Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Jan 1920, p. 3

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nt Quincy. Adams Lumber (Cota, Longford Mills, Ontario pany 1 oil lands an SoA oft wells---=build pipe lines:--erect and oper: wy tg co on oe operas Sad supply municipalities with light, me Theiate uid devéiop coal, ion and other valuable mineral depots, 000 acres' of whit are considered to be the cholcest and richest ofl lands in the Peace River district. | taken | over and. the amount of tand ihe controlled are as Ee flows: "of stock in the new company Ee Jmhsnsy holdings. It is esti- Or two years, A directors, listed above, are alone i Enrantes that development work will be Texas, nd Okla. homa 'have i pict enriched more people | Thefabnlous wealth returned from niall frivestments in other ofl fields than other discov modern reads like a fairy tale. than any. : ory of ; b+ invested in Pinal Oil Co. pai 0 were not, in a position to make igs x a ed Oil Co. Jarge 'investments, but many of whom a. No f Ln bs of RS al" ae pe re i rt : or a million ($250,000, 00), D 1 g the tour. years 1 spent n the Peace River country I watched 'the oil development fu all its stiges. ; well have already Been drilled 1n and near Peace River Town. -Every well has 8 brought | in oft--not one well bas been as ctod e Dawson, Canada's most eminent eologiet. qver is ness in Fasc Rive W the: pe od by coors wes eologists and ofl experts have visited: Peace River, men of sdlence endorsed the prophecy of Sir George Dawson of long agoi duct of tha ofl fields of Peace River is " 5 ating tuto which, by, Simple process, gasoling is extracted. of wet. £ag belches 'from the wells 'already stratu use he seen it; but the wealth of the ue unless money is efficiently spent for ii : development. .exnerts of this 'continent when they sald. by drilling. deaper.inta the-oil sands at Peace e discovered. 3 f the actual discovery of oil in the Wells drilled at Peace River I feel I am acting | LY sevsatal ¥nowledgs of tho: Conadlan people to join with Pedce River Petroleum, Limited, and help to secure the Bi proion of ofl for our industries, # Ti Sasod bp the Peace River Potroleuts. Ltd. © All the directors have paid cash company goes into the treasury and will be used for arillipg and development in Peace River Rétpoloums, enue, at the low price "of Hinze sents (880) er share, fully paid up sach. "| believe that Jesus lives and that He! {had crucified, was risen from the dead, dealt 'was exalted. to "the right hand of! for a good many oars we have "quotes Psalm 110, in which foun is a ty Wind" | J.wes not wind ; Sad it Wash e, bi ut wat happened is compared to. "the rushing . of |' mighty wind," and to "fire." It way & a profound . spiritual' experience, a reality, therefore, of the highest order, and the effect upon the com- pany of disciples was such that they could' only describe it as wind and fire, It 0 a tempest of emotion, exalting them with such joy and con- Conta ' fidence ofs faith that they broke out ihe Horse na at Wiie he wi into exclamations of praise and pray- fob ng er, Above all was the consciousness t ours for A of power, born of the conviction that Sones on_horses Jesus their Master and Lord was with them in living reality, a spiritual Pa wilt be Toi t '|'presence, in fulfilment of His own| Xeep a box in your st e aly it costs Het promise.: any day. Lo And may be'n "Dwelling * at Jérusalem Jews." oe Jews, at that time, were widely scat- PRICE 85c. and tered throughout the world, but were| Big Animal Medical' Book Sent! accustomed to come up to Jerusalem! DR. A. C. DANIELS COMP. | from time to time either for 'purposes of business or to attend the annual! festivals, They were nearly. all ac quainted with the Aramaic language, ' #0 that it was not really necessary to| 5 [speak to them in different languages. 5 Peter's sermon was no doubt 'delivered Buying Your Nursery Stock. in Aramaic. h - ants 14-36. Peter's Sermon. "Peter . Wk ld lifted up his voice." recently denied his Master with oaths| "°F What he wants, to. find is now foremost to confess Him. Some buying: and caring. for the Ine. mighty convincing power must have they a a to avo wrought this transformation. So it may not be possible to: avoid was with the other discifles. There} such results, but since nearly are now no. doubters among them. All the. mis 'are due forca is with them, and are filled with cour- the Jan end may be quite .| age and with boldness to speak for approached. Him. One should know his Peter begins by deelari : is the 'experience spoken of and pra.| " dicted by the prophet Joel (2; 28u81y.] rm = UF 51 Ee It is the pouring forth of the Spirit neighbors, © We have of God, ~ Compure also Ezea. 36: 27. "4-The effect of this coming of the Spirit different nurserymen. | upon mien is that "they "shall pro-| =O phesy™ (v. 18), that is, that they shall speak with inspired' utterance of tha things of God, and that is no doubt ware what all the disciples upon whom had they got trees that not tru to think that two a come the gift of tongues were doing. name. We quit that firm at once. The Peter proceeds to declare (vs. 22-36) Silier oa -- a ard Ty os 0... : that Jesus, who had done such mighty far north as_our. own Jatitude. This - works among them and whom they is worth while considering, too. Now God," and was assuredly the Saviour as oa o $o/the' ot long foretold by Israels prophets and sery and get the stock the: same long #nd'fervently expected, the Mes-| *&*Y siah, "both Lord and Ohrist" that we are ready for it. The di quotes the sixteenth Psalm in which is out of th 2 a A a expressed the hope of ' deliverance of "the after plantin Fvery from the grave and declares it falfilled| 07 1% rece used 40 ki 5 in the yesurrection of Jesus. ".-. a all the time that thet Taos. Of that resurrection he says, "We Samp a ound. This nursery uses. all are witnesses." Tt is hy the evis Br a : dence of such witnesses that the facts! > oy. precaition to sd thst. the of history are-established. Moreover, are, trig to name. One can't 'he declares, it is the Christ exalted tol "heaven. who has "poured Tons ji this, z which ye see and hedr." hel Sh Where you off sways get prediction of the vietories of the com- Sasiely of any f | ing Mesaianie king and in which Ha! HB ay dont have it is represented as holding 2 "unique re- lationship to God. 87-47. The Result. "About three i H thousand souls."" No doubt we have only a bnief summary of Peter's speech, but it may not have been a! vo ng ane. Ite simplicity, dfrect

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