and prett oN he Pen Jeltsd fiyles," salar A in ! SE pro ; Srices $18.00 to $25.00 - Waists of Habitau Silk $4.00 : Fine tailored waists of wash silk in white. Has the new rolled collar and is trimmed with pearl buttons. x Price $4.00 The Value of Health AS THE Foundation of Fashion . cannot be too strongly emphasized. It is the guiding thought of every trained . Dr § Waal Nemo [ rsotiers, heseuge Nem Corsets Dain = it are desi improve the style im- ty ess : proving the health, yey Collars In our Corset Department you'll find a full line of the famous hygienic corsets, 5 Dainty Collars miade of Crepe -and a large staff of Nemo Corset Hygien- double twisted yarn, double de Chene in Ivory, with edgings i tipped fingers with rich em- of Cluny lace. Also collars made broidered points on back, In ~ ~of wash satin in new turnover Black, White, Palm Beach, and - effect with pleated frill, Grey. : Price $1.25 Price 75¢ to $2.25 Dress Accessories Ladies' Silk Gloves made of ists. This insures you a correct fitting styles from the many new models, NEMO CORSETS --in the latest Spring models and many old favorites-- $3.00 and up _F. W. TcINTYRE Sewr+Repucine # Spring Butterick Fashion 28¢ April Delineator 200 - 5 a SH 3} x { ~ SL ant George Collins Real Estate Agent FARMS FOR SALE Methodist HH i : 2 fi Good Properties. Terms to suit "Queen St,, Port | ' purchaser, All sizes of farms, pb. wok : ; houses and lots, etc., for sale. Bell Phone 148r2, w Port Perry Farm For Sale On 8th concession of Secugog. About 3 miles from Port Perry. 65 acres more or less all tillable, goed house with stone cellar, ith Jood stone stables. Good well. For parti apply to E. Reader, 100 Gladstone Ave, Jeterboro on to John Reader, sland. - - Property for Sale |. South half of lot 17, con 8, Reach, being 97 acres.more or less. As there ' 'g60d build [this farm, the 0 wi we . This is a 'very at- tractive farm--close to 'school, chur ches; markets, and on a good road. to reasonable--it interested act quickly. Perry. . Jan 9. Lf the famous Oshawa market. ~ Price|f® Apply to Jas. Kirby, R.R. No. 2, Port | J cut down the cost of motoring. * these models get 30 miles per gallon of gasoline H-6-46 EXTRA SPECIAL The New 1919 Models are Ready J JTILITY as exemplified in the McLaughlin ~ "1919 models is the result of an unwavering fidelity to accept engineering ideals. The McLaughlin Sixes stand up to every test and Many owners of and eight to ten thousand miles on tires is not un usual, Let us demonstrate these models to you. BEARE BROS. McLAUGHLIN and CHEVROLET CARS Fairbanks-Morse Engines and Case Tractors * PQRT PERRY, ONTARIO MORTON M. GIBSON ONTARIO and DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER (Successor to the late W. E. Yarnold, Ont. land surveyor, of Port Perry.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Phone 231 J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office above Rose & Co. hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 JOHN BELDON LUNDY . LDS, DDS. Grad of Royal Collogs f Dental. Su uate of tal. Sur. geons and University of Toronto. Successor to Dr. R. L. Graham. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Bell Phone,office 68, ring 2; residénce ring 3 Office over Byer's Drug Store, Port Perry. HOW MUCH ARE YOUR . EYES WORTH ? Don't take chances when you can get my services of over years BB Refracting F. E. LUKE, Optician... 167 YONGE ST., TORONTO «7 Onsoslle Si :