no summouNDINE. Tom Pa. VEMBER7, 1918 = ~~ = Sn "we STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office ay Toronto, Ontario We advise the purchase of : CANADA'S VICTORY BONDS Spanish Influenza Riper if ? . as a safe and profitable investment in addition to being a {| This epidemic scemsto be lessens help to your country. : ; ing, and P wt Aoy has Been very. : Any Branch of this Bank will take your subscription without charge. | | fortunate so far in that no fatalities! _ [ave resuiied from the disease in town] ~ | PORT PERRY BRANCH [| In Oshawa, Toronto, and other]. - & H. G. HUTCHESON, 2 Af | nearby places: conditions are better f [than "they were last week, but the{ danger has not "entirely pa : : It is -wondetTul. that the world his - ' ; . Loa HE Al [not fated macs a serous tinh : i : by b uy ing i | than the influenza when it" is remem-|. . i your 2S bered what awful conditions must :{ {lt in may ic" spon' | BEEF, BACON, PORK, LARD. .. 1 ae al work Thies og: a eet of mes] | and other MEAT requirements streams, and want" and hunger have| © i [Widught havoc among millions of SN from RALPH A. FITCHETT Nz Butopeans and Autos, eto ef LS : SUCCESSOR TO CAWKER BROS. fice must be "carefulness and simple | Sig. A. W. Stone We pay Highest Cash price for Live Shock Hides, Skine, Wool, et. ving," At any time there may be Amos Wilfred Stons who was killed : an outbreak of some similar naracter, |. action Sept. 17 1918 Was the Sespte She Sblengiy work ; of the youngest.son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Te THE ARMS OF GOD + i | Stone, of Greenbank. We have no guarantee of immuni jess . from these ood Bot woanny i After attendance at his home Pub. A Sermonette by Rev. Wesley Elliott lives, well 'nourished bodies, clean | ic School, he passed his entrance habits'of mind and body, and Courage | €Xamination at Port Perry n 1911, Jo } ! to! nd attended the High School for We think of a person as having eyes, ears, feet, hands, and arms. they almost five years His course was a| Sq to place God somewhat within our comprehension, the Bible des- cone. : creditable one, and he proved himsel f crives Him as having these as part of His person. To say only "God js "Aigh life" and "low life" are alike ' 3 faithful and conscientious. student, | Spirit" is to make it hard for us to comprehend Him. But the Scrip- dengeroug to health, and should be | Who wis deservedly Popular with his| pyres express the spiritual in terms of the natural: Of course the natural | avoided. : fellow'Students, and much esteemed | is not adequate to express the spiritual, For nothing outside of God is '| It pays to be good, to think happily by hig: teachers. He obtainedyhis equal to God. Yet we try to learn of God through the things we know, {and to live simply. These rules are Middle School Normal Entrance' cer- always thinkin i gh the illustrations be imperfect. abead of drugs and are follow | lificate at the ttme of his enlistment, e know of an eye that sees, and we think of the eye of God that 'sees if'once they become our habit, . At the age of eighteen he enlisted | 4) things. We know of an ear that hears, and think of the ear of God x ; in the 182nd Battalion, He trained that is. perfect. We know of an arm that is strong, and our thought n the N.Co. Class at Whitby, and Passes to the arm of God that is omnipotent a Jorgen with three Stipes. Let us think for a while of the arms of God. went ta To a oD nent, The arms of God indicate strength. By the arms is Strength chiefly ain as a signaller, : 2 andhe remained there antil April brought into play. What wonders the human arm can dol. A man of | our acquaintanee was firing an engine. We found that in thirty years he : TER . Helos is Bi TV DrApable sot Epi ie batalion went over! would shovel 73 jon of coal. And then only a small portion of his: M ES oe WAR D that the "churches will reopen next, Course in signalling, and passed as a Has was sped} a b an Sehr anc posible 8s thine C DEALER.IN St Monday the ona. the schools on fir class signaller and telegraph op Gods arm. God suid ty Jove are Dreschtion like Godr o Ne i : Ro vo. ruber notes oo Jasode "1918, he went . Job auswered, he said: "I know that Thou canst do everything" He Friday next, Y Fiabin oo an ar 1 en over his was right, Unite,all the forms of strength of which we know outside of * letterc Bova 2 id hot db 13 God, and then you will not have a strength equal to that of God, These A rr a Yover the tops a 7 ea en forms are His production, Surely the Producer 1s greater than His 'Marquis, 'Sask. 3 i p A ur mos esha. production. We are justified in counting on God for big things. We Mrs Andrew Stevenson 'Shaunavon lp ae me in August he offer M81 need a strong arm, for life's burdens become heavy and the journey is : £ rh * | belp as a stretcher bearer, and while long, while the path is beset with dan ers. Let us remember -- "Jp the led ot ueamonia following an oe doing this noble work met his death, Las is everlasting strength," and th are the everlasting arms. 3 . her parents, Mr and Mrs W A 'King, gc Gi Several he ex They are underneath, not above, If they were above, the feeble of Marquis, on October 17, 1918, 'q J e Fig % 00, Amos might grow weary of reaching up and holding on. But they are beneath, 'obped an occasional letter to the suggesting-- Protection, We picture the feeble child in the strong par- cn gs : where she and the rest of "the family | 9" Hi : Stock of Hea | High School Staff, detailing his varied ent's embrace. Such protection does every child of the great Father Deuteronomy 33 : 27 to.face life cheerfully will do m avoid these dangers of disease Tf A i had come home to celebrate the 30th \ anniversary of the marriage of their tes were bighiy mitre ogee let need. The child walks ina Sangerous road, He is as a hive} in the father and mother, ; (aad ¥ midst of wolves. There is one w 0 goes about as a roaring lion to de- The deceased was twenty.five! years | appreciated by the teachers concerned vour and to destroy. But within the circle of the Divine embrace there of age "and 'was "born at Seagrave, | We intend publishing a couple of] 'is protection; there is security. 'Ontario. Was'ill only three days-- letters from Amos in our next issue, Consider the tenderness of those embracing arms. Someone has taking sick on Sf thifay and Succumb- : . said that there ought to be a doctrine of the Motherhood of God. This 'ering on Thursday, | She 1s - survived Ts ; text comes near to that doctrine, for it breathes -of mother tenderness. by. het husband 'and three snial de Snumkhad is Semporaty Inllness, injury, danger, or fear, the mother's arms are thrown abeut children; all being with ber gn._ the E A the child, and the mother's tenberness is revealed. She feels for the visite) = : Letters have been received by Mr| sorrow and suffering of her child." So does God feel toward His child, ~ Mr Philip Miles Micks passed | Jobn Clarke from Pte Wm Clarke, and around and abouit the child He throws His arms of tenderness and away at the home of his father-in-law, his son, advising the family. that he strength. Is not this one of the blessings of suffering? It secures for us Mr W A King, on October 21, ¢ 1918, 1s recovering but still in the hospital. the inner place of Divine affection, nearest to the Father's heart. after an atisck of Beanie: He 3 A letter has been received by Mr | «Ag feeble babes that suffer, So when we are are weak and wretched Surviv 4 . wie ( Annie +3 he? W Rogers from Corp Charlie Dean, | Toss and cry and will not rest, By our sins weighed down, distressd; 10 was ill at the time o 187 oa who worked a few years ago with Mr | Are the ones the tender mother Then it is that God's great patience Rogers, who has been a member of Holds the closest, loves the best. * Holds us closest, loves us bést." i. 3 'but is recovering. Ss Regizent and stationed. for After Horace Bushnell's death, there was found in his room, dimly NT oc K > Frank Charles Trainor, died at the : eo iy home of his father-in-law, Mr. W A five years in the Philini yf Sih I ; : pine Islands, is " € u : dim Ba Jf{ Sng, on October 23,°1918, after an «his: : | pencilled on on a sheet 9" paper these words: "My mother's loving in- : 2% 'Onitar rio os: of Spahis Onia | i Francs re, © the Western Front stinct was from God, and God was in her in love to me first, * thefefore; ish Flu and pneumonia in France with his regiment. We trust His wife survives him (nee Fannie and hope that Charlie may. continue| Which love was deeper than hers, and more protracted... Long years ago King) x 1 A py ge rig ; ; she vanished, but God stays by me still; embracing me in my grey hairs - Three other members of the fami is march right gp to, Berlin and be as tenderly and carefully as she did in my infancy, and giving to me as 0 y ng A ) Slioty | 10 at the finish, This letter was e ew ; whom have sick with a: slight I's ransiscn.' my joy and the principal glory of my life that He lets me know Him, | | attack of Sparfish Flu have a dated fod posted 8t San Fransisco. and helps me with real confidence to call Him Father." : hs ETT In youth or old age, in health and sickness, in riches or poverty, the child of God may be assured that underneath are the tender, yet everlasting arms. ; 15 - Underneath are the everlasting arms, telling of afiection, & ; The Father's arms about the child mears love. The text gives the. picture of intimacy, of closeness of relationship to the Father, Jobn lay : on Jesus bosom. He was the disciple whdm Jesus loved, i bs Undérneath are the everlasting arms, Divinely upholding. ; Fe pan uae] Semetimes there is a feeling in the human heart that one i§ sinking, . has re-} sinking amid the billows of life's sea of sorrow, desolation and doubt. wounds of any ki e Te "But beneath 'are the everlasting arms, David prayed "uphold. me". He Ror Ton ue nd Mis, Ford ser] bad fallen, and scemed to fear that he again might fall, so be turns 1g v. John F A a. vor fn] the Divine with a cry for upholding. = We feel that we shall fall, and pd &a oy ie ou fis are bidden to "hold the Divine hand." Beloved, that is not enough. The any friends. Wehave] 5 Sle 10 "ho hold us. - Thus forth into duty, into danger. a : into death, we go with the sense of the Divine i " "Pear thou not for