Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 30 Jan 1919, p. 6

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"The Most Economical Tea Obtainable Anywhere. oper ed a ose' [look than the Fifi Islands, that colony in the middle of the Southern: i Pacific Ocean "which hag'n in the public eye, ever reads about 4 ; 2 ! i : oy h average Ameri y 'YB rexith, of plot 0 i But, left to itsel J E R Eo, fs 50 od ity, building up i Arthur Stanwood tries, broadening and exte MimUn r board will not only afford much pleasure, but will help to teach the child to write and draw in crude fa at an early age and help to train eye and hand without undue strain and fatigue. ~ A printing frame and a supply of blueprint. paper on which may be children of the island : / school was recently opened at Suva. HOW WILHELM HELD OUT. -- Several Hundred Thousand Dollars | educational system, opening. | avenues of trade, and coming 1 more and more in common with the outside world, until it becomes an asset of which the Mother Country may well be proud. Se & ial t with Thos. Alles ght 2 Torants CHAPTER XXXVIL--(Cont'd), "Don't do that, for God's sake!" the Chef, Lh "wouldnt take chances with you Jorry. cried the Ohief, "You men have of ri wrong on hie, I Same e ng to t ewidence agains house. I lg said Sheehan. 're caught with the goods on --pocket full of marked money." iridewell, hitherto unnoticed ief, came forward marked with the letter 'F'--and 'ean testify to the transfer." *Who are you?' nel. #1 yepresent {he Standard, and I'm! ) have got in on this story will be on the presses thing. Dolan's lawyer "Did you make a ncbe,'"' sald Jerry as to how the was to be used?" elect a mayor who'd be good to follos he was robbing? he Chief cursed Jerry and Shee- and the woman, and then was printed the outlines of leaves and flowers, butterflies, other insets, and many netural objects will afford hours of happy occupation to children old enough to do such work, Wooden boxes may be used for stores, doll houses, forts and the like, while chairs and tables will readily b horses, steamboats, stages and a thousand other things. Old cotton cloth, torn into 2-inch otrips and sew- ed together end to end, will make yards of reins enough to drive the "coach and four" which is so easily created out of the dining room chairs. The most successful playthings for a child are those which furnish the ing a member of his own political machine and a. candidate for rce-elec- tion would not be likely to make things hard for him. Trask replied that before taking up the question of immunity he must hear from Dolan himself just what he propased w tell and whom he propo to inepha'rale. Thereupon negotiations with Tr. ceased, and Dolaw's trial was pushed through before the election. He pleaded guilty, declared that bis ill- advised attempt to swell the cam- | paign fund had been entirely his own, and that none of the candidates for office, none of the party managers, had been cognizant of it. Mulkern expressed his willingness, in view of Dolan's past excellent record and sc- knowledged services to the city, to have him let off with a light sentence; made an eloquent plea for his client; the judge, and ap- pcintee of a machine-picked govern- or, sentenced him to pay a fine of a thousand dollars and to serve three months in pnison, Maxwell went about the city vociferating that the outcome of the trial was a complete vind |ration foe, himself a Je won crable men who were on the tick e with him; he appealed to the votershe has little part. Among the me- to rebuke the contemptible efforts of | chanfical toys, however, railroads and struct his own amusements, rather than those which amuse him but give him little to do. It lis well known that many of the expensive mechani- cal toys are discarded after a brief ac- quaintance or are soon ruined in the attempt to find out what makes them go, because the child want to do some- thing rather then to be amused or entertained by a performance in which hair of their children. Be gentle as at material out of which he may con- | i tharket fresh, frozen, salted, kippered, hard smoked and canned. with either comb or brush, comb, n below the snarl, the yr firmly above the tangled . Gently work the -enarl out, se patience. Never pull the hair at the scalp by combing vigorously, as parents often do when dressing the as patient. e brush should not be used until the snarls are all out, then separate the hair and brush gently, beginning e roots and using long, even strokes, ------ Concerning Fish. [ The total exports of Canadian fish of the most popular varieties last year amounted to 335,000,000 pounds. This figure includes fresh, frozen, salted, smoked and canned varieties. A rich and delicious little fish now becoming popular on the Canadian market is the Eulachon. It is relat ed to the smelt family and is-found anywhere on the Pacific coast between Oregon and Alaska, It iss on the! The eulachon is probably the fat- This, briefly, is the impression gained by a newspaper correspondent from an interview with the Hon. J. M. Hedstrom, M.L.C.,, M.E.C., presi- dent of one of the largest business concerns in the islands. Mr. Hed- strom, who is a member of the Legis- lative Council, has been a resident of Fiji for many years and is unusually well acquainted with conditions there, and well qualified to forecast what the futre has in store for thé colony. Time was when the Fiji Islands ex- isted--as far as the great majority of the people of Canada were con- cerned--only in story books. The tiny colony, with its sandy beaches and palm-fringed lagoons, were associated closely, with pirates, pearls and pieces -of-eight, buried treasure and Bully Hayes. But the years have changed all this, and to-day great mills grind out their wealth of sugar, cocoanut trees help supply the world with copra, hundreds of - thousands ' of bunches of bananas are gathered and exported yearly and, when evening comes, a daily newspaper furnishes the people of Suva with up-to-the- minute cabled news of world hdppen- The halcyon days of romance Worth of Food Stored in Castle. The paternal solicitude which the 'ex-Kaiser always 'showed for starving people has often . almost. touched our hearts, but now we find that the Kaiser's sympathetic tears were erocodilean in character: h Berliner Tageblatt quotes from the Frankfurter Volkstimme an account of what Wilhelm Carle, a member of the Berlin Workers' and Soldiers' Council, found stored away in the Kaiser's castle. Carle writes: * "I requested those on duty to show - me his 'Majesty's provisions--those, be it observed, of the Imperial private household, not of the court, which is regarded as a state institution. I\ was readily shown into thé large storerooms. I expected to find a store but what I saw there surpassed all my expectations. Here in large, white-tiled rooms was everything, really everything: one can possibly conceive in the way of foed. No, I must correct myself. One can not conceive that after four years of war such enormous quantities of food could be stored. Preserved meats in great cans, white flour in sacks piled up to ehan telephoned for the patrol|the opposition, opposition that for the | trains of all sorts have a pérennial joy : Beidewen Waited $5 se the, first tame a any mayoralty campaign for all small boys. atic departure. There was &fhad been so malignant as to impugn| With the tracks in sections and the of discipline that exceeded his| the charactor of 4 nominee for that! gifferent kinds of hush iy 3k he tions and that he was obliged important oie. The Maxwell sup, 15 able to Sotchitch fie ows i | porters am wepapens insis } A : k system: Thoin candidates were the stronger | according to his own ideas. Lead istence of its fats, fits nutritive value for the attack. that had been made #nd tin soldiers, that can be marshal- |i vary like that of the best grades upen them; they predicted victory by ed to sult the will of their general, are {of meat. It is sometimes called the the ¢ an overwhelming majority. =~ But the! favorites, and also horses, dogs, cabs, «sndle fish" becatise the Esquimaux "its impaspive expression; hs! best-informed among them admitted and other animals, all of which lend' oro' in the abit of hanging it up t6 his hand up and saluted. And | privately "that 'the outlook was far! themselves readily to many uses. All] dry, then 'Setting fire to fits tail and 'ef, with head erect, raised his! from good. If Maguire would £0 sorts of toy vehicles (such as wagons; | TY b Qo! I band and réturned the salute. | actively to work for the old party! carts tricycles and carriages) omalt | lowing {t to burn. It burns slowly * incident suggested," moralized | they might pull through; the leaders; BICONE carpet ce 4) th and consistently with a white, smoke- oll, "that he might have been! labored with h'm until he suddenly] PrO0IWS, Carpet sweepers, anc OV1er|jeqs flame and provides excellent il- t Chief of Pole if he had| disappeared from the city. That ac-|erticles for doll housekeeping are j,p;ination when candies are scarce. been honest." : tion of his disheartened them. The] adapted to play in which the imagina- ' Ch oamiini four later, Bennett, setting up| circumstances of the di-appearance, | tive element is most important. Books, PALESTINE IS HOME story that had just come to him,| to be presently set forth, disarmed drawing, sewing, writing, and build- "led to find it recorded theleriticism; nevertheless, the leaders) ing materials all have their place, and of his neighbor of the second felt that he would not have let per- many of these arc at hand in every And it was from Bennett and| sonal affairs jeopardize party success home, i Jer vs nil once if Je Jaq joteSesn Sis Jossiiiaiy of One of the best possible toys is a ble performance of ther hero, for ize guy; he meant not to injure 'his | ye So o plain Snood, wooden n raced home in his supper | prestige b participating in a losing P:0CKS. ey can seldom be purchas- Just to tell them. Mrs. Dono- | fight. oreover, for the execution |ed in the stores and must usually be Kate discussed eagerly what! of the rather coarse work of election | sawed from planed lumber at a mill, most probable reward for such| day the services of Dolan as Chief of | by a carpenter, or by an ingenious | achievement would be; Kate| Police had been absolutely -indispen-| parent. Mr. H. G. Wells, in his book ght that Je was the logical| gable. The Police Commissioner, | «Floor Games," gives the following as now to the Chief of Police; | highly disturbed by the turn that ty, proper sizes for such blocks: while admitting the events had taken, named in Dolan's {yn ao 110s 416 by 23% by 1% in- Kate's suggestion,| place a man of no piratical tenden- | +o half blocks 25 b gr by 1 that her son, now that! cies whatever, a sober and diligent: £183; 7 OC 85 y 23 by 1% as a Jawyer, awe sa. | police-| police officer frem whom nothing was ii uo Sgariers mates by saw- would m 'oljce Commis- | 4, he hoped. n two. most - any . Both Kate and Mrs. Donchue| wood may be used to make these found the" Police Sommigsioner's blocks except that which is holy to r action disappointing, But they look-| split or splinter or that which read- : san RX len CHAPTER XXXVILL agfion diseppoiniing, But thoy X eR Besswood, beech, of syoa.| every. raven after his kind," the 'negutiful tropical city, with every story of Chief Dolan's arrest Ying ition of Jerry's qualities, more may be used. Blocks of hard-} TOV tribe of every--species. 18 in | modern cokvenience, with the. excep- ted in the Standard was a rude' gome brifliant opening for hs talents; ood. Tike oak may be passed dowh abundance, and birds of prey, from | tion of street cars, and with large Democratic. hopes. . Maxwell now that he had perfornied eo import- |e 0 © Li 40 another, Af the. great griffon vulture, the "eagle" gtores, banks, hotels, theatres and fellow candidates for 'office' nt an act in' the line of duty. That| ge .. 4'ob Scripture, 'to thé sparrow hawk, i hi Freighi and 3 ! A S851 0x or chest to keep them in is als Te, 4 business houses. reight and pas- immediate impass| he was not long to remain Bt a Rocoe fy. Yn addition to the are a feature of the country. senger steamers . call regularly at . In' the deep, tropical Jordan Val- Suva on their way from Canada or of complicity in the patrolman they were assured; Jerry : 5 sign to raise a cam- himself admitted that. He had blocks--from which no end of things ley we. find. a sort of aviary of real thg United States to Australia or vice versa. During the war the call de: by extortion. They ro Trask's advice, ais he had told | can be. constructed--Mr. Wells Tkes| : moon, until this guilt. Sougtx, Tra 38 hdvice, 2s ie do; and to have some play boards of the same' tropical birds, which found there a "hut they assured thé Trask had asked jm to continue on. wood, 18 by 9, 9 by 9, and 9 by 41 | refuge from the last glacial epoch-- of steamers was not as frequent the policeforeg fi af x the cleotion,| inches. = These boards make oceans, | the lovely little sun bird, or 'Jer- as in the past, but traffic is expected Then, Boweves that a ou a islands, provinces, counties, platforms, | icho hamming big, the pend. fog, tb be resumed in the very 'near id finda r hi | some] ; ] | ing, whi shel a one nd J office, Je dx. it would be stages, and many, serve also as roofs, 58 F3 ea 2h 4 fbr * Good Quality Soil. ne of the interesting things about isthe Government land situation. the first place, says Mr. Hedstrom, | £00d s soil of the islands is of the high ings. the high ceilings, thousands of eggs, gigantic: basins of lard, coffee, tea, chocolate, jellies, and preserves of every. kind, arranged in apparently endless rows. Hundreds of blue sugar loaves, bags of peas and beans, dried fruits, biscuits, etc. One Is speech- less and involuntarily thinks of the 'old jest that the quantities are so great that one man alone can not form any idea of them. The value of the stock. amounts to several hundred thousand dollars. "Were it not that these food sup- plies are needed and can be better employed at the moment, I should like to suggest that they should re- main undisturbed in a national mu- geum as an everlasting token to the German people in order that their children and their children's children might still see how in Germany-- while millions starved--'those by tha grace of God' held out." BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Love of Good Books is a Foundatiov. for Good Character.' When you find a child who loves good 'books, the noxious weeds of envy, hatred, jealousy and | malice are not so likely to grow in his mind- and choke out the exquisite blossoms of love, tenderness, unselfishness; gratitude and the desire to do unto . 'others as they would be done hy, The love of good books is one foundation for good character, Tt is the excep- tion, not the rule, to encounter sordid- ness, greed or insensibility in the man: or woman who kows and loves good books. Robert Louis Stevenson once said that s long as a man had a friend, he had something to live for.' Is it not true so long as one can love a good and beautiful book that life | never 'will: be without hope? JN "has spoken more: x : companionship' test of fishes, but its oil has a peculi- arly delicate flaver and, when ex- tracted, is solid at ordinary tempera- tures. In the abundance and con- and adventure have changed to days of big business and big industrial de- velopment. The Fiji of the story book is no more. ; os Belong to Britain. The Fiji Islands are a colonial pos- session of Great Britain, Suva, a fair- sized city," modern in nearly every respect, is the capitél and principal port of call. Fiji is not self-govern- ing. Heading the administration is the Governor, appointed from London. The administration consists of a Legislative Council, composed of 20 persons. Ten of the members dre colonial officers and vote with the Governor. Seven members are rep- resentatives of the European popula- tion, two represent the native Fijians and one represents the Indians who are natives of India. The native Fi- jians do not have the right to vote. As a rule they are not greatly ad- vanced as regarding education, though they are stalwart and hard and in- dustrious workers.. Although the area of the Fiji Is- lands. is greater than that of the Hawaiian Islands, the former have a population of only about 150,000. Of this number about 500 are Euro- peans, the rest being composed OF BIRDS Brilliant Plumage Abounds in Valley of the Jordan. Swarms of European birds visit Palestine in winter and many breed there.. The craes, as in Dante's fine line, still pass the winter "trailing their long-drawn line across the sky," and in the spring the voice of the turtle is heard in the land. The Holy Land is appropriately a stronghold of the pigeon family; 'turtle doves are found, the wood pigeon comes in myriads in winter, and the common pigeon, the true dove of Scripture, is still aboundant, both wild and tame, throughout-the | mainly of natives and Indians, with country. As a contrast to these, |g geattering of Chinese. Suva'is a he be found guity, Hin ; Jay Wo 6 oan. species of thru 3 of the utmost advantage to a pros-| ents, a ++ There' can; species BBCI the great their o pebtivi istrict attorney if | hardly be too many' ofthe blocks, but)' On the goast is found .the grea ge of Which Don tore out, evidence' that would, h ix will make @ fair start] Indian fishing owl, and among the ps ican convict fie of y of the ma- Thus V , a child or a group of rocks: of Marsaba the monks have V : most, «' chine that" A for so long mi ern- children "will * a 'some de the orange-wingea- if elec od.and plundered the chy. "Th Te want TE msoeagamant hich™is" 3 Stay. os obe to the 'bought off Dolan now," Trask' said.' poo : © Africa much out « En oaicanon ofa questions, to. Tattituce 4 J 'many hours in construct Re play. yL bie peculiar One of the ite little pig eof the favorite CR . on stormy days this will birds in ce. @hildremt - Reptiles > . le BT ' 1 a r. twelve feet long o-the African obra among t une is. the busies whole year, i d

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