Fd -old tire can be used in an- other tire to increase your ar ire milage. re Get. that small blow re- paired before the sand "and water work in to the - fabrics and spoil the tire for repairing. - ~All kinds of repairs nade. J. NASMITH Tummonds Building Port Perry, Ontario . Cotivenience, security and chorlony are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear- er to identify himself and are readily converted into the fuzrent coin. of any foreign country. i THE CANADIAN BANK ] | 'OF COMMERCE _ Port Perry Branch, HJ, Whi, Manager TAILORING as it should be. Now is the time to lay plans for your new FALL SUIT Come in before the other fellow and you will get a better selection of cloth and will not disappointed by have to wait so long for your turn. We have a large assort- ment of up-to-date cloth to choose from, at very moderate prices. -W. H. DOUBT PORT PERRY CREAMERY "WANTS YOUR CREAM We will call for it and pay highest - market price. Phone, and have our rig call. Allan Goode, Proprietor AAA ANAT NIN IIA NNIAS ANNI NI INONINAI NNN AUCTION SALE On Friday, October 17th, Mr Al Smith, will sell his farm stock and implements at his premises lot 9, con 5, Reach, one -fiile West of Manchester, Mr Smith is giving up farming and all will be sold. - Jos. Baird, Auctioneer FOR SALE One bedroom suite, ash,spring mattress, 4 ft. bed, also sink and 12 feet waste pipe. Bargain. 12 C. Burton, Cochrane Street | Port Perry Prince Albert Mr Jas Holman and wife have been-spending-a few weeks with Mr. G. Holman. Dr. Campbell and his sister, Mrs Roberts, are busy moving into their new home, recently purchased from Mr. Breen. Mrs. Jewell was in town last week, calling on old friends. Mrs. James Bond and son Jim- mie, of Toronto, have been visit- ing Mrs. R. Heayn. Mrs. Sample, formerly Miss Effie Madden, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. McBrien Tuesday, September 30, was a cold, raw day for the Manchester School Fair. However, a goodly number of our villagers were "over, and enjoyed seeing the children's sports. Our school carried off first prize in the physical exelcise drill. Mrs. T. Miller, of Toronto, spent the week end with- her mother, Mrs. Boynton. Seagrave Mrs. John Maric has returned h after spending an enjoy hr visit with her brother, Mr James Munro, of Sonya. A number of Sunday School «worke ded the SpuYeREon : at Green nk last week, and en- joyed two. profitable gessionr. ext Sunddy and Monday are in tant days here--the church will hold its anniversary services 1 Sundays 11 am. and 7 ucted b; A. L, 8; of Cr obank, On Mon- y je supper will bel a 8 p. Be owed PFS first-class entertainment to by Pearl Newton, elo- and Whitby Quartette. Butcher and Drover Wholesale and Retail Fresh, Smoked and Cook Meats, Lard, Fish in Season We sell at Lowest Possible Prices. Highest price paid for all kinds of Live Stock. "If you want to buy or sell in this line goto F ITCHETTE'S Port Perry The FORD Garage Is the place to get your repair work done. We guarantee all work done by us and you can rely on getting genuine Ford parts. Substitute [ arts that are being used have proved a failure. efore purchasing a new car look the new Ford over. e will be pleased to 'show you how nice it works. Ford cars are the best value on the market. Just figure the difference in the upkeep. _ McKEE & HOOD. - Phone 2 r 2 The Voters' List in Port Perry has increased from about 450 to over 700 sin las electrion, the majority of the new voters voted before. . the drink business, which have to be answered by the bal with the Women's Christian Temperance Union, have obtained literature explaining the questions asked, and the procedure at the Polling ooths. IF YOU WANT TO KHOW ° how to mark your ballot, ask any of the following ° persons for a "Straw Ballot" mark it as you would, return it to them and they will tell you if it is correct. ly marked so as to count as you wish. H. C. Nasmith Mrs. James Ward James Stonehouse Rev. W. D. Harrison Rev. John Ford ev. C, F. Stent Geo. A. Rose Mrs. S. Farmer Mrs. John Swan ames Swan E. H. Purdy Samuel Farmer rs. A. H) Rose Mrs. Robt. Murray John Nasmith W. M. Real Rev. Thos. Bates . ~ EITHER BRICK OR LOOSE You'll find our ice cream sideal to serve as a re- freshment or as a des- sert. The loose ice craam comes in fruit flavors, as well as in vanilla and chocolate. Only the best materials used in its making, thus insuring wholesomeness as well as deliciousness, Hf s 'WHITE Baker and Confectioner - | Properties. For Sale| Judge las: for Township of ° We are instructed"to sell the! } Jopd 'Reach ; following properties: ' Mr. Geo. Johnston's s property congisting of a house, "barn i Ve ters' Ne J t Act 3 acres. of land in Prince 'Albert, Sparky he : hes will be held pursuant eve| = The Referendum presents four qnestions relating ie ~The Referendum Committee, working in conjunction Port Perry : Cou ri re Voters?! NOTICE is hereby given that! or $1500. The Elizabeth Card Estate,' Coenty ty b being Sompased of a Hu all, M b alf houses > da wih pi 13 A) and, cen- Situated. in Port. ben 1 : | Iu he sol oe + | properties over and con this office. I SL Lt A UHL an ts thom to the tanks in its power to imb debris and crater hol Ford sar mae a world famous Feonrd 1 ho fighting ven of he war press despatches, in field reports, ye and song the praises of the Ford wees somaded. - 700 cars out of 1,000 were Fords Inlely - 850 cars out of 1,000: were Fords Ip - 996 cars out of 1,000 were Fords: 2 dina 999 cars out of 1,000 were Fords The For power Plant that established this world-wide reeord in every theatre o S Wal Pemains the san. It will be in the Ford you . Ford Runabout, $660. Touring, h water Foaslied fields, second cum ; 4 open tacdelu the Blostsie Starting Equipments 00 extra. Coupe, Fleck a $1,175 model pri ne and Ligh : in 3 Satine and 17g] £10 hiing Bouipment) Demounta be fine trocar H Noes elude ke ok : , Ont., Wional equipment War Tax: only at $25 extra. ay nd Don-shid on Buy only Genuine Ford Parts. 700 Canadiam 1 i Dealgrs and over £2,000 Service. Garages supply them. i : JAMES McKEE Dealer Port Perry "How to say Mark Your Ballot with an X ob Each ~ Question under the word "No" 1 4 Xs Fey In tavese of tn opens of te Omar ED heer containing 2 nT And ty. -One one. 1 aathe oer ments io The Ontario Temperance Act Above is an exact re ti & 'the Reforendan ballot, ott don ot 'way 'to Vot¢ in order to sustain the Ontario Tem- perance Act as it ; Everybody should ody the four questions and realize exactly what they mean. Dozet be mislal soize sxastly, what for "light" beer b The beer of the ballot is {1 Ontario Temperance Act now times as strong as the li ton-intoiesting in Great i and The United Seat Answer Bach Quest