i 2 Be of y 'and the attack was a very severe one, L worse still, the after effects of the troub! ft me in continuous misery. 1 had severe pains in my side, felt low-spirited, and with no ambition whatever. .My head ached almost con- tinually, my eyes felt heavy, and pimples broke out on my face. I was advised to try Williams* Pink Pills, and after tak Hew for a time I _ felt like my old self, able to do my * housework, " and feeling well and joi I can strongly recommend Dr. Williams® Pink Pills for /the ser: . ous after-effects of {nfluenza as' I am sure they 'will restore all sufferers to good health." . : ~ You can get these Pills through any ealer in medicine or by mail, post - paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $260 from The Dr. Willams" Medi- eine Co., Brockville, Ont. d to be one of the first attacked { i ------t---- At times it is proper to be thankful that you are not as other men are; for instance, when you live in a good - farming community, and the "other men" are hived in the cities, ? f-- . Three Fashionable Models 3 i : | of dlamonds will of the total Supa, There i sivayy .| & superahundance of money for those '| costly luxuries in the United States. | are now something like three times ,. | those, of.1914 No Many more high grade stones could be re if only they could be ob- tained, notwithstanding that prices for tertain qualities. : turer whose business is ordinarily dependent on diamonds can kebp his factory going on the supplies now available and their energies are bein diverted as far as may be into other channels. = ~ A eertain number of old diamonds cut by past generations of craftsmen are being put on the market to relieve the shortage. They are not greatly sought after .by the trade, however, because the progress of art and the 'changes of fashion put so many of them hopelessly out of date. They are generally "square and lumpy," where- as the present day style aims at a per- fectly rounded effect. Old stones do not pay to recut for general commerce on account of the wastage and the high rates to which this class of labor has advanced. The human body is subject to some 2,400 diseases, but normally a person say probably a dozen. y Canada has one mile of railway for every 224 persons. Minard's Linfment Cures Garget in Cows, will experience only half "he 0144-9145 styles of sleeve, blouse in two lengths; one-piece skirt in two lengths attached /to lining. Cut in 8 sizes, 16, 18 and | reason that he will endure being chop- is liable to seventeen, and physicians| | .| root and all, without pain. 11s at all human-like (though he is built | Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only--Ilook for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. a Mother! You must say "Califormia." Greetings to Prince of Wales. A welcome to our soldier prince Upon Canadian sofl! Our vast Dominion greetings sends, ' May nought his visit spoil: . Propitious' were the winds which brought. His vessels o'er the sea; Hearty the homage waiting him, From hearts of loyalty! Now Peace unfolds her pinions fair Upon the world once more; And all our soldiers homeward speed Back from the scenes of war. In Canada for whom they fought ~ They're glad the prince to see; Comrade-in-arms -on Flanders Fields They'd pledge him fealty! \ ---- reas Hurrah How's This | "Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and lift out with fingers. 0 ° 00 Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you invite lock. jaw or blood poison, which is needless, says a Cincinnati authority, who tells you that a quarter ounce of a dru, called freezone can be obtained at lit. tle cost from the drug store but is suf ficlent to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. © You simply apply a few drops ot freezone on a tender, aching corn and goreness 1s Instantly relieved. Short. ly the entire corn can be lifted out, This drug is sticky but dries at once and is claimed to just shrivel up any corn without inflaming or even irri tating the surrounding tissue or skin, - It your wife wears high heels. she "8111 be glad to know of this. refer - Lost His Bet. It was the commercial-room, and the conversation had turned on the topic of the powers of endurance shown by 'the Past and. present, a lull in the conversation one young commercial said: "Any man, if he has the will-power, can endure pain or fatigue; I know | 1 can." Silence for a moment, and an "old man of the road" replied: "I'll bet you a dollar you can't hold your foot--boots on--4n a bucket of hot water as long as I can!" The bet was taken, and two buckets of hot water were brought in, and a kettle of boiling water to rafse the temperature to the point of endurance. The young one's face began to pale, but the other called for more boiling water. "Because, | "there ain't Grandpa!" | 01d Salt: "Yes, sir, 1 | 2 he of the ship, and a 8 .| men of During § N we . a" pe ma'am," sald Johnny, no such word as att. " | -- ) hair, "My word!" replied Bertie; "vr must have been a Look terror, a) No Time For Argument. 1 over the k 'e came ng and grabbed me by the leg." isitor: "Good gracious! And what did you do?" x Old Salt: "Let 'lm 'ave the leg, 0' course. I never arguos with sharks." The Resemblance. "I am afraid," said the let-him-down- easy editor, "that I do not see my way cal. You see; it's not quite the style of thing we want, though it is undoubt- edly .remarkable--very remarkable. Do you know, young man, that there are some points abont your writings that resemble Milton?" "Do you think so?™ cried the de- lighted poet. "What are they?" "Your stops," "Indeed, you employ almost the same punctuation-m: Lig . Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, --1 have used MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage with- out it if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, Kamou- raska. ' The Good Old Days. In looking back along the years How heautiful the past appears! How much we praise "the good old days!" 'We see them through the mellow haze Of "used-to-be"; and memory, Beyond a doubt, has tricky ways. We quite forget the pain and woe g | And sorrow that we used to know, All ills were born this very morn, The Tose of mem'ry has no thorn. Alas, to-dax the world is gray And all the breezes sigh forlorn! a a HR.H. the Prince of Wales was given a beautiful costume by: the Stony Cree Indians at Banff. The costume is made of snow-white deer- skin trimmed with ermine and emi- broidered in colored beads (royal blue predomingted) by the most skilled wo- e tribe. The work occupied six weeks. wr America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Lo. Book on DOG DISEASES and How-to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. H. Clay Glover Co. Ino. 118 West 81st Street New York, U.S.A. Coughs and Colds Mean Restless Nights "What the deuce is your leg made of, sir?" yelled the former, suddenly taking his foot from the bucket. "Cork, sir--cork!" was the cool ans- wer, and the other man felt that he had indeed lost. a 4 3 MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. RARE RS Vivisecting the Frog. The frog is the vivisectionist's fav- orite victim, not because his structure ewhat like a fan); but for the ped up to till retain ang RED SPRUCE GUM Montreal D-WATSON &/ CO, New York ' v- 'prompt use ly relleve it. to printing your poetry in my periodi- | replied the editor. Tablets other's best friond 'preventing' or banishing colds. act as a gentle laxative, keeping the 'bowels and stomach free and sweet. ii occasional dose will prevent colds or it it does come on suddenly the of the Tablets will quick- 'relieve it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers: or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. \ World's Lightest Wood. The lightest wood, in weight, that is known, is "Balsa." Cork is three times as heavy as this wood. It can easily be indented witly the finger nail, It is i ing floats of life preservers and in con- structing life rafts. Minard"s Lind Cures ric Clean legs and a clean skin on a horse will save many bushels of grain. A statue in bronze of Queen Vie- toria is being shipped from England to the city in Canada which bears the Queen's name, where iit will be placed on a lofty pedestal plainly visible to| passengers on incoming ocean ships. The statue weighs two and one-half tons. It will pass through the Panama Canal and up the Pacific Coast on its forty-day journey to Victoria. PETS de aE B ier Sr ers Bnet gegen me 4 FOGGY? If Bilious, Constipated or Headachy take "'Cascarets." Bee 0 Bee Breer 0111 41 11 Bees Beer Be Bs re Brees To-morrow the sun will shine for you.. Everything will seem clear, rosy and bright. Your system is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head foggy and aching. Your meals are turning into poison, gases and acids. You cannot feel right. Don't stay billous or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally, They act without grip- ing or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomet, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh pills, They cost so little too--Cascarets work while you sleep. DROPS treated with parafin and used in mak- A 30 3%0F8 COUGHS #0 m cess? town township side line, elman Bystem {is co "Mind an Memory. te! x It 1s a book that's free 0 0 pon oul! be MISCELLANEOUS. C2 kann $26 TO $60 WEEKLY, Advertise--Men--Women. Start one of our Specialty Candy Factori in your home, small room anywhere, d opportunity. We tell how and furnish everything. Candymakers House, 1819 Ranstead St., Philadelphia, Pa. USINESSES, TORONTO PROPER- TIES, Ontarlo-and Western farms for sale or exchange. Davis, 120 Victoria 8t., Toronto, Circe TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal aid external, cured without in by our home treatment. i efore too late. r. Bellman M Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. Cushions filled "with dry coffee grounds protect needles and pins from rusting. On many of the irrigated farms in southern Alberta the policy of raising crops for the live stock carried is be- ing followed with much success. KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring-speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little to penetrate without rubbing and pro- duce results, Clean, refreshing, 'Made in Canada. At all drug stores, 86c, 70c, $1.40. only 5 BEC bh yt per PoE Heep it hand \ For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural ia, Toothache, Earache, and for Rheumatism: Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- ritls, take Aspirin marked with the e "Bayer" or you are not taking irin at all. ccept only "Bayer Tablets Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bay 0; » Aspirin is the tade mark ester of Ee San will be stamped with soneral oan Wb : ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" package which contains complete di- rections. Then you are getting real Aspirin--the genuine Aspirin scribed by physicians for over nine- teen years. Now made Canada. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab- lots cost but a few cents. ta also sell larger "Bayer" There is only one Aspirin-/Bayer"--You must say "B registered In Can a) of Bayer Manufaeture of Mone s well known that Aspifin means imitations, ean ots of or h mark, the or Ask Your Dr. Mil ~ Calendar published. time of Sunrise and the Moon. "An ex For | es' Calendar For 1920 ; 3 T is FREE and the best ther forecast for each day in the year, also Druggist It gives the wea-