Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 20 Mar 1919, p. 7

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fil ' margarine with medls in the kitchen," replied the old tor in?" Wk re © wistfully, "but you're his first patient, % gain at the aftern parade a! L z oon to-day, ob there. b 3 1 y y y Ys + letters, cherished in France, thet thie reflections of a pen: "Doesn't she have it, then?" "Not 'er" She says as 'ow it doesn't suit 'er digestion. But there ain't nothing wrong with 'er digestion. - We know that; for we often sénds 'er up margarine, and 'ave butter ourselves." | "A Nice Surprise. Mr. Jones rang the bell at the new doctor's house. Usually he went. to his old family dodtor, but this new man happened to live nearer and it was an urgent call. The doctor's wife answered the ring. "You wish to see the doctor?" she paid. morning ?"* "Why?" said Jones. "Isn't the doo- ' "Oh, yes, he's in,' said the lady and T'd like you to come as a surprise for him to-morrow. You see, it's his "pirthday!"' . Sr inn y "As You Were." -gi certain Irish Sergeant was exteed- | when he discovered that one of his men had paid a visit to the regimental barber and had come back without his moustache. * "Private Jones," he roared, "who on earth gave yez permission to have that moustache cut off?" "No one," answered Jones, uncon- --cernedly; "I thought it would improve my appearance." ay "Improve your appearance wid a 'Ince' yours!" bawled the enraged "If \yex don't have it on «A Phijesaphical Lover. many romantic: and pathetic anecdotes are related of precious love trench and battle # night, quartered stable, I took my coat off and hung it up. "The next day, no letter. had eaten It. Nature is kind." "Couldn't you come to-morrow | A gf i "Lam. 1 Put up:¥9 + rt pe fe: AIRMEN HELPED GEN. ALLENBY Capt: Alan Bott of R. A. F. Tells of| Palestine' Campaign, Captain Alan Bott of the Royal Forces recently arrived in New Palestine and Syria, where ; Somme, but escaped capture. 7 Speaking of the Palestin ign, Capt. Bott said: -- the voles of the wok cn Tb o bE flor and do my will = "For the cannon is hushed in the low- 7 land, the 'order las' been with- drawn, Up trom the reeking by- ©. sons and daughters of men, Atld the shepherd is ¢ dg the so e, calling again to his Sheep! "Hark fo the voiGe of the upl battle ere' am : { three-piece suit, and they are usual- ; Sum years, The Turks are good at fighting ony io" No 737. Price, 10 cents. Alin 1% {land off. : The dainty boudoir And the sound of fisbae armies, : echoes from dark' ae oF 'ways come the' i "ringing from deep to deep, = | The wing girl always enjoys 8 ly very difficult to get the exact style and fit. This model is youthful ments for a suit for flappers. McCall Pattern No. 8778, Girl's Three-Piece Suit. Pattern in 5 sizes, 6 to 14 Price, 20 cents. Transfer cap that accompanies it is developed. in ribbon and jace, McCall en No. 8171, Ladies' One-Piece ligee. In one 'size, suitable for 34 to 40 bust. Price, 20° cents. : from your local McCall 'dedler, | or from, ihe McCall, Co., 90 -Bond Bt Toronto, Dept. W. "The great ery which 'rises from all gE Ee in Joie 3 ys all in very deed this, that we manufacture there | the surrounding parts. When com- {ly deceived. and smart and fulfills all the require-|' -| took. ft alongside of the house, "and These pattertis may 'be dbtaiped || ingludes the lashes, eyelids and all A e piece is cleverly attached to a specially constructed pair of spec tacles, and the "cam fect that the casual observer is entire The centre of this work for Canada is 'the "Royal College of Dental Sur geons of Ontario, Toronto. This col- lege, without public grant of any kind, has carried on during the war, and at thé same time has placed certain sec tions of its building at the disposal of the Militia Department for the work of the Dental Corps. This has been done absolutely without charge, either for rent or any of the accessories, such as light or heat, This generous treatment is still being accorded so long as the Dental Corps requires special facilities 'which the Ontario College is able to supply. "YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS be You simply say to the drug store man, "Give me a quarter of an ounce of freezone." This will cost very little but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn from ohe's feet. A féw drops of this new ether com- gulind applied directly upon a tender, "'corn should relieve 'the sore: ness instantly, and soon the entire corn, root and all, dries up and can be lifted out with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was Introduced by a Cincinnati man, who: says that, while freezone. is sticky, it dries in a moment, and sim- ply shrivels up the corn without in- flaming or even irritating the syr- rounding tissue or skin. 't' let father die of infection or ockjaw from whittling at his corns, ut elip this out and make him try it. nas He Stared, Too. "The biggest fire I've éver.seen was at New York, said the American. "It was a very high building, and the lad- ders: were not tall enough ip reach the window at which a lady was stand. ing, ne Wet? he went on; "we 'were just fining to despair, when & lucky ought seemed to strike one of the firefien. Catching hold of a hose, he ied the nozzle upwards so that a f of water shot continuously pagt the window. . Summoning up her courage the lady stepped from the ledge; and, putting her arms and legs about the jet of water, slid to the bot- 'tom, and was saved." # "Oh; that's nothing!" said the Eng- lishman. "I saw an even more excit- ng resede than that. A large hotel was burning furiously, when, at the top storey of the building, a girl ap- peared. I stared, the firemen stared, is to the scalp what phy- sure cure. CHAS. E, SHARP, Hawkshaw, N.B,, Sept. 1st, 1905. Just the Same The troop train rumbles in along the ralls, The Welcoming Committee talk de- talls-- A woman wdnders will she laugh or ory, And watches other women waiting by. The whistle blows" the drums beat full and fast, She holds him to her heart--at last! at last! The son who's left of three--dis- figured, lame, : But in his mither's eyes he's just the same! MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. Sma Nearly 8,000,000 pounds of hams, valued 'at 570,000 taels (about $660, 000. United States ciirrency) were ex- ported from China during 1917. Great Britain was- the 1 importer. The Chinese consume vast quantities of hams and pork. Pigs are raised everywhere in China. Minard's Liniment Cures Buras, Eto. "No affection, save friendship, has any eternity in it. Friendship ought, therefore, s to be cultivated in love iteelf."--W. R. Alger. YOU CAN'T FIND ANY DANDRUEE, AND HAIR Save your hair! Make jt thick, wavy, glossy and beautiful at once. -- . Try as you will, after an application of Dandeérine, you can fot and a single trace of dandruff or falling baie and your scalp will not itch, but what wi please you most will be after a few Woeks' use, when you see new..hair, fine and downy at firsat--yes--but real- ly new hair--growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, briti scr , just molsten a clo! Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at & time. The effect is mediate and amazing--your r be i d wavy, and have an a A unaAnes; an incom- parable re Jyfurl- ance, uty and shimmer of true hair héalth. Ta Sl Get a small bottle of Knawiton's Danderiné 'from any drug store it has heen neglected or in careless treatment. A small trial bot- tle will double the beauty of your hair, STOPS COMING OUT} "| toflet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as i oy y Sox FoR 'seas y. PARDONABLE PRIDE. "1 want you to publish these poems in book form," said a seedy looking man to the London publisher. Publisher--"T'll look; them over, but I cannot promise to bring them out un- less you have a well-known name." Poet--"That's all right. My name {s known wherever the English lang- uage is spoken." "Ah, indeed! What is your name?" "John Smith." ) Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Of the fifteen lines comprising the system of Chinese Government rail- ways, only one was built by the Chin- ese themselves. -- With a new type of tube an X-ray powerful enough to show up the min- utest flaw in a four-inch thickness of steel can be produced. WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For practically gvery man has used it who has suffered fronf rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather ex~ posure, Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neur- itls, lame backs, neuralgia, head- ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, econ uickly effective. r omical, quickly a ~~ 0 F511) a LV "SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF HORSES DI '$pohn's Distemper Co gif cases of DISTEMPER, 1 for 'COUGHS rr COLDS in 1 'according to the laws of medical it fort a Sih i hit Soran, 3 "EBONY has made scien tment: possible. Your druggist : our can tell you. : - 8POHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Goshen. Indiana, U.6.A ASTHMA od Ys

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