Teg Coates' Spool Thread. Black. ard Black, 1010 40. White 10 to 70. + Per spool 5¢ the month we wi length. at the above pri Pearl 'i ons 5¢ dozen Es Pear Blitoss are: 'advancing. if price' 'and the To we offer is: particularly ri They Consist 'of odd fines nd byken. sizes of buttens worth up to Gada aL Price per dozen 5c "EF. W. McINTYRE buying Baping them as cloth igh are a Orie : 2 Tweeds, Serges and Panimas. that would not get from two to three yards of $8.00 cloth for make over splendidly-for children' $ school dres 'and Tweed mixtures. e investment, 95 is a The , irts collected trom the 61d styles they will not sell as skirts; These skirts are made out sell to day at $3.00 per yard, gocd buying. colors are Black, Navy, DRESS MUSLIN 10c yard Dozens of yards of pretty Muslin, Batiste, Voiline, all reduced to this remarkable price to clear up our summer muslin. Regular up to 25¢ yard. Per yard 10c French Chamoisette Gloves, 59c pair These Chamoisette Gloves are of French manufacture and come in white and chamois shade only. They are e well nfade and give goo wear. § Sold regularly at 85c Sale Price 59c VOILE REMNANTS We have a number of short lengths of our better voiles and muslins from 2 to 4 We are clearing them out at 20% off regular prices : Yards. September Delineator 15¢ copy ores = MOR es : fl ONTARIO and ao LAND R SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER (Successor to the late W. E. Yarnold, Ont. land surveyor, of Port Perry.) 4 "Phone 231 J. COOK te of all Kinds SPECIALTY -- fox Rent Three farms of 100, 150 and 200} "acresirespectively to rent. All south [! and close to Oshawa. ' First-class soil} 'and buildings, good state of cultivation Possession-to plow after present crop, full possession April 1, 1918. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Ontario. Morley Gampbell REAL ESTATE A AGENT Properties i Sule 200 acres, adjoining the town of Port . first-class bri se, fnrnace, all ds of fruit, several acrés bush, nice 3pring exsek; i creek, bipRool ban, stone stabling, farms in the ova of ch, the be bought at a sacrifice price and very reasonable terms if at once. Sain Fev of Oshawa, almost CHURCH of 'the ASCENSION ... "SERVICES Sunday Divine Service Zeus ~ ce ° ak UR- ON " pe HOw MUCH ARE YOUR v EYES, WORTH A bows = JOHN BELDON LUNDY 3 ORL ON, Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. University of Toronto. 'to Dt. R. L. Graham. = (Office Hours 9am.to5 pa a. Evenings Cabinet Work and Upholstering I am now prepared to do all kinds cabinet work, upholstering, carpenter work and repairing. G.'R Alexander, Port Perry. ¥ by a 1 Phone, 3 office Ea Store, done ring. Start the Motor Season right with a box of GASTINE in your garage A tablet to a gallon of Gas- oline increases power. ad mileage, gives quicker ignition, and a clean, smooth, velvety running motor. Pre- vents and removes carbon. Won't clog the feed pipe. Used and endorsed by prominent local motorists and others. Satisfaction guaranteed when used according to the simple directions or money refunded. Box treats 100 gallons. * By mail, prepaid, $1.00. R G Johnston, Box 231 Port Perry, or at G T R Station. Guaranteed harmless RRR, Presbyterian Church Services every Sabbatlf at 11 a.m, and 7pm, Sunday School and Bible Class at 9.45 a.m. Frayer Meeting, Thursday evening 3aptist Church Revd : John Ford, acting Pastor , June 16, at 7. p. m. 3 » June 23, atila, m. ice each Sunday alternat-| (CHURCHES ning and evening. J. Cook - Real Estate list of farms for 'sale in oun Some city property on sale, also Western y list includes some rare ." Wiite or phone me before nicate with W J Cool; t pony. or Bell Phone | at Phone 408 WANTED 5000 bushels of ALSIKE CLOVER Highest Market Price Paid Seed cleaned by power 'if required E. H. PURDY AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES ~~ METHODIST Rev. Wesley Elliott, Pastor S Services 11.00 a.m. Mer Sunday School and Bib PRESBYTERIAN ! Rev: W. H. Black, Pastor Sunday Services 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m BAPTIS) Rey. I. Ford, Pastor. . an Priel Service every Sony _mormng oi Es of- each ue Hall Port Perry made welcotne. we can possib HINMAN THE UNIVERSAL MILKER We are selling the Hinman Mulk- ing Machine. Itis a solution of the scarcity of labor. on the dairy farm. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction and will not injure any COW. +We also sell the Hoag Coal Oil Engine "A Sensation." Starts and runs on Coal- Oil, winter and summer. It has no coils, no wires, no bat- teries,no spark plugs, no magnets, no carburator. Half a gallon of coal oil will run it and 'do the same work as a gallon of gasoline in any Standard Gasoline Engine. They will not burn gasoline. Investigate these two machines. It will pay you. R. W. Walker & Sons Port Perry R. R. No. 4 Bell Phone 53 r 1-4 W.-H. Doubt Merchant Tailor SUMMER SUITINGS This is the time to order your Summer Suit. We are showing a splendld line of suitings in | handsome patterns and color- . as ou have a wide range 0 pick and the fries is as low as ly make it. SUITS We carry a full line of rf rd Suits, 0 ~ See our lines-of Blue and _ Black Serges, guaranteed x fast d yes. iio Ask for prices: on our Sh fends wear's suits,