Wi ¢ the 'advent of colder weather * ions 'modelsa are now being shown in our milli inery HE medinm and Skapes of utr place to the heavier he heavier coats require a elt, Velour or Velvet cl ne ry very popiilar a fa, shimme! inches wide and is Oalors. Black, White, orn African Flesh, Rose Pink, Cherry, i Maize, Castor and Grey. Per yard $2.50 AMSA SRasea sass c anes aes SS SSDS SRE New York Trimmings We have just received from New York, a ship- ment of the very newest trimmings. Metalli mings particularly are in great demand. Silver Panelling | with seroll design in silver on net ground Prices per yard $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Lace Edging, in Gold, Old Cold and Silver Per yard 25c Metallic Tassels in gold or silver. Each 25¢ ic eo) i $27.00 Sp a # Ea To The lin ouble breasted. Size 36 to 20 Price $27.00 Stylish Model for Young Men $31.00 The pular overcoat for young men is the waist line model. The material is a heavy melton cloth in dark grey. It is made up in a two button double breasted model, slight- ly fitted back with a welted seam at - waist line. Sizes 35 to 39. Price $31.00 Black Socks Cashmere Finish : 40c pair To make a an priced black sock we have purchased a line of heavy cotton socks with cashmere Sequin Bangles, consisting of three drops, used as --taggels, =r Prices 85¢ F. W. McINTYRE [07 acres, lot 24, con 2. Pickertng town. A , 31 sore hoses sone ssble el, rive STRAY SHEEP house, orchard, bush, sprin I mile| Strayed ~to the premises of Wil. to C.P.R, Foon. 2 is om 1 Toronto, fred ylesworth, lot 9, eon. 18, «| Reach, on or about Oct. 1st, two rooms, furnace, | Cotswold ewes, about 2 shears. rd and soft water, frame bar; barn 72 x 54 | Owner can have same by paying fra 5 Ean Boon nding To 3 bend ck "wind expenses and identifying prop- mo. sabion 3 sn Bi hen house 10 og e113 ip root ib! ot 9, by Bor 3 loam, wi TAH 18, peck roof, Eos (offercd together or rd i Sow esay, k, R.R. No 2, Port ry" Perry, Bl one oS Bor deb Fall or dent Phone 406. "W. A SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON "Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. * Office over L. G. Hall's Dagree 3 Swion, al PORT PERRY | ONTARIO i yo pny con. 8, East Whit MISS LILLIAN B. GIBSON F lorence M. Cook stabling for 6 "A.T.C.M.and A. O.C: M. : og. for T.C.M.and A. O. he Ci 7 on TEACHER OF PIANO Teacher of Piano 'Classes at the home of + Mrs, D.M Jackson - Bell Phone 75 2 Sept 4 ® Young Cattle for Sale J. A. MURRAY 18 heifers 2 yrs, 3 steers rising 2, DENTIST "12 heifers Hsing 1yr, These are pe good rein of Srade cattle. Office above Rose & Co. 2 ; 'hours, 9 am. to 6 pim. Phone 93| Fred Lyle, R. R. 4, Port Perry J. D. McMaster Veterinary Surgéon finish. Sizes 10% and 11. Per pair 40¢ Winter Butterick Fashion 25¢ FOR SALE WANTED i:|A Car load of Potatoes at once All kinds Raw Furs and Hides Consult me. Highest prices =| paid. I. Turner, ort Perry. A NUMBER OF SECOND HAND CARS ® CHEAP BEARE BROS. DEALERS IN McLaughlin and Chevrolet Cars House For Rent 7 rooms and bath. Apply to box 378 STAR Office. one 79 i 4 Port Perry 12 Young Pigs for Sale ready to wean. Apply to-- A. Littler, Scugog. Apples For Sale I have a limited amount of ples for SS Spys, Russets, weets, Wag- igen will an on hand, so el rties- desirous of purchasing REN ail themselves of the IT PAYS T PATRONIZE A A WELL. ESTA SHED SCHOO, Real Lsiate 4 Success of Victory Loan 1919 will We have a number of choice farms sig on our list for sale. Also some town Insure Steady Marketa {: property. - Parties looking for either tor Funes, would do well to see It takes some six, bushels of wheat MREE & FERGUSON ~~ ' | 10 feed the average person In Canada Real Estate Agents t mil lion people here consume McCaw Block Phone 152 mmr © Enjoys an 1 - | eight about 50,000,000 bushels each year. But even in a poor on Jear the crop is some five times that amount, and the surplus must be sold if the farm- ers are to get a return for their time and labor. But the sale of the crop must be financed. Great Britain, which provides our greatest market, 3 has not the ready cash; and so Can~ #da must And means of raising the money. Hence the Victory Loan 1419. In view of the fact that the pros- "perity of the Dominion is dpetont Ti to a considerable extent upon the