not information" which : Canada. ) ORIGINALLY PLACED ON PAPER "AS MAKER'S SIGNATURE i eo a _&t Present it Signifies Standard of Quality and Its Use is of * = Advantage to All. papers | the early wal 1-| mystics" - Reasoning oe "Until "the J machinery necessary to b © a copy with our compliments to any address in send your request to our Head Office, LMM V/ stylus, appearing variation; the bow and: ar- the afichor; the cross- the ¢ross--in many 8 row; the jug; bow; 'the scales, and nultitudinous variety. " A few years ago a volume appear- deductions ' were "these watermarks. theory advanced, ) the | Crusaders the Moors, and in 'establishing the industry in Pro- tive civilization during the Middle who were the most pow- erful opponents the 'who were both the author claims that the early akers were Albigenses, an driven from their "strongholds, were obliged to seek for tne establishment of try. \Never ¢ to th it necessary communicating this theory, provided an hicle for accomplishing in 'author' 'succeeds '80 serious a purpose as in the theory advanced. invention of oe was. universal except in erior Since that date it g| casionally that the wa : perha| ¢ introduced into Fevolopiie watermarks, first became prominent vence, Here was the site of a primi- -| Ages, and it was also the home of the Albigenses, Roman Catholic Church had before the Reformation, rationalists and on this basis, at ey new locations their indus- n their devotion r secret doctrines, they found to devise some means for with each other and ks, according to gllent ve- this purpose! This adds romance and interest to the subject, but unfortunately the for the basis Of "his tity, and without is suggested papermak- in 1798, watermarked | at Montreal. "AMES HOLDEN McCREADY "Shoemakers to the Nation. oes " EDMONTON VANCOUVER and then for definite In later years, how- have recogniz been employed, trade purposes. ever, publishers opportunity which the watermark of- fers to introduce thelr own mono- gram, or, in other words, to give to the complete volume unity to which the presence of the house mark con- tributes in en indefinite but agree- abl 'way. ¥ | The Russian been the papermakers have most ingenious in which in some cases' cover the entire sheet, but the Japanese have been more artistic. While the Russians employ imperial wreaths, arms and portraits beautifully reproduced, the, Japanese introduce in artistic fashion flying birds, dolphins, floral designs, land- scapes, buildings, moun and cloids. Some of these Watermarked sheets: are really works of art, and worthy of being framed as trans- Pp The se of the watermark in mod- ern paper is distinctly to be encour- aged, A peper mill placing its sym- bol upon the sheets which it repro- assumes a heavier responsibil- ity as to the quality and uniformity than the mill which produces paper without, watermark, whiose, la quality can'never be traced back to its original source. It brings in the personal touch and the personal guar- antee, and as such raises the stan- dard, all of which tends to better unity in the making of books. SEL ga Ms The Return. Golden through the golden morning, 'Who is this that comes, With the pride of banners lifted, "" With the roll of drums? With the self-same triumph shining In the ardent glance, That divine, bright fate-deflance That you bore to France. You! But o'er your graye in Flanders Blow the winter gales; Still for sorrow of your going 9. life's lgughter falls. 30 to our homeland hosting back. | men vith te live " y and paid while ass during the year, now crowd close to | the $100,000,000 mark. To be exact, these amount to $97,620,000. _ The net surplus remaining above all labilities and capl $8,000,000. During the year the Com- pany paid to policy holders and their - | beneficiaries $9,768,000, @ sum con- siderably in excess of the amount paid last'year, the heavier claims being due to the war and the influenza epidemic. ~ Another new record was made in 'regard to income with $21,651,000 re- celved, a gain of over $3,800,000 dur- ing the year. The Company is now comfortably installed in its new office building on Dominion. Square, Mont- real, where unequalled facilities en- able them to carry on their large and growing business in the best possible manner, ridin fp nn ion Pussy-Willows. You stand beside me as I write Glad Springtime's first bouquet: "Tis true your perfume is not strong Nor color very gay; Yet how I love your velvet buds My pussy-willows grey. You soon will change your first Spring gown, My sweet Springtime bouquet; And dresses of the palest gold Shall be your next array, With tassels tossing in the breese, You'll wave the hours away. The bees are whispering drowsily-- They scent Spring's first bouquet; Soon they will know you've work for them A - And to you make their way: e You tell them Spring is really here, My pussy-willows grey. le fie 'Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But "Who Cares Now ecause style decrees that women crowd and bucklgup their tender toes in high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes the corn grow hard. This suicidal habit may cause lockjaw and women are warned to stop it. A few drops of a drug. called freez- one applied directly upon a sore corn gives quick relief and soon the entire corn, Toot and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man for a quarter of an ounce of freezone, which costs very little but is sufficient to re- move every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. This drug is an ether sompousid hud dries in & moment and simply 8 els up the corn without inflaming or even {rritating the surrounding tissue or skin. Olip this out and pin on your wite's dresser. eae meat An Absurd Question. "You sign this deed of your own tree will, do you, madam?' asked the lawyer. "What do you mean by that?" de- manded the large, florid-faced woman, looking threateningly upon the lawyer. "I mean there has been no compul- gion on the part of your husband, Has there?" "Him?" she ejaculated, turning to look at the little, meek man sitting be- hind her. "Frederick? I'd like to see him compulse me." Minard's Linilaent Relieves Neuralgia -_- ~ A Practical Example. ; "Inconsistent, I call it. The editor asked me to write a strong article "| on the conservation of white paper." "For his magazine." "Yes." "Well 2" "Now he turns it.down just be- cause I wrote on both sides of the sheets." = we Sein Wr MONEY. ORDERS. oo Onder: It lost or stolen you 'et your 3 A a i v -- ie & CF ii The Vietor, ii: ir» aughty child, where:ha¥e demanded 3 "1 v Remit by Dominion Express Money a Lady (who has been shopping all day)--When is the next train for 'Richmond, please? ~ Ticket Office Clerk--The 2.10 ma- stock exceeds | dam. ; Lady--Make it 2.05 and I'l take t. font He Had the Name. "You know, Pat, it is said that a good mame is rather to be "chose: than great riches." A : "Is that so?" "Yes, Pat. Now, which would you prefer to have--& good name or riches?" ' "Well; you can give me the riches. Me name's O'Toole and that's good enough for any man." He Was Careful. To evade the draft, Sam decided on the plea of imperfect sight. He was warned by his companions that he would have to be careful during the tests at the recruiting office, or he would be tricked, and Sam sald he'd be careful all right. The time came and the examining physician, pointing to a card on the can you read, Sam?" "Sign?" cried Sam. where am dat wall?" "Say, boss, To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT myself as well as pre- scribed it in my practice where a 1int- ment was required and have never tailed to get the desired effect. C. A. KING, M.D. In Charge. ' The soldier who believed in camou- flaging unpleasant news in His let- ters home was scribbling a note to his mother as he rested on his way to the 'guardhouse surrounded by his guards. "Dear Mother," he wrote, "I'm quite well and going strong. At pre- sent I'm in charge of a squad of men." His mother was 'delighted. Minard's Liniment Oures Burns. Ete Red was regarded by the Egyp- tians as symbolic of fidelity. FEW. GENTS DESTROYS YOUR DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR Nave your hair! Make it thick, wavy and beautiful-- try this! Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff--that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very lite; eventually producing a faverish- ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die--then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine to-night--now--any time--will surely saye your hair, Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toflet counter, and after the first ap- lication your hair will take on that 'e, lustre and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of abundance, an incomparable gloss and softness; but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks' use, when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy hair--new hair--grow- ing all over the scalp. © ©" - pi s wall, said: "How much of that sign| iD NEW EY Wagar 4 : IEEE REEKLY NEWSP. FOR ae 1 w Ontarl Sper ng wil sel of Xr F ie H lo. OY eh Ted Co. TAdmited, nia TUMORS. LUMPS, and CER Brn URE YOUR BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, C COLDS, BRONCHIAL ASTHMA AND RO. SS AS WE CURED 0 We have hundreds of testi monials from every part of Canada tes. tifying to the wonderful wer of BRON Mr. Clarke, 776 Indian Road, Toronto, coughed for 86 years with Bronchitis; i cured him. Mrs. (Clarke, No. 1 Yorkville Ave, Toronto, ¢oughed for 18 years; one bottle cured' her. John E. Gibbs, Fenell suffered fifteen years with Bronchial Asthma, says there is nothin lke it. McBrayne, New Liskeard, "It is the greatest Mixture I ever took: Send me three more bottles." The above are aly a few names of he many thous- ands that have benefited 'by this reat mixture. Write any of the above. They will ba oniy too pleased to tell you more about it. The above mixture is sold un- der an iron bound moncy back guarantee to cure any of the above ailmemts. Ten times more powerful than an known preparation, acts like magic. ne dose gives instant relief and a good night's rest without a. cough. Price 50 cents, 15 cents extra for mailing. Three bot- ties mailed free for $1.50. Sold only by Buckley, The Druggist, 97 Dundas St East, Toronto. healin; OR HONEY REFUNDED. ASK ANY DRUGGIST or write Lyman-Kaox Oo., Montreal, P.Q. Price 60¢. Remember the name as it might not be teen again Superior Attraction. Beautiful Ernestine was sobbing as though her heart would break. "What is it, dear?" asked the girl friend. "w-why," she sobbed, "I "t-told Jack, after he proposed, to go up and see papa." § - "What of that?" J "Why, they started playing cards, and now he goes up to see papa every night." gra Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. The Bible mentions nineteeh dif- ferent stones, six varieties of metals and thirty-five different animals. GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it in to get quick, comfort. ing relief Once you've tried it on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain rheu- 'matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. A large bottle means economy. Your own or any other d ist has it. Made ada. Get it today. Sloan's Linimernt ills Pain 80¢, (Oce $1.20, Cuticura Heals Pips On Fc