rs. E. M. Osborne, of Bow- - UCH a wonderful party | A gay crowd--- 4 j ville, spent the week end| 1 : ® ako. her sister, Mrs, Alexander, : and a Brant-Ola to keep things lively "Mr. Geo. Nesbitt, mail carrier, -pever gdull moment. =; og _ © 18 seriously ill, at time of writ- No party is complete without a Brant-Ola. ing, having suffered paralysis. | Easy to operate and plays all makes of disc" Mr. and Mrs. John Gerrow, of 'Il records correctly. \ : og, celebral eir golden Ry oF gs . ano. on Saturday last. Buy one for your home. The world's best ! BORN ' Mr. and Mrs. George artists to sing and play for you; the season's - "White at Port Perry, on Wed- successes brought right into your own home. nesdzy, Nov. 5 1919, a son. : | SEwsstheGTe STE 5 e---- : The Brant-Ola is made in several styles, in =| | GILL yy Me o£, WHITE WYANDOTTE COCKERELS dlr Oak or Mahogany. There is one ec Farmers' Union Milling C FOR SALE. 2 to Harold Archer. i ly to ity taste and purse, ! EE ia : A Public Meeting re Rink The dealer will be glad to demonstrate it. : The undersigned has for sale $10,000 of the ol In accordance ye ne . i of $30,000 iret Mort e "against The of forty ratepayers Reeve Stone- Ask him about itnow. PN Milling Company's Real Estate and |Assets, | house is calling a meeting of the SOLD HERE BY -d by the personal bonds of the following twelve citizens at the Town Hall on i j : & : ) harles Honey Robert M. Holtby Friday. November 14. at 8 p.m., : : " : 7s yO EE to consider what can be done re- H. W. Emmer son | : -.. James Hortop William J. Jackson garding a rink for Port Perry. - James McKee John W, Crozier Rreny man, and Wout, {boy % Sore Smith Toomas Lambe and girl who believes that Por Fl ; thomas hedman iam Pers "neets » Fok and other aE those Willem Bowles John Watson ; : g BRA { = . These Bonds bear 617 interest, payable half-year}: amen Should be, Dresent on y Son BRANTFORD SALES LTD. if we reckon the assets of the Guarantors, are be filled with fhose Who 315 { ) \ v ) ! Brantford, 'Canada by Jroper; Jor Probably ten Simes the amount eager to see a rink built in Port AN i \ - mortgage. The Bonds may be issued in amountsof De hanna worl in hich -- J Gn o DISTRIBUTORS and upwards, and may run from three to ten years to practical interest if the project Wa : the purchaser. Wm. H, Harris, Barrister, etc., Port Perry: i oe 18 to be a success. Ladies are # : specially invited to be present as : k ; they have shown a real interest in our soldiers, and are capable of splendid work. Don't forget that the meeting is in the Town Hall next Friday evening at eight o'clock: Be sure to be present if you can Tell others. Bring others. Fill the hall. Anniversary Services will be held in St. Johns Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 16 Rev. Mr. Simpson, Columbus, will conduct the service both morning and evening. Rey. Mr, Simpson, Columbus, will deliver an address, illustrat- / 3 ; ' ed by stereopticon views--"The . oe i ye / AON Sir Peace River Country"--Monday . : = OE ' 0 RY FEE evening. November 17. Admis- Z 5 REC RAW. sion: Adults 25¢c. Children 15¢c. ye . nn Nr Mr Figary is bringing ina carload of hard copl direct from the mine. He expects it Eada, | S80) Make Your Dreams Come Fond parents dream of a 'bright future "or even. partly true--requires foresight, for their children, ~ : planning and money. "i They dream of the literary and musical To provide: the money what plan so Ce ; education they are going fo give their Wise as to buy Victory Bonds for each child? A FAP daughter, and of the high position she will' dita) : P. G. Morrison, Druggist take in her sphere of womanhood, ~~ ° Thousands of parents bought Victory Mr Mills of Reach township, 1 Bonds for their children in 1917 and 1918, Honey's Corners) has sold his ? arm to Ray Bros of Cartwright. They dream of the education they are Surely you will be among the thousands ~~ Mr Mills has bought a farm in . going to give their sont and vision him some i : "te Uxbridge. The transfers were \ Hl ingles of loving parents who will buy Victory made by Mr George Collins. day a8 a clergy jnan, a famous lawyer. an Bonds for their children--this year? Married a eminent physician, a prominent financier, s r : At the home of the bride's = ; i . ictory Bond i mother Mrs. P. Diamond, Pros- i 5 Or 8 captain of industry. TY i s may be bought on ins tal pect, on October 28, 1919, Jessie ; . % ~~ mentsat such easy terms that every parent Diamond to Mr. Joshua G. Dob. : : But to make these dreams come true who so wishes may buy son, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ; } : - Dobson. The young couple will : \ i reside near Manchester. or 14 : ! : Wanted A capable general servant to go to To- ronto. Good wages. Apply to Mrs F A Kent, Port Perry. The Armistice Ball The Armistice Ball given by the young ladies of the town on Monday evening of this week was a great success, and all 3 hi : a Gray Wool For Sale ee Eee ten elve 0' am and from two till five o'clock| = ., The Women's Patriotic| ation will have on sa a their 3 ee