_ Taffe bination of Matine Vell Waists : Dainty New York "models in Voile Waists, with the little touches of trimming that give them smart effect. | Sa Then we have a splen- -- did" "range. of waists in pede Chene, Habitau Silk and Georgette Crepe 2 gifimwhite and oo, : Ltt is very effective. demand are wheat, oats, . game Buttercups, Daisies and Pansies. We invite you to 6. MEDREt 1 'in all the The flowers new summer models. * 'Outing Skirts These skirts are shown ular ma- terials--Repp and wide ori ' The styles range from the plain tailored model to the more eleborate style as shown in the illustration. Prices $2.00 to $6.00 Many styles of middy waists * are being shown in white, or white with colored trimmings for girls or ladies. Price $1.00 to $5.00 F. W. TIcINTYRE 4 e women to hu asi gud Summer. © i divbidy Spring suit. and ready to. he men to "shake" the Sd felt lid and "sport" a you u ready for the holiday? | Be PANAMA HATS "To open the Men's Straw Hat season we are showing three particularly good values in Men's Panama Hats. All are in the popular Fedora shape, medium large shape, with leather sweat bands. Has band of corded silk ribbon in Black or Grey, also puggaree band of fancy colored crepe. < Prices $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Men's Soft Collars We™ have just received several new lines of soft collars in silk -- White and colored, also heavy corded pique in striped patterns. Prices 35¢ and 50c¢ New Silk Neckties Bought for summer selling Suits for Men and Young Men For Young Men we are showin some smart styles in belted and wais line effects in tweeds and worsteds. : Prices $17.50 to $25.00 In the more staple 3 button models for men the materials are Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serges. Some of these blue Serges are old stock and' exceptionally good value at $20.00 to $30. The Tweeds and worsteds range in price from $18.00 to $35.00 Men's New Shirts We are now ready for summer with a dandy range of shirts in Outing, Lounge or Negligee style. rices $1.50 to $3.50 Men's Silk Socks $1.00 Men's Socks made from these ties are the latest style pure silk -yarn in Black, Come in all new Price $1.00 shown. shades. avy. Brown and White. Per Pair $1.00 Summer Butterick Fashion 25¢ pais of Piano aod Theory . y to receive pupi he Methodist Economical A Chevrolet "Four-Ninety"' Tour- ing car is a profitable investment, for it yields substantial dividends in efficient service. It is a safe investment, for the ex- cellence of its construction protects its utility. It ig an attractive investment, .for the body has a beauty and richness of finish quite unusual with cars of its price. It fs an economical investment, for its first cost is modest and its upkeep low. It. ou to see this model and & iow % better. Hoare Bros. Garage Port Perry, Ont. George Collins Real Estate Agent FARMS FOR SALE Good Properties:: - Terms tp Suit purchaser. All sizes of farms, houses and lots, etc., for sale. Bell Phone 148r2, Port Perry MORTON . GIBSON ONTARIO and DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER (Successor to the late W. E. Yarmold, Ont. land surveyor, of Port Perry.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Phone 231 J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office above Rose & Cb. hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p,m. Phone 93 JORN BELDON LUNDY DDS, Grad ORTAL SURGEON Sue raduate lege eo geons and University of Toronto. Successes to Dr. R. L. Grabam, Office hou 9 9am. to 5 p. an, Evenings Bull Phe tie Bl Sng 3 Eni Port Perry. L©»® SRUR-ON - HOW MUCH ARE YOUR EYES WORTH ? Don't take chances when you can get my services of over years experience F. E. LUKE, 55s 167 YONGE ST., TORONTO Opposite Simpson's 4 GET THE BEST. IT PAYS TT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronts our Wepre a number of choice farms. list for sale. Also some town ry Parties looking for either well to see b . McKEE & FERGUSON ~~ Real Estate Agents McCaw Block Phob# 152 ery