Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 16 Oct 1919, p. 7

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: trenuous duties. Consequently, the major part of the nagem oh and operation Tol ¢ me: 'So far ws capital . persons of both the Army Navy. The date was June 26, In react nber 31, 1914, ticipate in the fighting in the)" at from Mons. are' eighteen universities in on the average, one to every the population; about the ted at tons. Jover "the. Be -- : ¢ccur onl veral 'ways' in which you can im- its appearance. Take out the n back, dust' and wipe off the side quickly "and carefully | a cloth wrung out; of hot water. quickly and ; : the seratches with tinfoil. "Blurs or spots should be marked with a clean outline, the space moistened alkohol, then "scraped, wiped clean and painted with silver paint or ed with tinfoil. Cut the tinfoil = ewhat larger than the space that ep ASTiSvis, Lager Sinn, the Space at @orners or edges with white glue. Thrifty 'Ways: Please give direc- _%ions for making a rug out of small ~ Pieces of Brussels cirpet. * Cut the carpet into strips three inches in width, then ravel, rejecting the linen foundation threads and sav- "ing those of crimped woolen yarn. The woolen threads should be of uni- form length. = With a pair of the lafgest size steel knitting-needles (or similar size in wood or celluloid) . and a ball-of cotton carpet yarn, cast "on ten stitches and knit two rows for the ng. In the next row, lay a of the wool across the es, with every other stitch. After knitting the stitch, take the end of ""awool which shows upon the wrong side, and turn it toward the right © pide, knitting a stitch to secure it. Then put in another thread of wool © and repeat the process. The back of the strips will have an appearance . somewhat like that of body Brussels ca , hile the front will resemble A plush. Make strips the desired length and when all are ""Winihed they must be sewed together oh the wrong side. It is only for convenience that they are knitted in| strips--the rug, as a whole, would be very cumbersome and unwieldy to 'handle. at i High School Girl: Following 5 2 'description of an autumn party whic contains ideas that you might use to advantage in planning your evening's 'A "Red Ear Party" is what they ed it in the invitations. It was opening party of the year in the school and the seniors planned i. x Suds of invitation they sent said: oy 'this time o' year You'll recall the red-ear never will go out o' date), 'members of "twenty" ve planned fun aplenty '| were inyited-to. pick peaches. *| pumpkin pie. in the c of the | of his shabby hat fluttered a handful of rusty crow feathers, and the fea- of the de i: 17 Le erettes' ] & C name for "Ladies' Choice" All the girls were, given tiny toy rakes, hoes, spades, and other farm implements, which they used as favors in choo For the "Popcorn Waltz" the favors were popcorn chains for the boys to hang. around « their partners' necks. There was a temptation to Jevat| these adornments as well as: to them for decorative purpdses, and so they were-a soi fi h : dance made use of so! sounded: like &of .| turer, {of the 'profits of production. So as that of the manufacturer and his employee. We were in the production' game just as much as the manufac- The inherent friction that | seems to exist | these two ele- ished| ments of modern economic activity was in our relattonship doubtless as much as in-any. Yet in our case labor never suffered a lay-off, nor did capi- tal ever suffer a labor strike. How we managed it I shall try to explain: 'In the first place, Father must be | credited with having seen what it has taken a Tot of manufacturers a long time to see, or at least to admit> namely, that labor is quite as essential an element to production as is capital, and just es much entitled to a share fathers, like some manufacturers, have apparently been slow to recog- nige | facet. ... = "For 'example, T was ambitious and enterprising and wanted to make some extra money when I was a boy. A had a fair-sized family the aide bill was very. considerable. In view of these. facts, I congeived the idea of purchasing a cobbling out- orchestra at' interv s in" eh 'whic FE I~ In the "Orchard One-step" the boys The girls stood behind a high screen and ir right hangs above it. The up, touched the ys - hes a i theyeupon réhrost funny, or prett steps as they liked. The reward to the gi and: most amusing-couple was a s In the "Red Ear. Dance" the girls] were blindfolded, and asked to pick an 'ear of corn from a big basket. When yision wag restored the girl holding the one red ear was acclatmed 'Queen of the Carnival, and was pres- ented with a bouquet of red roses. During the dance a red glow from the lighting arrangements flooded the hall. + The "Harvest Home Dance" was the 'supper dance. Paper costume caps suggesting fruit and vegetables were given out, and worn so that the whole room seemed to be filled with a har- vest medley. Tomato, carrot, corn, apple, wheat, squash, grapes, popcorn, watermelon, and blackberry were all represented. : The supper dance occurred, of course, midway in the evening. The other novelty dances were intersp. ed each side of it throughout the evening. The "supper consisted merely of peach ice cream 'served on grapeleaf doilies, nut macaroons, tiny pumpkin pies, and fruit punch. Remember that plenty of exercise increases: the egg yield. Winter and summer, hot weather and cold, keep plenty of fresh water before the hens. Keep the water in the shade in summer and in the house where it will not freeze in winter, Keep the drinking water receptacle clean at all times. A The season for colds has arrived. ganate and dissolve this in'a gallon of water. Keep this mixture in the drinking pans for several days. Keep the hens Supplied with plenty of grit. 'I the poultry-keeper uses trap nests, or if he has only a small flock, -he usually knows which hens laid the previous winter and which did not pro- duce enough eggs fo be profitable. he latter of course sheuld be dis- posed of, for if they did not lay well the preceding winter they cannot be expected to be profitable the following season--the understanding being, of course, that they were hatched early enough so that they were old enough | time mentioned. over{ the fre. 4 sagt HS white Be 2 y+ Suis Poy further emp ' the popeorn Cover a dime with potassium perman-| and developed enough" to lay at the| COMP fit, for a few dollars and 'doing the re- ig mi: . "Father hight just as ell, pay the money to me as to an- other, and at the same time it would permit me to make a: little extra money for myself. Father agreed to my proposal, and in a short time I had nd Tab uation | oldest childre romp-| Was concerned, ours was just the sanie 2! on the farm the factors of rent, food, Hearing of what position to his father. Instead of agreeing to it, however, the farmer purchased an outfit himself, and then boy made. the same pro-| made the boy, who was one of the 8 en of a fa do the repairing without ion. It is not remarkable that in 'al few years this particular "laborer" de- clared a "strike" and went off to the city for another job. oy Father understood another point that many farmers overlook; he knew that the income from.farming was) always less to a single man than to a married man with a family, while in the city it is just the opposite. For instance, in the city the single man would pay rent possibly for only 'a single room, while the man with the family would require many. Also, the married man would have a heavier food and fuel bill. So, on the same income, the single man fares better in the city than the married man. But and fuel are largely included in the total income: As the value of these are more to a man with a family than to a single man, the man with a family fares better on the farm than the single man. Knowing this fact, Father always sought to make my in- come as a single man on the farm equal 'to what I 'eould make in the city. Father did not donate me things or make it especially easy for me; he} simply dealt with imei on a fair and square basis. On my part, I helped to increase my share of the profit as the "labor" by increasing the 'profit that went to "capital."--P. C. 8. Foe a) ~'s SE Mr Ay r» AA? ora yout Jf \ SNL ' INTERNATIONAL LESSON "OCTOBER 19. -- Jesus In Peter's Home--Mark 1: 29- 89." Golden: Text, Luke 19: 9. | - "Simon's wife's mother." There is 'another reference t6 Peter's wife in 1 Cor. 9: 5. Her nother was evidently a beloved and kindly member of the family, Her first act when she was healed of the fever, was to minister to her daughter's guests. Luke (4: 88) calls her sickness "a great fever." There was much marshy land in that region, especially where the river Jordan enters the lake, and malarial fever was common. No doubt the healing ministry of Jesus entered many another home besides that of Peter. He is still the great Physician, teaching by His spirit, care and thought for all who suffer, and prompting the gentle ministry of doc- tor and nurse in the homes and hospi- tals of our land. "At even." When the sun set, ac- cording to their way of reckoning time, the Sabbath day was over. It was then lawful for them to carry their sick through the streets and bring them to the door of the house in which Jesus was staying. "He healed many." Such was the scene at the close of this busy day. The people lingered until darkness drove them to their honfes. "0, with what divers pains they met, 0, with what joy they went away!" Many forms of sickness in the East to the present day, are regarded as caused by the presence of evil spirits, and especially insanity and epilepsy Jesus was profoundly intevested in these poor 'sufferers, and restored many of them to sanity and health both of bod and mind. Our mission- aries in the East follow the example of Jesus, and they find through atten- tion to the sick and through the agency of hospitals and dispensaries an open door to the hearts of the peo- ple. Their ministry, like His, is in preaching, teaching, and healing; "In the morning." Although the Sabbath had been a busy day, and its activities prolonged until after sun- set, yet Jesus was awake in the early morning, and seeking a quiet place of retirement for His morning prayer to God. - Here, as always, He is an ex- ample to His disciples, showing the best way of beginning the day's work. are Psalm 5: 3, and Isa. 50: 4. The true humanity of Jesus and His likeness to us are nowhere more im- | pressively shown than in His need and His habit of prayér. See Heb. 5: 7. But the stouds hich god Rim during the day were already 'Him the early morning. "Afl men € 3h {seek for Thee," said Simon and the aa nfirm and enjoy other disciples when they found Him. | The answer of Jesus is characteristic. Instead of resting upon and seeking y His popularity ~+| in Capernaum, His heart goes out to {the great untouched multitudes who er ym gospel. "Let t " He said, 1 may preach there also: for refore came I forth." And so, ata um, He went forth w ; disciples to go "throughout alli Lo -- 'the schoolhouse is in a sanitary condi- sible, they travelled through the lands of the Roman Empire, and far to the East, ever seeking to bring the gospel to the next towns and into the regions beyond. LRA, SSA, Stunts oR Raising. 'There is no mystery in the business per cent. of it to be merely common sense. In the corner of every hog house I have a sand bath, made by soaking a bed of sand with crude oil. | The hogs roll in this in great enjoy- ment, oiling their hair.and destroying an occasional fTouse that may be present, ° } The hogs get a little sulphate of iron in their drinking water to pre-! vent worms, and have ll tHe wood ashes, salt, and lime they want to eat. I ring hogs by lassoing them around the nose with a baling wire and hold- ing them while the ring is inserted. | I have found by experience that the' surest method of 'preventing logs from cholera is by use of serum. The double method, which is supposed to give per- ¥ : ES ' in ¢ immunity, has caused the heifer will enable the fa¥mer to start cholera, instead of preventing it, in 56 many cases that it cannot be con-' sidered entirely safe to use. | The safest plan seems to be to do éverything possible to keep the hogs hegithy(by prong feeding and sanita-' tion, and then, if 'cholera' breaks out,' vaccinate immediately, with serum alone, y {The success of this plan depends on being able to get sertim as soon as'the disease is dicovered. About the only practical way to do this is to follow the plan of four counties in Illinois, ! which five years ago took definite i steps to combat: hog: cholera by form-, ing an association and buying a sup- | ply of serum to be kept in cold storage at some convenient point in their | district. Proper feeds, sanitary quarters, and pure drinking water must be provided. | THE TRAPPER. -- wn, The Curious Coon and How to Trap Him, The big fur houses are always ad- vertising that they want good coon pelts and will pay good prices for them. Every year boys make good pocket money 'trapping for this mem- ber of the animal kingdom, and if you are a novice at the game, here are a few suggestions about coons and coon trapping: Coons live either in hollow trees or in holes, when no trees can be found. They -are frequently foungt in corn- fields, too, They are possessed of great curiosity 'that often leads them into traps; for instance, a .shiny piece of tin, a bright piece of glass, or a piece of white crockery frequently acts as a fascinating lure. Many trappers use these to bait traps set in shallow Yater of streams that the coons fol- ow. . When you find a coon in a tree you may either shoot him or trap him. The way to trap him is to place your trap on a sturdy sapling, cover it with moss or leaves, then place the sapling against the tree. If there are a num- ber of coons in a hollow tree a good smoker will get them out where they can be shot. : Along streams, any _ho¥dw log, hollow stump, old boulder with a hole in it 'makes a good place to set your coon trap. Coons like to eat fish, clams, craw- fish, birds, eggs, poultry, fruits and vegetables. They are particularly fond of grapes and corn and are some- times caught in great ~jlumbers in cornfields and vineyards. / If you plan to make your gets in either of these places, go along the fences until you find coon tracks that show where the coons go through the fence. There set your traps. Cover them over with dirt. Sprinkle fish scent around. Along stream beds that have high banks and shallow water it is a good plan to dig a number of holes into the banks at the water edge. They should be from six td eight inches deep. In the back of the holes fasten a piece of bait. In front of them, under water, set your trap. : ------ee Many men have never set foot in a schoolhouse since $heir boyhood. They know that their taxes support the schools, but they do not know whether tion, or whether their children are re- ceiving the best course of instruction, Are you that sort of a father? The successful hog raiser also knows that it is essential to have the pigs well broken to eating before they are removed from the sow. All that is necessary is to make a small opening in one corner of the pen, so that the small pigs can enter an enclosure where the sows cannot follow. A mixture of dry ground feed and milk may also be placed in shal- low troughs for the young animals. They learn to eat and drink at an early age when this practice is follow- ed. Then.when weaning time comes théy*miss their mothers very little, The common notion that bone or muscle must have age to have strength is twin brother to the idea that a pig must live on half-rations for months to make him strong enough to stand full ration, As soon as pigs have been put into the fattening pens in the fall they should be fed all that they will eat with a relish, for the shorter the fat- tening period the larger the profits. | Lean, lank hogs and poor fences will discourage the average man who goes into hog-raising. ° i Keep the dog from chasing the pigs. He may tear their hams or'chew thejr ears, and is sure to lose you money. If pigs get into the garden or grow- ing crops, don't try to keep them out by" punishing them with the dog, but stop the cracks in the fence. i * Fall Dairy Observations. Before allowing the cows to begin on the accumulation of the season's crops, why not know if they are thel kind of cows that can pay their board, Many farmers lose money in the dairy business by spending most of the year in growing feed to be used for a herd that is not producing a paying amount of milk. But be sure that there is nothing wrong with the method of housing and feeding the cows before they are dis- carded as boarders that do not pay their: bills, Much depends on the owner of the cows and sometimes good cows produce much less than they should because they are given poor care. Cows are often considered machines which can be stuffed with raw ma- terials without limit and then produce a finished product to which there is also no limit. This is not exactly night. A machine is without life and feeling but a cow is an animal with a highly developed nervous tempera- ment that responds or fails to respond according to the treatment received. That is why some farmers do so much better with cows than other farmers. The successful breeders study their cows as individuals and try to keep them contented and satisfied and free from abuse. They know tha' there is more to "deiry management than "stuffing the machine." Shouting around the stables will dis- turb cows and reduce the flow of milk. A dog that is not well trained will ring the cattle to the barn on the or worry them all the way from the field. - This is not good for milk J ca So c 100% 'Sugar |. Co, Son mon me, so | wher ; Write for prices ing number of hi stock, to ne=Mola Company of asse; the i X sed Ra Live Stock. Sold Sorel Ry! and particulars, giv- | ead of hn = production During the fly season cows will kick even th their dis- I Have Learned About Hog- ed by o | the milk stool to make her stand still. e cow that is not afraid, of her of raising good hogs. I have found 90 Master but respects him is apt to be the gentle kind of a cow which does not kick or bunt but comes quietly the barn and stands patiently in hi position during the process of milking. Many dairymen received their first desire to own good cows by visiting the fairs and stock shows. The farmer who seldom sees good stock is apt to become thoroughly satisfied with his own cows and so neglects to maké an effort at improvement. - After a visit to a good fair the picture of cows of fine type will remain. Then it is only a step to the desire for better cows on the home farm. a A start with pyre-bred cows is more a matter of time than money. If there is a registered bull in the neighbor- the purchase of one pure-bred a pure-bred herd if has patience. As the progeny of this*heifer increase and reach the milking age the grade cows can be gradually sold. Soon the farmer finds that he is on the road to the pure-bred stock business, although the 'investment has beén a very few hundred" dollars, | Just think '&f the things you might have done ten years ago and realize what they might mean now. Then think of the things that you would like to have ten, years from now and remember that now is the time to start, ' The year 1929 sgems far away, but 'the 'year 1909 my orily 'yesterday. One of the; things that, will determine the s{rength of a farmer's dairy business in 1929 iis apt to be a start with 'quality pure-bred stoele in the year 1919, ! Try and estimate the winter's feed requirements in the fall when extra feed may be purchased from farmers in the neighborhood. This, saves the middleman's profit and a long Rah! | from. the city or some: distant farm. The Great West Permanent Y. Toronto Office. 20 King 8t. West, 49% allowed on Savings. Interast computed quarterly, ithdrggvable by Cheque. 84% ob Debentuies, Interest payable halt yearly, Pald up Capital $2,412,678, . The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited HAMILTON FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS CANADA "Here's my idea of a razor -- one that sharpens its own blades'! "Why, 1 remember when I used to have to throw away a blade after a couple of shaves. Now, I simply take it and give a few turns on the strop and it's as good as ever, "I can shave in three minutes, and my face is as smooth and ck and comfortable as when the head barber used to go over-it. To clean, I simply put the blade under the tap and wipe it off. There's no taking the razor to pleces and messing around with parts. In fact, the whole thing ia so simple and easy, I wish I had had one long ago." 'Razor -- Strop -- 12 blades -- $5 AUTOSTROP SAFETY RAZOR CO, Limited AutoStrep Building, Toronto, Canada » position is gentle and nothing is gain=" Spohn'sD th and reventive and Colds highest tribute to Ly the best horsemen N EVERY STABLE Istemper Compound is the one indispensable remedy for contagious and infe tious di mong Fd s and m Fis Bu 4 cure fol for more than twe e years is. hori '3d. 1ve-Stock fen {n America. 8 Buy it of your druggist. SPOHN MEDICAL CO,, Goshen, Ab 2 t

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