+ Mr. Wm. Pollock, of . "house on Queen St., Port Perry. © % Mr. and Mrs. H. Carmichael ~apom, sthe Easter holidays: in Uxbridge. Mr. W. G. McClintock wishes .to announce that he is again in e auto livery. Call phone 63r1l Mr. H. Nasmith and family in town for the holiday and will spend the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Oke, of Toronto, visiting at Maplewood, the home of W. H. and Mrs; Letcher, for the Easter holidays. Miss Edith Lumsden, a former pupil of our High Shhool, niece Mrs. Ebbels and Miss Me- Corquodale, after a few days' visit with Mrs. Ebbels, left Port Porty on Monday for Toronto, to take a course in Civil Service Work, to be pursued in Van- couver among returned soldiers. Miss Lumsden has had a distin- guished career abroad. Since ust 1915, when she enlisted in Vancouver, B.C., as a nurse "in No 5 Canadian Red Cross Hospital, spending four months at ow, England; six weeks in Egypt; twenty imonths in Saloniki; and eleven months at Kirkdale, Liverpool, returning in September last to Victoria, _ where she has been in charge of . the Irving House Military Hos- Miss Lumsden has the honour of heing mentioned is despatch- es for her work in Saloniki, and of receiving at the hands of King Ceorge at Buckingham Palace' in July 1918, the coveted Royal Red Cross Medal. Mrs Verral and Miss Wilhel- mette Ledrew, of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs Wm. Nesbitt. Mrs. G. R. Davey and. family are spending the Easter holidays at Hampton. Mr Wm Spence has moved in- Mr Jos. Stone's house on : e Street. Mrs Abram has bought the late Mis Hope's house, on Cassimer Street. : Mr. J. T. Jaekson has moved into Mr. Parson's house on Cas- gimer Street. Miss Unu Spence of Toronto, spent the week end in town. Myr Percy Corrin of Toronto, was with his father over. the . holiday. Mrs. Carey has returned home after spending the winter in Rochester. - Miss M. Bongard and Mr. R. Bongard, spent. the week end with their parents. Miss Mary Carey of Rochester, - was in town for a few days. Mrs. John Powers has return- + ed home after spending the win- ter with her son in Rochester. Ask D.M. & C. W. Jackson for setimates il that Sin werk you want done, They 'do 'aft kinds of cement work. : Se Perey 'Gibbard and bride | wafting with the former's f 'Mr H W Linke. Gib- ijached to the Spadina Ho Staff. ~ 'Watch for the Tea and Sale at Parish Hall, Church of the As. cension: - iparficulars next w : fi Temi he niet fg Miss Sarah Crandell, Bigelow t., Port , is prepared es JT Ee Bion Cabot Bi Fora rock This cab can be closed up tight, or Midows 3 30d pow ay double vent- These complete Ford Trucks are om' sale NOW. W. U. & H. CARNEGIE = , May 8. See} - 0 fn : wel pA EJ 0 J SR GS ER J J RE rrXrvad » ne & roRery Bots A. rr RYE SEC IIRER DB TERE i TR: fin Overiend Modul go Tos . $1560 Overland Mode 83-4 Tor $1403 Willyr-Keight Fow Touring, $2573 Willys Six Towring, 4 +» + $2423 fob West Toronts wh "His Office On Wheels" * Model 90 is a business man's car--a time saver--a money maker. It has riding comfort, power, good looks and economy to brag about. A large per- centage of the Overland owners drive the Model 90 and are as proud of it as we are. "Get oné--you will like it. : ; 15 : AF. CARNEGIE SE Se SET CERT SEERA ESS CUR So Se a a cannot build a finer light 'Y car than the Gray-Dort. We will not build a poorer one. Some cars cost less than the Gray-Dort. Compare "them--and you'll be astonished at how great the difference is. Some light cars cost more than the Gray-Dort cars --but you cannot find wherein they give you more, Ride in a Gray- Dort--and you will not be satisfied totown a car that gives you less. 'Nor will you wish to pay a higher price--for nothing more. he mugen lt he Con Br Sp ment, is $135 extra; there are also a coupe, a sedan. All prices f.0.b. Chatham and are subject to change without notice. : FEA GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED © | Chatham, Ont. Yalan In the U.S.--Doert Motor Car Co., Flint, Mich. Fg W..R. Murray; Dealer, Port Perry 4 a Ra Lo TERETE SSELL'S 19 | economy. 4