rvicerin 'the { Jakreh of tha A462 1300, 7 p.m. A sacred conce.t. ilinstrated Wy sceaes fram the Life and Pas- sion of cur Lord, will be held in "Eas Pa-i3h H' "of {ha Church of "Sug Asce.s... ; uasder the aus- sices of the Younz People's Association... Collez:jon at the oor. All welcome. Methodist Church Devotional serviies will be 3old in te Methodist church "eh eveni.g duii:g Passion « eek. Bowiing Club A meeting of tye 3owling Club will be held at ths Treasurer's ffice on Monday evaning March | 9. 8. J. Mellow, 'President WS. Short; Secretary: vs. Forsythe, of Gaskatche: wan, is visiting ha sister, - Mrs. Victor Raines, ; Miss Estelle Bull is. spending a couple of weeks ia Blcomfield. ie. Wellin rtoa Somerville 4 family have moved to. their ex home in towy.. We wel: Be them as ¢itizeas. : 5 Cor ie k 13 Tow settled hone g/er the Star i In Mamoriam HT Winter Storase of Vegetabl inter 0 The Provincial Plowing Match These will be of interest to the farmers as well as to others. A RI w. C. T.U .|of the W.G C.T at the home 5 will of For Sale i 72% acres of pasture and wood- land being oi hest corner of lot'12, con. 8 Reach. A never- failing creek crosses the place. Address Alex MeGregor, Ux- bridge, Ont. R. R. 8. MUSKRATS = Skins Wanted Don't lose Money by selling elsewhere Top Notch Prices Paid. ' ISAAC TURNER Port Perry, _ Ont. Notes The income-tax collector seems to be our most successful fortune teller.--Philadelphia Ledger. It is unfortunate that those anti-prohibitionists should have to be faced with the ten com- mandments. Plenty of prohib- ition there. : a 0070". The Krupp Works in Berlin is tow prepared to build a loco- |' motive and ten railway trucks in one day. The war has done some good, if only to convert this Nightmare of Europe. 4 Jarz~Thump th keys--hit or miss--thats jazz. Now you ean understand why the stuff's 80 popular. : 0:00 Seagrave The special meetings are being conducted this week. Thursday evening Rev. Mr. Mason, Sonya, will speak, and on Friday even- ing Mr. Joblin, Scugog, will be with us. Next week - we expect - Mr Sharpe to again conduct the services. All are welcome. b-ay we J.. STONEHOUSE AGENT FOR Dodd & Struthers Lightning Rods A Company whose guarantee stands for something : Look 'Here Rhode Island Red, great laying strain and prize winners. Eggs for hatching $1.00 for 13. Jos. Hood, Port Perry BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Albert White, at Port Perry, on Feb. 7, To Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Redman, Scugog Island, on Friday, March 12, 920, a son, Clifford William For Sale : 7 roomed house, bathroom, electric light, hardwood floor, | hard and soft water in house, stone Soundation, good garden. situated on Queen Apply to Stewart Ford, Port Perry. z The regular month heeting + 5000 Muskrat| a daughter, Olive Kathleen Ma 7. | on | heal Wednesday afternoon, 'March 31 to cause his own medicine. I ake, mie. Your friend , Jack pel Vi Sin, A or for the Gallagher LE &" Hazel Griffen. Athletic Association An athletic Association was formed on Monday even ng, and the following officers elected: Hon President--W. L. Parrish President--Jas. McKee Vice President---I. R. Bentley Secretary--Melville Ingram Treasurer--James Boe Management Committee--Dr. McMaster, Mac Beare, Percy Rolph, Ivan Bowerman, Clinton _| Short. _ Fourth of Angst Committee . Farmer, D. Carnegie, W H. Harris, C. V. Purdy, Ross Hood. It is intended to rent the Fair grounds and retain them for athletic purposes. The Association has' made a fine start, having over fifty paid up members. St. Charles Hotel "A. E. Rogerson, Prop. GOOD MODERN SERVICE YqQu can recommend the St. Charles to your friends. 'We know we can please you in hotel accom- modation. District News. ~Fire damage at Oshawa during 1919 was $87,971. aachava tax rate may be 40 mills. The flax mill at Oshawa is being rebuilt. If you doubt that Spring is here watch the boys playing marbles. Sugar. prices. have not yet Toa the limit. r=Fymén 8 Sun CLOTHES THAT FIT YOU Doubt's Tailor Made suits Havel many advantages: 4 made to fit YOU. You can pick the particular you desire, You can have the suit cut in the style that pleases you. : If you wish an extra t or any other little c ange, it can be had! 'or the asking. And when quality of material | and workmanship are considered ably with ' ready mades. is a fact that many of our tomers are finding of out, We shall be d you uyers. tires . good, 'ling blue prints and estimates, | In the first place they are| designs and colorings i in cloth| * the price i Spates very favor- | ; cus-| is "The Flac 08 Paint For Interior Decamtion "For he 'walls and ceilings of any room in Sout house, most delicate and Jiarshonious n be secured by the = of NEU-TONE. It is cheaper Aap more sanitary than --h : paper and will last much longer because it can be washed 'without i injury. It positively will not rub off. ¢ NEL TONE tf sn dts, by he of vos di ~ MARTIN-SENOUR ; "yr arnole "Fy PAINTS AND VARNISHES nea NEU-TONE is easy to 3 : producing a Sh hy Hayes which eh aid Jeaves no brush mask : Pregeryes el the Bo oleum. . Any surface wa be successfully treated with A At burlap or metal. "Marble site" 1 ell and lo let us explain the merits of this and Floor Finish' TIN-SENOUR finishes. For oor er MART every surface. Our stock is com- The ore perfect and we can give you full information. floor finish. " Wood -Lac 93 W. L. P arrish Stain Improves the new--renews the old. i PORT PERRY, ONT. Carpet Ball League Standing The following is the standing of the carpet ball league! ; Sass Cov aaa. Sass CT SLI SELVTL 2 a os Coat "NN S. 0. E. - 36 points RA 1.0.0. F. - 22 points bhoabii Firemen - 30 points - LQ. L. - 19 points 'and Storm-Proof & 'because they are covered with CALT STEEL SHINGLES Cs "WE SELL EVERYTHING IN THE SHEET METAL LINE GALT Steel Shingles GALT Ventilators Corrugated Sheets Silo-Roots, eto. i FRANK | SHEPHERD 5 Ford Car For Sale 5 passenger, newly painted, electric starter, |g shock = absorbers, speedometer, | good lights and motor. Apply to A. M. Roberts, Port Perry. i Will give Estimates If you are thinking > atte |f f up any kind of building that can be covered with metal, it will pay you to consult Ed. Griffen, Bell Phone 108 r 15, who repre- Mss ESTELLE BULL sents the-Metallie- Roofing 00: Teacher of of Canada. This company has a PIANO AND VOICE - special department for furnish- ra Bell Phone 60 "Je Ds McMaster 'Veterinary Surgeon Office at McKee's Livery: tL. | Port Perry, "Ontario _W. A._SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON : . Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. oe. over L, G. Hall 5 ERRY Port Porty Real Estate We have a number of choice farms - 'on-our. list for sate. ~ Also some town property. Parties looking for either | would do well to see J . McKEE & FERGUSON Real Estate Agents {which they supply free to all . McCaw. Block: 'Phone 152 who use the company's metallic | roofing. 'They make a specialty of opm buildings, Barages, ete. EXCELSIOR LIFE FIRE Sick and Accident AUTOMOBILE Z We also han die. .ASTLAKE SHINGLES | Ditch oF : The Cat Siukest laid 'metal shingle ever evised. Absolut ly Fireproof. ~ Thomas: Big . Carpenter and Be pe * Port Perry, Ontario Consult me for new work, 'al-| | terations or. Jepairs in the build- ing! line- First.cl ass workman- 3 to our list poorest: of Satisfied bn

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